984 resultados para Neurological criteria for death


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El trasplante de órganos es hoy un tratamiento habitual pero que tiene su limitación más importante en el total de órganos donados, que si bien va aumentando año tras año, no alcanza para satisfacer las demandas cada vez más crecientes, tornándose en un problema sanitario mundial. No es redundante precisar que el proceso de donación trasplante es sumamente complejo y que requiere la actuación de un número importante de sujetos, de las instituciones asistenciales y de la sociedad en general. En este artículo se intenta realizar un resumen esquemático de un proceso de donación a corazón batiente, que inicia con la llamada de detección; pasando por el diagnóstico de muerte bajo criterios neurológicos; selección, evaluación y mantenimiento del potencial donante; distribución de órganos y tejidos; y finalmente el punto más complejo que es el abordaje familiar en un contexto de altísima crisis.


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Resumen: Entre el sueño y la muerte hay “sólo una distancia”. El dormir encierra un misterio que se aviva con los sueños y, al parecer, habrían prefigurado al mismo método científico moderno. Descartes pensó que en sus sueños se transmitía el espíritu de la verdad. El alma soñadora e inmortal adquirió notoriedad en su dualismo, al tiempo que dejó de asociársela con la muerte. Tres siglos después, la medicina permitió identificar individuos que estaban muertos, aunque pareciesen dormidos (coma dépassé). Así reapareció la asociación sueño-muerte, pero ahora con médicos provistos del “diagnóstico anátomo-clínico” que, por su herencia cartesiana, demandará evidencias. La duda metódica integrada al pensamiento científico, aportaría incertidumbre a las formulaciones cerebrales de la muerte. Este trabajo repasa el valor de los sueños para el pensamiento occidental, busca al “hombre-máquina” dentro de los criterios neurológicos del fallecido y, con la ayuda de la Filosofía, intenta comprender algunas objeciones en torno a la licitud del diagnóstico de “muerte encefálica”. Se propone una revisión sucinta de la obra del filósofo francés y su reflejo en aspectos del debate ofrecido por la literatura médica.


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BACKGROUND: The treatment of status epilepticus (SE) is based on relatively little evidence although several guidelines have been published. A recent study reported a worse SE prognosis in a large urban setting as compared to a peripheral hospital, postulating better management in the latter. The aim of this study was to analyse SE episodes occurring in different settings and address possible explanatory variables regarding outcome, including treatment quality. METHODS: Over six months we prospectively recorded consecutive adults with SE (fit lasting five or more minutes) at the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV) and in six peripheral hospitals (PH) in the same region. Demographical, historical and clinical variables were collected, including SE severity estimation (STESS score) and adherence to Swiss SE treatment guidelines. Outcome at discharge was categorised as "good" (return to baseline), or "poor" (persistent neurological sequelae or death). RESULTS: Of 54 patients (CHUV: 36; PH 18), 33% had a poor outcome. Whilst age, SE severity, percentage of SE episodes lasting less than 30 minutes and total SE duration were similar, fewer patients had a good outcome at the CHUV (61% vs 83%; OR 3.57; 95% CI 0.8-22.1). Mortality was 14% at the CHUV and 5% at the PH. Most treatments were in agreement with national guidelines, although less often in PH (78% vs 97%, P = 0.04). CONCLUSION: Although not statistically significant, we observed a slightly worse SE prognosis in a large academic centre as compared to smaller hospitals. Since SE severity was similar in the two settings but adherence to national treatment guidelines was higher in the academic centre, further investigation on the prognostic role of SE treatment and outcome determinants is required.


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O Acidente vascular encefálico (AVE) é considerado uma das mais importantes causas de morte e perda funcional no mundo. Poucas condições neurológicas são tão complexas e devastadoras, provocando déficits neurológicos incapacitantes ou óbito nos sobreviventes. As regiões corticais são comumente afetadas por AVE, o que resulta em perda sensorial e motora. O estabelecimento dos padrões neuropatológicos em regiões corticais, incluindo a área somestésica, é fundamental para a investigação de possíveis intervenções terapêuticas. No presente estudo, investigamos os padrões de perda neuronal, microgliose, astrocitose, neurogênese e os déficits funcionais no córtex somestésico primário de ratos adultos, submetidos á lesões isquêmicas focais, induzidas por microinjeções de 40p Moles de endotelina-1 (ET-1). Foram utilizados 30 ratos (Rattus Norvegicus) da linhagem Wistar, adultos jovens, pesando entre 250-280g. Os animais foram divididos em grupos isquêmicos (N= 21) e controle (N=9). Os mesmos foram perfundidos nos tempos de sobrevida de 1, 3 e 7 dias. Os animais do grupo de 7 dias foram submetidos à testes comportamentais para avaliar a perda de função sensório-motora. Secções foram coradas pela violeta de cresila, citocromo oxidase e imunomarcadas para identificação neurônios (anti-NeuN), microglia ativada e não ativada (Iba-1), macrófagos/microglia ativados (ED-1), astrócitos (GFAP) e neuroblastos (DCX). As comparações estatísticas entre os grupos foram feitas por análise de variância (ANOVA), um critério com correção a posteriore de Tukey. Os animais isquêmicos apresentaram déficits sensório-motores revelados pela Escala Neurológica de Bederson, Teste de Colocação da Pata Anterior e Teste do Canto. Microinjeções de ET-1 induziram lesão isquêmica focal na área somestésica primária com perda neuronal, astrocitose e microgliose progressivas principalmente nos tempos mais tardios. A coloração para citocromo oxidase revelou o campo de barris, mas, inesperadamente, marcou uma população de células inflamatórias com características de macrófagos na região isquêmica. Houve aumento do número de neuroblastos, principalmente ao sétimo dia, na zona subventricular do hemisfério isquêmico, em relação ao hemisfério contralateral e animais controle. Não houve migração significativa de neuroblastos no córtex somestésico isquêmico. Os resultados mostram que microinjeções de ET-1 são um método eficaz para indução de perda tecidual e déficits sensoriais no córtex somestésico primário de ratos adultos. Também se evidencia que a zona subventricular é influenciada por eventos isquêmicos distantes e que populações macrofágicas parecem aumentar o padrão de expressão de citocromo oxidase. O referido modelo experimental pode ser utilizado em estudos futuros onde agentes neuroprotetores em potencial podem ser utilizados para minimizar as alterações neuropatológicas descritas.


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O acidente vascular cerebral (AVC) é a maior causa de mortes e incapacidades neurológicas no Brasil, e mais de 80% deles são decorrentes de evento isquêmico. Os sobreviventes de AVC apresentam uma variedade de déficits motores, cognitivos e sensoriais, que prejudicam suas atividades de vida diária, limitando assim sua independência. Portanto, torna-se cada vez mais necessário elaborar estratégias terapêuticas que promovam a recuperação funcional de pacientes acometidos por AVC. Após isquemia do tecido nervoso, ocorre no meio extracelular a super expressão de moléculas inibitórias a regeneração neuronal e à plasticidade sináptica, como os proteoglicanos de sulfato de condroitina (PGSCs), o principal componente das redes perineuronais (RPNs). A remoção destas moléculas com a ação da enzima condroitinase ABC (ChABC) tem sido usada como estratégia para induzir a plasticidade neuronal. Outro fator que tem sido utilizado para estimular a neuroplasticidade é o exercício físico específico para o membro afetado após AVC. O exercício físico está relacionado à liberação de neurotrofinas, importantes para a regeneração do sistema nervoso. Portanto, a remoção dos PGSCs junto com o exercício físico pode potencializar a indução da plasticidade cerebral e recuperação funcional após lesão isquêmica experimental na área sensório-motora de ratos. Para testar nossa hipótese, utilizamos n=16 ratos (Ratus norvergicus) da linhagem Wistar, divididos nos seguintes grupos experimentais (todos com sobrevida de 21 dias após AVC isquêmico): Grupo Controle ou BSA (Isquemia experimental, implante de Elvax saturado com BSA); Grupo Exercício (Isquemia experimental, implante de Elvax saturado com BSA + exercício físico específico); Grupo ChABC (Isquemia experimental, implante de Elvax saturado com ChABC); e Grupo ChABC + Exercício (Isquemia experimental, implante de Elvax saturado com ChABC + exercício físico específico). A lesão isquêmica foi induzida através de microinjeções do vasoconstritor Endotelina-1 (ET-1) no córtex sensório-motor, na representação da pata anterior. Logo em seguida foi implantado uma microfatia de polímero de Etileno vinil acetato saturado com ChABC (grupos ChABC e ChABC + Exercício) ou BSA (grupos Controle e Exercício). Foram avaliadas a área de lesão e a degradação dos PGSCs, além da recuperação funcional da pata afetada através do teste da exploração vertical e do teste da escada horizontal. Avaliamos a área de lesão (mm2) com auxílio do programa ImageJ (NIH, USA), delimitando a área com palor celular e também marcada com azul de colanil que estava presente na solução de injeção do peptídeo vasoconstritor ET-1 e verificamos que não houve diferença significativa no tamanho da área de lesão entre os grupos Controle (0,48±0,12), Exercício (0,46±0,05), ChABC (0,50±0,18) e ChABC + Exercício (0,55±0,05) (ANOVA, pós-teste de Tukey, ***p<0,001; **<0,01; *p<0,5). Animais que foram submetidos à remoção enzimática dos PGSCs apresentaram imunomarcação para o anticorpo anti-condroitin-4-sulfato (C4S) na área de lesão ao final da sobrevida, não havendo evidencias de degradação de PGSCs nos grupos Controle e Exercício. Verificamos ainda no teste do cilindro que a indução da lesão isquêmica não provocou perda funcional ampla, não alterando o comportamento exploratório, nem a frequência de uso da pata anterior afetada dos animais após a lesão (grupo Controle: pré-lesão ou baseline (0,33±0,10), 3 (0,29±0,17), 7 (0,30±0,10), 14 (0,29±0,16) e 21 (0,27±0,13) dias após a lesão; grupo Exercício: pré-lesão ou baseline (0,30±0,12), 3 (0,32±0,24), 7 (0,19±0,37), 14 (0,31±0,10) e 21 (0,32±0,09) dias após a lesão; grupo ChABC: pré-lesão ou baseline (0,34±0,07), 3 (0,20±0,11), 7 (0,23±0,07), 14 (0,33±0,14) e 21 (0,39±0,16) dias após a lesão; grupo ChABC + Exercício: pré-lesão ou baseline (0,34±0,04), 3 (0,20±0,09), 7 (0,26±0,04), 14 (0,18±0,08) e 21 (0,27±0,04) dias após a lesão) (ANOVA, pós-teste de Tukey, ***p<0,001; **<0,01; *p<0,5). O grupo que teve apenas a remoção dos PGSCs apresentou um melhor desempenho motor no teste da escada horizontal, mantendo sua frequência de acertos quando comparado aos demais grupos, sendo que ao final da sobrevida de 21 dias, os grupos Controle e ChABC + Exercício alcançaram uma recuperação espontânea (equivalente ao teste pré-lesão), se aproximando do grupo ChABC. Apenas o grupo tratado somente com Exercício não alcançou a recuperação espontânea, apresentando um desempenho motor significativamente inferior aos demais grupos em todos os momentos de reavaliação (grupo Controle: pré-lesão ou baseline (7,70±0,54), 3 (5,30±0,71), 7 (5,4±1,14), 14 (5,20±0,37) e 21 (6,70±0,48) dias após a lesão; grupo Exercício: pré-lesão ou baseline (8,40±0,28), 3 (4,30±0,48), 7 (4,75±0,50), 14 (5,35±0,41) e 21 (5,05±0,67) dias após a lesão; grupo ChABC: pré-lesão ou baseline (7,65±0,97), 3 (6,90±0,65), 7 (7,80±0,37), 14 (7,15±0,87) e 21 (7,45±0,32) dias após a lesão; e grupo ChABC + Exercício: pré-lesão ou baseline (8,10±0,22), 3 (3,65±1,48), 7 (4,95±1,06), 14 (7,35±0,37) e 21 (6,70±0,48) dias após a lesão (ANOVA, pós-teste de Tukey, ***p<0,001; **<0,01; *p<0,5). Portanto, a remoção dos PGSCs, o exercício físico forçado precoce e sua associação não influenciaram no tamanho da área de lesão após isquemia focal no córtex sensório-motor. Porém, apenas a remoção dos PGSCs das redes perineuronais melhorou precocemente o desempenho motor do membro afetado após isquemia focal no córtex sensório-motor. Enquanto que a remoção dos PGSCs associada ao exercício físico melhorou o desempenho motor do membro afetado após a lesão, porém essa melhora foi tardia. E o exercício físico aplicado precocemente após isquemia focal no córtex sensório-motor prejudicou o desempenho motor do membro afetado.


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Pós-graduação em Fisiopatologia em Clínica Médica - FMB


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Although diarrhoea-associated haemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) in children is well described, the clinical features of bloody diarrhoea-associated thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP)-HUS in adults are not documented. Twenty-one adults, 6.5% of the 322 adults in The Oklahoma TTP-HUS Registry, 1989-2006, have presented with bloody diarrhoea. There were no case clusters. Escherichia coli O157:H7 was identified in five patients, but many patients did not have appropriate studies. The annual incidence was 0.68/10(6), 10-fold less than the incidence of diarrhoea-associated HUS in children in Oklahoma. Two (13%) of 16 patients in whom ADAMTS13 (A Disintegrin And Metalloproteinase with a ThromboSpondin type 1 motif, member 13) was measured had <10% activity. Severe neurological abnormalities (67%) and renal failure (62%) were common; seven patients (33%) died; no survivors have relapsed. Compared to the 38 other Oklahoma Registry patients with ADAMTS13 <10%, frequency of severe neurological abnormalities and death was not different; frequency of renal failure was greater; frequency of relapse was less. Compared to 5999 children with sporadic diarrhoea-associated HUS in published reports, frequency of renal failure and relapse was not different; frequency of severe neurological abnormalities and death was greater (P < 0.05 for all differences). Awareness of the continuous occurrence of sporadic bloody diarrhoea-associated TTP-HUS in adults is important for prompt diagnosis and appropriate management.


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BACKGROUND: Elevated lactate and interleukin-6 (IL-6) levels were shown to correlate with mortality and multiple organ dysfunction in severely traumatized patients. The purpose of this study was to test whether an association exists between 24-hour lactate clearance, IL-6 and procalcitonin (PCT) levels, and the development of infectious complications in trauma patients. METHODS: A total of 1757 consecutive trauma patients with an Injury Severity Score (ISS) > 16 admitted over a 10-year period were retrospectively analyzed over a 21-day period. Exclusion criteria included death within 72 h of admission (24.5%), late admission > 12 h after injury (16%), and age < 16 years (0.5%). Data are stated as the median (range). RESULTS: Altogether, 1032 trauma patients (76.2% male) with an average age of 38 years, a median ISS of 29 (16-75), and an Acute Physiology, Age, and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE) II score of 14 (0-40) were evaluated. The in-hospital mortality (>3 days) was 10%. Patients with insufficient 24-hour lactate clearance had a high rate of overall mortality and infections. Elevated early serum procalcitonin on days 1 to 5 after trauma was strongly associated with the subsequent development of sepsis (p < 0.01) but not with nonseptic infections. The kinetics of IL-6 were similar to those of PCT but did differentiate between infected and noninfected patients after day 5. CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates that elevated early procalcitonin and IL-6 levels and inadequate 24-hour lactate clearance help identify trauma patients who develop septic and nonseptic infectious complications. Definition of specific cutoff values and early monitoring of these parameters may help direct early surgical and antibiotic therapy and reduce infectious mortality.


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Brain injury due to lack of oxygen or impaired blood flow around the time of birth, may cause long term neurological dysfunction or death in severe cases. The treatments need to be initiated as soon as possible and tailored according to the nature of the injury to achieve best outcomes. The Electroencephalogram (EEG) currently provides the best insight into neurological activities. However, its interpretation presents formidable challenge for the neurophsiologists. Moreover, such expertise is not widely available particularly around the clock in a typical busy Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). Therefore, an automated computerized system for detecting and grading the severity of brain injuries could be of great help for medical staff to diagnose and then initiate on-time treatments. In this study, automated systems for detection of neonatal seizures and grading the severity of Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE) using EEG and Heart Rate (HR) signals are presented. It is well known that there is a lot of contextual and temporal information present in the EEG and HR signals if examined at longer time scale. The systems developed in the past, exploited this information either at very early stage of the system without any intelligent block or at very later stage where presence of such information is much reduced. This work has particularly focused on the development of a system that can incorporate the contextual information at the middle (classifier) level. This is achieved by using dynamic classifiers that are able to process the sequences of feature vectors rather than only one feature vector at a time.


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The outcome of the successfully resuscitated patient is mainly determined by the extent of hypoxic-ischemic cerebral injury, and hypothermia has multiple mechanisms of action in mitigating such injury. The present study was undertaken from 1997 to 2001 in Helsinki as a part of the European multicenter study Hypothermia after cardiac arrest (HACA) to test the neuroprotective effect of therapeutic hypothermia in patients resuscitated from out-of-hospital ventricular fibrillation (VF) cardiac arrest (CA). The aim of this substudy was to examine the neurological and cardiological outcome of these patients, and especially to study and develop methods for prediction of outcome in the hypothermia-treated patients. A total of 275 patients were randomized to the HACA trial in Europe. In Helsinki, 70 patients were enrolled in the study according to the inclusion criteria. Those randomized to hypothermia were actively cooled externally to a core temperature 33 ± 1ºC for 24 hours with a cooling device. Serum markers of ischemic neuronal injury, NSE and S-100B, were sampled at 24, 36, and 48 hours after CA. Somatosensory and brain stem auditory evoked potentials (SEPs and BAEPs) were recorded 24 to 28 hours after CA; 24-hour ambulatory electrocardiography recordings were performed three times during the first two weeks and arrhythmias and heart rate variability (HRV) were analyzed from the tapes. The clinical outcome was assessed 3 and 6 months after CA. Neuropsychological examinations were performed on the conscious survivors 3 months after the CA. Quantitative electroencephalography (Q-EEG) and auditory P300 event-related potentials were studied at the same time-point. Therapeutic hypothermia of 33ºC for 24 hours led to an increased chance of good neurological outcome and survival after out-of-hospital VF CA. In the HACA study, 55% of hypothermia-treated patients and 39% of normothermia-treated patients reached a good neurological outcome (p=0.009) at 6 months after CA. Use of therapeutic hypothermia was not associated with any increase in clinically significant arrhythmias. The levels of serum NSE, but not the levels of S-100B, were lower in hypothermia- than in normothermia-treated patients. A decrease in NSE values between 24 and 48 hours was associated with good outcome at 6 months after CA. Decreasing levels of serum NSE but not of S-100B over time may indicate selective attenuation of delayed neuronal death by therapeutic hypothermia, and the time-course of serum NSE between 24 and 48 hours after CA may help in clinical decision-making. In SEP recordings bilaterally absent N20 responses predicted permanent coma with a specificity of 100% in both treatment arms. Recording of BAEPs provided no additional benefit in outcome prediction. Preserved 24- to 48-hour HRV may be a predictor of favorable outcome in CA patients treated with hypothermia. At 3 months after CA, no differences appeared in any cognitive functions between the two groups: 67% of patients in the hypothermia and 44% patients in the normothermia group were cognitively intact or had only very mild impairment. No significant differences emerged in any of the Q-EEG parameters between the two groups. The amplitude of P300 potential was significantly higher in the hypothermia-treated group. These results give further support to the use of therapeutic hypothermia in patients with sudden out-of-hospital CA.


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Introduction: Nursing clinicians are primarily responsible for the monitoring and treatment of increased body temperature. The body temperature of patients during their acute care hospital stay is measured at regular repeated intervals. In the event a patient is assessed with an elevated temperature, a multitude of decisions are required. The action of instigating temperature reducing strategies is based upon the assumption that elevated temperature is harmful and that the strategy employed will have some beneficial effect. Background and Significance: The potential harmful effects of increased body temperature (fever, hyperthermia) following neurological insult are well recognised. Although few studies have investigated this phenomenon in the diagnostic population of non-traumatic subarachnoid haemorrhage, it has been demonstrated that increased body temperature occurs in 41 to 72% of patients with poor clinical outcome. However, in the Australian context the frequency, or other characteristics of increased body temperature, as well as the association between increased body temperature with poor clinical outcome has not been established. Design: This study used a correlational study design to: describe the frequency, duration and timing of increased body temperature; determine the association between increased body temperature and clinical outcome; and describe the clinical interventions used to manage increased body temperature in patients with non-traumatic subarachnoid haemorrhage. A retrospective clinical chart audit was conducted on 43 patients who met the inclusion criteria. Findings: The major findings of this study were: increased body temperature occurred frequently; persisted for a long time; and onset did not occur until 20 hours after primary insult; increased body temperature was associated with death or dependent outcome; and no intervention was recorded in many instances. Conclusion: This study has quantified in a non-traumatic subarachnoid haemorrhage patient population the characteristics of increased body temperature, established an association between increased body temperature with death or dependent outcome and described the current management of elevated temperatures in the Australian context to improve nursing practice, education and research.


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Acute intermittent porphyria (AIP, MIM #176000) is an inherited metabolic disease due to a partial deficiency of the third enzyme, hydroxymethylbilane synthase (HMBS, EC:, in the haem biosynthesis. Neurological symptoms during an acute attack, which is the major manifestation of AIP, are variable and relatively rare, but may endanger a patient's life. In the present study, 12 Russian and two Finnish AIP patients with severe neurological manifestations during an acute attack were studied prospectively from 1995 to 2006. Autonomic neuropathy manifested as abdominal pain (88%), tachycardia (94%), hypertension (75%) and constipation (88%). The most common neurological sign was acute motor peripheral neuropathy (PNP, 81%) often associated with neuropathic sensory loss (54%) and CNS involvement (85%). Despite heterogeneity of the neurological manifestations in our patients with acute porphyria, the major pattern of PNP associated with abdominal pain, dysautonomia, CNS involvement and mild hepatopathy could be demonstrated. If more strict inclusion criteria for biochemical abnormalities (>10-fold increase in excretion of urinary PBG) are applied, neurological manifestations in an acute attack are probably more homogeneous than described previously, which suggests that some of the neurological patients described previously may not have acute porphyria but rather secondary porphyrinuria. Screening for acute porphyria using urinary PBG is useful in a selected group of neurological patients with acute PNP or encephalopathy and seizures associated with pain and dysautonomia. Clinical manifestations and the outcome of acute attacks were used as a basis for developing a 30-score scale of the severity of an acute attack. This scale can easily be used in clinical practice and to standardise the outcome of an attack. Degree of muscle weakness scored by MRC, prolonged mechanical ventilation, bulbar paralysis, impairment of consciousness and hyponatraemia were important signs of a poor prognosis. Arrhythmia was less important and autonomic dysfunction, severity of pain and mental symptoms did not affect the outcome. The delay in the diagnosis and repeated administrations of precipitating factors were the main cause of proceeding of an acute attack into pareses and severe CNS involvement and a fatal outcome in two patients. Nerve conduction studies and needle EMG were performed in eleven AIP patients during an acute attack and/or in remission. Nine patients had severe PNP and two patients had an acute encephalopathy but no clinically evident PNP. In addition to axonopathy, features suggestive of demyelination could be demonstrated in patients with severe PNP during an acute attack. PNP with a moderate muscle weakness was mainly pure axonal. Sensory involvement was common in acute PNP and could be subclinical. Decreased conduction velocities with normal amplitudes of evoked potentials during acute attacks with no clinically evident PNP indicated subclinical polyneuropathy. Reversible symmetrical lesions comparable with posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome (PRES) were revealed in two patients' brain CT or MRI during an acute attack. In other five patients brain MRI during or soon after the symptoms was normal. The frequency of reversible brain oedema in AIP is probably under-estimated since it may be short-lasting and often indistinguishable on CT or MRI. In the present study, nine different mutations were identified in the HMBS gene in 11 unrelated Russian AIP patients from North Western Russia and their 32 relatives. AIP was diagnosed in nine symptom-free relatives. The majority of the mutations were family-specific and confirmed allelic heterogeneity also among Russian AIP patients. Three mutations, c.825+5G>C, c.825+3_825+6del and c.770T>C, were novel. Six mutations, c.77G>A (p.R26H), c.517C>T (p.R173W), c.583C>T (p.R195C), c.673C>T (p.R225X), c.739T>C (p.C247R) and c.748G>C (p.E250A), have previously been identified in AIP patients from Western and other Eastern European populations. The effects of novel mutations were studied by amplification and sequencing of the reverse-transcribed total RNA obtained from the patients' lymphoblastoid or fibroblast cell lines. The mutations c.825+5G>C and c.770T>C resulted in varyable amounts of abnormal transcripts, r.822_825del (p.C275fsX2) and [r.770u>c, r.652_771del, r.613_771del (p.L257P, p.G218_L257del, p.I205_L257del)]. All mutations demonstrated low residual activities (0.1-1.3 %) when expressed in COS-1 cells confirming the causality of the mutations and the enzymatic defect of the disease. The clinical outcome, prognosis and correlation between the HMBS genotype and phenotype were studied in 143 Finnish and Russian AIP patients with ten mutations (c.33G>T, c.97delA, InsAlu333, p.R149X, p.R167W, p.R173W, p.R173Q, p.R225G, p.R225X, c.1073delA) and more than six patients in each group. The patients were selected from the pool of 287 Finnish AIP patients presented in a Finnish Porphyria Register (1966-2003) and 23 Russian AIP patients (diagnosed 1995-2003). Patients with the p.R167W and p.R225G mutations showed lower penetrance (19% and 11%) and the recurrence rate (33% and 0%) in comparison to the patients with other mutations (range 36 to 67% and 0 to 66%, respectively), as well as milder biochemical abnormalities [urinary porphobilinogen 47±10 vs. 163±21 mol/L, p<0.001; uroporphyrin 130±40 vs. 942±183 nmol/L, p<0.001] suggesting a milder form of AIP in these patients. Erythrocyte HMBS activity did not correlate with the porphobilinogen excretion in remission or the clinical of the disease. In all AIP severity patients, normal PBG excretion predicted freedom from acute attacks. Urinary PBG excretion together with gender, age at the time of diagnosis and mutation type could predict the likelihood of acute attacks in AIP patients.


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A new structure with the special property that instantaneous resurrection and mass disaster are imposed on an ordinary birth-death process is considered. Under the condition that the underlying birth-death process is exit or bilateral, we are able to give easily checked existence criteria for such Markov processes. A very simple uniqueness criterion is also established. All honest processes are explicitly constructed. Ergodicity properties for these processes are investigated. Surprisingly, it can be proved that all the honest processes are not only recurrent but also ergodic without imposing any extra conditions. Equilibrium distributions are then established. Symmetry and reversibility of such processes are also investigated. Several examples are provided to illustrate our results.