157 resultados para Noam Chomsky
Are anarchy and the law antithetical? Not so, as for more than 350 years international law has governed a legal order based on anarchy; wherein no central authority exists and law functions not on the basis of coercion but on cooperation whereby States must agree to each specific laws before it is bound by its obligations. This article contemplates two manners in which an anarchist might consider international law interesting: first, as a legal system which governs an anarchical society as described by Hedley Bull in line with the English School of International Relations; and second, as a manifestation of a State system which, though illegitimate can be utilized, as Noam Chomsky does, for tactical reasons to demonstrate its inconsistencies and thus weakening the system with the ultimate aim being its implosion
Noam Chomsky, figure notoire du cognitivisme innéiste en psycholinguistique, est aussi un important penseur américain et activiste politique ayant écrit sur une multitude de sujets, issus de domaines variés : politique interne et étrangère des États-Unis, critique des médias de masse et enjeux sociaux liés aux droits de l’Homme, pour ne nommer que ceux-ci. Par contre, et malgré l’abondance de ses écrits à ce propos, Chomsky est, à ce jour, très peu étudié en philosophie de l’éducation : ce mémoire de maîtrise s’inscrit ainsi dans une perspective d’exploration, de définition et d’analyse de la pensée éducative chomskyenne, dans le but de présenter et réfléchir la portée possible d’une telle pensée dans l’axe philosophique des recherches en éducation. Devant la rareté, voire l’absence de recherches francophones et anglophones concernant notre objet d’étude, plus d’une centaine de livres, articles, entrevues et vidéos portant sur la philosophie chomskyenne et celle de grands penseurs humanistes, critiques ou opposés aux postulats chomskyens ont été retenus, lus et analysés dans le cadre de ce projet. Deux objectifs précis ont guidé ce mémoire : d’abord, présenter et analyser la pensée éducative chomskyenne en regard de ses fondements philosophiques et de ses ancrages intellectuels dans les traditions humaniste et critique en philosophie éducative, puis mettre en lumière l’unicité de cette pensée par rapport à ces traditions et à quelques courants opposés en éducation. Au terme de ce mémoire, nous espérons ainsi répondre aux questions suivantes : dans quelle mesure Chomsky s’inscrit-il dans les traditions humaniste et critique en éducation? Peut-il être considéré comme un héritier de la pensée de certains philosophes particuliers? En quoi sa pensée, relative à la philosophie de l’éducation, est-elle pertinente et innovante pour ce domaine fondamental? Et, finalement, quelles critiques pouvons-nous lui adresser?
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Injustice and power according to Noam Chomsky. In the beginning of the Politics, Aristotle establishes the two lesser forms of sociability: the relationships between man and woman and between master and the slave. In this context, he observes that “Hellenes are natural masters of barbarians” and the reason is that Greeks know philosophy and barbarians still resort to violence (ARISTOTLE, Politics, 1252a.). Shortly after defines “just war” as a war that has a fair cause, that is, which is well justified by philosophy or a fair speech (ARISTOTLE, Politics, 1255a.). This scene briefly expresses the manner in which the USA understands their role in the contemporary world. Chomsky points out the political use of massive military force of his country and denounces how it articulates internally and externally. He affirms that politics is excessively submitted to “ideology”, to doxa, as opposed to natural sciences. His militancy, thus, only advocates freedom and unrestricted right to information. In Camelot, the Kennedy years (1993), for example, the MIT’s professor collects information from congressmen’s speeches and government officials and from secret documents made public and he explicits the methods and actions of the US government. Thereby he can conclude that the US has, for historical reasons, an internal posture that is advocate or contrary to what they imposes to other countries. Power and justice on the one hand, force and injustice on the other –according to their own political discourse.
Fil: Stamboni, Juan Luis. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.
Fil: Stamboni, Juan Luis. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.
Fil: Stamboni, Juan Luis. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.
Neste livro, de grande profundidade e escrito com linguagem clara e acessível, Leonardo Borges Reis busca apontar as articulações entre o pensamento político e a teoria linguística de Avram Noam Chomsky (1928). Por conta principalmente de sua postura de resistência à política externa de seu país, Chomsky é conhecido internacionalmente como um importante ativista da nova esquerda norte-americana. Apesar de seu ativismo ter despontado durante a Guerra do Vietnã, ele inclinou-se às ideias libertárias ainda muito jovem - começou a refletir sobre as semelhanças entre o programa fascista e o Ocidente democrático em plena adolescência, ao se ater à posição dos anarquistas durante a Guerra Civil Espanhola. Mas, nos anos 1960, Chomsky, professor do Massachusetts Institute of Technology, tornou-se revolucionário também na Linguística, ao introduzir uma das mais notáveis criações teóricas dessa área de conhecimento: a gramática gerativa. A teoria que a linguagem humana se assenta sobre a manifestação de estruturas abstratas universais, que tornam possível a aprendizagem de sistemas particulares de línguas. A manifestação da linguagem dependeria, dessa forma, do estímulo do contexto linguístico e do emprego de estruturas universais, subjacentes aos humanos. De acordo com Reis, esse quadro mostra que, apesar do enorme desenvolvimento e alcance das ideias de Chomsky, o conjunto de seu pensamento permanece imerso em relações aparentemente enigmáticas: Referimo-nos aqui às ligações entre sua teoria da linguagem e sua obra política. Normalmente, as referências encontradas sobre Chomsky oscilam entre dois territórios de fronteiras supostamente intransponíveis: de um lado, encontra-se o político, e, do outro, o linguista. No entanto, ainda conforme o autor, mesmo com a divisão entre a obra de ativismo e de Linguística, é possível identificar breves incursões de Chomsky no campo de uma teoria social, baseada em ...
In this paper, I look into a grammatical phenomenon found among speakers of the Cambridgeshire dialect of English. According to my hypothesis, the phenomenon is a new entry into the past BE verb paradigm in the English language. In my paper, I claim that the structure I have found complements the existing two verb forms, was and were, with a third verb form that I have labelled ‘intermediate past BE’. The paper is divided into two parts. In the first section, I introduce the theoretical ground for the study of variation, which is founded on empiricist principles. In variationist linguistics, the main claim is that heterogeneous language use is structured and ordered. In the last 50 years of history in modern linguistics, this claim is controversial. In the 1960s, the generativist movement spearheaded by Noam Chomsky diverted attention away from grammatical theories that are based on empirical observations. The generativists steered away from language diversity, variation and change in favour of generalisations, abstractions and universalist claims. The theoretical part of my paper goes through the main points of the variationist agenda and concludes that abandoning the concept of language variation in linguistics is harmful for both theory and methodology. In the method part of the paper, I present the Helsinki Archive of Regional English Speech (HARES) corpus. It is an audio archive that contains interviews conducted in England in the 1970s and 1980s. The interviews were done in accordance to methods used generally in traditional dialectology. The informants are mostly elderly male people who have lived in the same region throughout their lives and who have left school at an early age. The interviews are actually conversations: the interviewer allowed the informant to pick the topic of conversation to induce a maximally relaxed and comfortable atmosphere and thus allow the most natural dialect variant to emerge in the informant’s speech. In the paper, the corpus chapter introduces some of the transcription and annotation problems associated with spoken language corpora (especially those containing dialectal speech). Questions surrounding the concept of variation are present in this part of the paper too, as especially transcription work is troubled by the fundamental problem of having to describe the fluctuations of everyday speech in text. In the empirical section of the paper, I use HARES to analyse the speech of four informants, with special focus on the emergence of the intermediate past BE variant. My observations and the subsequent analysis permit me to claim that my hypothesis seems to hold. The intermediate variant occupies almost all contexts where one would expect was or were in the informants’ speech. This means that the new variant is integrated into the speakers’ grammars and exemplifies the kind of variation that is at the heart of this paper.
Xabier Artiagoitia eta Joseba A. Lakarra (arg.)
Mixel Aurnague, Kepa Korta and Jesus M. Larrazabal (eds.)
Neste trabalho é feito um estudo dos aspectos do verbo no livro dos Salmos, considerando seus valores semântico-sintáticos. Para este fim, considera-se a evolução dos estudos da linguagem, fundamentado em Hermann Paul (1970); o desenvolvimento da ciência das significações através do trabalho de Bréal (1925) e enriquecido pela perspectiva de Marques (2001); a evolução da Linguística por meio do estruturalismo fundamentado em Ferdinand de Saussure e Leonor de Bloomfield, e do gerativismo de Noam Chomsky. Focaliza-se a dimensão textual discursiva com a função de realizar formulações sobre o verbo e articular relação entre teoria do texto e do discurso segundo a perspectiva de Travaglia (1991). Retrata-se a relação de significação que os verbos assumem no texto, embasado no estudo do aspecto segundo os pressupostos de Castilho (1968), Travaglia (1986, 1991) e Azeredo (2010). Para se estabelecer relações entre o aspecto verbal e a mensagem bíblica dos Salmos, fundamenta-se na visão semântica de Ilari (2001) e nos comentários semânticos e teológicos de Champlin (2000)
Booth, Ken, Dunne, T., Worlds in Collision: Terror and the Future of Global Order (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2002), pp.x+376 RAE2008
This thesis argues that the motivations underpinning the mainstream news media have fundamentally changed in the 21 sl century. As such, the news is no longer best understood as a tool for propaganda or agenda setting; instead it seems that the news is only motivated by the flow of global network capitalism. The author contrasts the work of Noam Chomsky and Edward S. Herman with that of Gilles Deleuze. Chomsky and Herman's 'Propaganda Model' has been influential within the fields of media studies and popular culture. The 'propaganda model' states that the concentration of ownership of the media has allowed the media elite to exert a disproportionate amount of influence over the mass media. Deleuze, on the other hand, regards the mass media as being yet another cog within the global capitalist mechanism, and is therefore separate from ideology or propaganda. The author proposes that 'propaganda' is no longer a sufficient word to describe the function of the news as terms like 'propaganda' imply some form of national sovereignty or governmental influence. To highlight how the news has 'changed from an instrument of propaganda to an instrument of accumulation, the author compares and contrasts the· coverage of the Abu Ghraib Prison Scandal with that of the Haditha Civilian Massacre. Although similar in nature, the author proposes that the Abu Ghraib Prison Scandal received a disproportionate amount of coverage within the mainstream press because of its exciting and sensational nature.
Se trata de un material recopilatorio de conferencias y mesas redondas del Foro Mundial de la Educación que tuvo lugar en Porto Alegre, Brasil, en el año 2003, entre las cuales cabe destacar las realizadas por los españoles Marina Subirats y David Abril, y también entrevistas y comentarios sobre este acontecimiento como las realizadas a Noam Chomsky y Eduardo Galeano. También cuenta con un apartado dedicado a comunicados y resúmenes de los eventos relativos al Foro Mundial de la Educación y al Foro Social Mundial.