889 resultados para Object-based classification
Once admitted the advantages of object-based classification compared to pixel-based classification; the need of simple and affordable methods to define and characterize objects to be classified, appears. This paper presents a new methodology for the identification and characterization of objects at different scales, through the integration of spectral information provided by the multispectral image, and textural information from the corresponding panchromatic image. In this way, it has defined a set of objects that yields a simplified representation of the information contained in the two source images. These objects can be characterized by different attributes that allow discriminating between different spectral&textural patterns. This methodology facilitates information processing, from a conceptual and computational point of view. Thus the vectors of attributes defined can be used directly as training pattern input for certain classifiers, as for example artificial neural networks. Growing Cell Structures have been used to classify the merged information.
The use of appropriate features to characterise an output class or object is critical for all classification problems. In order to find optimal feature descriptors for vegetation species classification in a power line corridor monitoring application, this article evaluates the capability of several spectral and texture features. A new idea of spectral–texture feature descriptor is proposed by incorporating spectral vegetation indices in statistical moment features. The proposed method is evaluated against several classic texture feature descriptors. Object-based classification method is used and a support vector machine is employed as the benchmark classifier. Individual tree crowns are first detected and segmented from aerial images and different feature vectors are extracted to represent each tree crown. The experimental results showed that the proposed spectral moment features outperform or can at least compare with the state-of-the-art texture descriptors in terms of classification accuracy. A comprehensive quantitative evaluation using receiver operating characteristic space analysis further demonstrates the strength of the proposed feature descriptors.
In this paper we compare the performance of two image classification paradigms (object- and pixel-based) for creating a land cover map of Asmara, the capital of Eritrea and its surrounding areas using a Landsat ETM+ imagery acquired in January 2000. The image classification methods used were maximum likelihood for the pixel-based approach and Bhattacharyya distance for the object-oriented approach available in, respectively, ArcGIS and SPRING software packages. Advantages and limitations of both approaches are presented and discussed. Classifications outputs were assessed using overall accuracy and Kappa indices. Pixel- and object-based classification methods result in an overall accuracy of 78% and 85%, respectively. The Kappa coefficient for pixel- and object-based approaches was 0.74 and 0.82, respectively. Although pixel-based approach is the most commonly used method, assessment and visual interpretation of the results clearly reveal that the object-oriented approach has advantages for this specific case-study.
Coral reef maps at various spatial scales and extents are needed for mapping, monitoring, modelling, and management of these environments. High spatial resolution satellite imagery, pixel <10 m, integrated with field survey data and processed with various mapping approaches, can provide these maps. These approaches have been accurately applied to single reefs (10-100 km**2), covering one high spatial resolution scene from which a single thematic layer (e.g. benthic community) is mapped. This article demonstrates how a hierarchical mapping approach can be applied to coral reefs from individual reef to reef-system scales (10-1000 km**2) using object-based image classification of high spatial resolution images guided by ecological and geomorphological principles. The approach is demonstrated for three individual reefs (10-35 km**2) in Australia, Fiji, and Palau; and for three complex reef systems (300-600 km**2) one in the Solomon Islands and two in Fiji. Archived high spatial resolution images were pre-processed and mosaics were created for the reef systems. Georeferenced benthic photo transect surveys were used to acquire cover information. Field and image data were integrated using an object-based image analysis approach that resulted in a hierarchically structured classification. Objects were assigned class labels based on the dominant benthic cover type, or location-relevant ecological and geomorphological principles, or a combination thereof. This generated a hierarchical sequence of reef maps with an increasing complexity in benthic thematic information that included: 'reef', 'reef type', 'geomorphic zone', and 'benthic community'. The overall accuracy of the 'geomorphic zone' classification for each of the six study sites was 76-82% using 6-10 mapping categories. For 'benthic community' classification, the overall accuracy was 52-75% with individual reefs having 14-17 categories and reef systems 20-30 categories. We show that an object-based classification of high spatial resolution imagery, guided by field data and ecological and geomorphological principles, can produce consistent, accurate benthic maps at four hierarchical spatial scales for coral reefs of various sizes and complexities.
The use of appropriate features to characterize an output class or object is critical for all classification problems. This paper evaluates the capability of several spectral and texture features for object-based vegetation classification at the species level using airborne high resolution multispectral imagery. Image-objects as the basic classification unit were generated through image segmentation. Statistical moments extracted from original spectral bands and vegetation index image are used as feature descriptors for image objects (i.e. tree crowns). Several state-of-art texture descriptors such as Gray-Level Co-Occurrence Matrix (GLCM), Local Binary Patterns (LBP) and its extensions are also extracted for comparison purpose. Support Vector Machine (SVM) is employed for classification in the object-feature space. The experimental results showed that incorporating spectral vegetation indices can improve the classification accuracy and obtained better results than in original spectral bands, and using moments of Ratio Vegetation Index obtained the highest average classification accuracy in our experiment. The experiments also indicate that the spectral moment features also outperform or can at least compare with the state-of-art texture descriptors in terms of classification accuracy.
A good object representation or object descriptor is one of the key issues in object based image analysis. To effectively fuse color and texture as a unified descriptor at object level, this paper presents a novel method for feature fusion. Color histogram and the uniform local binary patterns are extracted from arbitrary-shaped image-objects, and kernel principal component analysis (kernel PCA) is employed to find nonlinear relationships of the extracted color and texture features. The maximum likelihood approach is used to estimate the intrinsic dimensionality, which is then used as a criterion for automatic selection of optimal feature set from the fused feature. The proposed method is evaluated using SVM as the benchmark classifier and is applied to object-based vegetation species classification using high spatial resolution aerial imagery. Experimental results demonstrate that great improvement can be achieved by using proposed feature fusion method.
Designing a robust algorithm for visual object tracking has been a challenging task since many years. There are trackers in the literature that are reasonably accurate for many tracking scenarios but most of them are computationally expensive. This narrows down their applicability as many tracking applications demand real time response. In this paper, we present a tracker based on random ferns. Tracking is posed as a classification problem and classification is done using ferns. We used ferns as they rely on binary features and are extremely fast at both training and classification as compared to other classification algorithms. Our experiments show that the proposed tracker performs well on some of the most challenging tracking datasets and executes much faster than one of the state-of-the-art trackers, without much difference in tracking accuracy.
A mosaic of two WorldView-2 high resolution multispectral images (Acquisition dates: October 2010 and April 2012), in conjunction with field survey data, was used to create a habitat map of the Danajon Bank, Philippines (10°15'0'' N, 124°08'0'' E) using an object-based approach. To create the habitat map, we conducted benthic cover (seafloor) field surveys using two methods. Firstly, we undertook georeferenced point intercept transects (English et al., 1997). For ten sites we recorded habitat cover types at 1 m intervals on 10 m long transects (n= 2,070 points). Second, we conducted geo-referenced spot check surveys, by placing a viewing bucket in the water to estimate the percent cover benthic cover types (n = 2,357 points). Survey locations were chosen to cover a diverse and representative subset of habitats found in the Danajon Bank. The combination of methods was a compromise between the higher accuracy of point intercept transects and the larger sample area achievable through spot check surveys (Roelfsema and Phinn, 2008, doi:10.1117/12.804806). Object-based image analysis, using the field data as calibration data, was used to classify the image mosaic at each of the reef, geomorphic and benthic community levels. The benthic community level segregated the image into a total of 17 pure and mixed benthic classes.
ENVISAT ASAR WSM images with pixel size 150 × 150 m, acquired in different meteorological, oceanographic and sea ice conditions were used to determined icebergs in the Amundsen Sea (Antarctica). An object-based method for automatic iceberg detection from SAR data has been developed and applied. The object identification is based on spectral and spatial parameters on 5 scale levels, and was verified with manual classification in four polygon areas, chosen to represent varying environmental conditions. The algorithm works comparatively well in freezing temperatures and strong wind conditions, prevailing in the Amundsen Sea during the year. The detection rate was 96% which corresponds to 94% of the area (counting icebergs larger than 0.03 km**2), for all seasons. The presented algorithm tends to generate errors in the form of false alarms, mainly caused by the presence of ice floes, rather than misses. This affects the reliability since false alarms were manually corrected post analysis.
Providing accurate maps of coral reefs where the spatial scale and labels of the mapped features correspond to map units appropriate for examining biological and geomorphic structures and processes is a major challenge for remote sensing. The objective of this work is to assess the accuracy and relevance of the process used to derive geomorphic zone and benthic community zone maps for three western Pacific coral reefs produced from multi-scale, object-based image analysis (OBIA) of high-spatial-resolution multi-spectral images, guided by field survey data. Three Quickbird-2 multi-spectral data sets from reefs in Australia, Palau and Fiji and georeferenced field photographs were used in a multi-scale segmentation and object-based image classification to map geomorphic zones and benthic community zones. A per-pixel approach was also tested for mapping benthic community zones. Validation of the maps and comparison to past approaches indicated the multi-scale OBIA process enabled field data, operator field experience and a conceptual hierarchical model of the coral reef environment to be linked to provide output maps at geomorphic zone and benthic community scales on coral reefs. The OBIA mapping accuracies were comparable with previously published work using other methods; however, the classes mapped were matched to a predetermined set of features on the reef.
The use of remote sensing for monitoring of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) in fluvial environments has been limited by the spatial and spectral resolution of available image data. The absorption of light in water also complicates the use of common image analysis methods. This paper presents the results of a study that uses very high resolution (VHR) image data, collected with a Near Infrared sensitive DSLR camera, to map the distribution of SAV species for three sites along the Desselse Nete, a lowland river in Flanders, Belgium. Plant species, including Ranunculus aquatilis L., Callitriche obtusangula Le Gall, Potamogeton natans L., Sparganium emersum L. and Potamogeton crispus L., were classified from the data using Object-Based Image Analysis (OBIA) and expert knowledge. A classification rule set based on a combination of both spectral and structural image variation (e.g. texture and shape) was developed for images from two sites. A comparison of the classifications with manually delineated ground truth maps resulted for both sites in 61% overall accuracy. Application of the rule set to a third validation image, resulted in 53% overall accuracy. These consistent results show promise for species level mapping in such biodiverse environments, but also prompt a discussion on assessment of classification accuracy.
Inspection of solder joints has been a critical process in the electronic manufacturing industry to reduce manufacturing cost, improve yield, and ensure product quality and reliability. The solder joint inspection problem is more challenging than many other visual inspections because of the variability in the appearance of solder joints. Although many research works and various techniques have been developed to classify defect in solder joints, these methods have complex systems of illumination for image acquisition and complicated classification algorithms. An important stage of the analysis is to select the right method for the classification. Better inspection technologies are needed to fill the gap between available inspection capabilities and industry systems. This dissertation aims to provide a solution that can overcome some of the limitations of current inspection techniques. This research proposes two inspection steps for automatic solder joint classification system. The “front-end” inspection system includes illumination normalisation, localization and segmentation. The illumination normalisation approach can effectively and efficiently eliminate the effect of uneven illumination while keeping the properties of the processed image. The “back-end” inspection involves the classification of solder joints by using Log Gabor filter and classifier fusion. Five different levels of solder quality with respect to the amount of solder paste have been defined. Log Gabor filter has been demonstrated to achieve high recognition rates and is resistant to misalignment. Further testing demonstrates the advantage of Log Gabor filter over both Discrete Wavelet Transform and Discrete Cosine Transform. Classifier score fusion is analysed for improving recognition rate. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed system improves performance and robustness in terms of classification rates. This proposed system does not need any special illumination system, and the images are acquired by an ordinary digital camera. In fact, the choice of suitable features allows one to overcome the problem given by the use of non complex illumination systems. The new system proposed in this research can be incorporated in the development of an automated non-contact, non-destructive and low cost solder joint quality inspection system.
Spatially-explicit modelling of grassland classes is important to site-specific planning for improving grassland and environmental management over large areas. In this study, a climate-based grassland classification model, the Comprehensive and Sequential Classification System (CSCS) was integrated with spatially interpolated climate data to classify grassland in Gansu province, China. The study area is characterized by complex topographic features imposed by plateaus, high mountains, basins and deserts. To improve the quality of the interpolated climate data and the quality of the spatial classification over this complex topography, three linear regression methods, namely an analytic method based on multiple regression and residues (AMMRR), a modification of the AMMRR method through adding the effect of slope and aspect to the interpolation analysis (M-AMMRR) and a method which replaces the IDW approach for residue interpolation in M-AMMRR with an ordinary kriging approach (I-AMMRR), for interpolating climate variables were evaluated. The interpolation outcomes from the best interpolation method were then used in the CSCS model to classify the grassland in the study area. Climate variables interpolated included the annual cumulative temperature and annual total precipitation. The results indicated that the AMMRR and M-AMMRR methods generated acceptable climate surfaces but the best model fit and cross validation result were achieved by the I-AMMRR method. Twenty-six grassland classes were classified for the study area. The four grassland vegetation classes that covered more than half of the total study area were "cool temperate-arid temperate zonal semi-desert", "cool temperate-humid forest steppe and deciduous broad-leaved forest", "temperate-extra-arid temperate zonal desert", and "frigid per-humid rain tundra and alpine meadow". The vegetation classification map generated in this study provides spatial information on the locations and extents of the different grassland classes. This information can be used to facilitate government agencies' decision-making in land-use planning and environmental management, and for vegetation and biodiversity conservation. The information can also be used to assist land managers in the estimation of safe carrying capacities which will help to prevent overgrazing and land degradation.
Throughout a lifetime of operation, a mobile service robot needs to acquire, store and update its knowledge of a working environment. This includes the ability to identify and track objects in different places, as well as using this information for interaction with humans. This paper introduces a long-term updating mechanism, inspired by the modal model of human memory, to enable a mobile robot to maintain its knowledge of a changing environment. The memory model is integrated with a hybrid map that represents the global topology and local geometry of the environment, as well as the respective 3D location of objects. We aim to enable the robot to use this knowledge to help humans by suggesting the most likely locations of specific objects in its map. An experiment using omni-directional vision demonstrates the ability to track the movements of several objects in a dynamic environment over an extended period of time.
Background There is a need for better understanding of the dispersion of classification-related variable to develop an evidence-based classification of athletes with a disability participating in stationary throwing events. Objectives The purposes of this study are (A) to describe tools designed to comprehend and represent the dispersion of the performance between successive classes, and (B) to present this dispersion for the elite male and female stationary shot-putters who participated in Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games. Study design Retrospective study Methods This study analysed a total of 479 attempts performed by 114 male and female stationary shot-putters in three F30s (F32-F34) and six F50s (F52-F58) classes during the course of eight events during Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games. Results The average differences of best performance were 1.46±0.46 m for males between F54 and F58 classes as well as 1.06±1.18 m for females between F55 and F58 classes. The results demonstrated a linear relationship between best performance and classification while revealing two male Gold Medallists in F33 and F52 classes were outliers. Conclusions This study confirms the benefits of the comparative matrices, performance continuum and dispersion plots to comprehend classification-related variables. The work presented here represents a stepping stone into biomechanical analyses of stationary throwers, particularly on the eve of the London 2012 Paralympic Games where new evidences could be gathered.