818 resultados para Nursing. Blood Pressure Determination. Validation Studies. Knowledge. Questionnaires
This study aimed to validate tools for evaluating the ability and knowledge about blood pressure (BP) among nursing students. It is a cross-sectional, descriptive, quantitative and methodological study accomplished at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), Universidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte (UERN) and a private university of the state. The sample consisted of 27 judges of research selected from the inclusion criteria: nursing, teachers of the semiology and/or semiotics discipline, with at least 1 year of experience, being from UFRN, EEN, UERN and private university of the state and and agree to participate voluntarily with the signing of the consent form. The research was development in three stages: construction of two instruments based on the scientific literature, resulting in a structured checklist consists of 28 items and a knowledge questionnaire with 12 questions; submission of the instruments to the judges, in the period from June to September 2012, which should evaluate each item in appropriate , appropriate with changes and inappropriate , addition to making an overall assessment of each instrument based on 10 requirements; validation and verification to the level of agreement among the judges, through the application of Kappa and Content Validity Index (CVI). Was used the consensus level greater than 0.61 (good) to the Kappa index and greater than 0.75 for CVI. Was approved by the Ethics in Research / HUOL. After being coded and tabulated, the data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Of the 27 judges who evaluated the instrument, 77.8% are female, with a mean age of 36.6 (± 9.0) years, 63.0% worked in UFRN, 74.1% had academic master and 63.0% worked exclusively on teaching. Average length of teaching experience was 7.9 (± 8.0) years and in the semiology and/or semiotics discipline of 5.5 (± 6.7) years. In the judgment of structured checklist and questionnaire of knowledge about blood pressure mensurement any item/question was considered inappropriate since all obtained level of agreement within the indices established (CVI> 0,75 E Kappa> 0.61). In relation to structured checklist, of those 28 items present, 9 showed perfect concordance index (CVI = 1.00, Kappa = 1.00) and another 19 were considered appropriate with changes, especially with regard to clarity and vocabulary. In the questionnaire of knowledge, among the 12 questions that comprised, 7 had perfect concordance index and the others were considered appropriate with changes as requirements as clarity, vocabulary, and feasible sequence of instructional topics. In terms of a overall evaluating of instruments, the structured checklist got CVI of 0.94 and Kappa of 0.89 and the knowledge questionnaire, CVI of 0.97 and a kappa of 0.94. Both instruments proved to be valid as to their content, configuring it as clear and objective tools of assessment of knowledge and ability on blood pressure, being of nursing students as well as others students and health professionals, since the use of valid measures seeking to reduce the risk of distorting the results
The blood pressure waveform is modified on distal propagation by phenomena such as dispersion, reflection and the state of the arterial compliance. The consequent effects are amplification and narrowing of the wave, with an increased systolic, reduced diastolic and essentially unaltered mean blood pressure. The Finapres measures the peripheral pressure using the volume clamp principle; it has not been validated under altered physiological conditions and during pharmacodynamic interventions. We studied simultaneous Finapres and brachial blood pressures (using a conventional oscillometric sphygmomanometer—Vitalmap) in ten normal volunteers at rest, and during dynamic exercise and a cold pressor test. The effects of pharmacodynamic intervention were examined following beta-adrenoceptor blockade with propranolol (160 mg) or beta-adrenoceptor modulation with the beta-adrenoceptor partial agonist celiprolol (400 mg). The Finapres systolic pressure was significantly higher than the brachial value during all three test states. The difference between the systolic pressures measured by the two devices was shown to increase significantly during the cold pressor test, but not during dynamic (supine bicycle) exercise. The Finapres diastolic pressure was significantly higher than the Vitalmap value during exercise and the cold pressor test. The differences between the two methods increased significantly over time. Beta-adrenergic blockade with propranolol or modulation with celiprolol had no significant interaction with the pressure differences between the Finapres and Vitalmap techniques. The results would support the view that the Finapres can provide blood pressure information which is robust under most circumstances. Although this pharmacodynamic intervention did not alter the relationship between the peripheral and central blood pressure, it is important to note that this dynamic relationship is sensitive to circulatory loading conditions and wave transmission characteristics; it is possible that the Finapres could be less reliable in clinical settings where potent vasoactive agents were being administered.
The traditional basis for assessing the effect of antihypertensive therapy is the blood pressure reading taken by a physician. However, several recent trials have been designed to evaluate the blood pressure lowering effect of various therapeutic agents during the patients' normal daytime activities, using a portable, semi-automatic blood pressure recorder. The results have shown that in a given patient, blood pressure measured at the physician's office often differs greatly from that prevailing during the rest of the day. This is true both in treated and untreated hypertensive patients. The difference between office and ambulatory recorded pressures cannot be predicted from blood pressure levels measured by the physician. Therefore, a prospective study was carried out in patients with diastolic blood pressures that were uncontrolled at the physician's office despite antihypertensive therapy. The purpose was to evaluate the response of recorded ambulatory blood pressure to treatment adjustments aimed at reducing office blood pressure below a pre-set target level. Only patients with high ambulatory blood pressures at the outset appeared to benefit from further changes in therapy. Thus, ambulatory blood pressure monitoring can be used to identify those patients who remain hypertensive only when facing the physician, despite antihypertensive therapy. Ambulatory monitoring could thus help to evaluate the efficacy of antihypertensive therapy and allow individual treatment.
The aim of the study was to assess the effects of physical fitness on the relationships between body mass index (BMI) and body fat (BF) on blood pressure (BP) levels. Cross-sectional study conducted in 25 schools of Lisbon (Portugal), including 2041 boys and 1995 girls aged 10-18. BF was assessed by bioimpedance. Cardiovascular fitness was assessed by the 20-meter shuttle run and classified as fit/unfit. Obesity (BMI or BF defined) was defined according to international criteria. In both sexes, BMI was positively related with systolic and diastolic BP, while BF was only positively related with diastolic BP z-scores. No interaction was found between fitness and BMI categories regarding BP levels, while for BF a significant interaction was found. Being fit reduced the BF-induced increase in the Odds ratio (OR) of presenting with high BP: OR (95% confidence interval) 1.01 (0.73-1.40) and 0.99 (0.70-1.38) for overweight and obese fit boys, respectively, the corresponding values for unfit overweight and obese boys being 1.33 (0.94-1.90) and 1.75 (1.34-2.28), respectively. The values were 0.88 (0.57-1.35) and 1.66 (0.98-2.80) for overweight and obese fit girls, respectively, the corresponding values for unfit overweight and obese being 1.63 (1.12-2.37) and 1.90 (1.32-2.73) respectively. No interaction was found between fitness and BMI-defined overweight and obesity. Being fit reduces the negative impact of BF on BP levels and high BP status in adolescents. This protective effect was not found with BMI.
Ambulatory blood pressure profiles were obtained with the portable semi-automatic blood pressure recorder Remler M2000 in groups of 20 adolescents, 20 young and 20 middle-aged adults and 20 elderly untreated patients, all considered by their physician to be hypertensive. It was found that adolescents who are hypertensive when seeing their physician are more often normotensive outside the physician's office than adult and elderly patients under similar conditions. The increased heart rate variability which was detected in adolescents was not associated with an enhanced blood pressure variability.
Little information exists regarding the effect of several obesity markers on blood pressure (BP) levels in youth. Transverse study including 2494 boys and 2589 girls. Height, weight and waist were measured according to the international criteria and body fat (BF) by bioimpedance. BP was measured by an automated device. Hypertension was defined using sex-specific, age-specific and height-specific observation-points. Body mass index (BMI) and waist were positively related with systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) and heart rate in both sexes, whereas the relationships with BF were less consistent. Stepwise linear regression analysis showed that BMI was positively related with SBP and DBP in both sexes, whereas BF was negatively related with SBP in both sexes and with heart rate in boys only; finally, waist was positively related with SBP in boys and heart rate in girls. Age and heart rate-adjusted values of SBP and DBP increased with BMI: for SBP, 117+/-1, 123+/-1 and 124+/-1 mmHg in normal, overweight and obese boys, respectively; corresponding values for girls were 111+/-1, 114+/-1 and 116+/-2 mmHg (mean+/-SE, P<0.001). Overweight and obese boys had an odds ratio for being hypertensive of 2.26 (95% confidence interval: 1.79-2.86) and 3.36 (2.32-4.87), respectively; corresponding values for girls were 1.58 (confidence interval 1.25-1.99) and 2.31 (1.53-3.50). BMI, not BF or waist, is consistently and independently related to BP levels in children; overweight and obesity considerably increase the risk of hypertension.
In this study, we assessed whether the white-coat effect (difference between office and daytime blood pressure (BP)) is associated with nondipping (absence of BP decrease at night). Data were available in 371 individuals of African descent from 74 families selected from a population-based hypertension register in the Seychelles Islands and in 295 Caucasian individuals randomly selected from a population-based study in Switzerland. We used standard multiple linear regression in the Swiss data and generalized estimating equations to account for familial correlations in the Seychelles data. The prevalence of systolic and diastolic nondipping (<10% nocturnal BP decrease) and white-coat hypertension (WCH) was respectively 51, 46, and 4% in blacks and 33, 37, and 7% in whites. When white coat effect and nocturnal dipping were taken as continuous variables (mm Hg), systolic (SBP) and diastolic BP (DBP) dipping were associated inversely and independently with white-coat effect (P < 0.05) in both populations. Analogously, the difference between office and daytime heart rate was inversely associated with the difference between daytime and night-time heart rate in the two populations. These results did not change after adjustment for potential confounders. The white-coat effect is associated with BP nondipping. The similar associations between office-daytime values and daytime-night-time values for both BP and heart rate suggest that the sympathetic nervous system might play a role. Our findings also further stress the interest, for clinicians, of assessing the presence of a white-coat effect as a means to further identify patients at increased cardiovascular risk and guide treatment accordingly.
Hypertension is a key feature of the metabolic syndrome. Lifestyle and dietary changes may affect blood pressure (BP), but the knowledge of the effects of dietary fat modification in subjects with the metabolic syndrome is limited. The objective of the present study was to investigate the effect of an isoenergetic change in the quantity and quality of dietary fat on BP in subjects with the metabolic syndrome. In a 12-week European multi-centre, parallel, randomised controlled dietary intervention trial (LIPGENE), 486 subjects were assigned to one of the four diets distinct in fat quantity and quality: two high-fat diets rich in saturated fat or monounsaturated fat and two low-fat, high-complex carbohydrate diets with or without 1·2 g/d of very long-chain n-3 PUFA supplementation. There were no overall differences in systolic BP (SBP), diastolic BP or pulse pressure (PP) between the dietary groups after the intervention. The high-fat diet rich in saturated fat had minor unfavourable effects on SBP and PP in males.
That study had the aim to validate an instrument to evaluate the knowledge about the Urinary Catheterization (UC) in males. Cross-sectional, descriptive, quantitative and methodological study, accomplished in Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), Universidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte (UERN) and a private university from Rio Grande do Norte. Sample of 27 judges selected from the inclusion criteria: registered nurses, discipline of semiology and/or semiotics teachers, with at least 1 year of experience in the disciplines, to work at UFRN, UERN or in private university and agree to participate voluntarily with the signing of the Consent Form. Study developed in three stages: a) elaboration of twos instruments based on the scientific literature, resulting in a structured observation script type checklist consisting of 36 items and a knowledge questionnaire with 12 questions; b) submission of instruments to judges from June to September 2012, which should evaluate each item in "adequate," "adequate with changes" and "inappropriate", and make an overall evaluation of each instrument based on 10 requirements; c) and validation with a verification of the agreement level among the judges, through the application of Kappa Index (K) and Content Validity Index (CVI). It was used the consensus level higher than 0.60 (good) for Kappa Index and higher than 0.70 for CVI. The research project had favorable opinion from the Ethics in Research/HUOL (CAAE n. 0002.0.294.000-10). After being coded and tabulated, the data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Of the 27 judges who evaluated the instrument, 77.8% are female, with a mean age of 36.6 (± 9.0) years, 63.0% worked in UFRN, 74.1% had master degree and 63.0% worked exclusively on teaching. The experience time mean in teaching was 7.9 (± 8.0) years and in the disciplines of semiology and/or semiotics in nursing was 5.5 (± 6.7) years. In judgment of the checklist and knowledge questionnaire, no step/question was considered inappropriate, since all achieved level of agreement within the established values. All the checklist steps obtained good to excellent K (between 0.60 and 1.00). Of the 36 items, 25 had excellent K (0.75 ≤ K <1.00) and excellent total K (K = 0.83). Regarding the IVC, all steps reached levels above 0.70 (between 0.74 and 1.00) and CVI total was 0.90. All questionnaire questions evaluated separately (K from 0.60 to 0.93 and CVI from 0.74 to 0.96) and generally (K from 0.79 to 1.00 and CVI from 0.89 to 1.00) had evaluation levels of content validity within the established values. The instruments were reformulated based on the agreement levels between judges and international guidelines, dissertations and scientific articles. Both instruments proved to be valid regarding to their content, allowing a clear and objective evaluation of knowledge and skills about UC, both nursing students as well as other students and health professionals, since the use of valid measures seeking the reduction of the risk of the results distorted
This population-based health survey was carried out in Florianopolis, Brazil, to assess the association between adult systolic blood pressure (SBP) and contextual income level, after controlling for potential individual-level confounders. A statistically significant negative association between SBP levels and contextual income was identified after adjusting for individual-level characteristics. SBP levels in the highest and in the intermediate tertiles of contextual income were 5.78 and 2.82 mmHg lower, respectively, than that observed in the bottom tertile. The findings suggest an association between income area level and blood pressure, regardless of well-known individual-level hypertension risk factors. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In Australian twins participating in three different studies (1979-1996), the contribution of genetic and environmental influences to variation in resting systolic (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) was studied. The sample consisted of 368 monozygotic and 335 dizygotic twin pairs with measurements for both individuals. Blood pressure measurements in two studies were available for 115 complete twin pairs, and 49 twin pairs had measurements in three studies. This allowed assessment of blood pressure tracking over an average period of 12 years in the age range of 23 to 45 years. Multivariate analyses showed significant heritability (h(2)) of blood pressure in all studies (SBP h(2) = 19%-56%, DBP h(2) = 37%-52%). In addition, the analyses showed that the blood pressure tracking was explained by the same set of genetic factors. These results replicate an earlier finding in Dutch twins that also showed stability of the contribution of genetic factors to blood pressure tracking.
Exercise brachial blood pressure ( BP) predicts mortality, but because of wave reflection, central ( ascending aortic) pressure differs from brachial pressure. Exercise central BP may be clinically important, and a noninvasive means to derive it would be useful. The purpose of this study was to test the validity of a noninvasive technique to derive exercise central BP. Ascending aortic pressure waveforms were recorded using a micromanometer-tipped 6F Millar catheter in 30 patients (56 +/- 9 years; 21 men) undergoing diagnostic coronary angiography. Simultaneous recordings of the derived central pressure waveform were acquired using servocontrolled radial tonometry at rest and during supine cycling. Pulse wave analysis of the direct and derived pressure signals was performed offline (SphygmoCor 7.01). From rest to exercise, mean arterial pressure and heart rate were increased by 20 +/- 10 mm Hg and 15 +/- 7 bpm, respectively, and central systolic BP ranged from 77 to 229 mm Hg. There was good agreement and high correlation between invasive and noninvasive techniques with a mean difference (+/- SD) for central systolic BP of -1.3 +/- 3.2 mm Hg at rest and -4.7 +/- 3.3 mm Hg at peak exercise ( for both r=0.995; P < 0.001). Conversely, systolic BP was significantly higher peripherally than centrally at rest (155 +/- 33 versus 138 +/- 32mm Hg; mean difference, -16.3 +/- 9.4mm Hg) and during exercise (180 +/- 34 versus 164 +/- 33 mm Hg; mean difference, -15.5 +/- 10.4 mm Hg; for both P < 0.001). True myocardial afterload is not reliably estimated by peripheral systolic BP. Radial tonometry and pulse wave analysis is an accurate technique for the noninvasive determination of central BP at rest and during exercise.