939 resultados para Numeric simulations
O objetivo deste trabalho foi testar uma teoria termodinâmica em brisas marítimas-terrestres acopladas com brisas de vale-montanha através de simulações numéricas tridimensionais em uma região da costa leste do Nordeste Brasileiro, considerando a presença e a ausência da topografia. Embora o contraste de temperatura entre as superfícies seja importante na formação da brisa, a eficiência termodinâmica é fundamental na determinação da sua intensidade. Tem-se que a inclinação faz com que a diferença de pressão entre dois pontos fique maior durante o dia e menor durante a noite contribuindo para a formação de brisas marítimas mais intensas e de brisas terrestres menos intensas, respectivamente. A máxima queda de pressão ocorre por volta de três horas antes da máxima intensidade da brisa. Isso porque grande parte da energia disponibilizada para as circulações é gasta para vencer dissipação, principalmente, no período diurno, quando esses processos são realmente efetivos. Do ponto de vista puramente termodinâmico a inclinação da montanha atua para intensificar a brisa durante o dia e para enfraquecê-la durante a noite.
We have synthesized the amphiphile photosensitizer PE-porph consisting of a porphyrin bound to a lipid head-group. We studied by optical microscopy the response to light irradiation of giant unilamellar vesicles of mixtures of unsaturated phosphatidylcholine lipids and PE-porph. In this configuration, singlet oxygen is produced at the bilayer surface by the anchored porphyrin. Under irradiation, the PE-porph decorated giant unilamellar vesicles exhibit a rapid increase in surface area with concomitant morphological changes. We quantify the surface area increase of the bilayers as a function of time and photosensitizer molar fraction. We attribute this expansion to hydroperoxide formation by the reaction of the singlet oxygen with the unsaturated bonds. Considering data from numeric simulations of relative area increase per phospholipid oxidized (15%), we measure the efficiency of the oxidative reactions. We conclude that for every 270 singlet oxygen molecules produced by the layer of anchored porphyrins, one eventually reacts to generate a hydroperoxide species. Remarkably, the integrity of the membrane is preserved in the full experimental range explored here, up to a hydroperoxide content of 60%, inducing an 8% relative area expansion.
Fault resistance is a critical component of electric power systems operation due to its stochastic nature. If not considered, this parameter may interfere in fault analysis studies. This paper presents an iterative fault analysis algorithm for unbalanced three-phase distribution systems that considers a fault resistance estimate. The proposed algorithm is composed by two sub-routines, namely the fault resistance and the bus impedance. The fault resistance sub-routine, based on local fault records, estimates the fault resistance. The bus impedance sub-routine, based on the previously estimated fault resistance, estimates the system voltages and currents. Numeric simulations on the IEEE 37-bus distribution system demonstrate the algorithm`s robustness and potential for offline applications, providing additional fault information to Distribution Operation Centers and enhancing the system restoration process. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
BACKGROUND: The risks of a public exposure to a sudden decompression, until now, have been related to civil aviation and, at a lesser extent, to diving activities. However, engineers are currently planning the use of low pressure environments for underground transportation. This method has been proposed for the future Swissmetro, a high-speed underground train designed for inter-urban linking in Switzerland. HYPOTHESIS: The use of a low pressure environment in an underground public transportation system must be considered carefully regarding the decompression risks. Indeed, due to the enclosed environment, both decompression kinetics and safety measures may differ from aviation decompression cases. METHOD: A theoretical study of decompression risks has been conducted at an early stage of the Swissmetro project. A three-compartment theoretical model, based on the physics of fluids, has been implemented with flow processing software (Ithink 5.0). Simulations have been conducted in order to analyze "decompression scenarios" for a wide range of parameters, relevant in the context of the Swissmetro main study. RESULTS: Simulation results cover a wide range from slow to explosive decompression, depending on the simulation parameters. Not surprisingly, the leaking orifice area has a tremendous impact on barotraumatic effects, while the tunnel pressure may significantly affect both hypoxic and barotraumatic effects. Calculations have also shown that reducing the free space around the vehicle may mitigate significantly an accidental decompression. CONCLUSION: Numeric simulations are relevant to assess decompression risks in the future Swissmetro system. The decompression model has proven to be useful in assisting both design choices and safety management.
L'aimant organique NIT-2Py a été caractérisé expérimentalement et ses propriétés ont été simulées numériquement à partir de la théorie de la fonctionnelle de la densité. Le magnétisme dans ce matériau provient de la présence d'un électron non apparié sur chaque molécule qui a ainsi un moment magnétique non nul. Ceci a été confirmé par des simulations sur une molécule isolée. Les molécules de NIT-2Py cristallisent dans le groupe d'espace P21/c avec huit molécules par maille élémentaire pour former la structure cristalline Alpha étudiée dans ce document. Le moment effectif de la susceptibilité et l'entropie magnétique totale montre que ce matériau est un système de spins 1/2 avec un spin par molécule. Les mesures de chaleur spécifique ont mis en évidence la présence de deux phases magnétiques ordonnées à basse température qui sont séparées par un plateau en aimantation. Une première phase est observée à des champs magnétiques inférieurs à 2.2 T et a une température de transition de 1.32 K en champ nul. Les mesures de susceptibilité magnétique et d'aimantation ont permis d'établir que cette phase ordonnée est antiferromagnétique. Ceci est confirmé par les simulations numériques. La deuxième phase est induite par le champ magnétique avec une température de transition de 0.53 K à 6 T. L'information disponible sur cette phase est limitée et l'étude du système à l'extérieur des phases ordonnées en donne une meilleure compréhension. Un modèle de spins S=1/2 isolés et de dimères S=0 isolés reproduit bien les mesures d'aimantation et de chaleur spécifique au-dessus de 3 K. L'application d'un champ magnétique réduit l'écart d'énergie entre le singulet et le triplet du dimère jusqu'au croisement qui se produit à 6 T. La phase induite émerge précisément à ce croisement et on spécule l'existence d'un condensat de Bose-Einstein des états triplets.
Double radio sources have been studied since the discovery of extragalactic radio sources in the decade of 1930. Since then, several numerical studies and analytical models have been proposed seeking a better understanding of the physical phenomena that determines the origin and evolution of such objects. In this thesis, we intended to study the evolution problem of the double radio sources in two fronts: in the ¯rst we have developed an analytical self-similar model that represents a generalization of most models found in the literature and solve some existent problems related to the jet head evolution. We deal with this problem using samples of hot spot sizes to ¯nd a power law relation between the jet head dimension and the source length. Using our model, we were able to draw the evolution curves of the double sources in a PD diagram for both compact sources (GPS and CSS) and extended sources of the 3CR catalogue. We have alson developed a computation tool that allows us to generate synthetic radio maps of the double sources. The objective is to determine the principal physical parameters of those objects by comparing synthetic and observed radio maps. In the second front, we used numeric simulations to study the interaction of the extra- galactic jets with the environment. We simulated situations where the jet propagates in a medium with high density contrast gas clouds capable to block the jet forward motion, forming the distorted structures observed in the morphology of real sources. We have also analyzed the situation in which the jet changes its propagation direction due to a change of the source main axis, creating the X-shaped sources. The comparison between our simulations and the real double radio sources, enable us to determine the values of the main physical parameters responsible for the distortions observed in those objects
Para avaliar o comportamento da suspensão do pulverizador autopropelido, foram desenvolvidos modelos físicos e matemáticos em função da excitação ocasionada pelas irregularidades do solo. Neste trabalho, estas irregularidades são representadas por obstáculos de uma pista normalizada segundo a norma ISO 5008. As equações do movimento são obtidas a partir dos modelos matemáticos de meio veículo. As simulações numéricas são executadas nos softwares Matlab® e Simulink®. A partir da entrada conhecida, podem-se determinar as características dos elementos da suspensão para obter níveis desejáveis de conforto e segurança. Foram analisadas quatro diferentes configurações do sistema, variando-se a relação de rigidez a partir de um modelo considerado padrão. Constatou-se que o aumento da relação de rigidez resulta na redução da aceleração vertical e no aumento do curso da suspensão, melhorando o conforto e diminuindo a segurança.
This work focuses on applying fuzzy control embedded in microcontrollers in an experimental apparatus using magnetorheological fluid damper. The non-linear behavior of the magnetorheological dampers associated with the parametric variations on vehicle suspension models corroborate the use of the fuzzy controllers. The fundamental formulation of this controller is discussed and its performance is shown through numeric simulations. An experimental apparatus representing a two degree of freedom system containing a magnetorheological damper is used to identify the main parameters and to evaluate the performance of the closed-loop system with the embedded low-cost microcontroller-based fuzzy controller. © 2013 Brazilian Society for Automatics - SBA.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Física - IGCE
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The term model refers to any representation of a real system. The use of models in Hydrogeology can be valuable predictive tools for management of groundwater resources. The numeric models of groundwater flow, object of this study, consist on a set of differential equations that describe the water flow in the porous medium. In this context, numeric simulations were made for a sub-basin located at Cara Preta farm – Santa Rita do Passa Quatro – SP. The aquifer at the local is composed by rocks of Pirambóia Formation, which is part of Guarani Aquifer System. It was developed a conceptual model from previous studies in the area, and from that, simulations were made through the software Visual Modflow®. The conceptual model established previously was considered consistent through the results of simulation.
Auf dem Gebiet der Teilchenbeschleunigung mittels Hochintensitäts-Lasern wurden in der letzten Dekade viele erfolgreiche Entwicklungen hin zu immer höheren Energien und größeren Teilchenzahlen veröffentlicht. In den meisten Fällen wurde der sogenannte TNSA-Prozess (engl. Target-Normal-Sheath-Acceleration (TNSA)) untersucht. Bei diesem Prozess erfolgt die Beschleunigung in dem an der Oberfläche durch Ladungstrennung erzeugten Potential. Ein kaum vermeidbares Problem ist hierbei das resultierende breite Energie-Spektrum der beschleunigten Teilchen. Diese Situation konnte in den letzten Jahren zwar verbessert, aber nicht vollständig gelöst werden. Für Intensitäten größer 10^(20..21) W/cm^2 sagen theoretische Modellrechnungen eine auf dem Lichtdruck basierende Beschleunigung (engl. Radiation-Pressure-Acceleration (RPA)) mit deutlich eingegrenztem, fast monoenergetischem Spektrum voraus. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde ein Experiment zur Untersuchung dieses Prozesses bei Intensitäten von einigen 10^19 W/cm^2 durchgeführt. Dazu wurden zunächst spezielle Targets entwickelt und als Patent angemeldet, welche den Experimentbedingungen angepasst sind. Durch die Auslegung des experimentellen Aufbaus und der Diagnostiken auf hohe Repetitionsraten, in Verbindung mit einem geeigneten Lasersystem, konnte auf Basis einer Statistik von mehreren Tausend Schüssen ein großer Parameterraum untersucht werden. Untersucht wurden unter anderem die Abhängigkeit von Targetmaterial und Dicke, Intensität, Laserpolarisation und Vorplasmabedingungen. Aus den gewonnenen Daten und Vergleichen mit 2-dimensionalen numerischen Simulationen konnte ein Modell des Beschleunigungsprozesses aufgestellt und durch Vergleich mit den experimentellen Ergebnissen geprüft werden. Dabei wurden klare Indizien für die Existenz eines neuen, nicht feldinduzierten, Beschleunigungsprozesses gefunden. Darüber hinaus wurde zur Polarisationsbeeinflussung ein optisches System entwickelt, das ausschließlich mit reflexiven Elementen arbeitet. Damit konnten viele Nachteile bestehender, auf Verzögerungsplatten beruhender Elemente vermieden, und die Anwendbarkeit bei hohen Laserenergien erreicht werden.