984 resultados para Non-relativistic scattering theory


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A renormalization scheme for the nucleon-nucleon (NN) interaction based on a subtracted T-matrix equation is proposed and applied to the one-pion-exchange potential supplemented by contact interactions. The singlet and triplet scattering lengths are given to fix the renormalized strengths of the contact interactions. With only one scaling parameter (μ), the results show an overall very good agreement with neutron-proton data, particularly for the observables related to the triplet channel. The agreement is qualitative in the 1 S0 channel. Between the low-energy NN observables we have examined, the mixing parameter of the 3S1-3D1 states is the most sensitive to the scale. The scheme is renormalization group invariant for μ → ∞. © 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The symmetries of a free incompressible fluid span the Galilei group, augmented with independent dilations of space and time. When the fluid is compressible, the symmetry is enlarged to the expanded Schrodinger group, which also involves, in addition, Schrodinger expansions. While incompressible fluid dynamics can be derived as an appropriate non-relativistic limit of a conformally invariant relativistic theory, the recently discussed conformal Galilei group, obtained by contraction from the relativistic conformal group, is not a symmetry. This is explained by the subtleties of the non-relativistic limit.


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A new formulation of potential scattering in quantum mechanics is developed using a close structural analogy between partial waves and the classical dynamics of many non-interacting fields. Using a canonical formalism we find nonlinear first-order differential equations for the low-energy scattering parameters such as scattering length and effective range. They significantly simplify typical calculations, as we illustrate for atom-atom and neutron-nucleus scattering systems. A generalization to charged particle scattering is also possible.


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We develop a systematic scheme to treat binary collisions between ultracold atoms in the presence of a strong laser field, tuned to the red of the trapping transition. We assume that the Rabi frequency is much less than the spacing between adjacent bound-state resonances, In this approach we neglect fine and hyperfine structures, but consider fully the three-dimensional aspects of the scattering process, up to the partial d wave. We apply the scheme to calculate the S matrix elements up to the second order in the ratio between the Rabi frequency and the laser detuning, We also obtain, fur this simplified multichannel model, the asymmetric line shapes of photoassociation spectroscopy, and the modification of the scattering length due to the light field at low, but finite, entrance kinetic energy. We emphasize that the present calculations can be generalized to treat more realistic models, and suggest how to carry out a thorough numerical comparison to this semianalytic theory. [S1050-2947(98)04902-6].


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The importance and usefulness of renormalization are emphasized in non-relativistic quantum mechanics. The momentum space treatment of both two-body bound state and scattering problems involving some potentials singular at the origin exhibits ultraviolet divergence. The use of renormalization techniques in these problems leads to finite converged results for both the exact and perturbative solutions. The renormalization procedure is carried out for the quantum two-body problem in different partial waves for a minimal potential possessing only the threshold behaviour and no form factors. The renormalized perturbative and exact solutions for this problem are found to be consistent with each other. The useful role of the renormalization group equations for this problem is also pointed out.


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Recently the issue of radiative corrections to leptogenesis has been raised. Considering the "strong washout" regime, in which OPE-techniques permit to streamline the setup, we report the thermal self-energy matrix of heavy right-handed neutrinos at NLO (resummed 2-loop level) in Standard Model couplings. The renormalized expression describes flavour transitions and "inclusive" decays of chemically decoupled right-handed neutrinos. Although CP-violation is not addressed, the result may find use in existing leptogenesis frameworks.


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We determine the mass of the bottom quark from high moments of the bbproduction cross section in e+e−annihilation, which are dominated by the threshold region. On the theory side next-to-next-to-next-to-leading order (NNNLO) calculations both for the resonances and the continuum cross section are used for the first time. We find mPSb(2GeV) =4.532+0.013−0.039GeVfor the potential-subtracted mass and mMSb(mMSb) =4.193+0.022−0.035GeVfor the MSbottom-quark mass.


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The problem of decaying states and resonances is examined within the framework of scattering theory in a rigged Hilbert space formalism. The stationary free,''in,'' and ''out'' eigenvectors of formal scattering theory, which have a rigorous setting in rigged Hilbert space, are considered to be analytic functions of the energy eigenvalue. The value of these analytic functions at any point of regularity, real or complex, is an eigenvector with eigenvalue equal to the position of the point. The poles of the eigenvector families give origin to other eigenvectors of the Hamiltonian: the singularities of the ''out'' eigenvector family are the same as those of the continued S matrix, so that resonances are seen as eigenvectors of the Hamiltonian with eigenvalue equal to their location in the complex energy plane. Cauchy theorem then provides for expansions in terms of ''complete'' sets of eigenvectors with complex eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian. Applying such expansions to the survival amplitude of a decaying state, one finds that resonances give discrete contributions with purely exponential time behavior; the background is of course present, but explicitly separated. The resolvent of the Hamiltonian, restricted to the nuclear space appearing in the rigged Hilbert space, can be continued across the absolutely continuous spectrum; the singularities of the continuation are the same as those of the ''out'' eigenvectors. The free, ''in'' and ''out'' eigenvectors with complex eigenvalues and those corresponding to resonances can be approximated by physical vectors in the Hilbert space, as plane waves can. The need for having some further physical information in addition to the specification of the total Hamiltonian is apparent in the proposed framework. The formalism is applied to the Lee–Friedrichs model and to the scattering of a spinless particle by a local central potential. Journal of Mathematical Physics is copyrighted by The American Institute of Physics.


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This paper deals with the interpretation of the discrete-time optimal control problem as a scattering process in a discrete medium. We treat the discrete optimal linear regulator, constrained end-point and servo and tracking problems, providing a unified approach to these problems. This approach results in an easy derivation of the desired results as well as several new ones.


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Within the Grassmannian U(2N)/U(N) x U(N) nonlinear sigma-model representation of localization, one can study the low-energy dynamics of both a free and interacting electron gas. We study the crossover between these two fundamentally different physical problems. We show how the topological arguments for the exact quantization of the Hall conductance are extended to include the Coulomb interaction problem. We discuss dynamical scaling and make contact with the theory of variable range hopping. (C) 2005 Pleiades Publishing, Inc.


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We consider the Finkelstein action describing a system of spin-polarized or spinless electrons in 2+2epsilon dimensions, in the presence of disorder as well as the Coulomb interactions. We extend the renormalization-group analysis of our previous work and evaluate the metal-insulator transition of the electron gas to second order in an epsilon expansion. We obtain the complete scaling behavior of physical observables like the conductivity and the specific heat with varying frequency, temperature, and/or electron density. We extend the results for the interacting electron gas in 2+2epsilon dimensions to include the quantum critical behavior of the plateau transitions in the quantum Hall regime. Although these transitions have a very different microscopic origin and are controlled by a topological term in the action (theta term), the quantum critical behavior is in many ways the same in both cases. We show that the two independent critical exponents of the quantum Hall plateau transitions, previously denoted as nu and p, control not only the scaling behavior of the conductances sigma(xx) and sigma(xy) at finite temperatures T, but also the non-Fermi-liquid behavior of the specific heat (c(v)proportional toT(p)). To extract the numerical values of nu and p it is necessary to extend the experiments on transport to include the specific heat of the electron gas.


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In this paper, several known computational solutions are readily obtained in a very natural way for the linear regulator, fixed end-point and servo-mechanism problems using a certain frame-work from scattering theory. The relationships between the solutions to the linear regulator problem with different terminal costs and the interplay between the forward and backward equations have enabled a concise derivation of the partitioned equations, the forward-backward equations, and Chandrasekhar equations for the problem. These methods have been extended to the fixed end-point, servo, and tracking problems.


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In this paper, based on the principles of gauge/gravity duality and considering the so called hydrodynamic limit we compute various charge transport properties for a class of strongly coupled non-relativistic CFTs corresponding to z=2 fixed point whose dual gravitational counter part could be realized as the consistent truncation of certain non-relativistic Dp branes in the non-extremal limit. From our analysis we note that unlike the case for the AdS black branes, the charge diffusion constant in the non-relativistic background scales differently with the temperature. This shows a possible violation of the universal bound on the charge conductivity to susceptibility ratio in the context of non-relativistic holography. (C) 2015 The Author. Published by Elsevier B.V.


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In this paper, we first present a system of differential-integral equations for the largedisturbance to the general case that any arbitrarily shaped solid body with a cavity contain-ing viscous liquid rotates uniformly around the principal axis of inertia, and then develop aweakly non-linear stability theory by the Lyapunov direct approach. Applying this theoryto the Columbus problem, we have proved the consistency between the theory and Kelvin'sexperiments.


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Photoelectron angular distributions produced in above-threshold ionization (ATI) are analysed using a nonperturbative scattering theory. The numerical results are in good qualitative agreement with recent measurements. Our study shows that the origin of the jet-like structure arises from the inherent properties of the ATI process and not from the angular momentum of either the initial or the excited states of the atom.