970 resultados para Nuclear engineering


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This study examines the process by which newly recruited nuclear engineering and technical staff came to understand, define, think, feel and behave within a distinct group that has a direct contribution to the organization's overall emphasis on a culture of reliability and system safety. In the field of organizational behavior the interactive model of social identity formation has been recently proposed to explain the process by which the internalization of shared norms and values occurs, an element critical in identity formation. Using this rich model of organizational behavior we analyzed multiple sources of data from nine new hires over a period of three years. This was done from the time they were employed to investigate the construction of social identity by new entrants entering into a complex organizational setting reflected in the context of a nuclear facility. Informed by our data analyses, we found support for the interactive model of social identity development and report the unexpected finding that a newly appointed member's age and level of experience appears to influence the manner in which they adapt, and assimilate into their surroundings. This study represents an important contribution to the safety and reliability literature as it provides a rich insight into the way newly recruited employees enact the process by which their identities are formed and hence act, particularly under conditions of duress or significant organizational disruption in complex organizational settings.


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This study reports the construction and reconstruction of identities of new and existing employees during a significant transition phase of a nuclear engineering organization. We followed a group of new and existing employees over the period of three years, during which the organization constructed a greenfield nuclear facility with new generational technologies whilst in parallel, decommissioned the older reactor. This change led to the transfer and integration of existing trade-based employees with the newly recruited, primarily university educated graduates in the new site. Three waves of interview data were collected, in conjunction with the cognitive mapping of social grouping and photo elicitation portrayed the stories of different group of employees who either succeeded or failed at embracing their new professional identity. In contrast with the new recruits who constructed new identities as they join this organization, we identify and report on the number of enabling and disabling factors that influence the process of professional identity construction and reconstruction during gamma change.


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FUELCON is an expert system for optimized refueling design in nuclear engineering. This task is crucial for keeping down operating costs at a plant without compromising safety. FUELCON proposes sets of alternative configurations of allocation of fuel assemblies that are each positioned in the planar grid of a horizontal section of a reactor core. Results are simulated, and an expert user can also use FUELCON to revise rulesets and improve on his or her heuristics. The successful completion of FUELCON led this research team into undertaking a panoply of sequel projects, of which we provide a meta-architectural comparative formal discussion. In this paper, we demonstrate a novel adaptive technique that learns the optimal allocation heuristic for the various cores. The algorithm is a hybrid of a fine-grained neural network and symbolic computation components. This hybrid architecture is sensitive enough to learn the particular characteristics of the ‘in-core fuel management problem’ at hand, and is powerful enough to use this information fully to automatically revise heuristics, thus improving upon those provided by a human expert.


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Over a time span of almost a decade, the FUELCON project in nuclear engineering has led to a fully functional expert system and spawned sequel projects. Its task is in-core fuel management, also called `refueling', i.e., good fuel-allocation for reloading the core of a given nuclear reactor, for a given operation cycle. The task is crucial for keeping down operation costs at nuclear power plants. Fuel comes in different types and is positioned in a grid representing the core of a reactor. The tool is useful for practitioners but also helps the expert in the domain to test his or her rules of thumb and to discover new ones.


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Tese de doutoramento, Física, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2014


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Nowadays, computer simulators are becoming basic tools for education and training in many engineering fields. In the nuclear industry, the role of simulation for training of operators of nuclear power plants is also recognized of the utmost relevance. As an example, the International Atomic Energy Agency sponsors the development of nuclear reactor simulators for education, and arranges the supply of such simulation programs. Aware of this, in 2008 Gas Natural Fenosa, a Spanish gas and electric utility that owns and operate nuclear power plants and promotes university education in the nuclear technology field, provided the Department of Nuclear Engineering of Universidad Politécnica de Madrid with the Interactive Graphic Simulator (IGS) of “José Cabrera” (Zorita) nuclear power plant, an industrial facility whose commercial operation ceased definitively in April 2006. It is a state-of-the-art full-scope real-time simulator that was used for training and qualification of the operators of the plant control room, as well as to understand and analyses the plant dynamics, and to develop, qualify and validate its emergency operating procedures.


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Report year begins and ends on Aug. 15th.


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This bibliography contains 480 annotated references to AEC reports and to the open literature. A list of pertinent bibliographies, an author index, and a report number index with availability information are also included.


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"Sponsored by the American Society for Engineering Education."


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"DTIE Issuance Date: December 1962."


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Neste trabalho, três técnicas para resolver numericamente problemas inversos de transporte de partículas neutras a uma velocidade para aplicações em engenharia nuclear são desenvolvidas. É fato conhecido que problemas diretos estacionários e monoenergéticos de transporte são caracterizados por estimar o fluxo de partículas como uma função-distribuição das variáveis independentes de espaço e de direção de movimento, quando os parâmetros materiais (seções de choque macroscópicas), a geometria, e o fluxo incidente nos contornos do domínio (condições de contorno), bem como a distribuição de fonte interior são conhecidos. Por outro lado, problemas inversos, neste trabalho, buscam estimativas para o fluxo incidente no contorno, ou a fonte interior, ou frações vazio em barras homogêneas. O modelo matemático usado tanto para os problemas diretos como para os problemas inversos é a equação de transporte independente do tempo, a uma velocidade, em geometria unidimensional e com o espalhamento linearmente anisotrópico na formulação de ordenadas discretas (SN). Nos problemas inversos de valor de contorno, dado o fluxo emergente em um extremo da barra, medido por um detector de nêutrons, por exemplo, buscamos uma estimativa precisa para o fluxo incidente no extremo oposto. Por outro lado, nos problemas inversos SN de fonte interior, buscamos uma estimativa precisa para a fonte armazenada no interior do domínio para fins de blindagem, sendo dado o fluxo emergente no contorno da barra. Além disso, nos problemas inversos SN de fração de vazio, dado o fluxo emergente em uma fronteira da barra devido ao fluxo incidente prescrito no extremo oposto, procuramos por uma estimativa precisa da fração de vazio no interior da barra, no contexto de ensaios não-destrutivos para aplicações na indústria. O código computacional desenvolvido neste trabalho apresenta o método espectronodal de malha grossa spectral Greens function (SGF) para os problemas diretos SN em geometria unidimensional para gerar soluções numéricas precisas para os três problemas inversos SN descritos acima. Para os problemas inversos SN de valor de contorno e de fonte interior, usamos a propriedade da proporcionalidade da fuga de partículas; ademais, para os problemas inversos SN de fração de vazio, oferecemos a técnica a qual nos referimos como o método físico da bissecção. Apresentamos resultados numéricos para ilustrar a precisão das três técnicas, conforme descrito nesta tese.


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FUELCON is an expert system in nuclear engineering. Its task is optimized refueling-design, which is crucial to keep down operation costs at a plant. FUELCON proposes sets of alternative configurations of fuel-allocation; the fuel is positioned in a grid representing the core of a reactor. The practitioner of in-core fuel management uses FUELCON to generate a reasonably good configuration for the situation at hand. The domain expert, on the other hand, resorts to the system to test heuristics and discover new ones, for the task described above. Expert use involves a manual phase of revising the ruleset, based on performance during previous iterations in the same session. This paper is concerned with a new phase: the design of a neural component to carry out the revision automatically. Such an automated revision considers previous performance of the system and uses it for adaptation and learning better rules. The neural component is based on a particular schema for a symbolic to recurrent-analogue bridge, called NIPPL, and on the reinforcement learning of neural networks for the adaptation.


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The consecutive, partly overlapping emergence of expert systems and then neural computation methods among intelligent technologies, is reflected in the evolving scene of their application to nuclear engineering. This paper provides a bird's eye view of the state of the application in the domain, along with a review of a particular task, the one perhaps economically more important: refueling design in nuclear power reactors.


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The rotating-frame nuclear magnetic relaxation rate of spins diffusing on a disordered lattice has been calculated by Monte Carlo methods. The disorder includes not only variation in the distances between neighbouring spin sites but also variation in the hopping rate associated with each site. The presence of the disorder, particularly the hopping rate disorder, causes changes in the time-dependent spin correlation functions which translate into asymmetry in the characteristic peak in the temperature dependence of the dipolar relaxation rate. The results may be used to deduce the average hopping rate from the relaxation but the effect is not sufficiently marked to enable the distribution of the hopping rates to be evaluated. The distribution, which is a measure of the degree of disorder, is the more interesting feature and it has been possible to show from the calculation that measurements of the relaxation rate as a function of the strength of the radiofrequency spin-locking magnetic field can lead to an evaluation of its width. Some experimental data on an amorphous metal - hydrogen alloy are reported which demonstrate the feasibility of this novel approach to rotating-frame relaxation in disordered materials.


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In this book, expert energy economists assess the energy policy of thirty-one countries and the role of nuclear power. For many years the shock of Chernobyl took nuclear power off the agenda in most countries. Intense public relations activities by the industry, increasing evidence of climate change and failures to effectively reduce greenhouse gas emissions, have brought nuclear power issues back to the forefront of policy discussion in the nuclear renaissance countries. But some countries are just not prepared to go in that direction and, indeed, are still divesting themselves of their nuclear legacy, the nuclear phase-out countries. And how are nuclear issues being approached in the industrializing countries? An in-depth country-by-country analysis is presented within this framework. Out of such an analysis emerge thematic discussions on, among others, strategy in energy policy; nuclear plant safety, the impacts of nuclear accidents; the adequacy of nuclear power expertise. [Source: publisher's product description].