975 resultados para Nitrogen in agriculture
In der Dissertation wurden die Effekte verschiedener C/N-Verhältnisse und verschiedener Verhältnisse von strukturellen zu löslichen Kohlenhydraten (NDF/SC) von Dung, der in bewässerten Gemüsekulturen im Norden Omans appliziert wurde, untersucht. Im auf sandigen Böden durchgeführten Experiment wurden zwei Büffeldungvarianten zum einen mit einem C/N-Verhältnis von 19 und einem NDF/SC-Verhältnis von 17 (ORG1) und zum anderen mit einem C/N-Verhältnis von 25 und einem NDF/SC-Verhältnis von 108 (ORG2) verwendet. Das relevante faktorielle Anbausystem war eine zweijährige Rotation, bestehend aus Rettich gefolgt von Blumenkohl und Karotte. Eine signifikante Zunahme der Erträge, des Sproßdurchmessers und der Pflanzenhöhe von Blumenkohl (P<0,001) sowie der Konzentration von Askorbinsäure in den Wurzeln von Rettich (P<0,01) mit erhöhter Verfügbarkeit von N, P und K von ORG2 über ORG1 bis hin zur Mineraldünger-Kontrollbehandlung (MIN) konnte festgestellt werden. Innerhalb von 260 Tagen wurden für die gesamte Anbauperiode mit einem photoakustischen Infrarot-Multigasmonitor und einer damit verbundenen Haube bodenbürtige Gasemissionen gemessen. Die errechneten Nettobilanzen zeigten Überschüsse von N und P, welche von Defiziten für K begleitet waren. Die Kohlenstoff Nettobilanzen waren während des Untersuchungszeitraums negativ oder nicht konsistent. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass unter extremen klimatischen Bedingungen bewässerter sandiger Böden organische Kultivierung zuerst durch den Kohlenstoffgehalt von Dung und Boden und erst dann durch die applizierten Mengen an N, P und K limitiert wird. Es konnte festgestellt werden, dass Gasemissionen den größten Teil der N und C Verluste von bewässerten sandigen Böden im Norden Omans darstellen. Die Reduzierung von Treibhausgasen und Sickerverlusten sollte weiterhin im Fokus zukünftiger Untersuchungen stehen, um zur Entwicklung von nachhaltigen organischen Anbausystemen im Oman und anderen ariden tropischen Ländern beizutragen.
It is well known that the parasitic weed Striga asiatica (L.) Kuntze can be suppressed by Striga-tolerant sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) cultivars, Desmodium intortum (Mill.) Urb. (greanleaf desmodium), and by fertilization with nitrogen. The study objective was the assessment of Striga control provided by integration of Desmodium density, timing of sorghum-Desmodium intercrop establishment, and nitrogen fertilization. Growth responses and yield of three sorghum cultivars were measured in three pot experiments. A soil naturally infested with Striga was used, and that part of the soil which served as uninfested control was chemically sterilised. Striga numbers and growth were affected significantly by sorghum cultivars, sorghum-Desmodium intercrop ratios, timing of the sorghum-Desmodium association, as well as by their interactions. Desmodium caused 100% suppression of Striga emergence when Desmodium was established in the 1:3 sorghum-Desmodium ratio at seeding of sorghum. Total control of Striga was also achieved with the 1:1 sorghum-Desmodium ratio when Desmodium was transplanted 30 days before sorghum seeding. However, these two treatments also caused significant reductions in sorghum yield. In contrast, 100% Striga control and a dramatic increase in sorghum yield were achieved with 100 kg N ha^{-1} in the 1:1 sorghum-Desmodium intercrop. Compatibility of sorghum and Desmodium was evident at the 1:1 sorghum-Desmodium intercrop established at sorghum seeding. Overall, the Ethiopian cultivars Meko and Abshir showed better agronomic performance and higher tolerance to Striga than the South African cultivar PAN 8564. It is recommended that the N × Desmodium × sorghum interaction be investigated under field conditions.
Steady state and dynamic models have been developed and applied to the River Kennet system. Annual nitrogen exports from the land surface to the river have been estimated based on land use from the 1930s and the 1990s. Long term modelled trends indicate that there has been a large increase in nitrogen transport into the river system driven by increased fertiliser application associated with increased cereal production, increased population and increased livestock levels. The dynamic model INCA Integrated Nitrogen in Catchments. has been applied to simulate the day-to-day transport of N from the terrestrial ecosystem to the riverine environment. This process-based model generates spatial and temporal data and reproduces the observed instream concentrations. Applying the model to current land use and 1930s land use indicates that there has been a major shift in the short term dynamics since the 1930s, with increased river and groundwater concentrations caused by both non-point source pollution from agriculture and point source discharges. �
In recent decades, the use of organic fertilizers has gained increasing interest mainly for two reasons: their ability to improve soil fertility and the need to find a sustainable alternative to mineral and synthetic fertilizers. In this context, sewage sludge is a useful organic matrix that can be successfully used in agriculture, due to its chemical composition rich in organic matter, nitrogen, phosphorus and other micronutrients necessary for plant growth. This work investigated three indispensable aspects (i.e., physico-chemical properties, agronomic efficiency and environmental safety) of sewage sludge application as organic fertilizer, emphasizing the role of tannery sludge. In a comparison study with municipal sewage sludge, results showed that the targeted analyses applied (total carbon and nitrogen content, isotope ratio of carbon and nitrogen, infrared spectroscopy and thermal analysis) were able to discriminate tannery sludge from municipal ones, highlighting differences in composition due to the origin of the wastewater and the treatment processes used in the plants. Regarding agronomic efficiency, N bioavailability was tested in a selection of organic fertilizers, including tannery sludge and tannery sludge-based fertilizers. Specifically, the hot-water extractable N has proven to be a good chemical indicator, providing a rapid and reliable indication of N bioavailability in soil. Finally, the behavior of oxybenzone (an emerging organic contaminant detected in sewage sludge) in soils with different physico-chemical properties was studied. Through adsorption and desorption experiments, it was found that the mobility of oxybenzone is reduced in soils rich in organic matter. Furthermore, through spectroscopic methods (e.g., infrared spectroscopy and surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy) the mechanisms of oxybenzone-humic acids interaction were studied, finding that H-bonds and π-π stacking were predominantly present.
An adequate supply of nitrogen is essential for high yield of common bean seeds; however, the responses to this nutrient in no-tillage systems can vary in function of the species and the amount of straw present. The aim of this research was to evaluate response of the common bean to N in no-tillage systems over maize, millet and Brachiaria brizantha crop residues. Three experiments were conducted, one for each gramineous species. The experimental design was a randomized block in a 5x2x2 factorial scheme, with five N doses (0, 30, 60, 90, 120 kg ha(-1)), in two distinct stadia during the vegetative development (3(rd) and 6(th) trifoliate leaf) and two common bean cultivars (IPR Juriti and Perola), with four replications. The IPR Juriti produced a greater number of pods per plant and showed lower mass per 100 seeds than Perola. It did not show variation in bean yield when the sidedressing N application was carried out in the 3(rd) or 6(th) trifoliate leaf stadia. Based on the obtained results, one concludes that the seed productivity of common beans increases linearly with N doses in a no-tillage system over maize residues.
We show indirect evidences for the possible involvement of NIT-2-like binding motifs in transcription modulation of the PbGP43 gene, which codes for an important antigen from the human fungal pathogen Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. This investigation was motivated by the finding of 23 NIT2-like sites within the proximal -2047 nucleotides of the PbGP43 5` intergenic region from the Pb339 isolate. They compose four clusters, two of them identical. We found four NIT2-containing probes that were positive in electrophoretic mobility shift assays and further analyzed them. PbGP43 could be modulated by nitrogen primary sources in Pb339, Pb3 and Pb18 isolates, as observed by reverse transcription (RT) real time-PCR. Gene reporter assays conducted in Aspergillus nidulans suggested that the minimal fragment responsible for nitrogen modulation lies within -480 bp of the PbGP43 gene. This is the first report on PbGP43 transcription modulation in response to nitrogen primary sources, which might help understand its regulation during infection. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Measurement of nitrifiable nitrogen contained in wastewater by combining the existing respirometric and titrimetric principles is reported. During an in-sensor-experiment using nitrifying activated sludge. both the dissolved oxygen (DO) and pH in the mixed liquor were measured, and the FH was controlled at a set-point through titration of base or acid. A combination of the oxygen uptake rate (OUR), which was obtained from the measured DO signal, and the titration data allowed calculation of the nitrifiable nitrogen and the short-term biological oxygen demand (BOD) of the wastewater sample that was initially added to the sludge. The calculation was based solely on stoichiometric relationships. The approach was preliminarily tested with two types of wastewaters using a prototype sensor. Good correlation was obtained. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Agricultural ecosystems and their associated business and government systems are diverse and varied. They range from farms, to input supply businesses, to marketing and government policy systems, among others. These systems are dynamic and responsive to fluctuations in climate. Skill in climate prediction offers considerable opportunities to managers via its potential to realise system improvements (i.e. increased food production and profit and/or reduced risks). Realising these opportunities, however, is not straightforward as the forecasting skill is imperfect and approaches to applying the existing skill to management issues have not been developed and tested extensively. While there has been much written about impacts of climate variability, there has been relatively little done in relation to applying knowledge of climate predictions to modify actions ahead of likely impacts. However, a considerable body of effort in various parts of the world is now being focused on this issue of applying climate predictions to improve agricultural systems. In this paper, we outline the basis for climate prediction, with emphasis on the El Nino-Southern Oscillation phenomenon, and catalogue experiences at field, national and global scales in applying climate predictions to agriculture. These diverse experiences are synthesised to derive general lessons about approaches to applying climate prediction in agriculture. The case studies have been selected to represent a diversity of agricultural systems and scales of operation. They also represent the on-going activities of some of the key research and development groups in this field around the world. The case studies include applications at field/farm scale to dryland cropping systems in Australia, Zimbabwe, and Argentina. This spectrum covers resource-rich and resource-poor farming with motivations ranging from profit to food security. At national and global scale we consider possible applications of climate prediction in commodity forecasting (wheat in Australia) and examine implications on global wheat trade and price associated with global consequences of climate prediction. In cataloguing these experiences we note some general lessons. Foremost is the value of an interdisciplinary systems approach in connecting disciplinary Knowledge in a manner most suited to decision-makers. This approach often includes scenario analysis based oil simulation with credible models as a key aspect of the learning process. Interaction among researchers, analysts and decision-makers is vital in the development of effective applications all of the players learn. Issues associated with balance between information demand and supply as well as appreciation of awareness limitations of decision-makers, analysts, and scientists are highlighted. It is argued that understanding and communicating decision risks is one of the keys to successful applications of climate prediction. We consider that advances of the future will be made by better connecting agricultural scientists and practitioners with the science of climate prediction. Professions involved in decision making must take a proactive role in the development of climate forecasts if the design and use of climate predictions are to reach their full potential. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Against the background of a growing world population, rice (Oryza sativa L.) consumption is expected to grow faster than its production. Therefore, an appropriate question would be: how to increase productivity in the short-term? In this respect, it becomes important the implementation of modern agricultural production systems, such as upland rice with supplemental sprinkler irrigation. Additional information is needed to maximize the available resources, with special attention given to research on the use of nitrogen. This study aimed to evaluate the agronomic performance of commercial rice cultivars with different plant characteristics in upland conditions with supplemental sprinkler irrigation, when subjected to nitrogen in topdress application at the R1 stage (panicle differentiation). The experiment was arranged in a randomized block with split plot design, with 65 treatments, consisting of the combination of 13 cultivars in the plots, and five nitrogen levels in the subplots (0, 40, 80, 120 and 160 kg ha-1), with four replications. Genetic variability was detected among rice cultivars and the agronomic performance in response to the applied nitrogen. The topdressing application of nitrogen increases, in general, the production components and grain yield in rice. Cultivars BRS Primavera, Caiapó and IAC 202 stood out for grain yield, followed by Baldo, Carnaroli, BRS Curinga and IAC 500 with lower yields.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia do ambiente, perfil de engenharia sanitária