953 resultados para Nepheloid layers


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A pesquisa aqui apresentada amostrou a plataforma continental e talude superior entre Ubatuba (SP) e o cabo Búzios (RJ), em dois projetos de escala local e de meso-escala. A campanha entre Ubatuba e o cabo Frio foi realizada no âmbito do projeto Oceano-Rio: levantamentos oceanográficos integrados ao largo do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, realizado em colaboração com o Ministério de Ciência e Tecnologia (MCT) e com a cooperação da Marinha do Brasil (MB), a bordo do Navio Hidro-oceanográfico Cruzeiro do Sul. Dos dados coletados nesta campanha oceanográfica, foram analisados os dados de CTD, concentração de oxigênio dissolvido, fluorescência, transmissividade, atenuação, retro-espalhamento além de amostras de água para a determinação direta da concentração de material particulado em suspensão (MPS). No experimento de menor escala, entre o cabo Frio e o cabo Búzios, além destes dados, foi realizado um fundeio entre 02 e 30 de julho de 2011, que amostrou a intensidade do eco, as correntes e as ondas. As análises realizadas permitiram observar uma grande abrangência da massa dágua característica da Ressurgência sobre a plataforma continental entre Ubatuba (SP) e cabo Búzios (RJ), inclusive em regiões muito rasas. A ressurgência nem sempre ocorreu associada aos ventos NE, sugerindo que a ocorrência de vórtices tem grande influência sobre o Sistema de Ressurgência de Cabo Frio. O padrão de distribuição de MPS na região é muito influenciado pela ressuspensão dos sedimentos de fundo (aumentada durante as tempestades, quando a coluna dágua passa a apresentar maiores concentrações de MPS), produção fitoplanctônica e aporte das baías costeiras. Outros processos que parecem influenciar este padrão são os vórtices e as ondas internas no talude. A complexidade da interação destas diferentes fontes de MPS e processos associados à sua distribuição ficou evidenciada no processo de conversão dos sinais óticos do transmissômetro e nefelômetro em concentração de MPS. Apesar desta dificuldade associada à grande variabilidade das características do MPS, as análises dos testes de conversão do sinal ótico em concentração de MPS permitem concluir que as melhores conversões podem ser obtidas após a inspeção visual das concentrações de MPS medidos (filtração) e remoção das amostras que não seguem a tendência geral esperada de dispersão sinal ótico versus concentração de MPS.


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IBAMar (http://www.ba.ieo.es/ibamar) is a regional database that puts together all physical and biochemical data obtained by multiparametric probes (CTDs equipped with different sensors), during the cruises managed by the Balearic Center of the Spanish Institute of Oceanography (COB-IEO). It has been recently extended to include data obtained with classical hydro casts using oceanographic Niskin or Nansen bottles. The result is a database that includes a main core of hydrographic data: temperature (T), salinity (S), dissolved oxygen (DO), fluorescence and turbidity; complemented by bio-chemical data: dissolved inorganic nutrients (phosphate, nitrate, nitrite and silicate) and chlorophyll-a. In IBAMar Database, different technologies and methodologies were used by different teams along the four decades of data sampling in the COB-IEO. Despite of this fact, data have been reprocessed using the same protocols, and a standard QC has been applied to each variable. Therefore it provides a regional database of homogeneous, good quality data. Data acquisition and quality control (QC): 94% of the data are CTDs Sbe911 and Sbe25. S and DO were calibrated on board using water samples, whenever a Rossetta was available (70% of the cases). All CTD data from Seabird CTDs were reviewed and post processed with the software provided by Sea-Bird Electronics. Data were averaged to get 1 dbar vertical resolution. General sampling methodology and pre processing are described in https://ibamardatabase.wordpress.com/home/). Manual QC include visual checks of metadata, duplicate data and outliers. Automatic QC include range check of variables by area (north of Balearic Islands, south of BI and Alboran Sea) and depth (27 standard levels), check for spikes and check for density inversions. Nutrients QC includes a preliminary control and a range check on the observed level of the data to detect outliers around objectively analyzed data fields. A quality flag is assigned as an integer number, depending on the result of the QC check.


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The first experiment of the ECOMARGE programme (ECOsystèmes de MARGE continentale) was initiated in 1983-1984, in the Gulf of Lions (northwestern Mediterranean Sea). The objectives of the ECOMARGE-I experiment were: to quantify the transfer of particulate matter, in general, and of organic carbon, in particular, from its introduction to and formation in the waters of the continental shelf-to its consumption or sedimentation on the shelf or its transfer to the slope and deep sea; and to understand the processes involved in that transfer, consumption and sedimentation together with their variability in space and time. The results of that experiment, from 1983 to 1988, are presented in this Special Issue. The highlights of the results are summarised in this paper. These results indicate that, of the particles formed in the waters of the continental shelf and those introduced by rivers, some are deposited as sediments on the shelf. A portion is transported offshore, however, to the slope and deep sea. The Rho^ne River, in the northeastern part of the study area, is the major source of continental material; this is transported to sea in a benthic nepheloid layer and, mostly, alongshore to the southwest. Here, it largely leaves the shelf through the canyons, especially the Lacaze-Duthiers Canyon. In the offshore waters, particle concentrations and distributions show surficial, intermediate and benthic nepheloid layers. These turbid structures increase towards the southwest, corresponding to the seaward shift of the front between the coastal waters and the Liguro-Provençal cyclonic gyre, a major forcing function in the Gulf of Lions. Considering the source and fate of particles (largely biogenic from the euphotic zone and abiogenic from deeper waters) a layered system is described, which is emphasized by the concentrations of natural and artificial elements and compounds. Of the flux of particles to the Lacaze-Duthiers Canyon, on a decadal scale, about 30% (as a minimum) is estimated to be stored as sediment; the remainder is transported down-canyon, towards the deep sea. The temporal variability of processes affecting this net seaward transport, of both biogenic and abiogenic material, is from hours, days to seasonal, and probably interannual, time scales. The response of the system to these variations is rapid, with pulses of increased discharge of particles from the adjacent shelf being detected in sediment traps in the Lacaze-Duthiers Canyon in less than 16 days (the temporal resolution of the traps). Based upon the study of tracers of particulate matter and environmental factors (i.e. river discharge and climatic conditions), it appears that the contribution from the Rho^ne River and its adjacent area is maximal during the winter; at this time, the flow of the Liguro-Provençal Current also increases. In contrast, the maximum relative contribution of the adjacent southwesterly area to the flux in the Lacaze-Duthiers Canyon occurs in summer, during storm events.


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As part of a continuing program of organic-geochemistry studies of sediments recovered by the Deep Sea Drilling Project, we have analyzed the types, amounts, and thermal-alteration indices of organic matter in samples collected from the landward wall of the Japan Trench on Legs 56 and 57. The samples were canned aboard ship, enabling us to measure also their gas contents. In addition, we analyzed the heavy C15+ hydrocarbons, NSO compounds, and asphaltenes extracted from selected samples. Our samples form a transect down the trench wall, from Holes 438 and 438A (water depth 1558 m), through Holes 435 and 435A (water depth 3401 m), and 440 (water depth 4507 m), to Holes 434 and 434B (water depth 5986 m). The trench wall is the continental slope of Japan. Its sediments are Cenozoic hemipelagic diatomaceous muds that were deposited where they are found or have slumped from farther up the slope. Their terrigenous components probably were deposited from near-bottom nepheloid layers transported by bottom currents or in low density flows (Arthur et al., 1978). Our objective was to find out what types of organic matter exist in the sediment and to estimate their potential for generation of hydrocarbons.


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This paper reports results of a geochemical study of suspended particulate matter and particle fluxes in the Norwegian Sea above the Bear Island slope. Concentrations of suspended particles and the main components of suspended matter were determined in the euphotic, intermediate (clean water), and bottom nepheloid layers. It was shown that biogenic components are predominant in water above the nepheloid layer, whereas suspended matter of the nepheloid layer is formed by resuspension of lithogenic components of bottom sediments. Chemical compositions of suspended matter and material collected in sediment traps are identical.


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The effects of glaciation on sediment drifts is recognised from marked sedimentary facies variation in deep sea cores taken from the continental rise of the Antarctic Peninsula Pacific margin. Nineteen sediment cores were visually described, logged for magnetic susceptibility, and X-radiographed. About 1000 analyses were performed for grain size, clay minerals and biostratigraphy (foraminifera, nannofossils and diatoms). Four sediment types associated with distinct sedimentary processes are recognised based on textural/compositional analysis. (1) Hemipelagic mud forms the bulk of the interglacial sediment, and accumulated from the pelagic settling of bioclasts and ice-rafted/windtransported detritus. (2) Terrigenous mud forms the bulk of the glacial sediment, and accumulated from a combination of sedimentary processes including turbidity currents, turbid plumes, and bottom current reworking of nepheloid layers. (3) Silty deposits occurring as laminated layers and lenses, represent the lateral spillout of lowdensity turbidity currents. (4) Lastly, glacial/interglacial gravelly mud layers derive from settling of ice-rafted detritus. Five depositional settings are interpreted within sediment Drift 7, each characterised by the dominance/interaction of one or several depositional processes. The repetitive succession of typical sedimentary facies is inferred to reflect a sequence of four climatic stages (glaciation, glacial, deglaciation, and interglacial), each one characterised by a distinctive clay mineral assemblage and bioclastic content. Variations in clay mineral assemblage within interglacial stage 5 (core SED-06) suggest minor colder climatic fluctuations, possibly correlatable with substages 5a to 5e.


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Three stations along a productivity gradient north of the Canary Islands were investigated for surface-water properties, particle flux, and composition (biogenic and lithogenic components, and stable nitrogen isotope composition, delta15N) and export production. Investigation sites along the east-west transect off the NW African upwelling margin included the European Station for Time-Series in the Ocean, Canary Islands (ESTOC), one location contiguous to the NW African upwelling zone in the Eastern Boundary Current (EBC) and one station north of the island La Palma (LP). The seasonality of surface-water properties along the transect was mainly influenced by the winter cooling and simultaneous phytoplankton maximum and, in addition at EBC, by nearby upwelling. Accordingly, particle flux and composition along the transect were closely linked to the winter bloom sedimentation and upwelling related enhanced plankton biomass stemming from the primary upwelling and the Cape Yubi filament at EBC. During all seasons, particle flux was highest at EBC and had the highest contribution of biogenic opal and lithogenic components, and the lowest delta15N compared to the offshore stations. But contrary to what would be expected from the productivity gradient, particle flux did not decrease from ESTOC to LP. Below the upper several hundred meters, particle flux was enhanced by additional particle input along the entire transect, manifested by an increase of flux with depth and lower delta15N values. We offer a scenario in which intermediate nepheloid layers originating from the primary upwelling as well as particle dispersion from upwelling filaments, mainly the Cape Ghir filament, impact on the trap stations as far as 700 km into the open ocean. This study contributes to our understanding of the poorly resolved biogeochemical transition between the productive shelf and subtropical gyre provinces.


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In this study we demonstrate the relevance of lateral particle transport in nepheloid layers for organic carbon (OC) accumulation and burial across high-productive continental margins. We present geochemical data from surface sediments and suspended particles in the bottom nepheloid layer (BNL) from the most productive coastal upwelling area of the modern ocean, the Benguela upwelling system offshore southwest Africa. Interpretation of depositional patterns and comparison of downslope trends in OC content, organic matter composition, and 14C age between suspended particles and surface sediments indicate that lateral particle transport is the primary mechanism controlling supply and burial of OC. We propose that effective seaward particle transport primarily along the BNL is a key process that promotes and maintains local high sedimentation rates, ultimately causing high preservation of OC in a depocenter on the upper slope offshore Namibia. As lateral transport efficiently displaces areas of enhanced OC burial from maximum production at highly productive continental margins, vertical particle flux models do not sufficiently explain the relationship between primary production and shallow-marine OC burial. On geologic time scales, the widest distribution and strongest intensity of lateral particle transport is expected during periods of rapid sea-level change. At times in the geologic past, widespread downslope lateral transport of OC thus may have been a primary driver of enhanced OC burial at deeper continental slopes and abyssal basins.


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Piston cores from the continental margin off Nova Scotia show up to four discrete intervals of "brick-red sandy mud", which are up to 20 cm thick. The ages of these intervals are bracketed by several radiocarbon dates, and three fall in the range 12.5-14.1 ka (radiocarbon years with -0.4 kyr reservoir correction). The youngest dates from ~10.4 ka, placing it within the Younger Dryas. The distribution of the beds and their petrographic character indicate a source in the Gulf of Saint Lawrence. The grain size of these beds suggests that they comprise a coarse component transported by ice rafting that diminishes distally and a fine component that represents suspension fallout from a surface plume and resulting nepheloid layers. Graded brick-red beds in some cores were probably redeposited from turbidity currents. The lowermost bed on the Laurentian Fan and East Scotian Rise is immediately overlain by a carbonate-rich interval that can be identified all around the margin of the Grand Banks. This interval is correlated with detrital carbonate bed DC-1 in the Labrador Sea and Heinrich event H1 in the North Atlantic. The sequential occurrence of the two beds suggests that they may be a response to the same trigger, probably sea level rise, but that the Gulf of Saint Lawrence source was more easily destabilized.


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In the reconstruction of sea surface temperature (SST) from sedimentary archives, secondary sources, lateral transport and selective preservation are considered to be mainly negligible in terms of influencing the primary signal. This is also true for the archaeal glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs) that form the basis for the TEX86 SST proxy. Our samples represent four years variability on a transect off Cape Blanc (NW Africa). We studied the subsurface production, vertical and lateral transport of intact polar lipids and core GDGTs in the water column at high vertical resolution on the basis of suspended particulate matter (SPM) samples from the photic zone, the subsurface oxygen minimum zone (OMZ), nepheloid layers (NL) and the water column between these. Furthermore we compared the water column SPM GDGT composition with that in underlying surface sediments. This is the first study that reports TEX86 values from the precursor intact polar lipids (IPLs) associated with specific head groups (IPL -specific TEX86). We show a clear deviation from the sea surface GDGT composition in the OMZ between 300 and 600 m. Since neither lateral transport nor selective degradation provides a satisfactory explanation for the observed TEX-derived temperature profiles with a bias towards higher temperatures for both core- and IPL -specific TEX86 values, we suggest that subsurface in situ production of archaea with a distinct relationship between lipid biosynthesis and temperature is the responsible mechanism. However, in the NW-African upwelling system the GDGT contribution of the OMZ to the surface sediments does not seem to affect the sedimentary TEX86 as it shows no bias and still reflects the signal of the surface waters between 0 and 60 m.


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Vertical profiles of light scattering at a right angle and turbidity profiles in seawater indicating suspended matter concentration in the near-bottom nepheloid layer (NNL) were measured simultaneously with temperature, salinity, and density profiles at the continental slope off the northwestern Africa. About 100 stations 5' apart in latitude and longitude were carried out over an ocean area of 6100 sq. km. Special features of the NNL variability in the area were analyzed. It was found that some structural parameters of the NNL (maximum transparency depth, that is the upper boundary of NNL; NNL thickness; maximum and total turbidity) correlate with ocean depth. On the average, thickness of the NNL in the area is 20-40% of the ocean depth. At most stations the NNL is fairly strong. In the shelf region NNL turbidity was influenced by the intensive near-shore upwelling. Formation of ''high-energy near-bottom layers'' in the shelf region resulted from passing of a mesoscale cyclonic eddy that caused redistribution of measured quantities within the entire water column.