987 resultados para Occupational Performance


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A Síndrome do Canal Cárpico (SCC) é a neuropatia compressiva mais comum do membro superior, causada pela compressão direta sobre o nervo mediano no interior do canal cárpico.Os resultados deste estudo mostram em cada um dos grupos, após a intervenção, uma melhoria estatisticamente significativa da sintomatologia no G-AFN (p=0,02) e no GTRN/ EAA (p=0,004) e uma melhoria estatisticamente significativa do estado funcional no G-AFN (p=0,022). Verificamos também em cada um dos grupos, após a intervenção, uma melhoria estatisticamente significativa na “Força de preensão” (p=0,005), na “Pinça polegar/dedo indicador” (p=0,021), na “Pinça polegar/dedo médio” (p=0,026) e “Pinça polegar/dedo anular” (p=0,026) no G-AFN, e uma melhoria estatisticamente significativa na “Pinça polegar/indicador” (p=0,016), na “Pinça polegar/dedo médio” (p=0,035), na “Pinça polegar/dedo anular” (p=0,010), na “Pinça trípode” (p=0,005) e na “Pinça lateral” (p=0,051) no G-TRN/EAA. Após a intervenção, não verificamos diferenças estatisticamente significativas nos valores das escalas de gravidade de sintomas (p=0,853) e de estado funcional (p=0,148) entre os grupos, mas diferenças estatisticamente significativas nos valores dos testes neurofisiológicos (p=0,047) e força de preensão da mão (p=0,005). Do estudo, concluímos que a utilização da intervenção articular/fascial/neural (AFN) e a intervenção com tala de repouso noturna e exercícios de auto alongamento (TRN/EAA), beneficia os indivíduos com SCC não severa, como nos casos incipientes, ligeiros ou moderados. Os indivíduos com esta condição clínica apresentam sintomatologia caraterística de dor, parestesia, especialmente noturna e disfunção muscular da mão. Tais manifestações originam perda funcional com implicações nas áreas de desempenho ocupacional, nomeadamente, nas atividades da vida diária, produtivas e de lazer. O tratamento conservador na SCC não severa, como nos casos incipientes, ligeiros e moderados, apesar de controverso, é recomendado. O tema suscita o nosso interesse, razão pela qual nos propomos realizar um estudo experimental em indivíduos com o diagnóstico clínico de SCC não severa e aplicar num grupo a intervenção articular, fascial e neural (AFN) e noutro grupo a intervenção com tala de repouso noturna e exercícios de auto alongamento (TRN/EAA). O estudo tem como principais objetivos, por um lado, verificar o impacto das intervenções em cada um dos grupos e, por outro lado, comparar o seu impacto entre os grupos, no que respeita à gravidade de sintomas, ao estado funcional, à força de preensão da mão e força de pinças finas. Fomos também comparar os resultados dos testes neurofisiológicos (Velocidade de Condução Motora) antes e depois da intervenção AFN e da intervenção com TRN/EAA, e averiguar o seu impacto nos valores da latência motora distal e da velocidade de condução sensitiva, entre os grupos. Identificamos também quais as variáveis sócio demográficas e as que caraterizam a patologia que estão relacionadas com o problema em estudo e com os valores obtidos com as escalas do Boston Carpal Tunnel Questionnaire (BCTQ), no grupo articular, fascial e neural (G-AFN) e no grupo com tala de repouso noturna e exercícios de auto alongamento (G-TRN/EAA). Para a concretização do estudo, recorremos a uma amostra de 23 indivíduos de ambos os sexos do Hospital Curry Cabral, Empresa Pública Empresarial -Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Central (HCC, EPE -CHLC).


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Aim: This article outlines the development and implementation of a collaborative feeding care plan (FCP) for stroke patients in an acute stroke ward. The aim of this pilot study was to evaluate the impact of an ecological intervention to improve eating independence in an acute stroke ward environment. Methods: An action research approach comprising seven stages—determine the initial problem, develop the care plan, act, reflect and monitor progress, evaluate, reflect, and refine plan—was used to track environmental changes during the development and implementation of the FCP in an acute stroke ward in an Australian regional hospital. During the evaluation phase, six allied health staff completed a survey on the FCP. The staff also completed an observation assessment integrating the Eating Disability Scale, Functional Independence Measure and Canadian Occupational Performance Measure with 12 participants with acute stoke (participants with FCP=6; participants without FCP=6). Results: The FCP group showed significant improvements in upper limb independence (p=0.046), when comparing mean admission scores (3.5±0.97) with discharge scores (4.17±2.14). Clinically significant improvements in levels of collaboration between health professionals were also demonstrated. Conclusions: The changes in team collaboration and the patient’s upper limb independence indicate how environmental change can influence acute stroke patient outcomes. It is recommended that this study be expanded to further explore the effect of ecological interventions and change.


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Purpose: To assess the feasibility of an intervention to improve participation in leisure activities of adolescents with physical impairments by changing aspects of the activity or environment.

Methods: A pre-test/post-test pilot study of a multi-strategy intervention was used to explore the effectiveness of the strategies and to determine whether the intervention was practical to apply in a community setting. The intervention involved establishing adolescent and family focused goals, measuring and addressing environmental barriers and building activity performance skills. The Goal Attainment Scale (GAS) and the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure measured outcomes.

Results: Eight participants (aged 12–19 years; five males) with physical disabilities set participation goals using a structured approach. Analysis of personal and environmental barriers and facilitators for participation guided the choice of intervention strategies to support goal attainment. The natural environment, government policies and availability of transport were identified as the most frequent barriers to participation in leisure. Support to secure appropriate devices to enable participation was commonly required. As a group, attainment of 12 of 17 GAS goals, and progress on four more goals, was demonstrated.

Conclusions: The intervention model was applicable and practical to use in a community therapy setting and the majority of the participation goals set were achieved.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A hanseníase é uma doença infecciosa crônica, granulomatosa, de curso lento, causada pelo Mycobacterium Leprae. O bacilo acomete principalmente os nervos periféricos, causando lesões na face, mãos e pés, que podem gerar incapacidades físicas severas que contribuem para a instalação de padrões deformantes e incapacidades. A lesão do tipo mão em garra é uma sequela que pode ser observada em pacientes com lesões ao nível dos membros superiores sendo muito incapacitante, dificultando a realização das atividades de vida diária destes indivíduos e consequentemente prejudicando sua qualidade de vida e satisfação pessoal. Estas lesões geram repercussões no contexto de vida do indivíduo contribuindo para a instalação de alterações nos aspectos psicoemocionais, além do estigma próprio da doença. A intervenção terapêutica ocupacional utilizando a tecnologia assistiva de baixo custo para auxílio nas atividades de vida diária de pacientes com mão em garra objetiva a minimização dos déficits funcionais apresentados durante a utilização de adaptações funcionais utilizadas na realização de suas atividades cotidianas como alimentação, higiene pessoal e vestuário. A intervenção realizou-se através da aplicação de um protocolo de avaliação em Terapia Ocupacional conhecido como Medida Canadense de Desempenho Ocupacional (COPM) que mede o grau de desempenho e Satisfação do paciente ao realizar suas atividades de vida diária. O protocolo foi aplicado inicialmente junto aos pacientes coletando dados sobre a realização das suas atividades de vida diária sem a utilização de recursos de tecnologia assistiva. A aplicação do protocolo baseou-se na definição de cinco problemas comuns a todos os participantes, revelando graus muito baixos de desempenho e satisfação obtidos durante a realização das atividades avaliadas. Posteriormente realizou-se o processo de prescrição, confecção e treinamento das adaptações desenvolvidas para cada paciente, somando-se um total de cento e vinte aparelhos (120) desenvolvidos. Aplicou-se novamente o mesmo protocolo com os mesmos pacientes abordando os mesmos problemas após a realização de um período de treinamento das adaptações funcionais desenvolvidas, comparando-se os dados coletados no primeiro e segundo COPM. Comparando-se aos dados iniciais apresentados, os dados coletados na segunda avaliação do COPM apontaram um aumento significativo do grau de desempenho e satisfação dos pacientes além de ganho funcional. Concluí-se com esta pesquisa que a proposta de intervenção terapêutica ocupacional utilizando equipamentos de tecnologia assistiva de baixo custo (adaptações) é viável, possui resultados satisfatórios e favorece um grande alcance social devido à redução de custos dos dispositivos desenvolvidos.


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Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit Kriterien effizienter und flexibler Informationsverarbeitung und deren Auswirkungen auf den Karriereerfolg. Die Kriterien Interferenz, Interferenz unter der negativen Priming-Bedingung und die Spontanflexibilität wurden in drei aufeinander aufbauenden Studien untersucht. Die Interferenzindices wurden mit einer modifizierten Form des Stroop-Tests erhoben, und das Konstrukt der Spontanflexibilität wurde mit der Gauß-Aufgabe, der Wasserumschüttaufgabe, dem Wortgruppentest und der Anagramm-Aufgabe operationalisiert. Bei diesen Aufgaben wurde eine Lösungsstrategie vorgegeben, aber es gab zusätzlich eine effizientere Lösungsstrategie, die während der Bearbeitung der Einzelaufgaben immer offensichtlicher wurde. Da die einzelnen Aufgaben nicht signifikant miteinander korrelierten, wurde im Rahmen einer Nachuntersuchung die Reliabilität über Parallelaufgaben geprüft. Für die Diagnose von Gruppenunterschieden erwiesen sich die Indikatoren der Spontanflexibilität als hinreichend reliabel. Die Wortdarbietungszeiten der Interferenzindices waren hochreliabel. Zwischen den Interferenzindices zeigte sich ein starker positiver Zusammenhang. Zur Validierung der Aufgaben wurden Beurteilungen über die berufliche Leistung der Versuchsteilnehmer herangezogen. Zwischen den einzelnen Beurteilungskriterien zeigten sich hohe Zusammenhänge. Die Gauß-Aufgabe korrelierte mit einem Beurteilungskriterium, dessen Verhaltensbeschreibungen sehr gut mit der Definition der Spontanflexibilität übereinstimmten. Die Wasserumschüttaufgabe korrelierte mit einem Beurteilungskriterium, welches eher eine durch die Situation herausgeforderte Flexibilität widerspiegelt. Die Interferenzindikatoren korrelierten mit Beurteilungskriterien, die zum einen die Fähigkeit zum Aufbauen von professionellen Beziehungen und zum anderen die Effizienz und den Qualitätsstandard eines Mitarbeiters bewerteten. Aufgrund der replizierten Zusammenhänge kann davon ausgegangen werden, dass die Interferenz, die Interferenz unter der negativen Priming-Bedingung, die Spontanflexibilität und die herausgeforderte Flexibilität Einfluss auf den Karriereerfolg eines Mitarbeiters nehmen. Aus diesem Grund bieten sich im Bereich der Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie vielversprechende Einsatzmöglichkeiten für die in dieser Untersuchung entwickelten Tests an.


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Objectives: dementia is a debilitating condition characterised by global loss of cognitive and intellectual functioning, which reduces social and occupational performance. This population frequently presents with medical co-morbidities such as hypertension, cardiovascular disease and diabetes. The CONSORT statement outlines recommended guidance on reporting of participant characteristics in clinical trials. It is, however, unclear how much these are adhered to in trials assessing people with dementia. This paper assesses the reporting of medical co-morbidities and prescribed medications for people with dementia within randomised controlled trial (RCT) reports. Design: a systematic review of the published literature from the databases AMED, CINAHL, MEDLINE, EMBASE and the Cochrane Clinical Trial Registry from 1 January 1997 to 9 January 2014 was undertaken in order to identify RCTs detailing baseline medical co-morbidities and prescribed medications . Eligible studies were appraised using the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP) RCT appraisal tool, and descriptive statistical analyses were calculated to determine point prevalence. Results: nine trials, including 1474 people with dementia, were identified presenting medical co-morbidity data. These indicated neurological disorders ( prevalence 91%), vascular disorders (prevalence 91%), cardiac disorders ( prevalence 74%) and ischaemic cerebrovascular disease ( prevalence 53%) were most frequently seen. Conclusions: published RCTs poorly report medical co-morbidities and medications for people with dementia. Future trials should include the report of these items to allow interpretation of whether the results are generalisable to frailer older populations.


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Dementia is a debilitating condition characterised by global loss of cognitive and intellectual functioning, which gradually interferes with social and occupational performance. It is a common worldwide condition with a significant impact on society. There are currently 36 million people worldwide with Alzheimer's disease (AD) and other dementias [1]. This is expected to more than double by 2030 (65 million) and reach ∼115 million in 2050, unless a major breakthrough is made. The worldwide societal costs were estimated at USD 604 billion in 2010 and rising [2]. To date research on the specific physical healthcare needs of people with dementia has been neglected. Yet, physical comorbidities are reported as common in people with dementia [3] and have been shown to lead to increased disability and reduced quality of life for the affected person and their carer [4]. Dementia is most frequently associated with older people who often present with other medical conditions, known as co-morbidities. Such co-morbidities include diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder, musculoskeletal disorders and chronic cardiac failure and are common, 61% of people with …


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Aims and objectives: This study aims to determine whether children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) are capable of learning a motor skill both implicitly and explicitly. Methods: In the present study, 30 boys with ASD, aged 7-11 with IQ average of 81.2, were compared with 32 typical IQ- and age-matched boys on their performance on a serial reaction time task (SRTT). Children were grouped by ASD and typical children and by implicit and explicit learning groups for the SRTT. Results: Implicit motor learning occurred in both children with ASD (p = .02) and typical children (p = .01). There were no significant differences between groups (p = .39). However, explicit motor learning was only observed in typical children (p = .01) not children with ASD (p = .40). There was a significant difference between groups for explicit learning (p = .01). Discussion: The results of our study showed that implicit motor learning is not affected in children with ASD. Implications for implicit and explicit learning are applied to the CO-OP approach of motor learning with children with ASD.


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Occupational driving crashes are the most common cause of death and injury in the workplace. The physical and psychological outcomes following injury are also very costly to organizations. Thus, safe driving poses a managerial challenge. Some research has attempted to address this issue through modifying discrete and often simple target behaviors (e.g., driver training programs). However, current intervention approaches in the occupational driving field generally do not consider the role of organizational factors in workplace safety. This study adopts the A-B-C framework to identify the contingencies associated with an effective exchange of safety information within the occupational driving context. Utilizing a sample of occupational drivers and their supervisors, this multi-level study examines the contingencies associated with the exchange of safety information within the supervisor-driver relationship. Safety values are identified as an antecedent of the safety information exchange, and the quality of the leader-member exchange relationship and safe driving performance is identified as the behavioral consequences. We also examine the function of role overload as a factor influencing the relationship between safety values and the safety information exchange. Hierarchical Linear Modelling found that role overload moderated the relationship between supervisors’ perceptions of the value given to safety and the safety information exchange. A significant relationship was also found between the safety information exchange and the subsequent quality of the leader-member exchange relationship. Finally, the quality of the leader-member exchange relationship was found to be significantly associated with safe driving performance. Theoretical and practical implications of these results are discussed.


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It is mandatory for Australian construction companies to provide a safe working environment for their workers and sub-contractors. Consequently, occupational health and safety (OHS) is a major issue for construction firms mainly due to the fear of prosecution. The recent introduction of Zero Tolerance by the Victorian government WorkCover Authority provided even higher OHS safety standards for the construction industry. This has placed a increased burden on construction companies especially small firms that are not in a position of financial strength.

The size of the companies has been found to be a major contributing factor to the OHS performance of construction contractors. This research is based on benchmarking study of 44 construction companies in Victoria, Australia. The results show that the major factors influencing safety performance were; company size, and management commitment to OHS.


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Many facility managers are now required to deal directly with small firms engaged in the maintenance, alteration and cleaning of physical infrastructure. Increasingly the performance of small firms reflects on the manager of the facility, and so an understanding of their operation is required. It is mandatory for all firms to provide a safe working environment for their workers and subcontractors. Consequently, occupational health and safety (OHS) is a major issue for companies mainly due to the fear of prosecution. The introduction of Zero Tolerance by the Victorian government WorkCover Authority in 1999 provided even higher OHS safety standards for the construction industry. This has placed an increased burden on construction and maintenance companies especially small firms that are not in a position of financial strength. The size of the company has been found to be a major contributing factor to the OHS performance of construction contractors. This research is based on a benchmarking study of 44 construction companies in Victoria, Australia. The results show that the major factors influencing safety performance were; company size, and management and employee commitment to OHS.


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Introduction: In the occupational environment, there are a considerable number of stressors that can affect physical performance in job tasks. Whole-body vibration (WBV), which arises from vehicle transit, is one such stressor that has been demonstrated to alter human function in several ways. This study identifies the known physical changes to human function which result from WBV, to comment on changes which may translate to performance in physically demanding occupational tasks. Methods: A systematic review is performed on the literature relating to changes in the neuromuscular, physiological and biomechanical properties of the human body, when exposed to WBV. Selection criteria are constructed to synthesise articles which strictly relate to in-vehicle WBV and physical responses. Results: In total, 29 articles were identified which satisfied the criteria for inclusion. A range of physical responses produced from WBV are presented; however, little consistency exists in study design and the responses reported. Discussion: Given the inconsistency in the reported responses, the precise changes to human function remain unknown. However, there is sufficient evidence to warrant the design of studies which investigate occupationally relevant physical performance changes following WBV.


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Occupational exposures to organic solvents, specifically acetonitrile and methanol, have the potential to cause serious long-term health effects. In the laboratory, these solvents are used extensively in protocols involving the use of high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Operators of HPLC equipment may be potentially exposed to these organic solvents when local exhaust ventilation is not employed properly or is not available, which can be the case in many settings. The objective of this research was to characterize the various sites of vapor release in the HPLC process and then to determine the relative influence of a novel vapor recovery system on the overall exposure to laboratory personnel. The effectiveness of steps to reduce environmental solvent vapor concentrations was assessed by measuring exposure levels of acetonitrile and methanol before and after installation of the vapor recovery system. With respect to acetonitrile, the concentration was not statistically significant with p=0.938; moreover, exposure after the intervention was actually higher than prior to intervention. With respect to methanol, the concentration was not statistically significant with p=0.278. This indicates that the exposure to methanol after the intervention was not statistically significantly higher or lower than prior to intervention. Thus, installation of the vapor recovery device did not result in statistically significant reduction in exposures in the settings encountered, and acetonitrile actually increased significantly.^