Objective: The objective is to evaluate the prevalence and associated clinical characteristics of eating disorders (ED) in patients with obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). Method: This is a cross-sectional study comparing 815 patients with OCD. Participants were assessed with structured interviews and scales: SCID-I, Y-BOCS, Dimensional Y-BOCS, BABS, Beck Depression and Anxiety Inventories. Results: Ninety-two patients (11.3%) presented the following EDs: binge-eating disorders [= 59 (7.2%)], bulimia nervosa [= 16 (2.0%)], or anorexia nervosa [= 17 (2.1%)]. Compared to OCD patients without ED (OCD-Non-ED), OCD-ED patients were more likely to be women with previous psychiatric treatment. Mean total scores in Y-BOCS, Dimensional Y-BOCS, and BABS were similar within groups. However, OCD-ED patients showed higher lifetime prevalence of comorbid conditions, higher anxiety and depression scores, and higher frequency of suicide attempts than did the OCD-Non-ED group. Primarily diagnosed OCD patients with comorbid ED may be associated with higher clinical severity. Discussion: Future longitudinal studies should investigate dimensional correlations between OCD and ED. (C) 2009 by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Objective: To evaluate the prevalence and clinical associated factors of alcohol use disorders (AUD) comorbidity in a large clinical sample of patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Methods: A cross-sectional study including 630 DSM-IV OCD patients from seven Brazilian university services, comparing patients with and without AUD comorbidity. The instruments of assessment used were a demographic and clinical questionnaire including evaluation of suicidal thoughts and acts and psychiatric treatment, the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis I disorders (SCID-I), the Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale, the Dimensional Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale, the Brown Assessment of Beliefs Scale, the Beck Depression and Anxiety Inventories and the Clinical Global Impression Scale. Current or past alcohol and other psychoactive substances use, abuse and dependence were assessed using the SCID-I (section E) and corroborated by medical and familial history questionnaires. Results: Forty-seven patients (7.5%) presented AUD comorbidity. Compared to OCD patients without this comorbidity they were more likely to be men, to have received previous psychiatric treatment, to present: lifetime suicidal thoughts and attempts and to have higher scores in the hoarding dimension. They also presented higher comorbidity with generalized anxiety and somatization disorders, and compulsive sexual behavior. Substance use was related to the appearance of the first O.C. symptoms and symptom amelioration. Conclusions: Although uncommon among OCD treatment seeking samples, AUD comorbidity has specific clinical features, such as increased risk for suicidality, which deserve special attention from mental health professionals. Future studies focused on the development of specific interventions for these patients are warranted. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Background: Suicidal thoughts and behaviors, also known as suicidality, are a fairly neglected area of study in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Objective: To evaluate several aspects of suicidality in a large multicenter sample of OCD patients and to compare those with and without suicidal ideation, plans, and attempts according to demographic and clinical variables, including symptom dimensions and comorbid disorders. Method: This cross-sectional study included 582 outpatients with primary OCD (DSM-IV) recruited between August 2003 and March 2008 from 7 centers of the Brazilian Research Consortium on Obsessive-Compulsive Spectrum Disorders. The following assessment instruments were used: the Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale, the Dimensional Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale, the Beck Depression and Anxiety Inventories, the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis I Disorders, and 6 specific questions to investigate suicidality. After univariate analyses, logistic regression analyses were performed to adjust the associations between the dependent and explanatory variables for possible confounders. Results: Thirty-six percent of the patients reported lifetime suicidal thoughts, 20% had made suicidal plans, 11% had already attempted suicide, and 10% presented current suicidal thoughts. In the logistic regression, only lifetime major depressive disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) remained independently associated with all aspects of suicidal behaviors. The sexual/religious dimension and comorbid substance use disorders remained associated with suicidal thoughts and plans, while impulse-control disorders were associated with current suicidal thoughts and with suicide plans and attempts. Conclusions: The risk of suicidal behaviors must be carefully investigated in OCD patients, particularly those with symptoms of the sexual/religious dimension and comorbid major depressive disorder, PTSD, substance use disorders, and impulse-control disorders. J Clin Psychiatry 2011;72(1):17-26 (C) Copyright 2011 Physicians Postgraduate Press, Inc.
Objective: Although bipolar disorder (BD) with comorbid obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is highly prevalent, few controlled studies have assessed this comorbidity. The objective of this study was to investigate the clinical characteristics and expression of comorbid disorders in female BD patients with OCD. Method: We assessed clinically stable female outpatients with BD: 15 with comorbid OCD (BD+OCD group) and 15 without (BD/no-OCD group). All were submitted to the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV, with additional modules for the diagnosis of kleptomania, trichotillomania, pathological gambling, onychophagia and skin picking. Results: The BD+OCD patients presented more chronic episodes, residual symptoms and previous depressive episodes than the BD/no-OCD patients. Of the BD+OCD patients, 86% had a history of treatment-emergent mania, compared with only 40% of the BD/no-OCD patients. The following were more prevalent in the BD+OCD patients than the BD/no-OCD patients: any anxiety disorder other than OCD; impulse control disorders; eating disorders; and tic disorders. Conclusion: Female BD patients with OCD may represent a more severe form of disorder than those without OCD, having more depressive episodes and residual symptoms, and being at a higher risk for treatment-emergent mania, as well as presenting a greater anxiety and impulse control disorder burden.
This case regards a 34-year-old woman with severe and refractory obsessive-compulsive disorder, who was enrolled in a double-blind, randomized controlled trial of radiosurgery. She was at first submitted to a sham radiosurgical procedure, and 1 year later to an active intervention. Opposite clinical responses were observed in the follow-up of these different phases. During the sham surgery follow-up, no improvements were observed, but a remarkable amelioration was seen a few months after the active procedure. Detailed descriptions of psychopathological changes and neuroimaging findings as well as a discussion regarding the surgical technique are provided. Copyright (C) 2010 S. Karger AG, Basel
A subgroup of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) patients remains refractory to conventional treatments. For them, a new stereotactic radiosurgery has been recently developed: the ventral capsular/ventral striatal (VC/VS) gamma capsulotomy. The authors aim to report efficacy and adverse events of VC/VS gamma capsulotomy. Five refractory OCD patients were selected. The authors assessed OCD, anxiety and depressive symptoms, and side effects pre- and postoperatively. Three patients (60%) met response criteria 48 months after surgery. Adverse effects were episodic and transient. Ventral capsular/ventral striatal gamma capsulotomy holds therapeutic promise, with few adverse effects. (The Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 2009; 21:381-392)
Neurobiological models support an involvement of white matter tracts in the pathophysiology of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), but there has been little systematic evaluation of white matter volumes in OCD using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). We investigated potential differences in the volume of the cingulum bundle (CB) and anterior limb of internal capsule (ALIC) in OCD patients (n = 19) relative to asymptomatic control subjects (n = 15). White matter volumes were assessed using a 1.5T MRI scanner. Between-group comparisons were carried out after spatial normalization and image segmentation using optimized voxel-based morphometry. Correlations between regional white matter volumes in OCD subjects and symptom severity ratings were also investigated. We found significant global white matter reductions in OCD patients compared to control subjects. The voxel-based search for regional abnormalities (with covariance for total white matter volumes) showed no specific white matter volume deficits in brain portions predicted a priori to be affected in OCD (CB and ALIC). However, large clusters of significant positive correlation with OCD severity scores were found bilaterally on the ALIC. These findings provide evidence of OCD-related ALIC abnormalities and suggest a connectivity dysfunction within frontal-striatal-thalamic-cortical circuits. Further studies are warranted to better define the role of such white matter alterations in the pathophysiology of OCD, and may provide clues for a more effectively targeting of neurosurgical treatments for OCD. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Previous studies have shown differences in clinical features of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) between men and women, including mean age at onset of obsessive-compulsive symptoms (OCS), types of OCS, comorbid disorders, course, and prognosis. The aim of this study was to compare male and female Brazilian patients with OCD on several demographic and clinical characteristics. Three hundred thirty Outpatients with OCD (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition [DSM-IV], criteria) who sought treatment at 3 Brazilian public universities and at 2 private practice clinics in the city of Sao Paulo were evaluated. The assessment instruments used were the Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale to evaluate OCD severity and symptoms, the Beck Depression and Anxiety Inventories, the Yale Global Tic Severity Scale, and the Structured Clinical Interview for Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Axis I Disorders to assess psychiatric comorbidity. Fifty-five percent of the patients (n = 182) were men who were significantly more likely than women to be single and to present sexual, religious, and symmetry obsessions and mental rituals. They also presented earlier onset of OCS and earlier symptom interference in functioning, and significantly more comorbid tic disorders and posttraumatic stress disorder. Women, besides showing significantly higher mean scores in the Beck Depression and Anxiety Inventories, were more likely to present comorbid simple phobias, eating disorders in general and anorexia in particular, impulse control disorders in general, and compulsive buying and skin picking in particular. No significant differences were observed between sexes concerning family history of OCS or OCD, and global symptoms severity, either in obsession or compulsive subscale. The present study confirms the presence of sex-related differences described in other countries and cultures. The fact that the OCS start earlier and probably have a worse impact in men can eventually lead to more specific and efficacious treatment approaches for these patients. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate regional structural abnormalities in the brains of five patients with refractory obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) submitted to gamma ventral capsulotomy. Methods: We acquired morphometric magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data before and after 1 year of radiosurgery using a 1.5-T MRI scanner. Images were spatially normalized and segmented using optimized voxel-based morphometry (VBM) methods. Voxelwise statistical comparisons between pre- and post-surgery MRI scans were performed using a general linear model. Findings in regions predicted a priori to show volumetric changes (orbitofrontal cortex, anterior cingulate gyrus, basal ganglia and thalamus) were reported as significant if surpassing a statistical threshold of p<0.001 (uncorrected for multiple comparisons). Results: We detected a significant regional postoperative increase in gray matter volume in the right inferior frontal gyri (Brodmann area 47, BA47) when comparing all patients pre and postoperatively. Conclusions: Our results support the current theory of frontal-striatal-thalamic-cortical (FSTC) circuitry involvement in OCD pathogenesis. Gamma ventral capsulotomy is associated with neurobiological changes in the inferior orbitofrontal cortex in refractory OCD patients. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Introduction: A variety of subjective experiences have been reported to be associated with the symptom expression of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and Tourette syndrome (TS). First described in TS patients, these subjective experiences have been defined in different ways. There is no consensus in the literature on how to best define subjective experiences. This lack of consensus may hinder the understanding of study results and prevents the possibility of including them in the search for etiological factors associated with OCD and TS. Methods: The objective of this article was to review the descriptions of subjective experiences in the English-language literature from 1980-2007. This meta-analytic review was carried out using the English-language literature from 1980-2007 available on MEDLINE, PsycINFO, and the Cochrane Library databases using the following search terms: premonitory urges, sensory tics, ""just-right"" perceptions, sensory phenomena, sensory experiences, incompleteness, ""not just-right"" phenomena, obsessive-compulsive disorder and TS, including OCD and/or TS, in all combination searches. We also searched for the references cited in each article previously found that referred to the aforementioned terms. Thirty-one articles were included in the study. Results: Subjective experiences, in particular, the sensory phenomena, were important phenotypic variables in the characterization of the tic-related OCD subtype and were more frequent in the early-onset OCD subtype. There is a paucity of studies using structured interviews to assess sensory phenomena, their epidemiology and the etiological mechanisms associated with sensory phenomena. Conclusion: The current review provides some evidence that sensory phenomena can be useful to identify more homogenous subgroups of OCD and TS patients and should be included as important phenotypic variables in future clinical, genetic, neuroimaging, and treatment-response studies.
Several studies support a genetic influence on obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) etiology. The role of glutamate as an important neurotransmitter affecting OCD pathophysiology has been supported by neuroimaging, animal model, medication, and initial candidate gene studies. Genes involved in glutamatergic pathways, such as the glutamate receptor, ionotropic, kainate 2 (GRIK2), have been associated with OCD in previous studies. This study examines GRIK2 as a candidate gene for OCD susceptibility in a family-based approach. Probands had full DSM-IV diagnostic criteria for OCD. Forty-seven OCD probands and their parents were recruited from tertiary care OCD specialty clinics from France and USA. Genotypes of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers and related haplotypes were analyzed using Haploview and FBAT software. The polymorphism at rs1556995 (P = 0.0027; permuted P-value = 0.03) was significantly associated with the presence of OCD. Also, the two marker haplotype rs1556995/rs1417182, was significantly associated with OCD (P = 0.0019, permuted P-value = 0.01). This study supports previously reported findings of association between proximal GRIK2 SNPs and OCD in a comprehensive evaluation of the gene. Further study with independent samples and larger sample sizes is required.
Background: Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is characterized by repeated and persistent attempts to control thoughts and actions with rituals. These rituals are used in order to prevent feared or personally distressing outcomes. Cognitive behavioral group therapy (CBGT) has been reported to be effective for treating OCD patients. However, about one-third (30%) of patients do not benefit from CBGT. Some of these patients do not show significant improvement and continue to use rituals following CBGT, partially because they fail to complete the exposure and ritual prevention (ERP) exercises. Consequently, it is important to motivate patients to fully engage in CBGT treatment and complete the ERP exercises. Aims: A randomized behavioral trial examined 12 weeks of manual directed CBGT, with the addition of individual sessions of Motivational Interviewing (MI) and Thought Mapping (TM), and compared treatment outcome to the effectiveness of CBGT group alone. Method: Subjects were randomized (n = 93) into a CBGT group or a CBGT group with MI+TM. Results: When the two groups were compared, both groups reduced OCD symptoms. However, symptom reduction and remission were significantly higher in the MI+TM CBGT group. Positive outcomes were also maintained, with additional symptom reduction at the 3-month follow-up for the MI TM CBGT group. Conclusions: Adding two individual sessions of MI and TM before CBGT successfully reduced OCD symptoms and was more effective than using CBGT group alone.
Few case series studies have addressed the issue of treatment response in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and comorbid post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and there are no prospective studies addressing response to conventional treatment in OCD patients with a history of trauma (HT). The present study aimed to investigate, prospectively, the impact of HT or PTSD on two systematic, first-line treatments for OCD. Two hundred and nineteen non-treatment-resistant OCD outpatients were treated with either group cognitive-behavioral therapy (GCBT n = 147) or monotherapy with a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI n = 72). Presence of HT and PTSD were assessed at intake, as part of a broader clinical and demographical baseline characterization of the sample. Severity and types of OCD symptoms were assessed with the Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale (YBOCS) and the Dimensional YBOCS (DYBOCS), respectively. Depression and anxiety symptoms were measured with the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI). Both treatments had 12-week duration. Treatment response was considered as a categorical [35% or greater reduction in baseline YBOCS scores plus a Clinical Global Impression-Improvement rating of better (2) or much better (1)] and continuous variable (absolute number reduction in baseline YBOCS scores). Treatment response was compared between the OCD + HT group versus the OCD without HT group and between the OCD + PTSD group versus the OCD without PTSD group. Parametric and non-parametric tests were used when indicated. Data on HT and PTSD were available for 215 subjects. Thirty-eight subjects (17.67% of the whole sample) had a positive HT (OCD + HT group) and 22 subjects (57.89% of the OCD + HT group and 10.23% of the whole sample) met full DSM-IV criteria for PTSD. The OCD + HT and OCD without HT groups presented similar response to GCBT (60% of responders in the first group and 63% of responders in the second group, p = 1.00). Regarding SSRI treatment, the difference between the response of the OCD + HT (47.4%) and OCD without HT (22.2%) groups was marginally significant (p = 0.07). In addition, the OCD + PTSD group presented a greater treatment response than the OCD without PTSD group when treatment response was considered as a continuous variable (p = 0.01). The age when the first trauma occurred had no impact on treatment response. In terms of specific OCD symptom dimensions, as measured by the DYBOCS, OCD treatment fostered greater reductions for the OCD + PTSD group than for the OCD without PTSD group in the scores of contamination obsessions and cleaning compulsions, collecting and hoarding and miscellaneous obsessions and related compulsions (including illness concerns and mental rituals, among others). The OCD + PTSD group also presented a greater reduction in anxiety scores than the OCD without PTSD group (p = 0.003). The presence of HT or PTSD was not related to a poorer treatment response in this sample of non-treatment-resistant OCD patients. Unexpectedly, OCD patients with PTSD presented a greater magnitude of response when compared with OCD without PTSD patients in specific OCD symptom dimensions. Future studies are needed to clarify if trauma and PTSD have a more significant impact on the onset and clinical expression of OCD than on the conventional treatment for this condition, and whether OCD stemming from trauma would constitute a subtype of OCD with a distinct response to conventional treatment.
After 12 weeks of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) monotherapy with inadequate response, 10 patients received clomipramine and 11 received quetiapine as augmentation agents of the SSRI. The primary outcome measure was the difference between initial and final scores of the YaleBrown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale (Y-BOCS), rated in a blinded fashion, and the score of clinical global improvement (CGI-I). Statistical analyses were performed using nonparametric tests to evaluate treatment efficacy and the difference between treatment groups. Percentile plots were constructed with YBOCS scores from the clomipramine and quetiapine groups. Considering response a >= 35% reduction in the initial Y-BOCS score plus a rating of `much improved` or `very much improved` on CGI-I, four of eleven quetiapine patients and one out of ten clomipramine patients were classified as responders. The mean final Y-BOCS score was significantly lower than baseline in the quetiapine augmentation group (P = 0.023), but not in the clomipramine augmentation group (P = 0.503). The difference between groups showed a trend towards significance only at week 4, the mean Y-BOCS score being lower for those receiving quetiapine (P = 0.052). A difference between groups was also observed at week 4 according to percentile plots. These results corroborate previous findings of quetiapine augmentation efficacy in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Clomipramine augmentation did not produce a significant reduction in Y-BOCS scores. Higher target maximum dosages might have yielded different results.
Although major depressive disorder (MDD) has been consistently considered the most frequent complication of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), little is known about the clinical characteristics of patients with both disorders. This study assessed 815 Brazilian OCD patients using a comprehensive psychiatric evaluation. Clinical and demographic variables, including OCD symptom dimensions, were compared among OCD patients with and without MDD. Our findings showed that prevalence rates of current MDD (32%) and lifetime MDD (67.5%) were similar for both sexes in this study. In addition, patients with comorbid MDD had higher severity scores of OCD symptoms. There was no preferential association of MDD with any particular OCD symptom dimension. This study supports the notion that depressed OCD patients present more severe general psychopathology. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.