796 resultados para Ninth grade promotion


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Abstract The purpose of this study was to examine how four high schools used an Early Warning Indicator Report (EWIR) to improve ninth grade promotion rates. Ninth grade on-time promotion is an early predictor of a student’s likelihood to graduate (Bornsheuer, Polonyi, Andrews, Fore, & Onwuegbuzie, 2011; Leckrone & Griffith, 2006; Roderick, Kelley-Kemple, Johnson, & Beechum, 2014; Zvoch, 2006). The analysis revealed both similarities and differences in the ways that the four schools used the EWIR. The research took place in a large urban school district in the Mid-Atlantic. Sixteen participants from four high schools and the district’s central office voluntarily participated in face-to-face interviews. The researcher utilized a qualitative case study method to examine the implementation of the EWIR system in Wyatt School District. The interview data was transcribed and analyzed, along with district documents, to identify categories in this cross case analysis. Three primary themes emerged from the data: (1) targeted school structures for EWIR implementation, (2) the EWIR identified necessary supports for students, and (3) the central office support for school staff. The findings revealed the various ways that the target schools implemented the EWIR in their buildings and the level of support that they received from the central office that aided them in using the EWIR to improve ninth grade promotion rates. Based on the findings of this study, the researcher provided a number of key recommendations: (1) Districts should provide professional development to schools to ensure that schools have the support they need to implement the EWIR successfully; (2) There should be increased accountability from the central office for schools using the EWIR to identify impactful interventions for ninth graders; and (3) The district needs to assign dedicated central office staff to support the implementation of the EWIR in high schools across the district. As schools continue to face the challenge of improving ninth grade promotion rates, effective use of an Early Warning Indicator Report is recommended to provide school and district staff with data needed to impact overall student performance.


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We examine the impact of Brazil's Bolsa Escola/Familia program on Brazilian children's education outcomes. Bolsa provides cash payments to poor households if their children (ages 6 to 15) are enrolled in school. Using school census data to compare changes in enrollment, dropping out and grade promotion across schools that adopted Bolsa at different times, we estimate that the program has: increased enrollment by about 5.5% (6.5%) in grades 1-4 (grades 5-8); lowered dropout rates by 0.5 (0.4) percentage points in grades 1-4 (grades 5-8); and raised grade promotion rates by 0.9 (0.3) percentage points in grades 1-4 (grades 5-8). About one third of Brazil's children participate in Bolsa, so assuming no spillover effects onto non-participants implies that Bolsa's impacts are three times higher than these estimates. However, simple calculations using enrollment impacts suggest that Bolsa's benefits in terms of increased wages may not exceed its costs. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The purpose of this study was to determine if an experimental context-based delivery format for mathematics would be more effective than a traditional model for increasing the performance in mathematics of at-risk students in a public high school of choice, as evidenced by significant gains in achievement on the standards-based Mathematics subtest of the FCAT and final academic grades in Algebra I. The guiding rationale for this approach is captured in the Secretary's Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills (SCANS) report of 1992 that resulted in school-to-work initiatives (United States Department of Labor). Also, the charge for educational reform has been codified at the state level as Educational Accountability Act of 1971 (Florida Statutes, 1995) and at the national level as embodied in the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. A particular focus of educational reform is low performing, at-risk students. ^ This dissertation explored the effects of a context-based curricular reform designed to enhance the content of Algebra I content utilizing a research design consisting of two delivery models: a traditional content-based course; and, a thematically structured, content-based course. In this case, the thematic element was business education as there are many advocates in career education who assert that this format engages students who are often otherwise disinterested in mathematics in a relevant, SCANS skills setting. The subjects in each supplementary course were ninth grade students who were both low performers in eighth grade mathematics and who had not passed the eighth grade administration of the standards-based FCAT Mathematics subtest. The sample size was limited to two groups of 25 students and two teachers. The site for this study was a public charter school. Student-generated performance data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. ^ Results indicated that contrary to the beliefs held by many, contextual presentation of content did not cause significant gains in either academic performance or test performance for those in the experimental treatment group. Further, results indicated that there was no meaningful difference in performance between the two groups. ^


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This case study explores intervention strategies for social capital improvement of ninth grade students so that they can gain a grade point average perspective.


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There is a long history of debate around mathematics standards, reform efforts, and accountability. This research identified ways that national expectations and context drive local implementation of mathematics reform efforts and identified the external and internal factors that impact teachers’ acceptance or resistance to policy implementation at the local level. This research also adds to the body of knowledge about acceptance and resistance to policy implementation efforts. This case study involved the analysis of documents to provide a chronological perspective, assess the current state of the District’s mathematics reform, and determine the District’s readiness to implement the Common Core Curriculum. The school system in question has continued to struggle with meeting the needs of all students in Algebra 1. Therefore, the results of this case study will be useful to the District’s leaders as they include the compilation and analysis of a decade’s worth of data specific to Algebra 1.


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AbstractOBJECTIVEAnalyze adolescents' perceptions about support networks and their health needs.METHODAnalytical and interpretive study using focus groups conducted in municipal state schools in Fortaleza, in the State of Ceará during the first semester of 2012. The sample comprised 36 male and female adolescents aged between 13 and 16 years attending the ninth grade of the second phase of elementary school.RESULTSThematic analysis revealed that the health care support network and interaction between health professionals, education professionals and family members was insufficient, constituting a lack of an integrated network to enable and provide support for health promotion.CONCLUSIONCoordination between education, health and family services has the potential to act as a support network to help meet adolescents' healthcare needs and demands.


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The purpose of this study was to examine grade nine teachers' perception of how teachers, parents, peers, administrators, and community members influence the overall development of grade nine students. Ten grade nine teachers (four male and six female) participated in the study which consisted of the completion of a one hour, tape-recorded interview. The central findings were as follows: 1) the grade nine student has evolved; 2) peers have an important impact on the four developmental areas (physical, emotional, social, and academic) of the grade nine student; and 3) the role of the grade nine teacher appears to have dramatically changed over the last seventeen years. Suggestions and recommendations for future research in this field are based on findings related to the enhancement of the secondary school experience for the grade nine adolescent.


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RESUMO - A presente investigação pretende caracterizar e relacionar os principais factores que levam o adolescente a usar ou não o preservativo na relação sexual, no âmbito da adaptação da Teoria do Comportamento Interpessoal de Triandis (1977). O enfoque é posto na relação entre as atitudes e os factores afectivos e sociais que estão associados à intenção comportamental. Trata-se de um estudo transversal, correlacional, descritivo e analítico, que recorre à técnica do inquérito por questionário. A amostra é de 2.465 adolescentes de 14, 15 e 16 anos a frequentar o 9.º ano das escolas portuguesas, por regiões. Espera-se uma forte associação entre os factores sociais, afectivos e atitudes, e entre estes individualmente, e a intenção do uso do preservativo. ----------- ABSTRACT - This research aims to explore, characterize and set relationships between the main factors that lead adolescents to use or not use condoms during sexual intercourse, based in an adaptation of the Theory of Interpersonal Behaviour (Triandis, 1977). The focus is put on the relationship between attitudes and emotional and social factors that are associated with behavioral intention. It is a cross-sectional, correlational, descriptive and analytical study that uses the survey questionnaire. The sample is 2.465 adolescents aged 14, 15 and 16 years attending the ninth grade of a Portuguese school, by region. It is expected a strong association between social and emotional factors and attitudes, as well as between them individually and the intention of use condom.


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There is a positive relationship between learning music and academic achievement, although doubts remain regarding the mechanisms underlying this association. This research analyses the academic performance of music and non-music students from seventh to ninth grade. The study controls for socioeconomic status, intelligence, motivation and prior academic achievement. Data were collected from 110 adolescents at two time points, once when the students were between 11 and 14 years old in the seventh grade, and again 3 years later. Our results show that music students perform better academically than non-music students in the seventh grade (Cohen’s d = 0.88) and in the ninth grade (Cohen’s d = 1.05). This difference is particularly evident in their scores in Portuguese language and natural science; the difference is somewhat weaker in history and geography scores, and is least pronounced in mathematics and English scores (η2 p from .09 to .21). A longitudinal analysis also revealed better academic performance by music students after controlling for prior academic achievement (η2 p = .07). Furthermore, controlling for intelligence, socioeconomic status and motivation did not eliminate the positive association between music learning from the seventh to the ninth grade and students’ academic achievement (η2 p = .06). During the period, music students maintained better and more consistent academic standing. We conclude that, after controlling for intelligence, socioeconomic status and motivation, music training is positively associated with academic achievement.


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Com os avanços da tecnologia as crianças e jovens passam demasiado tempo sem realizar atividade física (Rodrigues, 2000), exceto a que é proporcionada na escola. É nas aulas de Educação Física que se notam as dificuldades sentidas pelos alunos na realização de exercícios devido à sua fraca aptidão física, sendo a força uma das capacidades motoras com maior défice. O presente trabalho pretende analisar as possibilidades de melhorias da força através da realização de exercícios específicos nas aulas de Educação Física. Para tal, realizámos um estudo experimental com dois grupos: GE (grupo experimental), onde foi aplicado um programa de treino de desenvolvimento da força superior e média, durante seis semanas, em três sessões semanais e GC (grupo de controlo) onde não foi aplicado o programa de treino. A amostra foi constituída por trinta e quatro alunos, de ambos os géneros, pertencentes a três turmas do 9º ano de escolaridade, com idades compreendidas entre os catorze e os dezasseis anos, da Escola EB 2,3 António Gedeão em Odivelas. Após a análise estatística (Teste T-Pares) constatámos que existiram melhorias nos dois testes, nos dois géneros, em ambos os grupos, com as seguintes exceções: extensões de braços nas raparigas do GC (decréscimo não significativo); abdominais das raparigas do GC (valor manteve-se); extensões de braços das raparigas no GE (melhoria significativa). Concluímos que a aplicação de alguns exercícios específicos, devidamente integrados no normal funcionamento das aulas, provocou melhorias na força. O estudo sugere a possibilidade de alcançar melhores resultados ao nível da aptidão física mediante a inclusão de exercícios específicos no plano de aulas.


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O presente trabalho de investigação incide na análise e interpretação de uma experiência educativa, desenvolvida em contexto de sala de aula, que teve como referência e critérios de abordagem a teoria construtivista da aprendizagem, mais concretamente a teoria da aprendizagem significativa de Ausubel e partiu da análise das conceções prévias de alunos de uma turma de 9º Ano, do 3º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, sobre o conceito de qualidade de vida, numa escola inserida num dado contexto psicossocial, o meio rural. Trata-se de uma experiência educativa desenvolvida no domínio da cognição histórica e geográfica, relativamente à construção científica do conceito de qualidade de vida, inserido nas disciplinas de História e de Geografia. De modo a concretizar a experiência educativa foram utilizados três instrumentos diferentes, em três momentos distintos da aprendizagem dos alunos, para que no final fosse possível verificar e identificar as principais dificuldades de aprendizagem do conceito de qualidade de vida. A análise e interpretação dos dados recolhidos e as conclusões retiradas remetem para a necessidade de compreensão das conceções prévias dos alunos, em História e em Geografia, no que diz respeito ao conceito de qualidade de vida para que os professores possam melhorar a sua a prática pedagógica e para que a aprendizagem tenha mais significado para os alunos.


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Mobbing är ett socialt problem. Därför skapades denna studie för att se om samband råder mellan mobbad, mobbare och personlighetsegenskaper. Dessutom gjordes en könsfördelning för att se om det råder några signifikanta skillnader i händelse, kön och personlighet. För att få svar på dessa syften ställdes frågorna: Hur ser mobbingen ut och vilka drabbas? Har kön och personlighetsegenskaper någon betydelse för om man blir mobbad eller utsätter andra för mobbing? Till hjälp användes en kvantitativ undersökningsmetod. En enkätstudie, där tre klasser i årskurs nio deltog. Det resultat som framkom var att tjejer i allt större utsträckning mobbar och mobbas och använder sig av mer grövre metoder än tidigare. Dessutom visar studien att det finns en signifikant skillnad i personlighet karakteristiska neurotisk och de som utsätts för mobbning.AbstractBullying is a social problem. Therefore this study was created to see if there was a connection between being bullied, bullies, and personality characteristics. In addition a balance to see if there was any significant difference in the event, gender and personality. To answer these objectives the questions were: What is bullying and who is affected? Do gender and personality characteristics have an impact on whether one is being bullied or subjecting others to bullying? A quantitative questionnaire survey was used in three classes for students in ninth grade. The results showed that girls were more widely both bullies and bullied. And apply the increasingly violent methods. In addition, the study shows that there is a significant difference in personality characteristic neuroticism and those that are subjected to bullying.


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The purpose of this thesis is to study the literacy formed when a class blog is used as a tool for students studying history and explore how this particular literacy is used to generate historical knowledge. The study was conducted during the course of a project in which ninth-grade students contributed entries to a common blog in the form of a diary written by individuals who experienced the Second World War. Its three major objectives were to study the students' perception of the blog in relation to their gender and level of historical knowledge; how they and their teacher esta-blished and used the formed literacy; and how the students related to this in the production of historical knowledge. In analyzing the results, a concept of literacy was used based on seven writing practices all linked to the new medium and history education. The study was based on a questionnaire, interviews and various student texts. In order to perform a content analysis on the study results a theoretical frame­work for historical conscious-ness was included. The results show that in using the writing practices a literacy character­ized by colla-borative authorship was formed. The study concludes that this affects both what and how the students learn. Together they show each other that history is comprised of many small stories, not necessarily strictly co­herent with the general history as told by their textbooks. Examining the students’ blog entries made a new learning process visible that enabled the enhancement of their historical consciousness.  


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This article describes the application of a Comprehension Strategies Programme (CSP) designed to improve the reading comprehension of students with learning difficulties. The programme was implemented with 102 ninth grade students from Portuguese public schools with low achievement on a particular subject: Portuguese. An evaluation was done on the effects of the programme on reading comprehension and on school achievement. The Experimental Group presented significant improvements when compared to the Control Group (n=108) on the dimensions considered. This indicates that the CSP an bring benefits to low achieving students who have Portuguese as a mother tongue.


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At first moment we present a reflection about the history of theater and later a contextualization of didactic movements oriented to scenic arts. Through at the constant dialogue with authors of areas involving education, theatre, corporeality and music was possible analyzing, develop and criticize a education work under my responsibility involving fourteen classes. At the second moment will occur a critical self about the quality of theater classes his contents and methodologies. The technique will be at side of the emotion and together develop skills aimed at tracing paths for theater developed at a classroom of a especific private school in Natal-RN. At the third moment one class is chosen for analyze of the academic research and many experiments happen after this decision, initiated and sensitized through of the music with a significant look at the corporeality and prioritizing the theater as content in ninth grade - elementary school two. At the conclusion is possible see that learning is mutual and the theater can become life routine as well as the arts in general and when all arts will be regularized into the national educational system for public and private schools we will have more susceptible humans and more intellectual capacity