20 resultados para Nitrones


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In this paper, the reactions of nitrone, N-methyl nitrone, N-phenyl nitrone and their hydroxylamine tautomers (vinyl-hydroxylamine, N-methyl-vinyl-hydroxylamine and N-phenyl-vinyl-hydroxylamine) on the reconstructed C(100)-2 x 1 surface have been investigated using hybrid density functional theory (B3LYP), Moller-Plesset second-order perturbation (MP2) and multi-configuration complete-active-space self-consistent-field (CASSCF) methods. The calculations showed that all the nitrones can react with the surface "dimer" via facile 1.3-dipolar cycloaddition with small activation barriers (less than 12.0 kJ/mol at B3LYP/6-31g(d) level). The [2+2] cycloaddition of hydroxylamine tautomers on the C(100) surface follows a diradical mechanism. Hydroxylamine tautomers first form diradical intermediates with the reconstructed C(I 00)-2 x I surface by overcoming a large activation barrier of 50-60 kJ/mol (B3LYP), then generate [2+2] cycloaddition products via diradical transition states with negligible activation barriers. The surface reactions result in hydroxyl or amino-terminated diamond surfaces, which offers new opportunity for further modifications. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The reaction of nitrone, N-methyl nitrone, and their hydroxylamine tautomers (vinyl-hydroxylamine and N-methyl vinyl-hydroxylamine) on the reconstructed Si(100)-2 x 1 surface has been investigated by means of hybrid density functional theory (B3LYP) and Moller-Plesset second-order perturbation (MP2) methods. The calculations predicted that both of the nitrones should react with the surface dimer via facile concerted 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition leading to 5-member-ring compounds. The reaction of hydroxylamine tautomers on the Si(100) surface follows pi-complex (intermediate) mechanism. For the reaction of N-methyl vinyl-hydroxylamine, the pi-complex intermediate undergoes [2+2] cycloaddition leading to a 4-member-ring compound. But in the reaction of vinyl-hydroxylamine, the intermediate undergoes H-migration reaction ("ene" reaction) resulting in the oxime-terminated Si surface. All the surface reactions result in the hydroxyl-terminated silicon surfaces, which are very useful for the further modification of the semiconductor.


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Burgess reagent first prepared by E. M. Burgess in 1968, is a mild and selective dehydrating agent for secondary and tertiary alcohols and due to the amphipolar nature it is gainfully employed in a number of creative synthetic ventures. A close examination of the structure of Burgess reagent reveals that it can act as a 1,2-dipole. To the best of our knowledge, no attempts have been made to tap full synthetic potential of the amphipolar nature of this reagent and no reports on 1,3-dipolar addition to a σ-bond in acyclic systems are available in literature. In this context, we propose to unravel novel applications of Burgess reagent based on its amphipolar nature. Rich and multifaceted chemistry of nitrones form the basis of many successful chemical transformations used in attractive synthetic strategies. For the last 50 years special attention has been given to nitrones due to their successful application as building blocks in the synthesis of various natural and biologically active compounds. Our interest in nitrones stems out of its unique character: i.e. it is a 1,3-dipole exhibiting distinct nucleophilic activity. We reasoned that 1,3-dipole possessing significant nucleophilicity should react with amphipolar Burgess reagent with elimination of triethylamine to give the corresponding five-membered ring product by formal dipolar addition to a σ bond. To test this hypothesis we studied the reaction of nitrones with Burgess reagent. This thesis reveals our attempts to explore the [3+2] annulation reaction of nitrones with Burgess reagent which was found to be followed by a rearrangementinvolving C-to-N aryl migration, ultimately resulting in diarylamines and carbamates. We have also examined the reaction of cyanuric chloride with nitrones in DMF with a view to exploit the nucleophilicty of nitrones and to unravel the migratory aptitude, if any, observed in this reaction


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Free radicals have been implicated in various pathological conditions such as, stroke, aging and ischemic heart disease (IHD), as well as neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Huntington’s disease. The role of antioxidants in protection from the harmful effects of free radicals has long been recognized. Trapping extremely reactive free radicals and eliminating them from circulation has been shown to be effective in animal models. Nitrone-based free radical traps have been extensively explored in biological systems. Examples include nitrones such as PBN, NXY-059, MDL-101,002, DMPO and EMPO. However, these nitrones have extremely high oxidation potentials as compared to natural antioxidants such as Vitamin E (α-tocopherol), and glutathione. Becker et al. (1995) synthesized novel azulenyl nitrones, which were shown to have oxidation potentials much lower than that of any of the previously reported nitrone based spin traps. Another azulenyl nitrone derivative, stilbazulenyl nitrone (STAZN), was shown to have an even lower oxidation potential within the range of natural antioxidants. STAZN, a second generation free radical trap, was found to be markedly superior than the two most studied nitrones, PBN and NXY-059, in animal models of cerebral ischemia and in an in vitro assay of lipid peroxidation. In this study, a third generation azulenyl nitrone was synthesized with an electron donating group on the previously synthesized STAZN derivative with the aim to lower the oxidation potential even more. Pseudoazulenes, because of the presence of an annular heteroatom, have been reported to possess even lower oxidation potential than that of the azulenyl counterpart. Therefore, pseudoazulenyl nitrones were synthesized for the first time by extracting and elaborating valtrate from the roots of Centranthus ruber (Red valerian or Jupiter’s beard). Several pseudoazulenyl nitrones were synthesized by using a facile experimental protocol. The physical and biological properties of these pseudoazulenyl nitrones can be easily modified by simply changing the substituent on the heteroatom. Cyclic voltammetry experiments have shown that these pseudoazulenyl nitrones do indeed have low oxidation potentials. The oxidation potential of these nitrones was lowered even more by preparing derivatives bearing an electron donating group at the 3-position of the five membered ring of the pseudoazulenyl nitrone.


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The superoxide radical is considered to play important roles in physiological processes as well as in the genesis of diverse cytotoxic conditions such as cancer, various cardiovascular disorders and neurodegenerative diseases such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Parkinson’s disease (PD) and Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The detection and quantification of superoxide within cells is of critical importance to understand biological roles of superoxide and to develop preventive strategies against free radical-mediated diseases. Cyclic nitrone spin traps such as DMPO, EMPO, DEPMPO, BMPO and their derivatives have been widely used in conjunction with ESR spectroscopy to detect cellular superoxide with some success. However, the formation of unstable superoxide adducts from the reaction of cyclic nitrones with superoxide is a stumbling block in detecting superoxide by using electron spin resonance (ESR). A chemiluminescent probe, lucigenin, and fluorogenic probes, hydroethidium and MitoSox, are the other frequently used methods in detecting superoxide. However, luceginen undergoes redox-cycling producing superoxide by itself, and hydroethidium and MitoSox react with other oxidants apart from superoxide forming red fluorescent products contributing to artefacts in these assays. Hence, both methods were deemed to be inappropriate for superoxide detection. In this study, an effective approach, a selective mechanism-based colorimetric detection of superoxide anion has been developed by using silylated azulenyl nitrones spin traps. Since a nitrone moiety and an adjacent silyl group react readily with radicals and oxygen anions respectively, such nitrones can trap superoxide efficiently because superoxide is both a radical and an oxygen anion. Moreover, the synthesized nitrone is designed to be triggered solely by superoxide and not by other commonly observed oxygen radicals such as hydroxyl radical, alkoxyl radicals and peroxyl radical. In vitro studies have shown that these synthesized silylated azylenyl nitrones and the mitochondrial-targeted guanylhydrazone analog can trap superoxide efficiently yielding UV-vis identifiable and even potentially fluorescence-detectable orange products. Therefore, the chromotropic detection of superoxide using these nitrones can be a promising method in contrast to other available methods.


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Free radicals have been implicated in various pathological conditions such as, stroke, aging and ischemic heart disease (IHD), as well as neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Huntington’s disease. The role of antioxidants in protection from the harmful effects of free radicals has long been recognized. Trapping extremely reactive free radicals and eliminating them from circulation has been shown to be effective in animal models. Nitrone-based free radical traps have been extensively explored in biological systems. Examples include nitrones such as PBN, NXY-059, MDL-101,002, DMPO and EMPO. However, these nitrones have extremely high oxidation potentials as compared to natural antioxidants such as Vitamin E (á-tocopherol), and glutathione. Becker et al. (1995) synthesized novel azulenyl nitrones, which were shown to have oxidation potentials much lower than that of any of the previously reported nitrone based spin traps. Another azulenyl nitrone derivative, stilbazulenyl nitrone (STAZN), was shown to have an even lower oxidation potential within the range of natural antioxidants. STAZN, a second generation free radical trap, was found to be markedly superior than the two most studied nitrones, PBN and NXY-059, in animal models of cerebral ischemia and in an in vitro assay of lipid peroxidation. In this study, a third generation azulenyl nitrone was synthesized with an electron donating group on the previously synthesized STAZN derivative with the aim to lower the oxidation potential even more. Pseudoazulenes, because of the presence of an annular heteroatom, have been reported to possess even lower oxidation potential than that of the azulenyl counterpart. Therefore, pseudoazulenyl nitrones were synthesized for the first time by extracting and elaborating valtrate from the roots of Centranthus ruber (Red valerian or Jupiter’s beard). Several pseudoazulenyl nitrones were synthesized by using a facile experimental protocol. The physical and biological properties of these pseudoazulenyl nitrones can be easily modified by simply changing the substituent on the heteroatom. Cyclic voltammetry experiments have shown that these pseudoazulenyl nitrones do indeed have low oxidation potentials. The oxidation potential of these nitrones was lowered even more by preparing derivatives bearing an electron donating group at the 3-position of the five membered ring of the pseudoazulenyl nitrone.


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Nitrones or azomethine-N-oxides are important precursors for the synthesis of several heterocyclic systems. They belong to the allyl anion type 1,3-dipoles and possess unique structural features which make them extraordinarily useful synthons. They behave as 1,3-dipoles in 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reactions and as electrophiles in reactions with organometallic reagents. These are the two basic reactions given by nitrones. Nitrones also act as ‘spin traps’ in which they react with short-lived radicals to furnish stable nitroxide radicals which can be detected and identified by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy. Recently SmI2 catalysed reductive cross-coupling reactions of nitrones have gained significant interest in which the reactions are initiated by single electron transfer (SET) to nitrones. Apart from these reactions, nitrones are also known to participate in reactions which are initiated by the nucleophilic attack of nitrone-oxygen. In our group, we have also explored the nucleophilic character of nitrones through various reactions. The results obtained enabled us to develop a novel two-step one-pot strategy for quinolines and indoles - the heterocycles renowned for their pharmacological applications, from nitrones and electron deficient acetylenes. Using dibenzoylacetylene and phenylbenzoylacetylene as dipolarophiles, we could introduce a desired functional group at a predetermined position of the quinolines or indoles to be synthesised. In this context, the thesis entitled “NUCLEOPHILIC ADDITION OF NITRONES TO ELECTRON DEFICIENT ACETYLENES AND RELATED STUDIES” portrays our attempt to expand the scope of our x novel synthetic protocol using ester functionalised acetylenes: dimethyl acetylenedicarboxylate (DMAD) and methyl propiolate. The thesis is organised in to five chapters. The first chapter briefly describes the different classes of reactions that nitrone functionality can tolerate. The research problem is defined at the end of this chapter. The second chapter describes the synthesis of different nitrones used for the present study. The optimisation and expansion of scope of the novel strategy towards quinoline synthesis is discussed in the third chapter. The fourth chapter portrays the synthesis of indole-3-carboxylates using the novel strategy. In the fifth chapter, the reaction of N-(2,6-dimethylphenyl) and N-(2,4,6-trimethylphenyl)nitrones are discussed. Here we also discuss the mechanistic reinvestigation of Baldwin’s proposal in the isoxazoline-oxazoline rearrangement. The major outcome of the work is given at the end of the thesis. The structural formulae, schemes, tables and figures are numbered chapter-wise since each chapter of the thesis is organized as an independent unit. All new compounds (except two compounds reported in fourth chapter) are fully characterised on the basis of spectral and analytical data and single crystal X-ray analysis on representative examples. Relevant references are included at the end of individual chapters.


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The synthesis and evaluation of novel resveratrol-based nitroxides have been explored for the potential treatment of hypertension. New methodology for the direct aryl iodination of isoindoline and isoindoline nitroxide using periodic acid and potassium iodide in concentrated sulphuric acid was developed. Diiodinated tetramethyl and tetraethyl isoindolines and a tetramethyl isoindoline nitroxide were prepared in excellent yields (70 – 82%). A diiodinated tetraethyl isoindoline nitroxide was generated from the corresponding nitroxide in modest yield (37%) alongside iodinated nitrones. The mono-iodinated species were also generated in modest yields (34 – 48%). Incorporation of the nitroxide unit into the structure of resveratrol was achieved using palladium-catalysed Heck coupling. Use of the previously prepared iodo products 5-iodo-1,1,3,3-tetramethylisoindolin-2-yloyl 18 and 5,6-diiodo-1,1,3,3-tetramethylisoindolin-2-yloyl 22 gave resveratrol nitroxides 12 and 13 in yields of 50% (optimized) and 1.6% respectively. Preliminary evaluation of the resveratrol analogue 12 as a treatment for hypertension was undertaken in the DOCA-salt rat model. A reduction in systolic blood pressure as well as alleviation of ventricular hypertrophy was observed. A larger study involving the DOCA salt rats is currently in progress.


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A new method for the direct aryl iodination of isoindolines and isoindoline nitroxides which utilizes periodic acid and potassium iodide in sulfuric acid is presented. Di-iodo functionalized tetramethyl and tetraethyl isoindolines and a di-iodo tetramethyl isoindoline nitroxide were prepared in high yield (70-82%). The analogous mono-iodo species were afforded in modest yield (34-48%). Iodinated nitrones were also obtained from a tetraethyl isoindoline nitroxide.


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Cyclohexanone and 2-, 3- and 4-methylcyclohexanones have been condensed with acetylene to give the respective 1-ethinylcyclohexanola. The 1-ethinylcyclohexanols were hydrogenated to the respective 1-vinyl- and 1-ethylcyclohexanols. The 1-vinylcyclohexanols have been treated with phosphorus tribromide to give the corresponding rearranged β-cyclohexylidenethyl bromides which have been converted to the pyridinium salts. The latter were treated with p-nitrosodimethylaniline and alkali (Krohnke's method) to give the corresponding nitrones which were hydrolyzed to the corresponding aldehydes. The 1-ethinyl-, 1-vinyl- and 1-ethylcyclohexanols prepared were subjected to pharmacological tests.


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O rearranjo [3,3]-sigmatrópico térmico (180ºC) de diferentes N-alil-N-sililoxi enaminas foi estudado. Os respectivos produtos de rearranjo (éteres de óxima) foram obtidos com rendimentos elevados (80%). A regiosselectividade, [3,3] vs [1,3], e a diastereosselectividade do processo foram elevadas, superior a 99% e aproximadamente 80%, respectivamente. Foi demonstrada a importância do grupo sililoxilo na promoção do rearranjo face a substratos sem este tipo de substituição. Posteriormente, foi estudada a possibilidade de aceleração aniónica deste tipo de rearranjo por formação de oxianião ligado ao átomo de azoto. A estratégia seguida para a formação do mesmo, consistiu na O-dessililação de diferentes N-alil-N-sililoxi enaminas tendo-se obtido as nitronas correspondentes ou produtos de ciclização. Num exemplo envolvendo um derivado de isoxazole-5-(2H)-ona foi observado um aumento de velocidade do rearranjo por reacção com ião etoxilo. Este aumento de velocidade foi atribuído à abertura de anel do N-O éster cíclico para o N-oxianião, seguida de rearranjo e posterior fecho. Métodos alternativos de aceleração do rearranjo por geração de carga positiva, parcial ou completa, no átomo de azoto levaram apenas à dessililação das N-alil-N-sililoxi enaminas. ABSTRACT - [3,3]-sigmatropic rearrangement of a variety of N-allyl-N-silyloxy enamines was studied. The corresponding rearrangement products (oxime-ethers) were obtained in high yields (80%). High regioselectivity, [3,3] vs [1,3] (> 99%) and in appropriate cases, diastereoselectivity (80%) were observed. The importance of the silyloxy group in promoting the rearrangement, in relation to substrates lacking this functionality, is underlined. The possible anionic acceleration of the rearrangements was next examined by O-desilylation the N-silyloxy group bonded to the nitrogen. Attempted generation of these species however, was found to lead either to the corresponding nitrones or to cyclization products. In one particular example involving an isoxazol-5-(2H)-one derivative rate enhancement of rearrangement was indeed observed with ethoxide ion. It is tentatively attributed to ring opening of the cyclic N-O ester to the N-oxyanion ethyl ester followed by rearrangement and subsequent reclosure. Alternative methods to accelerate the process by generating a partial or complete positive charge on the nitrogen atom led only to desilylation.


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Department of Applied Chemistry, Cochin University of Science and Technology


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the thesis entitled “STUDIES ON DEVELOPING A FACILE ROUTE FOR THE SYNTHESIS OF HIGHLY SUBSTITUTED QUINOLINE AND INDOLE DERIVATIVES” portrays our attempt to revisit the mechanism of 1,3- dipolar additions with a view to establishing whether it follows a concerted pathway or a stepwise reaction sequence through the formation of a zwitterionic intermediate, which will definitely contribute to the better use of this technique. Furthermore, we propose to develop novel routes for the synthesis of quinoline and indole derivatives with predefined substitution pattern. The thesis is devided into four chapters


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This thesis is the result of the study of two reactions leading to the formation of important heterocyclic compounds of potential pharmaceutical interest. The first study concerns the reaction of (1,3)-dipolar cycloaddition between nitrones and activated olefins by hydrogen bond catalysis of thioureas derivatives leading to the formation of a five-membered cyclic adducts, an interesting and strategic synthetic intermediate, for the synthesis of benzoazepine. The second project wants to explore the direct oxidative C(sp3)-H α-alkylation of simple amides with subsequent addition of an olefin and cyclization in order to obtain the corresponding oxazine. Both reactions are still under development.