69 resultados para Nitraria tangutorum Bobr


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In order to develop and make good use of Nitraria tangutorum Bobr. in Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau for its ecological and medicinal values, the seed oil was extracted by SFE-CQ2 and the chemical constituents was analyzed by GC/MS. The component relative contents were determined by area nomalization. 28 components were separated from the extracts of SFE-CQj and 12 of them, which accounted for 85.99% were identified. They were(Z, Z)-9, 12-octadecadienoic acid (linoleic acid), bicyclo[ 10. 1. 0] tridec-1-ene, 7-pentadecyne, gamma-sitosterol, gamma-tocopherol, 1, -8,Z-10-hexadecatriene,9,12-octadecadienal, 24-methyl-5-cholestene-3-ol,(Z)-9,17-octadecadienal, stigmastan-3,5-dien, eicosane and so on. Among them, the relative content of (Z, Z)-9,12-octadecadienoic acid is the highest, accounting for 65.85% of the total area. It is concluded that N. tangutorum Bobr. seed oil is a rich source of linoleic acid.


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This paper describes the simultaneous determination of allantoin, quercetin, and 1-methyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-beta-carboline-3-carboxylic acid (MTCCA) in Nitraria tangutorum Bobr seed by HPLC-APCI-MS and CE (capillary electrophoresis) methods. The final optimized chromatographic conditions were investigated in a reversed-phase Eclipse XDB-C8 column (150 x 4.6 mm, 5 mu m). A seventeen-minute gradient elution, (A: aqueous acetonitrile 20% (v/v); B: aqueous acetonitrile 60% (v/v); C: pure acetonitrile 100%) at a flow rate of 1.0 mL/min was selected for the separation of three natural products with diode array detection (DAD) at 220 nm. A CE experiment was carried out in a fused silica capillary with 32 mmol/L boric acid (pH 10), 32 mmol/L SDS and acetonitrile (10.0%, v/v). The applied potential and temperature was, respectively, set at 19 kV and 25 degrees C. After development, the validation was performed in parallel for HPLC and CE, with the same standards and sample to avoid differences due to the manipulation. The validation parameters of both techniques were adequate for the intended purpose.


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The seed oil from Nitraria tangutorum samples was obtained by supercritical carbon dioxide extraction methods. The extraction parameters for this methodology, including pressure, temperature, particle size and extraction time, were optimized. The free fatty acids in the seed oil were separated with a pre-column derivation method and 1,2-benzo-3,4-dihydrocarbazole-9-ethyl-p-toluenesulfonate (BDETS) as a labeling regent, followed by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with fluorescence detection. The target compounds were identified by mass spectrometry with atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI in positive-ion mode). HPLC analysis shows that the main compositions of the seed oil samples were free fatty acids (FFAs) in high to low concentrations as follows: linoleic acid, oleic acid, hexadecanoic acid and octadecanoic acid. The assay detection limits (at signal-to-noise of 3:1) were 3.378-6.572 nmol/L. Excellent linear responses were observed, with correlation coefficients greater than 0.999. The facile BDETS derivatization coupled with mass spectrometry detection allowed the development of a highly sensitive method for analyzing free fatty acids in seed oil by supercritical CO2 extraction. The established method is highly efficient for seed oil extraction and extremely sensitive for fatty acid profile determination. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Six compounds were isolated from the 75% ethanol extract of Nitraria tangutorum seed.On the basis of spectroscopic methods including 1H NMR,13C NMR and ESI-MS and comparison with literature,their structures were elucidated as daucosterol(1),4-hydroxypipecolic acid(2),quercetin(3),allantoin(4),1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-1-methyl-β-carboline-3-carboxylic acid(5) and L-tyrosine(6).Compounds 1,2,3,5 and 6 were isolated from Nitraria tangtorum for the first time.


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为探讨唐古特白刺(Nitraria tangutomn Bobr.)果实花色苷体外清除自由基活性,研究了其对超氧阴离子(O_2~-•)体系、羟基自由基(•OH)体系和二苯代苦味酰基自由基(DPPH•)体系的清除效果,并与抗坏血酸(Vc)进行了比较。结果表明,该花色苷对O_2~-•、•OH、DPPH•均具有清除作用,且与浓度呈量效关系。对•OH和DPPH•清除效果相对较好,优于Vc。


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唐古特白刺(Nitraria tangutorum Bohr.)是蒺藜科白刺属的一个品种,在柴达木盆地的沙漠绿洲边缘,盐碱沙滩地大量分布,生长环境海拔1900~3500m,分布面积约25万km^2。据我们调查,盆地相对集中成片具有开发价值的天然白刺林约50~60万亩,每年产白刺鲜果5~10万吨。具有较高的经济和药用价值;同时白刺作为防风固沙的优势灌木,在生态环境保护中具有重要的作用。


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唐古特白刺(Nitraria tangutorum Bohr.)是蒺藜科白刺属的一个品种,在柴达木盆地的沙漠绿洲边缘,盐碱沙滩地大量分布,生境海拔1900—3500m,分布面积约25万km^2。据我们调查,盆地相对集中成片具有开发价值的天然白刺林约50-60万亩,每年产白刺鲜果5—10万吨。具有较高的经济和药用价值.


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空中花粉是植被类型、气候状况与大气环境质量的指示物之一。空中花粉雨的取样实验对化石花粉谱的解释和古植被的恢复具有指导意义,因此空中花粉分析成为第四纪孢粉学和古生态学研究的有效辅助手段。本研究在新疆天山中段北坡进行了短期的空中花粉监测(2001年7月~2006年7月),目的是获得局域性和区域性植被所散发的花粉类型及其数量信息,并探讨花粉数量的植被与气候指示意义、花粉传播以及受环境条件影响的程度,同时分析和检测花粉浓度受气候条件的影响情况。空中花粉的收集使用Cour-type捕捉器,分别在3个不同海拔梯度进行5年连续的空中花粉收集(夏秋季节每周一个样品,冬春季节每两周一个样品)。取样地点分别是新疆天山中段北部的天池气象观测站(43°53'58.38"N, 88°07'15.75"E , 海拔1942.5m)、中科院阜康荒漠生态系统定位站(44°17'27.41"N, 87°55'52.65"E, 海拔477m)和准噶尔盆地古尔班通古特沙漠南缘的北沙窝试验站(44°22'40.74"N, 87°55'9.74"E, 海拔443m),取样点的植被带跨度天山北坡的森林草原到低海拔的典型荒漠。 光学显微镜鉴定的空中花粉主要有43种类型(24科30属),而蕨类、苔藓与真菌孢子数量较少。孢粉类型多样性指数为2.45(Shannon Index)。显然,从样品中所鉴定的空中花粉种类与所观察的植物种类有很大的差距。花粉类型与数量在三个不同海拔梯度的取样点上也有明显差异。天池取样点的花粉类型较丰富,与天山北坡垂直带植被分布以及丰富的植被成分相对应,花粉的优势种类为雪岭云杉(Picea schrenkiana)、蒿属(Artemisia)、藜科(Chenopodiaceae)、柽柳科(Tamaricaceae)和麻黄属(Ephedra),高代表性的外源荒漠花粉类型“削弱了”本地花粉类型的代表性;阜康与北沙窝取样点的花粉类型主要来自荒漠成分的藜科、蒿属、麻黄属、蒺藜科(Zygophyllaceae, 白刺属Nitraria为主)、柽柳科(柽柳属为主)、蓼科(Polygonaceae, 沙拐枣属Calligonum为主)等耐旱植物。花粉数量与植被数量并非简单的线性关系。空中和表土花粉的数量分析表明,藜科、蒿属、麻黄属花粉具有超代表性;雪岭云杉花粉的代表性适中;禾本科(Gramineae)、榆属(Ulmus)、白刺属、柽柳科、沙拐枣属花粉代表性较差。 5年平均花粉浓度大小依次是阜康(81.668 grains/100m3)>天池(51.726 grains/100m3)>北沙窝(45.7685 grains/100m3)。蒿属花粉的峰值出现在秋季,并且出现双峰现象(可能与不同蒿类花期分布不均有关),而其它木本和草本类植物花粉浓度的峰值为单峰,具有明显的季节性,春夏之交开花的桦木属、榆属等类型较为明显。藜科花粉的峰值出现在夏季,麻黄和柽柳的峰值出现在盛夏,桦木属、柳属Salix、雪岭云杉等花粉浓度峰值出现在初夏,与其花期物候相对应。木本植物花粉以雪岭云杉为主,其次为桦木属(Betula)、榆属、柳属、胡颓子科(Elaeagnaceae)花粉,柳属花粉百分比在三个取样点分配比较均匀,桦木属花粉在空间分布上差异明显,与植物分布数量相关。胡颓子科的花粉出现时间短,数量也较少。榆属花粉出现的季节性明显,代表性也较差。因此解释地层中出现类似的低代表性和高代表性的花粉类型时,需要注意其百分比数量的适当校正。木本植物花粉百分比随海拔高度变化成正比关系,对植被的指示性较好。雪岭云杉的年平均花粉浓度在天池取样点明显高于其它两个取样点,5年的平均花粉浓度和百分比与海拔高度呈正比。天池取样点的百分比最高为28.85%,平均为21.15%,而北沙窝与阜康两地5年平均百分比含量分别为0.69%和1.57%,这种时空变化规律与植被数量的关系密切。藜科花粉百分比在阜康和北沙窝取样点占绝对优势,5年的平均花粉浓度与海拔高度呈反比。蒿属花粉年平均浓度与海拔高度关系微弱(R2=0.04,p =0.46),而花粉百分比与海拔高度有显著的线性正比关系(R2=0.72,p<0.0001)。但在低海拔的两个取样点之间差异不明显。 年平均花粉百分比和花粉浓度随海拔梯度而变化,主要花粉类型的变化规律存在差异。暗针叶林雪岭云杉花粉的年平均百分比在低海拔的阜康和北沙窝地区低于3%,在盛花期的6月初,低海拔的取样点也未见超过5%,雪岭云杉花粉的传播在研究区范围内数量分布变化较大,再次表明该类型的花粉在原地沉积效率很高。空中花粉数量能够较好地指示主要的植被带,盛花期内50%以上的雪岭云杉花粉含量则指示了雪岭云杉森林植被带,而高含量的蒿属植物花粉指示了天山山前冲积平原上的蒿类荒漠,相反,高含量的藜科花粉代表了低海拔地区的荒漠。雪岭云杉花粉百分比与浓度均与海拔高度呈显著的线性正比关系,表明雪岭云杉花粉传播的局限性。主要的非木本植物藜科花粉的浓度与海拔高度成反比,蒿属则相反,表明藜科与蒿属花粉在研究区具有很好的植被与气候指示意义。 花粉绝对数量、百分比、浓度具有明显的年际变化,其原因与气候状况的变化有关,年平均花粉浓度、主要类型的花粉浓度与气候参数(降水量、平均温度、最高和最低温度、相对湿度等)的相关分析表明,降水量和湿度与花粉浓度呈负相关程度较高,与其它气候参数则呈显著的正相关。干旱指数、花粉比值、花粉百分比(AP,NAP)与七月份平均气温,年平均降水量的相关系数(Pearson correlation),Ar/Ch与七月平均温度在0.01水平上呈显著的正相关(R2=0.894), 与年平均降水量在0.01水平上呈显著的负相关(R2=0.874)。AP花粉百分比与七月份平均温度呈显著的负相关(R2=0.71, p<0.0001),与年降水量呈正相关(R2=0.43, p=0.01),而NAP花粉正相反。利用短期监测的空中花粉雨数据计算得到的花粉比值以及干旱指数在研究区具有明确的指示意义,尤其是干旱指数、Ar/Ch、Ar/Ep,这些都可为表土花粉、植被与气候关系模型的建立提供重要的参考信息。 气候参数在很大程度上影响大气花粉的浓度,而风速和风向对空中花粉的传播、散布影响较大,花粉的来源与传播受风向和风速的控制。不同取样点的空中花粉数量差异受地形条件影响很明显,这种差异也可利用地形空气动力学特征的差异来解释,天池监测站因“逆坡”(upslope)的气流促进了低海拔的花粉流向高海拔传播。 研究区的空中花粉数量信息是研究表土花粉、植被和气候关系以及第四纪古生态学的重要基础。本研究提高了对研究区空中孢粉的类型及其传播规律的认识和理解,增加了解空中花粉受环境影响的主要因素及其影响程度,对地层孢粉类型鉴定和花粉数据的解释提出指导性建议,对本地区的古植被与古环境研究增加现代孢粉学的参考依据和信息,并可为建立区域性的现代孢粉-植被-气候关系模型提供可靠依据。 同时,本报告也讨论了存在问题和不足,并提出了今后工作的可能完善方案。


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辐射传输研究是贯穿森林生态系统的纽带,太阳辐射为植物的生长发育提供光合能量、适宜的环境温度以及发育信息。一方面,气候变化使到达地面辐射能的质和量发生变化,影响到植被的生长发育,改变森林的结构,而森林结构的变化又会影响林冠内辐射能的分配和质量,这些变化会进一步影响到林下土壤温度,改变森林根系活性以及土壤营养转化的效率;连锁反应的结果有可能会使森林生态系统的生产力发生变化,改变碳素和氮素源库的调节方向,从而反馈影响地球气候系统。另一方面,人类作为生态系统的成员,必然需要森林生态系统为其提供更多的原材料和更好的生态服务功能,如何实现这些目标,就需要人类适度调整干预方式和频度,达到预期的目的。本文在建立适合于川西亚高山森林的叶面积测量技术、光照辐射模型和土壤温度变化模型的基础上,对川西亚高山地带森林生态系统的辐射传输特征进行了分析,并从森林结构的角度探讨了林分内的辐射分布以及对土壤温度的影响。主要成果如下: 1. 提出了一种照相法测量叶面积的方法。通过对摆放在平面上的叶片照相,利用投影变化,把非正射图像转化为正射图像,然后经过计算机图像处理得到每一片叶片的面积、周长、长度、宽度等信息。这种方法可使用户以任意方向和距离拍摄处于平面上的叶片,能同时处理大量的叶片,适于野外离体或活体叶片测量。叶片面积分辨率可调,分辨率可以与常用的激光叶面积仪相近甚至更高,而且叶片图像可以存档查询。 2. 提出一种模拟林内光照变化的模型。利用林冠半球照片,记录视点以上半球内的林冠构件空间分布,作为林冠子模型;天空辐射子模型采用国际照明委员会(CIE)的标准晴天和阴天以及插值模型。该模型能够模拟林下某一位点处的实时光斑变化。 3. 提出一种土壤温度变化模型。把土壤视为具有容量和阻力性质的结构,利用电阻和电容器件构建土壤能量分布模型。外界太阳辐射能经过植被以及其它一些能量分配器后进入土壤,其中有一部分转化为土壤势能,即土壤温度。土壤温度的变化类似于电池的充放电过程。在已知模型参数的情况下,可以从太阳辐射计算土壤温度的变化。在模型参数未知的情况下,通过输入和输出值推算模型的参数,而模型参数中的时间常数与土壤组成和含水量有关,这样就可以知道土壤水分的变化情况。 4. 从王朗亚高山森林典型样地林分结构的测量获得林地三维结构图、树冠形态、叶面积密度等参数,这些参数输入到Brunner (1998)开发的tRAYci 模型中计算出一段时间内林分任意位置处的光照值。与林下辐射计测量值以及半球照片计算结果的比较,该模型基本上能够满足对林分光环境了解的要求。 5. 从川西亚高山森林生产力的角度,探讨了森林生产力研究的方法以及川西地区的研究历史和成果,发现了其中的一些规律和问题,特别是在叶面积测量上,还没有使用标准的叶面积指数定义。综合来看,川西地区针叶林叶面积指数(单位土地面积上植物冠层总叶面积的一半) 应在4-5 之间。降雨丰富的华西雨屏带是川西地区森林生产力最高的地区,而向西北森林生产力逐渐降低。川西地区云冷杉林森林生产力平均约为600 gDM m-2 a-1,但是根据辐射能计算的潜在生产力则达到1800 gDM m-2 a-1。实际与潜在森林生产力的巨大差异说明其它因子对生产力的影响。 6. 王朗亚高山3 个典型森林林分中,白桦林样地(BF) 林下草本以糙野青茅、牛至、紫菀等喜阳性物种为主,林下透光度较高;冷杉林样地(FF) 林下透光度最低,以喜阴性物种水金凤、蟹甲草、囊瓣芹等为主;而云杉林样地(SF)林分林龄最大,林下透光度介于冷杉林和白桦林之间,草本层仍然以喜阴性物种东方草莓、紫花碎米芥、酢浆草等为主。冷杉林和云杉林的灌木层也很丰富,卫矛属、五加属、茶藨子属、忍冬属植物很丰富,而在白桦林则以栒摘要子属、榛子属、鹅耳枥属等植物为主。藓类植物在云杉林中最丰富,并且形成毯状层,其它两个林分则很稀少。3 个样地林分结构与林下光环境有很强的相关性,从光环境特征可以在一定程度上推测林分的结构。各样地单纯从乔木层材积推算的NPP 排列顺序为BF>FF>SF,与林下辐射透射率和林分年龄的顺序相同,暗示辐射对群落演替过程的驱动作用。 7. 用半球照相法测得BF、FF 和SF 3 个样地的有效叶面积指数以SF 样地最高,BF 最低。如果考虑针叶树叶片在小枝上的丛聚分布,利用北方针叶林的数值进行校正,则SF 样地LAI 显著增加(达到89%),其它样地的LAI 基本不变甚至有所下降。校正后的数值与文献中地面测量的结果较相近,说明在使用半球照相法测量川西亚高山针叶林LAI 时必须加以校正。 8. 在3 个样地中,白桦、岷江冷杉和方枝柏种群为丛聚分布,紫果云杉在FF和SF 样地中基本上为随机分布。3 个物种出现丛聚分布的最短距离约为2m,在最短距离以内则为随机分布。最短距离可能与树冠大小有关,种子传播特征以及对光照的需求状况可能是造成这种分布格局类型的原因。 Radiative transfer plays a key role in forest ecosystems. Solar radiation providesenergy for photosynthesis, appropriate ambient temperature and development informationfor plants. However, quality and quantity of radiation reaching land surface are affected byweather and subsequently influence the growth and development of plants, which in turnchanges the budget of radiation in forest. Soil temperature changes with the variation ofradiation under forest canopy and influences the activity of roots and rate of nutrientturnover. Thus, any changes of radiation will induce chain reactions in the entireecosystem and display in the value of net primary productivity which will possibly shiftthe relationship between carbon source and sink at local or regional scale and feed back tothe global climate system. On the other hand, as a component of ecosystems, humanbeings of course need to demand more materials and better service from ecosystems. Forthese purpose, man must adapt their pattern and frequency of interference to ecosystems.This paper aims to research on the canopy structure, the radiation distribution and theirinfluence on soil temperature from the process of radiative transfer in subalpine forestecosystem of western Sichuan. The main results are: 1 Present a new photogrammetric method for leaf area. The main idea is to convertnon-vertically taken images of planar leaves to orthoimages through projectivetransformation. The resultant images are used to get leaf morphological parametersthrough image processing. This method enables users to take photos at almost anyorientation and distance if only the leaves are placed on same plane, and to processlarge quantity of leaves in a short time, which is suitable for field measurement. Theresolution of leaf area is adjustable to fit for special requirement. 2 A model using hemispherical photos combining with solar tracks and radiation courseis provided to simulate light variation in forest. The hemispherical photos of canopyrecord the real spatial distribution of each element of plants viewed from a point. Skyradiance is simulated with CIE standard clear sky or cloudy sky model. This modelcan be used to simulate real time light variation under canopy. 3 Present a soil temperature model. Soil could be regarded as a body of resistor andcapacitor. Some of the budget of solar radiation in soil body is transformed into soilpotential energy, the soil temperature. Variation of soil temperature is driven by solarradiation, vegetation, soil properties, etc. This model has two parameters, one of whichis time constant and is related to soil water content. The inversed model can be used tosimulate the variation of soil water. 4 By using model tRAYci developed by Brunner (1998), the 3-D distribution of light inthree subalpine forest stands of Wanglang Nature Reserve has been simulated andvalidated with value of radiometers in these stands. This model can basically satisfythe need for understanding light regimes of these stands. 5 Present some principles and questions of NPP (net primary of productivity) researchesin western Sichuan. The standard leaf area index (LAI) defined by Chen and Black(1997) has not been used in this region. Total leaf area and projected leaf area indexare still used in NPP researches which may differ around 1-fold in magnitude. Thestandard LAI which is a half of total leaf area above unit land area should be between4 and 5 for typical subalpine coniferous forest of western Sichuan concluded fromliteratures. The maximum forest NPP occurs in West China rain belt and decreasesnorthwestwards. Average NPP of spruce-fir forest in western Sichuan is about600gDM m-2 a-1, which is below the potential NPP of 1800gDM m-2 a-1 based onmeasured radiation in this region. The significant difference between potential and realNPP suggests that other factors influence the growth of stands. 6 In the three subalpine forest stands of Wanglang Nature Reserve, herbage layer ofAbstractbirch stand (BF) with age of 40 is dominated by heliophytes of Deyeuxia scabrescens,Origanum vulgare, Aster tongoloa etc.. However, both of the other two stands aredominated by shade tolerent species, such as Impatiens noli-tangere, Impatiensdicentra, Cacalia deltophylla and Pternopetalum tanakae etc. in fir stand (FF) withage of 180 and Fragaria orientalis, Cardamine tangutorum and Oxalis corniculata etc.in spruce stand (SF) with age of 330. Shrub species in the latter two stands arerelatively rich, typical dominant genera being Euonymus, Acanthopanax, Ribes andLonicera. Birch stand has relatively sparse shrubs dominated by genera of Cotoneaster,Corylus and Carpinus. Mosses are significant only in spruce stand. The canopystructure controls the light regime of stand, which influence the composition of herblayers beneath the canopy. This light regime-community structure relationship can beused to infer the herb community from canopy structure. The NPP derived from timbervolume of arbor layer of the three stands decreases from BF to SF, which is in thesame order of transmitted total radiation under canopy and age of these stands,suggesting the driving effect of radiation in the succession of community. 7 The highest effective LAI of the three stands obtained by hemispherical photos is inplot SF and lowest in plot BF. After rectification of the clumping effect of leaves onshoot, the real LAI in plot SF increases significantly (89%) and approximate to theaverage LAI of coniferous forest in western Sichuan. Therefore, the LAI obtainedfrom hemispherical photos needs rectification for clumping effect. 8 Spatial distribution pattern for Betula platyphylla, Abies faxoniana and Sabinasaltuaria is clumpy, but Picea purpurea almost random in plot FF and SF. The shortestdistance for clumpy distribution for Betula platyphylla and Sabina saltuaria is 1.5m,and 2m for Abies faxoniana. And random pattern for these trees is exhibited within thisrange which almost coincides with the diameter of crown. Seed dispersalcharacteristics and light requirement may be the reason for different spatial pattern.


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Surface pollen assemblages and their relationhips with the modern vegetation and climate provide a foundation for investigating palaeo-environment conditions by fossil pollen analysis. A promising trend of palynology is to link pollen data more closely with ecology. In this study, I summarized the characteristics of surface pollen assemblages and their quantitative relation with the vegetation and climate of the typical ecological regions in northern China, based on surface pollen analysis of 205 sites and investigating of modern vegetation and climate. The primary conclusions are as follows:The differences in surface pollen assemblages for different vegetation regions are obvious. In the forest communities, the arboreal pollen percentages are more than 30%, herbs less than 50% and shrubs less than 10%; total pollen concentrations are more than 106 grains/g. In the steppe communities, arboreal pollen percentages are generally less than 5%; herb pollen percentages are more than 90%, and Artemisia and Chenopodiaceae are dominant in the pollen assemblages; total pollen concentrations range from 103 to 106 grains/g. In the desert communities, arboreal pollen percentages are less than 5%. Although Chenopodiaceae and Artemisia still dominate the pollen assemblages, Ephedra, Tamaricaceae and Nitraria are also significant important in the pollen assemblages; total pollen concentrations are mostly less than 104grains/g. In the sub-alpine or high and cold meadow communities, arboreal pollen percentages are less than 30%. and Cyperaceae is one of the most significant-taxa in the pollen assemblages. In the shrub communities, the pollen assemblages are consistent with the zonal vegetation; shrub pollen percentages are mostly less than 20%, except for Artemisia and Hippophae rhamnoides communities.There are obvious trends for the pollen percentage ratios of Artemisia to Chenopodiaceae (A/C), Pinus to Artemisia (P/A) and arbor to non-arbor (AP/NAP) in the different ecological regions. In the temperate deciduous broad-leaved forest region, the P/A ratios are generally higher than 0.1, the A/C ratios higher than 2 and the AP/NAP ratios higher than 0.3. In the temperate steppe regions, the P/A ratios are generally less than 0.1, the A/C ratios higher than 1 and the AP/NAP ratios less than 0.1. In the temperate desert regions, the P/A ratios are generally less than 0.1, the A/C ratios less than 1, and the AP/NAP ratios less than 0.1.The study on the representation and indication of pollen to vegetation shows that Pinus, Artemisia, Betula, Chenopodiaceae, Ephedra, Selaginella sinensis etc. are over-representative in the pollen assemblages and can only indicate the regional vegetation. Some pollen types, such as Quercus, Carpinus, Picea, Abies, Elaeagus, Larix, Salix, Pterocelis, Juglans, Ulmus, Gleditsia, Cotinus, Oleaceae, Spiraea, Corylus, Ostryopsis, Vites, Tetraena, Caragana, Tamaricaceae, Zygophyllum, Nitraria, Cyperaceae, Sanguisorba etc. are under-representative in the pollen assemblages, and can indicate the plant communities well. Populus, Rosaceae, Saxifranaceae, Gramineae, Leguminosae, Compositae, Caprifoliaceae etc. can not be used as significant indicators to the plants.The study on the relation of pollen percentages with plant covers shows that Pinus pollen percentages are more than 30% where pine trees exist in the surrounding region. The Picea+Abies pollen percentages are higher than 20% where the Picea+Abies trees are dominant in the communities, but less than 5% where the parent plants are sparse or absent. Larix pollen percentages vary from 5% to 20% where the Larix trees are dominant in the communities, but less than 5% where the parent plants are sparse or absent. Betula pollen percentages are higher than 40% where the Betula trees are dominant in the communities" but less than 5% where the parent plants are sparse or absent. Quercus pollen percentages are higher than 10% where the Quercus trees are dominant in the communities, but less than 1% where the parent plants sparse or absent. Carpinus pollen percentages vary from 5% to 15% where the Carpinus trees are dominant in the communities, but less than 1% where the parent plants are sparse or absent. Populus pollen percentages are about 0-5% at pure Populus communities, but cannot be recorded easily where the Populus plants mixed with other trees in the communities. Juglans pollen accounts for 25% to 35% in the forest of Juglans mandshurica, but less than 1% where the parent plants are sparse or absent. Pterocelis pollen percentages are less than 15% where the Pterocelis trees are dominant in the communities, but cannot be recorded easily where the parent plants are sparse or absent. Ulmus pollen percentages are more than 8% at Ulmus communities, but less than 1% where the Ulmus plants mixed with other trees in the communities. Vitex pollen percentages increase along with increasing of parent plant covers, but the maximum values are less than 10 %. Caragana pollen percentages are less than 20 % where the Caragana plant are dominant in the communities, and cannot be recorded easily where the parent plants are sparse or absent. Spiraea pollen percentages are less than 16 % where the Spiraea plant are dominant in the communities, and cannot be recorded easily where the parent plants are sparse or absent.The study on the relation of surface pollen assemblages with the modern climate shows that, in the axis 1 of DCA, surface samples scores have significant correlation with the average annual precipitations, and the highest determination coefficient (R2) is 0.8 for the fitting result of the third degree polynomial functions. In the axis 2 of DCA, the samples scores have significant correlation with the average annual temperatures, average July temperatures and average January temperatures, and the determination coefficient falls in 0.13-0.29 for the fitting result of the third degree polynomial functions with the highest determination coefficient for the average July temperature.The sensitivity of the different pollen taxa to climate change shows that some pollen taxa such as Pinus, Quercus, Carpinus, Juglans, Spiraea, Oleaceae, Gramineae, Tamariaceae and Ephedra are only sensitive to the change in precipitation.


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1  A set of 316 modern surface pollen samples, sampling all the alpine vegetation types that occur on the Tibetan Plateau, has been compiled and analysed. Between 82 and 92% of the pollen present in these samples is derived from only 28 major taxa. These 28 taxa include examples of both tree (AP) and herb (NAP) pollen types. 2  Most of the modern surface pollen samples accurately reflect the composition of the modern vegetation in the sampling region. However, airborne dust-trap pollen samples do not provide a reliable assessment of the modern vegetation. Dust-trap samples contain much higher percentages of tree pollen than non-dust-trap samples, and many of the taxa present are exotic. In the extremely windy environments of the Tibetan Plateau, contamination of dust-trap samples by long-distance transport of exotic pollen is a serious problem. 3  The most characteristic vegetation types present on the Tibetan Plateau are alpine meadows, steppe and desert. Non-arboreal pollen (NAP) therefore dominates the pollen samples in most regions. Percentages of arboreal pollen (AP) are high in samples from the southern and eastern Tibetan Plateau, where alpine forests are an important component of the vegetation. The relative importance of forest and non-forest vegetation across the Plateau clearly follows climatic gradients: forests occur on the southern and eastern margins of the Plateau, supported by the penetration of moisture-bearing airmasses associated with the Indian and Pacific summer monsoons; open, treeless vegetation is dominant in the interior and northern margins of the Plateau, far from these moisture sources. 4  The different types of non-forest vegetation are characterized by different modern pollen assemblages. Thus, alpine deserts are characterized by high percentages of Chenopodiaceae and Artemisia, with Ephedra and Nitraria. Alpine meadows are characterized by high percentages of Cyperaceae and Artemisia, with Ranunculaceae and Polygonaceae. Alpine steppe is characterized by high abundances of Artemisia, with Compositae, Cruciferae and Chenopodiaceae. Although Artemisia is a common component of all non-forest vegetation types on the Tibetan Plateau, the presence of other taxa makes it possible to discriminate between the different vegetation types. 5  The good agreement between modern vegetation and modern surface pollen samples across the Tibetan Plateau provides a measure of the reliability of using pollen data to reconstruct past vegetation patterns in non-forested areas.


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We present a high-resolution reconstruction of tropical palaeoenvironmental changes for the last deglacial transition (18 to 9 cal. kyr BP) based on integrated oceanic and terrestrial proxies from a Congo fan core. Pollen, grass cuticle, Pediastrum and dinoflagellate cyst fluxes, sedimentation rates and planktonic foraminiferal d18O ratios, uK37 sea-surface temperature and alkane/alkenone ratio data highlight a series of abrupt changes in Congo River palaeodischarge. A major discharge pulse is registered at around 13.0 cal. kyr BP which we attribute to latitudinal migration of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) during deglaciation. The data indicate abrupt and short-lived changes in the equatorial precipitation regime within a system of monsoonal dynamics forced by precessional cycles. The phases of enhanced Congo discharge stimulated river-induced upwelling and enhanced productivity in the adjacent ocean.


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ODP Site 1078 situated under the coast of Angola provides the first record of the vegetation history for Angola. The upper 11 m of the core covers the past 30 thousand years, which has been analysed palynologically in decadal to centennial resolution. Alkenone sea surface temperature estimates were analysed in centennial resolution. We studied sea surface temperatures and vegetation development during full glacial, deglacial, and interglacial conditions. During the glacial the vegetation in Angola was very open consisting of grass and heath lands, deserts and semi-deserts, which suggests a cool and dry climate. A change to warmer and more humid conditions is indicated by forest expansion starting in step with the earliest temperature rise in Antarctica, 22 thousand years ago. We infer that around the period of Heinrich Event 1, a northward excursion of the Angola Benguela Front and the Congo Air Boundary resulted in cool sea surface temperatures but rain forest remained present in the northern lowlands of Angola. Rain forest and dry forest area increase 15 thousand years ago. During the Holocene, dry forests and Miombo woodlands expanded. Also in Angola globally recognised climate changes at 8 thousand and 4 thousand years ago had an impact on the vegetation. During the past 2 thousand years, savannah vegetation became dominant.


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Pliocene vegetation dynamics and climate variability in West Africa have been investigated through pollen and XRF-scanning records obtained from sediment cores of ODP Site 659 (18°N, 21°W). The comparison between total pollen accumulation rates and Ti/Ca ratios, which is strongly correlated with the dust input at the site, showed elevated aeolian transport of pollen during dusty periods. Comparison of the pollen records of ODP Site 659 and the nearby Site 658 resulted in a robust reconstruction of West African vegetation change since the Late Pliocene. Between 3.6 and 3.0 Ma the savannah in West Africa differed in composition from its modern counterpart and was richer in Asteraceae, in particular of the Tribus Cichorieae. Between 3.24 and 3.20 Ma a stable wet period is inferred from the Fe/K ratios, which could stand for a narrower and better specified mid-Pliocene (mid-Piacenzian) warm time slice. The northward extension of woodland and savannah, albeit fluctuating, was generally greater in the Pliocene. NE trade wind vigour increased intermittently around 2.7 and 2.6 Ma, and more or less permanently since 2.5 Ma, as inferred from increased pollen concentrations of trade wind indicators (Ephedra, Artemisia, Pinus). Our findings link the NE trade wind development with the intensification of the Northern Hemisphere glaciations (iNHG). Prior to the iNHG, little or no systematic relation could be found between sea surface temperatures of the North Atlantic with aridity and dust in West Africa.