990 resultados para Non-liability clause


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A presente dissertação tem por objetivo analisar a cláusula de não indenizar, expressão utilizada como gênero do qual são espécies a cláusula que exonera e a que limita o dever de indenizar, à luz do ordenamento jurídico brasileiro. O estudo se justifica em virtude da cada vez mais frequente utilização deste ajuste para regular negócios jurídicos e por não existir um marco legislativo a respeito da matéria. A controvérsia inicial diz respeito à validade da convenção, que é resultado da ponderação do direito de autorregular suas relações e o princípio da reparação integral. Os seus principais requisitos de validade são a inexistência de dolo do agente causador do dano e a não violação a normas de ordem pública. A convenção pode incidir sobre a obrigação principal, salvo quando esta for personalíssima ou quando a indenização for a única forma de o credor obter o resultado equivalente à prestação Para ser eficaz, a convenção deve, ainda, guardar relação de equilíbrio e proporcionalidade entre os riscos assumidos e o benefício daquele que se submete ao risco de não ter ou ter parcialmente reparado os danos que lhe foi causado. O inadimplemento, absoluto ou relativo, é basicamente o risco contratual ao qual se submetem todos os contratantes e, nesse contexto, a cláusula de não indenizar tem como função alterar a distribuição dos riscos já fixados pelo legislador. A negociação dos riscos submete-se a alguns limites, destacando-se a possibilidade de os riscos serem previstos, o respeito aos princípios da boa-fé objetiva e do equilíbrio contratual, bem como a necessidade de ultrapassar o juízo de merecimento de tutela (meritevolezza). Nos contratos de adesão, a cláusula pode ser prevista, desde que a obrigação que atinge não seja personalíssima ou que tenha a indenização como única forma de o credor obter o equivalente a prestação. Já nas relações de consumo, é possível a limitação do dever de indenizar nos vícios de produtos e serviços, desde que o consumidor seja pessoa jurídica e a situação seja justificável, o que ocorre quando há negociação entre as partes, o consumidor é beneficiado com uma expressa vantagem e é assistido por consultor jurídico que lhe aponte os riscos inerentes àquela convenção.


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Two very different proposals on copyright policy – one a privately drafted document, the other a governmental report – are published in this edition of JIPITEC. There is an interesting point of intersection between them because they both consider the difficult question of the liability of online intermediaries for users’ infringements. The first document is “The Berlin Gedankenexperiment on the Restructuring of Copyright Law and Authors Rights”. This is a wide-ranging proposal for a complete recasting of the legal system that promotes the production of, and controls the use of, creative goods. The second policy document has a more limited focus. The French High Council for Literary and Artistic Property (“CSPLA”)’s Mission to Link Directives 2000/31 and 2001/29 – Report and Proposals (“Mission Report”) aims to provide a persuasive intervention in current policy discussions at European Union level concerning the liability or, more appropriately, the non-liability, of online intermediaries for copyright infringement. In this brief introduction, I outline the scope of both proposals and reflect briefly on their recommendations.


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A presente dissertação busca analisar os aspectos subjacentes à celebração do pacto de não concorrência após o término da relação de emprego no âmbito do ordenamento jurídico brasileiro. O estudo implica a necessidade de verificação dos limites da autonomia da vontade das partes contratantes na relação de emprego, objetivando demonstrar que a pactuação da não concorrência não atenta contra os princípios protetivos do Direito do Trabalho. Da mesma forma, faz-se necessária a análise do conceito de concorrência e suas repercussões na relação empregatícia, de maneira a determinar quais empregados podem ser sujeitos da cláusula de não concorrência. A investigação feita pela dissertação também abarca o conflito entre a liberdade de trabalho e a livre iniciativa e concorrência, direitos constitucionalmente garantidos, razão pela qual faz necessária uma composição que observe a proporcionalidade dos direitos cuja proteção é almejada. Com essa abordagem, acrescida da consulta a alguns textos legislativos estrangeiros e às tentativas legislativas feitas no Brasil acerca do tema, pretende-se perquirir sobre a legalidade e legitimidade da celebração do pacto de não concorrência no Brasil. Por fim, o objetivo desta dissertação consiste em apontar quais são os requisitos validade da cláusula de não concorrência, considerando-se a inexistência de legislação regulamentando a matéria.


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L’autonomie de la volonté demeure aujourd’hui encore, et heureusement, un fondement central du droit civil des contrats. Les principes de liberté contractuelle et de force obligatoire du contrat laissent aux contractants le choix d’aménager les différents paramètres et conditions d’exécution de leur entente, y compris de prévoir à l’avance la limitation ou même l’exclusion de la responsabilité découlant de l’inexécution du contenu contractuel. Cette liberté n’est cependant pas sans borne. Celle-ci doit, depuis l’adoption du Code civil du Québec, obligatoirement s’insérer dans une philosophie morale du rapport contractuel. Ainsi, la question de savoir si l’autonomie de la volonté des contractants va jusqu’à permettre à ceux-ci de s’exonérer d’une obligation essentielle dans le rapport contractuel fait l’objet du présent mémoire. Seront donc étudiés, d’abord, les principaux concepts juridiques interpellés par une telle problématique, soit l’exonération conventionnelle de responsabilité, d’une part, et le concept d’obligation essentielle du contrat, d’autre part. Par la suite, sera observée, dans quelle mesure les principes de liberté contractuelle et de force obligatoire du contrat sont susceptibles de fonder, sous le Code civil du Bas-Canada, d’abord, et sous le Code civil du Québec, ensuite, l’exonération conventionnelle de l’inexécution d’une obligation essentielle. La dernière partie de l’étude sera réservée à l’impact de la moralité contractuelle du Code civil du Québec sur l’exonération conventionnelle de responsabilité. Au regard de la jurisprudence contemporaine, cette conception morale du contrat s’oppose visiblement à ce que l’exonération conventionnelle puisse servir à dégager un contractant de l’inexécution d’une obligation essentielle.


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Il coordinamento tra sistemi impositivi è una questione originaria e tipica del diritto comunitario. La tesi ne esplora le conseguenze sotto più aspetti.


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Throughout the development and maturation of the American democratic experience, religiously inspired conduct has contributed significantly to democratically progressive political concerns such as the abolition of slavery and campaigns for civil rights, but also the encouragement and perpetuation pf anti-democratic practices such as the institution of slavery and policies of racial segregation. It may be rarely admitted, but there is no essential conceptual affinity between conduct proper to democratic political association. It may, therefore, be useful in our own political circumstances to try to determine boundaries for conduct that expresses and satisfies compatibly both religious and democratic commitments. Perhaps most Americans do recognize – if not in their own cases, at least in reference to the beliefs and actions of others – that religiously inspired conduct is neither thereby justified morally or legally nor absolved from further critical appraisal. Certainly, the history of American legal practice shows that religious belief or inspiration does not serve as acceptable legal defense for conduct charged as criminal infraction. The U.S. Constitution contains only two references to religion: the non-establishment clause prohibits governmental institutionalization of religious beliefs or liberty rights – is limited in scope and application both by other constitutional rights of individuals and by constitutionally authorized powers of government. As the U.S.S.C. has repeatedly held, individual constitutional features must be understood in a manner that harmonizes all stated and implied constitutional features, not by unbridled abstractions of selected phrases. Under the American legal system, there is no absolute or unlimited right to free exercise of religion: not everything done publicly under religious inspiration is legally permissible; what is otherwise illegal conduct is not legalized by religious inspiration. In important respects, general features of the legal boundaries concerning religiously inspired conduct in public life are reasonably clear; nevertheless, broader issues concerning further moral or ethical constraints upon religiously inspired conduct remain unresolved and rarely addressed explicitly.


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The paper analyzes the ECJ case law on fixed-term work, with specific regard to non-regression clause, measures to prevent abuses and the principle of non-discrimination. In particular, the Author points out that the principle of non-discrimination is to be regarded as being the core of the fixed-term work regulation; in this respect, especially in more recent judgments, the Court seems to maximize the scope of such principle.


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Through an examination of Wallace v Kam, this article considers and evaluates the law of causation in the specific context of a medical practitioner’s duty to provide information to patients concerning material risks of treatment. To supply a contextual background for the analysis which follows, Part II summarises the basic principles of causation law, while Part III provides an overview of the case and the reasoning adopted in the decisions at first instance and on appeal. With particular emphasis upon the reasoning in the courts of appeal, Part IV then examines the implications of the case in the context of other jurisprudence in this field and, in so doing, provides a framework for a structured consideration of causation issues in future non-disclosure cases under the Australian civil liability legislation. As will become clear, Wallace was fundamentally decided on the basis of policy reasoning centred upon the purpose behind the legal duty violated. Although the plurality in Rogers v Whitaker rejected the utility of expressions such as ‘the patient’s right of self-determination’ in this context, some Australian jurisprudence may be thought to frame the practitioner’s duty to warn in terms of promoting a patient’s autonomy, or right to decide whether to submit to treatment proposed. Accordingly, the impact of Wallace upon the protection of this right, and the interrelation between it and the duty to warn’s purpose, is investigated. The analysis in Part IV also evaluates the courts’ reasoning in Wallace by questioning the extent to which Wallace’s approach to liability and causal connection in non-disclosure of risk cases: depends upon the nature and classification of the risk(s) in question; and can be reconciled with the way in which patients make decisions. Finally, Part V adopts a comparative approach by considering whether the same decision might be reached if Wallace was determined according to English law.


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Peut-on donner d’une clause et reprendre de l’autre? Si deux siècles de décisions et de commentaires contradictoires empêchent de répondre à cette question avec la certitude et l’assurance auxquelles nous a habitué la doctrine civiliste, il est tout de même possible d’affirmer que le droit civil prohibe la clause qui permet à un contractant de se dédire totalement de son engagement. Privant l’engagement de son cocontractant de toute raison, et le contrat dans lequel elle se trouve de toute fonction, cette clause contracticide se heurte en effet à une notion fondamentale du droit commun des contrats : la cause. C’est pour éviter que ne soient validés les contrats qui ne présentent aucun intérêt pour l’une ou l’autre des parties que le législateur québécois a choisi d’importer – et de conserver, dans son article introductif du Livre des obligations, cette notion que l’on dit la plus symbolique du droit français des obligations. En effet, bien que son rôle soit fréquemment assumé par d’autres mécanismes, la cause demeure la gardienne des fonctions du contrat synallagmatique. À ce titre, elle permet non seulement d’annuler les contrats qui ne codifient aucun échange, mais également, et surtout, de contrôler ceux dont le contenu ne permet pas de matérialiser les avantages négociés. Octroyant au juge le pouvoir d’assurer que le contrat contienne les outils nécessaires et adaptés à la réalisation de l’opération qu’il a pour fonction de mettre en œuvre, la cause lui offre donc le moyen de garantir l’adéquation entre la fin et ses moyens, bref de contrôler la cohérence matérielle du contrat.


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This work analyses the optimal menu of contracts offered by a risk neutral principal to a risk averse agent under moral hazard, adverse selection and limited liability. There are two output levels, whose probability of occurrence are given by agent’s private information choice of effort. The agent’s cost of effort is also private information. First, we show that without assumptions on the cost function, it is not possible to guarantee that the optimal contract menu is simple, when the agent is strictly risk averse. Then, we provide sufficient conditions over the cost function under which it is optimal to offer a single contract, independently of agent’s risk aversion. Our full-pooling cases are caused by non-responsiveness, which is induced by the high cost of enforcing higher effort levels. Also, we show that limited liability generates non-responsiveness.


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Based on the consolidated statements data of the universal/commercial banks (UKbank) and non-bank financial institutions with quasi-banking licenses, this paper presents a keen necessity of obtaining data in detail on both sides (assets and liabilities) of their financial conditions and further analyses. Those would bring more adequate assessments on the Philippine financial system, especially with regard to each financial subsector's financing/lending preferences and behavior. The paper also presents a possibility that the skewed locational and operational distribution exists in the non-UKbank financial subsectors. It suggests there may be a significant deviation from the authorities' (the BSP, SEC and others) intended/anticipated financial system in the banking/non-bank financial institutions' real operations.


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This study investigated the proposition density, sentence and clause type usage and non-finite verbal usage in two college textbooks. The teaching implications are presented.