699 resultados para ONSET BIPOLAR DISORDER
Objectives: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies have reported an increased frequency of white matter hyperintensities (WMH) in association with late-onset (LO) depression, and this has supported the notion that vascular-related mechanisms may be implicated in the pathophysiology of LO mood disorders. Recent clinical studies have also suggested a link between LO bipolar disorder (LO-BD) and cerebrovascular risk factors, but this has been little investigated with neuroimaging techniques. In order to ascertain whether there could be a specific association between WMH and LO-BD, we directly compared WMH rates between LO-BD subjects (illness onset 60 years), early-onset BD subjects (EO-BD, illness onset < 60 years), and elderly healthy volunteers. Methods: T2-weighted MRI data were acquired in LO-BD subjects (n = 10, age = 73.60 +/- 4.09), EO-BD patients (n = 49, age = 67.78 +/- 4.44), and healthy subjects (n = 24, age = 69.00 +/- 7.22). WMH rates were assessed using the Scheltens scale. Results: There was a greater prevalence of WMH in LO-BD patients relative to the two other groups in the deep parietal region (p = 0.018) and basal ganglia (p < 0.045). When between-group comparisons of mean WMH scores were conducted taking account of age differences (ANCOVA), there were more severe scores in LO-BD patients relative to the two other groups in deep frontal and parietal regions, as well as in the putamen (p < 0.05). Conclusions: Our results provide empirical support to the proposed link between vascular risk factors and LO-BD. If extended in future studies with larger samples, these. findings may help to clarify the pathophysiological distinctions between bipolar disorder emerging at early and late stages of life.
Bipolar disorder has a genetic component, but the mode of inheritance remains unclear. A previous genome scan conducted in 70 European families led to detect eight regions linked to bipolar disease. Here, we present an investigation of whether the phenotypic heterogeneity of the disorder corresponds to genetic heterogeneity in these regions using additional markers and an extended sample of families. The MLS statistic was used for linkage analyses. The predivided sample test and the maximum likelihood binomial methods were used to test genetic homogeneity between early-onset bipolar type I (cut-off of 22 years) and other types of the disorder (later onset of bipolar type I and early-onset bipolar type II), using a total of 138 independent bipolar-affected sib-pairs. Analysis of the extended sample of families supports linkage in four regions (2q14, 3p14, 16p23, and 20p12) of the eight regions of linkage suggested by our previous genome scan. Heterogeneity testing revealed genetic heterogeneity between early and late-onset bipolar type I in the 2q14 region (P = 0.0001). Only the early form of the bipolar disorder but not the late form appeared to be linked to this region. This region may therefore include a genetic factor either specifically involved in the early-onset bipolar type I or only influencing the age at onset (AAO). Our findings illustrate that stratification according to AAO may be valuable for the identification of genetic vulnerability polymorphisms.
BACKGROUND: Two major sources of heterogeneity of mood disorders that have been demonstrated in clinical, family and genetic studies are the mood disorder subtype (i.e. bipolar (BPD) and major depressive disorder (MDD)) and age of onset of mood episodes. Using a prospective high-risk study design, our aims were to test the specificity of the parent-child transmission of BPD and MDD and to establish the risk of psychopathology in offspring in function of the age of onset of the parental disorder. METHODS: Clinical information was collected on 208 probands (n=81 with BPD, n=64 with MDD, n=63 medical controls) as well as their 202 spouses and 372 children aged 6-17 years at study entry. Parents and children were directly interviewed every 3 years (mean duration of follow-up=10.6 years). Parental age of onset was dichotomized at age 21. RESULTS: Offspring of parents with early onset BPD entailed a higher risk of BPD HR=7.9(1.8-34.6) and substance use disorders HR=5.0(1.1-21.9) than those with later onset and controls. Depressive disorders were not significantly increased in offspring regardless of parental mood disorder subtype or age of onset. LIMITATIONS: Limited sample size, age of onset in probands was obtained retrospectively, age of onset in co-parents was not adequately documented, and a quarter of the children had no direct interview. CONCLUSIONS: Our results provide support for the independence of familial aggregation of BPD from MDD and the heterogeneity of BPD based on patterns of onset. Future studies should further investigate correlates of early versus later onset BPD.
Bauer M, Glenn T, Alda M, Andreassen OA, Ardau R, Bellivier F, Berk M, Bjella TD, Bossini L, Del Zompo M, Dodd S, Fagiolini A, Frye MA, Gonzalez-Pinto A, Henry C, Kapczinski F, Kliwicki S, Konig B, Kunz M, Lafer B, Lopez-Jaramillo C, Manchia M, Marsh W, Martinez-Cengotitabengoa M, Melle I, Morken G, Munoz R, Nery FG, ODonovan C, Pfennig A, Quiroz D, Rasgon N, Reif A, Rybakowski J, Sagduyu K, Simhandl C, Torrent C, Vieta E, Zetin M, Whybrow PC. Impact of sunlight on the age of onset of bipolar disorder. Bipolar Disord 2012: 14: 654663. (c) 2012 The Authors. Journal compilation (c) 2012 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Objective: Although bipolar disorder has high heritability, the onset occurs during several decades of life, suggesting that social and environmental factors may have considerable influence on disease onset. This study examined the association between the age of onset and sunlight at the location of onset. Method: Data were obtained from 2414 patients with a diagnosis of bipolar I disorder, according to DSM-IV criteria. Data were collected at 24 sites in 13 countries spanning latitudes 6.3 to 63.4 degrees from the equator, including data from both hemispheres. The age of onset and location of onset were obtained retrospectively, from patient records and/or direct interviews. Solar insolation data, or the amount of electromagnetic energy striking the surface of the earth, were obtained from the NASA Surface Meteorology and Solar Energy (SSE) database for each location of onset. Results: The larger the maximum monthly increase in solar insolation at the location of onset, the younger the age of onset (coefficient= -4.724, 95% CI: -8.124 to -1.323, p = 0.006), controlling for each countrys median age. The maximum monthly increase in solar insolation occurred in springtime. No relationships were found between the age of onset and latitude, yearly total solar insolation, and the maximum monthly decrease in solar insolation. The largest maximum monthly increases in solar insolation occurred in diverse environments, including Norway, arid areas in California, and Chile. Conclusion: The large maximum monthly increase in sunlight in springtime may have an important influence on the onset of bipolar disorder.
Background - The onset of bipolar disorder is influenced by the interaction of genetic and environmental factors. We previously found that a large increase in sunlight in springtime was associated with a lower age of onset. This study extends this analysis with more collection sites at diverse locations, and includes family history and polarity of first episode. Methods - Data from 4037 patients with bipolar I disorder were collected at 36 collection sites in 23 countries at latitudes spanning 3.2 north (N) to 63.4 N and 38.2 south (S) of the equator. The age of onset of the first episode, onset location, family history of mood disorders, and polarity of first episode were obtained retrospectively, from patient records and/or direct interview. Solar insolation data were obtained for the onset locations. Results - There was a large, significant inverse relationship between maximum monthly increase in solar insolation and age of onset, controlling for the country median age and the birth cohort. The effect was reduced by half if there was no family history. The maximum monthly increase in solar insolation occurred in springtime. The effect was one-third smaller for initial episodes of mania than depression. The largest maximum monthly increase in solar insolation occurred in northern latitudes such as Oslo, Norway, and warm and dry areas such as Los Angeles, California. Limitations - Recall bias for onset and family history data. Conclusions - A large springtime increase in sunlight may have an important influence on the onset of bipolar disorder, especially in those with a family history of mood disorders.
Background: Environmental conditions early in life may imprint the circadian system and influence response to environmental signals later in life. We previously determined that a large springtime increase in solar insolation at the onset location was associated with a younger age of onset of bipolar disorder, especially with a family history of mood disorders. This study investigated whether the hours of daylight at the birth location affected this association. Methods: Data collected previously at 36 collection sites from 23 countries were available for 3896 patients with bipolar I disorder, born between latitudes of 1.4N and 70.7N, and 1.2S and 41.3S. Hours of daylight variables for the birth location were added to a base model to assess the relation between the age of onset and solar insolation. Results: More hours of daylight at the birth location during early life was associated with an older age of onset, suggesting reduced vulnerability to the future circadian challenge of the springtime increase in solar insolation at the onset location. Addition of the minimum of the average monthly hours of daylight during the first 3 months of life improved the base model, with a significant positive relationship to age of onset. Coefficients for all other variables remained stable, significant and consistent with the base model. Conclusions: Light exposure during early life may have important consequences for those who are susceptible to bipolar disorder, especially at latitudes with little natural light in winter. This study indirectly supports the concept that early life exposure to light may affect the long term adaptability to respond to a circadian challenge later in life.
Age of onset is an important variable when considering the cause and course of mental illnesses. Given the debate about the relationship between psychotic disorders it would be useful to compare age-at-first-admission for ICD schizophrenia and for affective psychoses when the latter is differentiated into 'major depression' and 'bipolar disorder'. Data on age-at-first-admission for Australian-born individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia (ICD 295) or affective psychosis (ICD 296) were extracted from the Queensland Mental Health Statistics System -- a comprehensive, namelinked mental health register. Because the ICD 9 category 296.1 was used to code what is now called "major depressive episode', this group was differentiated from other 296 categorieswhich were considered bipolar disorders. Those receiving more than one diagnoses within these categories were excluded. All distributions show a wide age range of onset from early adolescence into the seventies and eighties. However the modal age-group for major depression ('60-69' for both sexes) is clearly different from bipolar disorder ('20-29' for males; '30- 39' for females), the latter distribution being more similar to the SCZ distribution (which had a model age-group of '20-29' for both sexes). While these distributions were similar for males and females, there were sex differences in the proportions within each diagnostic group: more males with schizophrenia, and more females with bipolar disorder and with major depression. Our results suggest heterogeneity within the affective psychoses as categorised by ICD 9, with bipolar disorder having an age-at-first-admission distribution more similar to schizophrenia than major depression. The Stanley Foundation supported this project.
Objective: To report on the presence of current and lifetime eating disorders (ED) in a well-defined sample of 137 female individuals with bipolar disorder type I. Methods: Trained psychiatrists interviewed the patients, and the diagnoses of BD and comorbidities were confirmed using the Structured Clinical Interview for the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Axis I Disorders. Clinical and demographic characteristics of both groups (group with ED vs. group without ED) were compared. Results: Female patients with ED had an earlier onset of BD and an increased number of mood episodes, predominantly depressive. Women in the ED group also had higher rates of comorbidity with substance use disorders and anxiety disorders and reported a history of suicide attempts more frequently than women without ED. Conclusion: The presence of ED is a correlate of severity of BD type 1, and interventions should be developed to minimize distress and suicide risk and to improve treatment outcome. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Objectives: Many morphometric magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies that have investigated the presence of gray matter (GM) volume abnormalities associated with the diagnosis of bipolar disorder (BD) have reported conflicting findings. None of these studies has compared patients with recent-onset psychotic BD with asymptomatic controls selected from exactly the same environment using epidemiological methods, or has directly contrasted BD patients against subjects with first-onset psychotic major depressive disorder (MDD). We examined structural brain differences between (i) BD (type I) subjects and MDD subjects with psychotic features in their first contact with the healthcare system in Brazil, and (ii) these two mood disorder groups relative to a sample of geographically matched asymptomatic controls. Methods: A total of 26 BD subjects, 20 subjects with MDD, and 94 healthy controls were examined using either of two identical MRI scanners and acquisition protocols. Diagnoses were based on DSM-IV criteria and confirmed one year after brain scanning. Image processing was conducted using voxel-based morphometry. Results: The BD group showed increased volume of the right dorsal anterior cingulate cortex relative to controls, while the MDD subjects exhibited bilateral foci GM deficits in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (p < 0.05, corrected for multiple comparisons). Direct comparison between BD and MDD patients showed a focus of GM reduction in the right-sided dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (p < 0.05, corrected for multiple comparisons) and a trend (p < 0.10, corrected) toward left-sided GM deficits in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex of MDD patients. When analyses were repeated with scanner site as a confounding covariate the finding of increased right anterior cingulate volumes in BD patients relative to controls remained statistically significant (p = 0.01, corrected for multiple comparisons). Conclusions: These findings reinforce the view that there are important pathophysiological distinctions between BD and MDD, and indicate that subtle dorsal anterior cingulate abnormalities may be relevant to the pathophysiology of BD.
Background The epidemiology of rapid-cycling bipolar disorder in the community is largely unknown. Aims To investigate the epidemiological characteristics of rapid cycling and non-rapid-cycling bipolar disorder in a large cross-national community sample. Method The Composite International Diagnostic interview (CIDI version 3.0) was used to examine the prevalence, severity, comorbidity, impairment, suicidality, sociodemographics, childhood adversity and treatment of rapid-cycling and non-rapid-cycling bipolar disorder in ten countries (n=54257). Results The 12-month prevalence of rapid-cycling bipolar disorder was 0.3%. Roughly a third and two-fifths of participants with lifetime and 12-month bipolar disorder respectively met criteria for rapid cycling. Compared with the non-rapid-cycling, rapid-cycling bipolar disorder was associated with younger age at onset, higher persistence, more severe depressive symptoms, greater impairment from depressive symptoms, more out-of-role days from mania/hypomania, more anxiety disorders and an increased likelihood of using health services. Associations regarding childhood, family and other sociodemographic correlates were less clear cut. Conclusions The community epidemiological profile of rapid-cycling bipolar disorder confirms most but not all current clinically based knowledge about the illness. Declaration of interest R.C.K. has been a consultant for GlaxoSmithKline Inc, Kaiser Permanente, Pfizer Inc, Sanofi-Aventis, Shire Pharmaceuticals and Wyeth-Ayerst; has served on advisory boards for Eli Lilly & Company and Wyeth-Ayerst, and has had research support for his epidemiological studies from Bristol-Myers Squibb, Eli Lilly & Company, GlaxoSmithKline, Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceuticals, Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceuticals Inc, Pfizer Inc and Sanofi-Avertis.
Apolipoprotein E (APOE) has been extensively studied as a risk factor for sporadic and late onset Alzheimer`s Disease (AD). APOE allele *3, the most frequent variant, is not associated to cognitive dysfunction (CD) or to increased AD risk. Differently, the *4 allele is a well-established risk factor for CD, while the *2 allele is associated with survival and longevity. CD is an important feature of Bipolar Disorder (BD) and recent data suggest that CD may be one of its endophenotypes, although controversial results exist. The aim of this research is to study the association of APOE genotype (APOE) and neurocognitive function in a sample of drug free young BD-type I patients. Sample consisted of 25 symptomatic BD (type I) patients (age 18-35 years old). They were submitted to an extensive neuropsychological evaluation and genotyped for APOE. Subjects with allele *2 presented better cognitive performance. The presence of allele *4 was associated with worse performance in a few executive tasks. APOE *3*3 was associated with overall severe dysfunction on cognitive performance. In young individuals with nontreated BD-type I, APOE may predict cognitive performance. Further and larger studies on APOE and cognition in BD are required to clarify whether APOE is a BD cognitive endophenotype.
The brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) Val66Met polymorphism has been proposed as a possible candidate for involvement in the pathophysiology of bipolar disorder ( BD). To determine whether an association exists between the BDNF Val66Met genotype and morphometric abnormalities of the brain regions involved in memory and learning in BD and healthy subjects. Forty-two BD patients and 42 healthy subjects were studied. Interactions between BDNF Val66Met genotype and diagnosis in gray ( GM) volumes were analyzed using an optimized voxel-based morphometry technique. Declarative memory function was assessed with the California Verbal Learning Test II. Left and right anterior cingulate GM volumes showed a significant interaction between genotype and diagnosis such that anterior cingulate GM volumes were significantly smaller in the Val/Met BD patients compared with the Val/Val BD patients (left P = 0.01, right P = 0.01). Within-group comparisons revealed that the Val/Met carriers showed smaller GM volumes of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex compared with the Val/Val subjects within the BD patient (P = 0.01) and healthy groups (left P = 0.03, right P = 0.03). The Val/Met healthy subjects had smaller GM volumes of the left hippocampus compared with the Val/Val healthy subjects (P<0.01). There was a significant main effect of diagnosis on memory function (P = 0.04), but no interaction between diagnosis and genotype was found (P = 0.48). The findings support an association between the BDNF Val66Met genotype and differential gray matter content in brain structures, and suggest that the variation in this gene may play a more prominent role in brain structure differences in subjects affected with BD. Neuropsychopharmacology (2009) 34, 1904-1913; doi: 10.1038/npp.2009.23; published online 18 March 2009
Objectives: Functional and postmortem studies suggest that the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) is involved in the pathophysiology of bipolar disorder (BD). This anatomical magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) study examined whether BD patients have smaller OFC gray matter volumes compared to healthy comparison subjects (HC). Methods: Twenty-eight BD patients were compared to 28 age- and gender-matched HC. Subjects underwent a 1.5T MRI with 3D spoiled gradient recalled acquisition. Total OFC and medial and lateral subdivisions were manually traced by a blinded examiner. Images were segmented and gray matter volumes were calculated using an automated method. Results: Analysis of covariance, with intracranial volume as covariate, showed that BD patients and HC did not differ in gray matter volumes of total OFC or its subdivisions. However, total OFC gray matter volume was significantly smaller in depressed patients (n = 10) compared to euthymic patients (n = 18). Moreover, total OFC gray matter volumes were inversely correlated with depressive symptom intensity, as assessed by the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale. OFC gray matter volumes were not related to lithium treatment, age at disease onset, number of episodes, or family history of mood disorders. Conclusions: Our results suggest that abnormal OFC gray matter volumes are not a pervasive characteristic of BD, but may be associated with specific clinical features of the disorder.
To examine abnormal patterns of frontal cortical-subcortical activity in response to emotional stimuli in euthymic individuals with bipolar disorder type I in order to identify trait-like, pathophysiologic mechanisms of the disorder. We examined potential confounding effects of total psychotropic medication load and illness variables upon neural abnormalities. We analyzed neural activity in 19 euthymic bipolar and 24 healthy individuals to mild and intense happy, fearful and neutral faces. Relative to healthy individuals, bipolar subjects had significantly increased left striatal activity in response to mild happy faces (p < 0.05, corrected), decreased right dorsolateral prefrontal cortical (DLPFC) activity in response to neutral, mild and intense happy faces, and decreased left DLPFC activity in response to neutral, mild and intense fearful faces (p < 0.05, corrected). Bipolar and healthy individuals did not differ in amygdala activity in response to either emotion. In bipolar individuals, there was no significant association between medication load and abnormal activity in these regions, but a negative relationship between age of illness onset and amygdala activity in response to mild fearful faces (p = 0.007). Relative to those without comorbidities, bipolar individuals with comorbidities showed a trend increase in left striatal activity in response to mild happy faces. Abnormally increased striatal activity in response to potentially rewarding stimuli and decreased DLPFC activity in response to other emotionally salient stimuli may underlie mood instabilities in euthymic bipolar individuals, and are more apparent in those with comorbid diagnoses. No relationship between medication load and abnormal neural activity in bipolar individuals suggests that our findings may reflect pathophysiologic mechanisms of the illness rather than medication confounds. Future studies should examine whether this pattern of abnormal neural activity could distinguish bipolar from unipolar depression.
Previous studies have suggested that bipolar disorder (BD) is associated with alterations in neuronal plasticity, but the effects of the progression of illness on brain anatomy have been poorly investigated. We studied the correlation between length of illness, age, age at onset, and the number of previous episodes and total brain, total gray, and total white matter volumes in BD, unipolar (UP) and healthy control (HC) subjects. Thirty-six BD, 31 UP and 55 HCs underwent a 1.5 T brain magnetic resonance imaging scan, and gray and white matter volumes were manually traced blinded to the subjects` diagnosis. Partial correlation analysis showed that length of illness was inversely correlated with total gray matter volume after adjusting for total intracranial volume in BD (r(p)=-0.51; p=0.003) but not in UP subjects (r(p)=-0.23; p=0.21). Age at illness onset and the number of previous episodes were not significantly correlated with gray matter volumes in BD or UP subjects. No significant correlation with total white matter volume was observed. These results suggest that the progression of illness may be associated with abnormal cellular plasticity. Prospective longitudinal studies are necessary to elucidate the long-term effects of illness progression on brain structure in major mood disorders. (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier B.V.