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With the advent of well-defined ruthenium olefin metathesis catalysts that are highly active and stable to a variety of functional groups, the synthesis of complex organic molecules and polymers is now possible; this is reviewed in Chapter 1. The majority of the rest of this thesis describes the application of these catalysts towards the synthesis of novel polymers that may be useful in biological applications and investigations into their efficacy.

A method was developed to produce polyethers by metathesis, and this is described in Chapters 2 and 3. An unsaturated 12-crown-4 analog was made by template- directed ring-closing metathesis (RCM) and utilized as a monomer for the synthesis of unsaturated polyethers by ring-opening metathesis polymerization (ROMP). The yields were high and a range of molecular weights was accessible. In a similar manner, substituted polyethers with various backbones were synthesized: polymers with benzo groups along the backbone and various concentrations of amino acids were prepared. The results from in vitro toxicity tests of the unsubstituted polyethers are considered.

The conditions necessary to synthesize polynorbornenes with pendent bioactive peptides were explored as illustrated in Chapter 4. First, the polymerization of various norbornenyl monomers substituted with glycine, alanine or penta(ethylene glycol) is described. Then, the syntheses of polymers substituted with peptides GRGD and SRN, components of a cell binding domain of fibronectin, using newly developed ruthenium initiators are discussed.

In Chapter 5, the syntheses of homopolymers and a copolymer containing GRGDS and PHSRN, the more active forms of the peptides, are described. The ability of the polymers to inhibit human dermal fibroblast cell adhesion to fibronectin was assayed using an in vitro competitive inhibition assay, and the results are discussed. It was discovered that the copoymer substituted with both GRGDS and PHSR peptides was more active than both the GRGDS-containing homopolymer and the GRGDS free peptide.

Historically, one of the drawbacks to using metathesis is the removal of the residual ruthenium at the completion of the reaction. Chapter 6 describes a method where the water soluble tris(hydroxymethyl)phosphine is utilized to facilitate the removal of residual ruthenium from RCM reaction products.


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The olefin metathesis reaction has found many applications in polymer synthesis and more recently in organic synthesis. The use of single component late metal olefin metathesis catalysts has expanded the scope of the reaction to many new applications and has allowed for detailed study of the catalytic species.

The metathesis of terminal olefins of different steric bulk, different geometry as well as electronically different para-substituted styrenes was studied with the ruthenium based metathesis initiators, trans-(PCy3)2Cl2Ru=CHR, of different carbene substituents. Increasing olefin bulk was found to slow the rate of reaction and trans internal olefins were found to be slower to react than cis internal olefins. The kinetic product of a11 reactions was found to be the alkylidene, rather than the methylidene, suggesting the intermediacy of a 2,4-metallacycle. The observed effects were used to explain the mechanism of ring opening cross metathesis and acyclic diene metathesis polymerization. No linear electronic effects were observed.

In studying the different carbene ligands, a series of ester-carbene complexes was synthesized. These complexes were found to be highly active for the metathesis of olefinic substrates, including acrylates and trisubstituted olefins. In addition, the estercarbene moiety is thermodynamically high in energy. As a result, these complexes react to ring-open cyclohexene by metathesis to alleviate the thermodynamic strain of the ester-carbene ligand. However, ester-carbene complexes were found to be thermolytically unstable in solution.

Thermolytic decomposition pathways were studied for several ruthenium-carbene based olefin metathesis catalysts. Substituted carbenes were found to decompose through bimolecular pathways while the unsubstituted carbene (the methylidene) was found to decompose unimolecularly. The stability of several derivatives of the bis-phosphine ruthenium based catalysts was studied for its implications to ring-closing metathesis. The reasons for the activity and stability of the different ruthenium-based catalysts is discussed.

The difference in catalyst activity and initiation is discussed for the bis-phosphine based and mixed N-heterocyclic carbene/phosphine based ruthenium olefin metathesis catalysts. The mixed ligand catalysts initiate far slower than the bis-phosphine catalysts but are far more metathesis active. A scheme is proposed to explain the difference in reactivity between the two types of catalysts.


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Publications about olefin metathesis will generally discuss how the discovery and development of well-defined catalysts to carry out this unique transformation have revolutionized many fields, from natural product and materials chemistry, to green chemistry and biology. However, until recently, an entire manifestation of this methodology had been inaccessible. Except for a few select examples, metathesis catalysts favor the thermodynamic trans- or E-olefin products in cross metathesis (CM), macrocyclic ring closing metathesis (mRCM), ring opening metathesis polymerization (ROMP), and many other types of reactions. Judicious choice of substrates had allowed for the direct synthesis of cis- or Z-olefins or species that could be converted upon further reaction, however the catalyst controlled synthesis of Z-olefins was not possible until very recently.

Research into the structure and stability of metallacyclobutane intermediates has led to the proposal of models to impart Z-selectivity in metathesis reactions. Having the ability to influence the orientation of metallacyclobutane substituents to cause productive formation of Z- double bonds using steric and electronic effects was highly desired. The first successful realization of this concept was by Schrock and Hoveyda et al. who synthesized monoaryloxide pyrolidine (MAP) complexes of tungsten and molybdenum that promoted Z-selective CM. The Z-selectivity of these catalysts was attributed to the difference in the size of the two axial ligands. This size difference influences the orientation of the substituents on the forming/incipient metallacyclobutane intermediate to a cis-geometry and leads to productive formation of Z-olefins. These catalysts have shown great utility in the synthesis of complicated natural product precursors and stereoregular polymers. More recently, ruthenium catalysts capable of promoting Z-selective metathesis have been reported by our group and others. This thesis will discuss the development of ruthenium-based NHC chelated Z-selective catalysts, studies probing their unique metathesis mechanism, and synthetic applications that have been investigated thus far.

Chapter 1 will focus on studies into the stability of NHC chelated complexes and the synthesis of new and improved stable chelating architectures. Chapter 2 will discuss applications of the highly active and Z-selective developed in Chapter 1, including the formation of lepidopteran female sex pheromones using olefin cross metathesis and highly Z- and highly E-macrocycles using macrocyclic ring closing metathesis and Z-selective ethenolysis. Chapter 3 will explore studies into the unique mechanism of olefin metathesis reactions catalyzed by these NHC chelated, highly Z-selective catalysts, explaining observed trends by investigating the stability of relevant, substituted metallacyclobutane intermediates.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Using density functional theory, we studied the fundamental steps of olefin polymerization for zwitterionic and cationic Group IV ansa-zirconocenes and a neutral ansa- yttrocene. Complexes [H2E(C5H4)2ZrMe]n (n = 0: E = BH2 (1), BF2 (2), AlH2(3); n = +: E = CH2(4), SiH2(5)) and H2Si(C5H4)2YMe were used as computational models. The largest differences among these three classes of compounds were the strength of olefin binding and the stability of the β-agostic alkyl intermediate towards β-hydrogen elimination. We investigated the effect of solvent on the reaction energetics for land 5. We found that in benzene the energetics became very similar except that a higher olefin insertion barrier was calculated for 1. The calculated anion affinity of [CH3BF3]- was weaker towards 1 than 5. The calculated olefin binding depended primarily on the charge of the ansa linker, and the olefin insertion barrier was found to decrease steadily in the following order: [H2C(C5H4)2ZrMe]+ > [F2B(C5H4)2ZrMe] ≈ [H2B(C5H4)2ZrMe] > [H2Si(C5H4)2ZrMe]+ > [H2Al(C5H4)2ZrMe].

We prepared ansa-zirconocene dicarbonyl complexes Me2ECp2Zr(CO)2 (E = Si, C), and t-butyl substituted complexes (t-BuCp)2Zr(CO)2, Me2E(t-BuCp)2Zr(CO)2 (E = Si, C), (Me2Si)2(t-BuCp)2Zr(CO)2 as well as analogous zirconocene complexes. Both the reduction potentials and carbonyl stretching frequencies follow the same order: Me2SiCp2ZrCl2> Me2CCp2ZrCl2> Cp2ZrCl2> (Me2Si)2Cp2ZrCl2. This ordering is a result of both the donating abilities of the cyclopentadienyl substituents and the orientation of the cyclopentadiene rings. Additionally, we prepared a series of analogous cationic zirconocene complexes [LZrOCMe3][MeB(C6F5)3] (L = CP2, Me2SiCp2, Me2CCP2, (Me2Si)2Cp2) and studied the kinetics of anion dissociation. We found that the enthalpy of anion dissociation increased from 10.3 kcal•mol-1 to 17.6 kcal•mol-1 as exposure of the zirconium center increased.

We also prepared series of zirconocene complexes bearing 2,2-dimethyl-2-sila-4-pentenyl substituents (and methyl-substituted olefin variants). Methide abstraction with B(C6F5) results in reversible coordination of the tethered olefin to the cationic zirconium center. The kinetics of olefin dissociation have been examined using NMR methods, and the effects of ligand variation for unlinked, singly [SiMe2]-linked and doubly [SiMe2]-linked bis(cyclopentadienyl) arrangements has been compared (ΔG‡ for olefin dissociation varies from 12.8 to 15.6 kcal•mol-1). Methide abstraction from 1,2-(SiMe2)25-C5H3)2Zr(CH3)-(CH2CMe2CH2CH = CH2) results in rapid β-allyl elimination with loss of isobutene yielding the allyl cation [{1,2-(SiMe2)25-C5H3)2Zr(η3-CH2CH=CH2)]+.


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The past year has seen remarkable advances both in methanol to olefin process development and in understanding the catalysts and reactions invoked. The methanol to olefin process is now on the way to being commercialized locally with economic advantages in comparison with other natural gas utilization technologies and conventional naphtha cracking processes. Using a specially designed procedure, a catalyst for the selective synthesis of ethylene from methanol has been reliably reproduced. The relationships between catalyst properties and reaction performances are clearer than ever before.


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Synthesis of a number of novel, conformationally rigid beta-amino esters has been achieved via a tandem olefin metathesis reaction. The starting materials are readily accessible from the Diels-Alder adduct between cyclopentadiene and maleic anhydride.


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Diese Dissertation zeigt zum ersten Mal den Ansatz gesättigte und ungesättigte Poly(Phosphorester) herzustellen, deren Polymergerüst und Seitenketten durch präzises Anbring-en von funktionellen und/oder solubilisierenden Gruppen modifiziert werden können. Durch Kombinieren der Vorteile der Olefinmetathese mit der Vielseitigkeit der Phos-phorchemie, eröffnet dieser variable Ansatz den Zugang zu einer neuen Klasse ungesättigter Poly-phosphate. Die zu Grunde liegende Idee ist das maßgeschneiderte Anpassen der Architektur und der Mikrostruktur dieser Polymere. Lineare, verzweigte, markierte und telechele Poly(Phosphorester) können in großem Maßstab mit hohen Funktionalisierungsgrad hergestellt werden.rnEiner der größten Vorteile dieses Ansatzes ist es, das Polymerrückrat modifizieren zu können, was weder bei der Ringöffnungs- noch bei klassischen Polymerisationen möglich ist, bei denen nur eine limitierte Anzahl an Monomeren existieren.rnDie Eigenschaften des Phosphors werden in neue Polymerarchitekturen übertragen, was von Nutzen für flammenhemmenden Materialen und Anwendung bei Gewebetherapeutika ist. Diese Doktorarbeit führt auch einzigartige Poly(Phosphorester) ein, welche im Feld der Op-toelektronik als Sauerstofffänger eingesetzten werden können. Die beschriebenen Synthese-vorschriften können einfach in größeren Maßstab durchgeführt werden und sind vielversprechend für industrielle Anwendungen, da ungesättigte Polyester einen sehr wichtigen Markt repräsentieren.


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Porous polymer particles are used in an extraordinarily wide range of advanced and everyday applications, from combinatorial chemistry, solid-phase organic synthesis and polymer-supported reagents, to environmental analyses and the purification of drinking water. The installation and exploitation of functional chemical handles on the particles is often a prerequisite for their successful exploitation, irrespective of the application and the porous nature of the particles. New methodology for the chemical modification of macroreticular polymers is the primary focus of the work presented in this thesis. Porous polymer microspheres decorated with a diverse range of functional groups were synthesised by the post-polymerisation chemical modification of beaded polymers via olefin cross metathesis. The polymer microspheres were prepared by the precipitation polymerisation of divinylbenzene in porogenic (pore-forming) solvents; the olefin cross-metathesis (CM) functionalisation reactions exploited the pendent (polymer-bound) vinyl groups that were not consumed by polymerisation. Olefin CM reactions involving the pendent vinyl groups were performed in dichloromethane using second-generation Grubbs catalyst (Grubbs II), and a wide range of coupling partners used. The results obtained indicate that high quality, porous polymer microspheres synthesised by precipitation polymerisation in near-θ solvents can be functionalised by olefin CM under very mild conditions to install a diverse range of chemical functionalities into a common polydivinylbenzene precursor. Gel-type polymer microspheres were prepared by the precipitation copolymerisation reaction of divinylbenzene and allyl methacrylate in neat acetonitrile. The unreacted pendent vinyl groups that were not consumed by polymerisation were subjected to internal and external olefin metathesis-based hypercrosslinking reactions. Internal hypercrosslinking was carried out by using ring-closing metathesis (RCM) reactions in toluene using Grubbs II catalyst. Under these conditions, hypercrosslinked (HXL) polymers with specific surface areas around 500 m2g-1 were synthesised. External hypercrosslinking was attempted by using CM/RCM in the presence of a multivinyl coupling partner in toluene using second-generation Hoveyda-Grubbs catalyst. The results obtained indicate that no HXL polymers were obtained. However, during the development of this methodology, a new type of polymerisation was discovered with tetraallylorthosilicate as monomer.


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Ce projet de recherche consiste en l’étude de la réactivité et de la sélectivité de nouveaux catalyseurs de métathèse d’oléfines à base de ruthénium lors de réaction de fermeture de cycle par métathèse d’oléfines (RCM). L’emphase de cette étude repose sur l’évaluation de nouveaux catalyseurs possédant un ligand NHC (carbène N-hétérocyclique) C1-symétrique développés par le laboratoire Collins pour des réactions de désymétrisations asymétriques de méso-triènes par ARCM. Le projet a été séparé en deux sections distinctes. La première section concerne la formation d’oléfines trisubstituées par ARCM de méso-triènes. La seconde section consiste en la formation d’oléfines tétrasubstituées par le biais de la RCM de diènes et de la ARCM de méso-triènes. Il est à noter qu’il n’y a aucun précédent dans la littérature concernant la formation d’oléfines tétrasubstituées suite à une désymétrisation par ARCM. Lors de l’étude concernant la formation d’oléfines trisubstituées, une étude de cinétique a été entreprise dans le but de mieux comprendre la réactivité des différents catalyseurs. Il a été possible d’observer que le groupement N-alkyle a une grande influence sur la réactivité du catalyseur. Une étude de sélectivité a ensuite été entreprise pour déterminer si le groupement N-alkyle génère aussi un effet sur la sélectivité des catalyseurs. Cette étude a été effectuée par l’entremise de réactions de désymétrisation d’une variété de méso-triènes. En ce qui a trait à la formation d’oléfines tétrasubstituées, une étude de la réactivité des différents catalyseurs a été effectuée par l’intermédiaire de malonates de diéthyldiméthallyle. Il a encore une fois a été possible d’observer que le groupement N-alkyle possède un effet important sur la réactivité du catalyseur. Une étude de sélectivité a ensuite été entreprise pour déterminer si le groupement iv N-alkyle génère aussi un effet sur la sélectivité des catalyseurs. Cette étude a été effectuée par l’entremise de réactions de désymétrisation de différents mésotriènes.


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L’intérêt pour les hélicènes s’est accru au fur et à mesure que de nouvelles applications pour ce genre de molécules ont été découvertes. Par contre, la recherche dans ce domaine a été limitée par le petit nombre de voies de synthèse de ces molécules, la plupart nécessitant une étape de résolution ou de séparation des énantiomères par HPLC à la fin de la synthèse. Le présent projet de recherche propose d’utiliser la réaction de fermeture de cycle asymétrique par métathèse d’oléfines (asymmetric ring closing metathesis, ARCM) pour effectuer une synthèse d’hélicène à la fois catalytique et énantiosélective. La synthèse énantiosélective du [7]hélicène a été effectuée à l’aide d’une résolution cinétique du précurseur racémique. Au cours de cette synthèse, nous avons été en mesure de démontrer l’efficacité de différents catalyseurs de métathèse chiraux en plus de démontrer l’effet de l’ajout de simples oléfines comme additifs à la réaction. De plus, nous avons formulé une hypothèse expliquant cet effet à l’aide du mécanisme de la réaction. Finalement, nous avons aussi montré l’effet du changement de solvant sur la sélectivité de la réaction. Au cours de ces travaux, nous avons également développé une nouvelle méthode de synthèse de binaphtols à l’aide d’une réaction de couplage oxydatif impliquant un catalyseur de cuivre. À l’aide d’études de réactivité, nous avons été en mesure de démontrer que le métal portait deux ligands N-hétérocycliques (NHC). Nous avons aussi observé que le catalyseur favorisait la formation de binaphtol non symétrique avec un groupement naphtol avec une densité électronique élevée et un autre groupement naphtol avec une faible densité électronique.


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Polynorbonerne with high molecular weight was obtained via ring opening metathesis polymerization using catalysts derived from [RuCl(2)(PPh(2)Bz)(2) L] (1 for L = PPh(2) Bz; 2 for L = piperidine) type of complexes when in the presence of ethyl diazoacetate in CHCl(3). The polymer precipitated within a few minutes at 50 degrees C when using 1 with ca. 50% yield ([NBE]/[Ru] = 5000). Regarding 2, for either 30 min at 25 C or 5 min at 50 degrees C, more than 90% of yields are obtained; and at 50 C for 30 min a quantitative yield is obtained. The yield and PDI values are sensitive to the [NBE]/[Ru] ratio. The reaction of 1 with either isonicotinamide or nicotinamide produces six-coordinated complexes of [RuCl(2)(PPh(2)Bz)(2)(L)(2)] type, which are almost inactive and produce only small amounts of polymers at 50 C for 30 min. Thus, we Concluded that the novel complexes show very distinct reactivities for ROMP of NBE. This has been rationalized on account of a combination of synergistic effects of the phosphine-amine ancillary ligands. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A series of alpha,beta-unsaturated aldehydes and nitriles of significant interest in the fragrance industry have been prepared using Grubbs' catalysts in cross-metathesis reactions of electron-deficient olefins (i.e., acrolein, crotonaldehyde, methacrolein, and acrylonitrile) with various 1-alkenes, including 1-decene, 1-octene, 1-hexene and 2-allyloxy-6-methylheptane. The latter is of particular interest, as it has not previously being used as a substrate in cross-metathesis reactions and allows access to valuable intermediates for the synthesis of new fragrances. Most reactions gave good selectivity of the desired CM product (>= 90%). Detailed optimisation and mechanistic studies have been performed on the cross-metathesis of acrolein with 1-decene. Recycling of the catalyst has been attempted using ionic liquids.