45 resultados para Nonhomologous


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Failure to repair DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) can lead to cell death or cancer. Although nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ) has been studied extensively in mammals, little is known about it in primary tissues. Using oligomeric DNA mimicking endogenous DSBs, NHEJ in cell-free extracts of rat tissues were studied. Results show that efficiency of NHEJ is highest in lungs compared to other somatic tissues. DSBs with compatible and blunt ends joined without modifications, while noncompatible ends joined with minimal alterations in lungs and testes. Thymus exhibited elevated joining, followed by brain and spleen, which could be correlated with NHEJ gene expression. However, NHEJ efficiency was poor in terminally differentiated organs like heart, kidney and liver. Strikingly, NHEJ junctions from these tissues also showed extensive deletions and insertions. Hence, for the first time, we show that despite mode of joining being generally comparable, efficiency of NHEJ varies among primary tissues of mammals.


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Repair of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) is crucial for maintaining genomic integrity during the successful development of a fertilized egg into a whole organism. To date, the mechanism of DSB repair in postimplantation embryos has been largely unknown. In the present study, using a cell-free repair system derived from the different embryonic stages of mice, we find that canonical nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ), one of the major DSB repair pathways in mammals, is predominant at 14.5 day of embryonic development. Interestingly, all four types of DSBs tested were repaired by ligase IV/XRCC4 and Ku-dependent classical NHEJ. Characterization of end-joined junctions and expression studies further showed evidences for canonical NHEJ. Strikingly, in contrast to the above, we observed noncanonical end joining accompanied by DSB resection, dependent on microhomology and ligase III in 18.5-day embryos. Interestingly, we observed an elevated expression of CtIP, MRE11, and NBS1 at this stage, suggesting that it could act as a switch between classical end joining and microhomology-mediated end joining at later stages of embryonic development. Thus, our results establish for the first time the existence of both canonical and alternative NHEJ pathways during the postimplantation stages of mammalian embryonic development. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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DNA Ligase IV is responsible for sealing of double-strand breaks (DSBs) during nonhomologous end-joining (NHEJ). Inhibiting Ligase IV could result in amassing of DSBs, thereby serving as a strategy toward treatment of cancer. Here, we identify a molecule, SCR7 that inhibits joining of DSBs in cell-free repair system. SCR7 blocks Ligase IV-mediated joining by interfering with its DNA binding but not that of T4 DNA Ligase or Ligase I. SCR7 inhibits NHEJ in a Ligase IV-dependent manner within cells, and activates the intrinsic apoptotic pathway. More importantly, SCR7 impedes tumor progression in mouse models and when coadministered with DSB-inducing therapeutic modalities enhances their sensitivity significantly. This inhibitor to target NHEJ offers a strategy toward the treatment of cancer and improvement of existing regimens.


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DNA repair, one of the fundamental processes occurring in a cell, safeguards the genome and maintains its integrity. Among various DNA lesions, double-strand breaks are considered to be the most deleterious, as they can lead to potential loss of genetic information, if not repaired. Non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) and homologous recombination are two major double-strand break repair pathways. SCR7, a DNA ligase IV inhibitor, was recently identified and characterized as a potential anticancer compound. Interestingly, SCR7 was shown to have several applications, owing to its unique property as an NHEJ inhibitor. Here, we focus on three main areas of research in which SCR7 is actively being used, and discuss one of the applications, i.e. genome editing via CRISPR/Cas, in detail. In the past year, different studies have shown that SCR7 significantly increases the efficiency of precise genome editing by inhibiting NHEJ, and favouring the error-free homologous recombination pathway, both in vitro and in vivo. Overall, we discuss the current applications of SCR7 to shed light on the unique property of the small molecule of having distinct applications in normal and cancer cells, when used at different cellular concentrations.


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DNA ligase IV (Lig4) and the DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK) function in nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ). However, although Lig4 deficiency causes late embryonic lethality, deficiency in DNA-PK subunits (Ku70, Ku80, and DNA-PKcs) does not. Here we demonstrate that, similar to p53 deficiency, ataxia-telangiectasia-mutated (ATM) gene deficiency rescues the embryonic lethality and neuronal apoptosis, but not impaired lymphocyte development, associated with Lig4 deficiency. However, in contrast to p53 deficiency, ATM deficiency enhances deleterious effects of Lig4 deficiency on growth potential of embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) and genomic instability in both MEFs and cultured progenitor lymphocytes, demonstrating significant differences in the interplay of p53 vs. ATM with respect to NHEJ. Finally, in dramatic contrast to effects on Lig4 deficiency, ATM deficiency causes early embryonic lethality in Ku- or DNA-PKcs-deficient mice, providing evidence for an NHEJ-independent role for the DNA-PK holoenzyme.


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Carriers of BRCA2 germline mutations are at high risk to develop early-onset breast cancer. The underlying mechanisms of how BRCA2 inactivation predisposes to malignant transformation have not been established. Here, we provide direct functional evidence that human BRCA2 promotes homologous recombination (HR), which comprises one major pathway of DNA double-strand break repair. We found that up-regulated HR after transfection of wild-type (wt) BRCA2 into a human tumor line with mutant BRCA2 was linked to increased radioresistance. In addition, BRCA2-mediated enhancement of HR depended on the interaction with Rad51. In contrast to the tumor suppressor BRCA1, which is involved in multiple DNA repair pathways, BRCA2 status had no impact on the other principal double-strand break repair pathway, nonhomologous end joining. Thus, there exists a specific regulation of HR by BRCA2, which may function to maintain genomic integrity and suppress tumor development in proliferating cells.


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Genetic studies of the protozoan parasite Plasmodium falciparum have been severely limited by the inability to introduce or modify genes. In this paper we describe a system of stable transfection of P. falciparum using a Toxoplasma gondii dihydrofolate reductase-thymidylate synthase gene, modified to confer resistance to pyrimethamine, as a selectable marker. This gene was placed under the transcriptional control of the P. falciparum calmodulin gene flanking sequences. Transfected parasites generally maintained plasmids episomally while under selection; however, parasite clones containing integrated forms of the plasmid were obtained. Integration occurred by both homologous and nonhomologous recombination. In addition to the flanking sequence of the P. falciparum calmodulin gene, the 5' sequences of the P. falciparum and P. chabaudi dihydrofolate reductase-thymidylate synthase genes were also shown to be transcriptionally active in P. falciparum. The minimal 5' sequence that possessed significant transcriptional activity was determined for each gene and short sequences containing important transcriptional control elements were identified. These sequences will provide considerable flexibility in the future construction of plasmid vectors to be used for the expression of foreign genes or for the deletion or modification of P. falciparum genes of interest.


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Chromosome rearrangements, such as large deletions, inversions, or translocations, mediate migration of large DNA segments within or between chromosomes, which can have major effects on cellular genetic control. A method for chromosome manipulation would be very useful for studying the consequences of large-scale DNA rearrangements in mammalian cells or animals. With the use of the Cre-loxP recombination system of bacteriophage P1, we induced a site-specific translocation between the Dek gene on chromosome 13 and the Can gene on chromosome 2 in mouse embryonic stem cells. The estimated frequency of Cre-mediated translocation between the nonhomologous mouse chromosomes is approximately 1 in 1200-2400 embryonic stem cells expressing Cre recombinase. These results demonstrate the feasibility of site-specific recombination systems for chromosome manipulation in mammalian cells in vivo, breaking ground for chromosome engineering.


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The presence and location of intramolecular disulphide bonds are a key determinant of the structure and function of proteins. Intramolecular disulphide bonds in proteins have previously been analyzed under the assumption that there is no clear relationship between disulphide arrangement and disulphide concentration. To investigate this, a set of sequence nonhomologous protein chains containing one or more intramolecular disulphide bonds was extracted from the Protein Data Bank, and the arrangements of the bonds, Protein Data Bank header, and Structural Characterization of Proteins fold were analyzed as a function of intramolecular, containing proteins were disulphide bond concentration. Two populations of intramolecular disulphide bond-containing identified, with a naturally occurring partition at 25 residues per bond. These populations were named intramolecular disulphide bond-rich and -poor. Benefits of partitioning were illustrated by three results: (1) rich chains most frequently contained three disulphides, explaining the plateaux in extant disulphide frequency distributions; (2) a positive relationship between median chain length and the number of disulphides, only seen when the data were partitioned-, and (3) the most common bonding pattern for chains with three disulphide bonds was based on the most common for two, only when the data were partitioned. The two populations had different headers, folds, bond arrangements, and chain lengths. Associations between IDSB concentration, IDSB bonding pattern, loop sizes, SCOP fold, and PDB header were also found. From this, we found that intramolecular disulphide bond-rich and -poor proteins follow different bonding rules, and must be considered separately to generate meaningful models of bond formation.


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Cancer cells are often associated with secondary chromosomal rearrangements, such as deletions, inversions, and translocations, which could be the consequence of unrepaired/misrepaired DNA double strand breaks (DSBs). Nonhomologous DNA end joining is one of the most common pathways to repair DSBs in higher eukaryotes. By using oligomeric DNA substrates mimicking various endogenous DSBs in a cell-free system, we studied end joining (EJ) in different cancer cell lines. We found that the efficiency of EJ varies among cancer cells; however, there was no remarkable difference in the mechanism and expression of EJ proteins. Interestingly, cancer cells with lower levels of EJ possessed elevated expression of BCL2 and vice versa. Removal of BCL2 by immunoprecipitation or protein fractionation led to elevated EJ. More importantly, we show that overexpression of BCL2 or the addition of purified BCL2 led to the down-regulation of EJ. Further, we found that BCL2 interacts with KU proteins both in vitro and in vivo. Hence, our results suggest that EJ in cancer cells could be negatively regulated by the anti-apoptotic protein, BCL2, and this may contribute toward increased chromosomal abnormalities in cancer.


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Natural products discovered from medicinal plants have played an important role in the treatment of cancer. In an effort to identify novel small molecules which can affect the proliferation of lymphoma cells, we tested methyl angolensate (MA), a plant derived tetranortriterpenoid, purified from the crude extract of the root callus of Soymida febrifuga commonly known as Indian red wood tree. We have tested MA for its cytotoxic properties on Burkitt's lymphoma cell lines, using various cellular assays. We observed that MA induces cytotoxicity in Daudi cells in a dose-dependent manner using trypan blue, MTT and LDH assays. We find that the treatment with MA led to activation of DNA double-strand break repair proteins including KU70 and KU80, suggesting the activation of nonhomologous DNA end joining pathway in surviving cells. Further, we find that methyl angolensate could induce apoptosis by cell cycle analysis, annexin V-FITC staining, DNA fragmentation and PARP cleavage. Besides, MA treatment led to reactive oxygen species generation and loss of mitochondrial transmembrane potential. These results suggest the activation of mitochondrial pathway of apoptosis. Hence, we identify MA as a potential chemotherapeutic agent against Daudi cells.


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Saccharomyces cerevisiae RAD50, MRE11, and XRS2 genes are essential for telomere length maintenance, cell cycle checkpoint signaling, meiotic recombination, and DNA double-stranded break (DSB) repair via nonhomologous end joining and homologous recombination. The DSB repair pathways that draw upon Mre11-Rad50-Xrs2 subunits are complex, so their mechanistic features remain poorly understood. Moreover, the molecular basis of DSB end resection in yeast mre11-nuclease deficient mutants and Mre11 nuclease-independent activation of ATM in mammals remains unknown and adds a new dimension to many unanswered questions about the mechanism of DSB repair. Here, we demonstrate that S. cerevisiae Mre11 (ScMre11) exhibits higher binding affinity for single-over double-stranded DNA and intermediates of recombination and repair and catalyzes robust unwinding of substrates possessing a 3' single-stranded DNA overhang but not of 5' overhangs or blunt-ended DNA fragments. Additional evidence disclosed that ScMre11 nuclease activity is dispensable for its DNA binding and unwinding activity, thus uncovering the molecular basis underlying DSB end processing in mre11 nuclease deficient mutants. Significantly, Rad50, Xrs2, and Sae2 potentiate the DNA unwinding activity of Mre11, thus underscoring functional interaction among the components of DSB end repair machinery. Our results also show that ScMre11 by itself binds to DSB ends, then promotes end bridging of duplex DNA, and directly interacts with Sae2. We discuss the implications of these results in the context of an alternative mechanism for DSB end processing and the generation of single-stranded DNA for DNA repair and homologous recombination.


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Among DNA damages, double-strand breaks (DSBs) are one of the most harmful lesions to a cell. Failure in DSB repair could lead to genomic instability and cancer. Homologous recombination (HR) and nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ) are major DSB repair pathways in higher eukaryotes. It is known that expression of DSB repair genes is altered in various cancers. Activation of DSB repair genes is one of the reasons for chemo-and radioresistance. Therefore, targeting DSB repair is an attractive strategy to eliminate cancer. Besides, therapeutic agents introduce breaks in the genome as an intermediate. Therefore, blocking the residual repair using inhibitors can potentiate the efficacy of cancer treatment. In this review, we discuss the importance of targeting DSB repair pathways for the treatment of cancer. Recent advances in the development of DSB repair inhibitors and their clinical relevance are also addressed.


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Nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ) of DNA double strand breaks (DSBs) inside cells can be selectively inhibited by 5,6-bis-(benzylideneamino)-2-mercaptopyrimidin-4-ol (SCR7) which possesses anticancer properties. The hydrophobicity of SCR7 decreases its bioavailability which is a major setback in the utilization of this compound as a therapeutic agent. In order to circumvent the drawback of SCR7, we prepared a polymer encapsulated form of SCR7. The physical interaction of SCR7 and Pluronic (R) copolymer is evident from different analytical techniques. The in vitro cytotoxicity of the drug formulations is established using the MTT assay.


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Nonhomologous DNA end joining (NHEJ) is one of the major double-strand break (DSB) repair pathways in higher eukaryotes. Recently, it has been shown that alternative NHEJ (A-NHEJ) occurs in the absence of classical NHEJ and is implicated in chromosomal translocations leading to cancer. In the present study, we have developed a novel biochemical assay system utilizing DSBs flanked by varying lengths of microhomology to study microhomology-mediated alternative end joining (MMEJ). We show that MMEJ can operate in normal cells, when microhomology is present, irrespective of occurrence of robust classical NHEJ. Length of the microhomology determines the efficiency of MMEJ, 5 nt being obligatory. Using this biochemical approach, we show that products obtained are due to MMEJ, which is dependent on MRE11, NBS1, LIGASE III, XRCC1, FEN1 and PARP1. Thus, we define the enzymatic machinery and microhomology requirements of alternative NHEJ using a well-defined biochemical system.