959 resultados para Non-canonical splicing sites


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A database (SpliceDB) of known mammalian splice site sequences has been developed. We extracted 43 337 splice pairs from mammalian divisions of the gene-centered Infogene database, including sites from incomplete or alternatively spliced genes. Known EST sequences supported 22 815 of them. After discarding sequences with putative errors and ambiguous location of splice junctions the verified dataset includes 22 489 entries. Of these, 98.71% contain canonical GT–AG junctions (22 199 entries) and 0.56% have non-canonical GC–AG splice site pairs. The remainder (0.73%) occurs in a lot of small groups (with a maximum size of 0.05%). We especially studied non-canonical splice sites, which comprise 3.73% of GenBank annotated splice pairs. EST alignments allowed us to verify only the exonic part of splice sites. To check the conservative dinucleotides we compared sequences of human non-canonical splice sites with sequences from the high throughput genome sequencing project (HTG). Out of 171 human non-canonical and EST-supported splice pairs, 156 (91.23%) had a clear match in the human HTG. They can be classified after sequence analysis as: 79 GC–AG pairs (of which one was an error that corrected to GC–AG), 61 errors corrected to GT–AG canonical pairs, six AT–AC pairs (of which two were errors corrected to AT–AC), one case was produced from a non-existent intron, seven cases were found in HTG that were deposited to GenBank and finally there were only two other cases left of supported non-canonical splice pairs. The information about verified splice site sequences for canonical and non-canonical sites is presented in SpliceDB with the supporting evidence. We also built weight matrices for the major splice groups, which can be incorporated into gene prediction programs. SpliceDB is available at the computational genomic Web server of the Sanger Centre: http://genomic.sanger.ac.uk/spldb/SpliceDB.html and at http://www.softberry.com/spldb/SpliceDB.html.


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Trans-splicing is a common phenomenon in nematodes and kinetoplastids, and it has also been reported in other organisms, including humans. Up to now, all in silico strategies to find evidence of trans-splicing in humans have required that the candidate sequences follow the consensus splicing site rules (spliceosome-mediated mechanism). However, this criterion is not supported by the best human experimental evidence, which, except in a single case, do not follow canonical splicing sites. Moreover, recent findings describe a novel alternative tRNA mediated trans-splicing mechanism, which prescinds the spliceosome machinery. In order to answer the question, ?Are there hybrid mRNAs in sequence databanks, whose characteristics resemble those of the best human experimental evidence??, we have developed a methodology that successfully identified 16 hybrid mRNAs which might be instances of interchromosomal trans-splicing. Each hybrid mRNA is formed by a trans-spliced region (TSR), which was successfully mapped either onto known genes or onto a human endogenous retrovirus (HERV-K) transcript which supports their transcription. The existence of these hybrid mRNAs indicates that trans-splicing may be more widespread than believed. Furthermore, non-canonical splice site patterns suggest that infrequent splicing sites may occur under special conditions, or that an alternative trans-splicing mechanism is involved. Finally, our candidates are supposedly from normal tissue, and a recent study has reported that trans-splicing may occur not only in malignant tissues, but in normal tissues as well. Our methodology can be applied to 5'-UTR, coding sequences and 3'-UTR in order to find new candidates for a posteriori experimental confirmation.


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The identification of alternatively spliced transcripts has contributed to a better comprehension of developmental mechanisms, tissue-specific physiological processes and human diseases. Polymerase chain reaction amplification of alternatively spliced variants commonly leads to the formation of heteroduplexes as a result of base pairing involving exons common between the two variants. S1 nuclease cleaves single-stranded loops of heteroduplexes and also nicks the opposite DNA strand. In order to establish a strategy for mapping alternative splice-prone sites in the whole transcriptome, we developed a method combining the formation of heteroduplexes between 2 distinct splicing variants and S1 nuclease digestion. For 20 consensuses identified here using this methodology, 5 revealed a conserved splice site after inspection of the cDNA alignment against the human genome (exact splice sites). For 8 other consensuses, conserved splice sites were mapped at 2 to 30 bp from the border, called proximal splice sites; for the other 7 consensuses, conserved splice sites were mapped at 40 to 800 bp, called distal splice sites. These latter cases showed a nonspecific activity of S1 nuclease in digesting double-strand DNA. From the 20 consensuses identified here, 5 were selected for reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction validation, confirming the splice sites. These data showed the potential of the strategy in mapping splice sites. However, the lack of specificity of the S1 nuclease enzyme is a significant obstacle that impedes the use of this strategy in large-scale studies.


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Human RNA polymerase (Pol) III-transcribed genes are thought to share a simple termination signal constituted by four or more consecutive thymidine residues in the coding DNA strand, just downstream of the RNA 3'-end sequence. We found that a large set of human tRNA genes (tDNAs) do not display any T(≥4) stretch within 50 bp of 3'-flanking region. In vitro analysis of tDNAs with a distanced T(≥4) revealed the existence of non-canonical terminators resembling degenerate T(≥5) elements, which ensure significant termination but at the same time allow for the production of Pol III read-through pre-tRNAs with unusually long 3' trailers. A panel of such non-canonical signals was found to direct transcription termination of unusual Pol III-synthesized viral pre-miRNA transcripts in gammaherpesvirus 68-infected cells. Genome-wide location analysis revealed that human Pol III tends to trespass into the 3'-flanking regions of tDNAs, as expected from extensive terminator read-through. The widespread occurrence of partial termination suggests that the Pol III primary transcriptome in mammals is unexpectedly enriched in 3'-trailer sequences with the potential to contribute novel functional ncRNAs.


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Abstract Lipid derived signals mediate many stress and defense responses in multicellular eukaryotes. Among these are the jasmonates, potently active signaling compounds in plants. Jasmonic acid (JA) and 12-oxo-phytodienoic acid (OPDA) are the two best known members of the large jasmonate family. This thesis further investigates their roles as signals using genomic and proteomic approaches. The study is based on a simple genetic model involving two key genes. The first is ALLENE OXIDE SYNTHASE (AOS), encoding the most important enzyme in generating jasmonates. The second is CORONATINE INSENSITIVE 1 (COI1), a gene involved in all currently documented canonical signaling responses. We asked the simple question: do null mutations in AOS and COI1 have analogous effects on the transcriptome ? We found that they do not. If most COI1-dependent genes were also AOS-dependent, the expression of a zinc-finger protein was AOS-dependent but was unaffected by the coi1-1 mutation. We thus supposed that a jasmonate member, most probably OPDA, can alter gene expression partially independently of COI1. Conversely, the expression of at least three genes, one of these is a protein kinase, was shown to be COI1-dependent but did not require a functional AOS protein. We conclude that a non-jasmonate signal might alter gene expression through COIL Proteomic comparison of coi1-1 and aos plants confirmed these observations and highlighted probable protein degradation processes controlled by jasmonates and COI1 in the wounded leaf. This thesis revealed new functions for COI1 and for AOS-generated oxylipins in the jasmonate signaling pathway. Résumé Les signaux dérivés d'acides gras sont des médiateurs de réponses aux stress et de la défense des eucaryotes multicellulaires. Parmi eux, les jasmonates sont de puissants composés de sig¬nalisation chez les plantes. L'acide jasmonique (JA) et l'acide 12-oxo-phytodienoïc (OPDA) sont les deux membres les mieux caractérisés de la grande famille des jasmonates. Cette thèse étudie plus profondément leurs rôles de signalisation en utilisant des approches génomique et protéomique. Cette étude est basée sur un modèle génétique simple n'impliquant que deux gènes. Le premier est PALLENE OXYDE SYNTHASE (AOS) qui encode l'enzyme la plus importante pour la fabrication des jasmonates. Le deuxième est CORONATINE INSENSITIVE 1 (COI1) qui est impliqué dans la totalité des réponses aux jasmonates connues à ce jour. Nous avons posé la question suivante : est-ce que les mutations nulles dans les gènes AOS et COI1 ont des effets analogues sur le transcriptome ? Nous avons trouvé que ce n'était pas le cas. Si la majorité des gènes dépendants de COI1 sont également dépendants d'AOS, l'expression d'un gène codant pour une protéine formée de doigts de zinc n'est pas affectée par la mutation de COI1 tout en étant dépendante d'AOS. Nous avons donc supposé qu'un membre de la famille des jasmonates, probablement OPDA, pouvait modifier l'expression de certains gènes indépendamment de COI1. Inversement, nous avons montré que, tout en étant dépendante de COI1, l'expression d'au moins trois gènes, dont un codant pour une protéine kinase, n'était pas affectée par l'absence d'une protéine AOS fonctionnelle. Nous en avons conclu qu'un signal autre qu'un jasmonate devait modifier l'expression de certains gènes à travers COI1. La comparaison par protéomique de plantes aos et coi1-1 a confirmé ces observations et a mis en évidence un probable processus de dégradation de protéines contrôlé par les jasmonates et COU_ Cette thèse a mis en avant de nouvelles fonctions pour COI1 et pour des oxylipines générées par AOS dans le cadre de la signalisation par les jasmonates.


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The neural crest is a multipotent embryonic cell population that arises from neural ectoderm and forms derivatives essential for vertebrate function. Neural crest induction requires an ectodermal signal, thought to be a Writ ligand, but the identity of the Wnt that performs this function in amniotes is unknown. Here, we demonstrate that Wnt6, derived from the ectoderm, is necessary for chick neural crest induction. Crucially, we also show that Wnt6 acts through the non-canonical pathway and not the beta-catenin-dependant pathway. Surprisingly, we found that canonical Wnt signaling inhibited neural crest production in the chick embryo. In light of studies in anamniotes demonstrating that canonical Wnt signaling induces neural crest, these results indicate a significant and novel change in the mechanism of neural crest induction during vertebrate evolution. These data also highlight a key role for noncanonical Wnt signaling in cell type specification from a stem population during development.


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The canonical pathway of regulation of the germinal centre kinase (GCK) III subgroup member, mammalian Sterile20-related kinase 3 (MST3), involves a caspase-mediated cleavage between N-terminal catalytic and C-terminal regulatory domains with possible concurrent autophosphorylation of the activation loop MST3(Thr178-), induction of Ser-/Thr-protein kinase activity and nuclear localisation. We identified an alternative ‘non-canonical’ pathway of MST3 activation (regulated primarily through dephosphorylation) which may also be applicable to other GCKIII (and GCKVI) subgroup members. In the basal state, inactive MST3 co-immunoprecipitated with the Golgi protein, GOLGA2/gm130. Activation of MST3 by calyculin A (a protein Ser-/Thr- phosphatase 1/2A inhibitor) stimulated (auto)phosphorylation of MST3(Thr178-) in the catalytic domain with essentially simultaneous cis-autophosphorylation of MST3(Thr328-) in the regulatory domain, an event also requiring the MST3(341-376) sequence which acts as a putative docking domain. MST3(Thr178-) phosphorylation increased MST3 kinase activity but this activity was independent of MST3(Thr328-) phosphorylation. Interestingly, MST3(Thr328-) lies immediately C-terminal to a STRAD pseudokinase-like site recently identified as being involved in binding of GCKIII/GCKVI members to MO25 scaffolding proteins. MST3(Thr178- /Thr328-) phosphorylation was concurrent with dissociation of MST3 from GOLGA2/gm130 and association of MST3 with MO25, and MST3(Thr328-) phosphorylation was necessary for formation of the activated MST3-MO25 holocomplex.


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The long time–evolution of disturbances to slowly–varying solutions of partial differential equations is subject to the adiabatic invariance of the wave action. Generally, this approximate conservation law is obtained under the assumption that the partial differential equations are derived from a variational principle or have a canonical Hamiltonian structure. Here, the wave action conservation is examined for equations that possess a non–canonical (Poisson) Hamiltonian structure. The linear evolution of disturbances in the form of slowly varying wavetrains is studied using a WKB expansion. The properties of the original Hamiltonian system strongly constrain the linear equations that are derived, and this is shown to lead to the adiabatic invariance of a wave action. The connection between this (approximate) invariance and the (exact) conservation laws of pseudo–energy and pseudomomentum that exist when the basic solution is exactly time and space independent is discussed. An evolution equation for the slowly varying phase of the wavetrain is also derived and related to Berry's phase.


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Eukaryotic ribosomal DNA constitutes a multi gene family organized in a cluster called nucleolar organizer region (NOR); this region is composed usually by hundreds to thousands of tandemly repeated units. Ribosomal genes, being repeated sequences, evolve following the typical pattern of concerted evolution. The autonomous retroelement R2 inserts in the ribosomal gene 28S, leading to defective 28S rDNA genes. R2 element, being a retrotransposon, performs its activity in the genome multiplying its copy number through a “copy and paste” mechanism called target primed reverse transcription. It consists in the retrotranscription of the element’s mRNA into DNA, then the DNA is integrated in the target site. Since the retrotranscription can be interrupted, but the integration will be carried out anyway, truncated copies of the element will also be present in the genome. The study of these truncated variants is a tool to examine the activity of the element. R2 phylogeny appears, in general, not consistent with that of its hosts, except some cases (e.g. Drosophila spp. and Reticulitermes spp.); moreover R2 is absent in some species (Fugu rubripes, human, mouse, etc.), while other species have more R2 lineages in their genome (the turtle Mauremys reevesii, the Japanese beetle Popilia japonica, etc). R2 elements here presented are isolated in 4 species of notostracan branchiopods and in two species of stick insects, whose reproductive strategies range from strict gonochorism to unisexuality. From sequencing data emerges that in Triops cancriformis (Spanish gonochoric population), in Lepidurus arcticus (two putatively unisexual populations from Iceland) and in Bacillus rossius (gonochoric population from Capalbio) the R2 elements are complete and encode functional proteins, reflecting the general features of this family of transposable elements. On the other hand, R2 from Italian and Austrian populations of T. cancriformis (respectively unisexual and hermaphroditic), Lepidurus lubbocki (two elements within the same Italian population, gonochoric but with unfunctional males) and Bacillus grandii grandii (gonochoric population from Ponte Manghisi) have sequences that encode incomplete or non-functional proteins in which it is possible to recognize only part of the characteristic domains. In Lepidurus couesii (Italian gonochoric populations) different elements were found as in L. lubbocki, and the sequencing is still in progress. Two hypothesis are given to explain the inconsistency of R2/host phylogeny: vertical inheritance of the element followed by extinction/diversification or horizontal transmission. My data support previous study that state the vertical transmission as the most likely explanation; nevertheless horizontal transfer events can’t be excluded. I also studied the element’s activity in Spanish populations of T. cancriformis, in L. lubbocki, in L. arcticus and in gonochoric and parthenogenetic populations of B. rossius. In gonochoric populations of T. cancriformis and B. rossius I found that each individual has its own private set of truncated variants. The situation is the opposite for the remaining hermaphroditic/parthenogenetic species and populations, all individuals sharing – in the so far analyzed samples - the majority of variants. This situation is very interesting, because it isn’t concordant with the Muller’s ratchet theory that hypothesizes the parthenogenetic populations being either devoided of transposable elements or TEs overloaded. My data suggest a possible epigenetic mechanism that can block the retrotransposon activity, and in this way deleterious mutations don’t accumulate.


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Treatment of central nervous system (CNS) diseases is limited by the blood-brain barrier (BBB), a selective vascular interface restricting passage of most molecules from blood into brain. Specific transport systems have evolved allowing circulating polar molecules to cross the BBB and gain access to the brain parenchyma. However, to date, few ligands exploiting such systems have proven clinically viable in the setting of CNS diseases. We reasoned that combinatorial phage-display screenings in vivo would yield peptides capable of crossing the BBB and allow for the development of ligand-directed targeting strategies of the brain. Here we show the identification of a peptide mediating systemic targeting to the normal brain and to an orthotopic human glioma model. We demonstrate that this peptide functionally mimics iron through an allosteric mechanism and that a non-canonical association of (i) transferrin, (ii) the iron-mimic ligand motif, and (iii) transferrin receptor mediates binding and transport of particles across the BBB. We also show that in orthotopic human glioma xenografts, a combination of transferrin receptor over-expression plus extended vascular permeability and ligand retention result in remarkable brain tumor targeting. Moreover, such tumor targeting attributes enables Herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase-mediated gene therapy of intracranial tumors for molecular genetic imaging and suicide gene delivery with ganciclovir. Finally, we expand our data by analyzing a large panel of primary CNS tumors through comprehensive tissue microarrays. Together, our approach and results provide a translational avenue for the detection and treatment of brain tumors.


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Nogo-A is a myelin associated protein and one of the most potent neurite growth inhibitors in the central nervous system. Interference with Nogo-A signaling has thus been investigated as therapeutic target to promote functional recovery in CNS injuries. Still, the finding that Nogo-A presents a fairly ubiquitous expression in many types of neurons in different brain regions, in the eye and even in the inner ear suggests for further functions besides the neurite growth repression. Indeed, a growing number of studies identified a variety of functions including regulation of neuronal stem cells, modulation of microglial activity, inhibition of angiogenesis and interference with memory formation. Aim of the present commentary is to draw attention on these less well-known and sometimes controversial roles of Nogo-A. Furthermore, we are addressing the role of Nogo-A in neuropathological conditions such as ischemic stroke, schizophrenia and neurodegenerative diseases.


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Rhomboid intramembrane proteases are the enzymes that release active epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) ligands in Drosophila and C. elegans, but little is known about their functions in mammals. Here we show that the mammalian rhomboid protease RHBDL4 (also known as Rhbdd1) promotes trafficking of several membrane proteins, including the EGFR ligand TGFα, from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to the Golgi apparatus, thereby triggering their secretion by extracellular microvesicles. Our data also demonstrate that RHBDL4-dependent trafficking control is regulated by G-protein coupled receptors, suggesting a role for this rhomboid protease in pathological conditions, including EGFR signaling. We propose that RHBDL4 reorganizes trafficking events within the early secretory pathway in response to GPCR signaling. Our work identifies RHBDL4 as a rheostat that tunes secretion dynamics and abundance of specific membrane protein cargoes.