IBAMar DATABASE: 4 decades of oceanographic sampling on the Western Mediterranean Sea

Autoria(s): Lopez-Jurado, Jose Luis; Aparicio-Gonzalez, Alberto; Balbin, Rosa; Alonso, Juan Carlos; Amengual, Bartomeu; Jansa, Javier; Garcia, Maria Carmen; Moya, Francina; Serra, Mariano; Vargas-Yanez, Manolo

MEDIAN LATITUDE: 39.057176 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: 1.427174 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 35.905000 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: -5.133000 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 42.429300 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 5.346300 * DATE/TIME START: 1980-03-14T10:20:00 * DATE/TIME END: 2012-12-19T11:10:00




IBAMar (http://www.ba.ieo.es/ibamar) is a regional database that puts together all physical and biochemical data obtained by multiparametric probes (CTDs equipped with different sensors), during the cruises managed by the Balearic Center of the Spanish Institute of Oceanography (COB-IEO). It has been recently extended to include data obtained with classical hydro casts using oceanographic Niskin or Nansen bottles. The result is a database that includes a main core of hydrographic data: temperature (T), salinity (S), dissolved oxygen (DO), fluorescence and turbidity; complemented by bio-chemical data: dissolved inorganic nutrients (phosphate, nitrate, nitrite and silicate) and chlorophyll-a. In IBAMar Database, different technologies and methodologies were used by different teams along the four decades of data sampling in the COB-IEO. Despite of this fact, data have been reprocessed using the same protocols, and a standard QC has been applied to each variable. Therefore it provides a regional database of homogeneous, good quality data. Data acquisition and quality control (QC): 94% of the data are CTDs Sbe911 and Sbe25. S and DO were calibrated on board using water samples, whenever a Rossetta was available (70% of the cases). All CTD data from Seabird CTDs were reviewed and post processed with the software provided by Sea-Bird Electronics. Data were averaged to get 1 dbar vertical resolution. General sampling methodology and pre processing are described in https://ibamardatabase.wordpress.com/home/). Manual QC include visual checks of metadata, duplicate data and outliers. Automatic QC include range check of variables by area (north of Balearic Islands, south of BI and Alboran Sea) and depth (27 standard levels), check for spikes and check for density inversions. Nutrients QC includes a preliminary control and a range check on the observed level of the data to detect outliers around objectively analyzed data fields. A quality flag is assigned as an integer number, depending on the result of the QC check.


application/zip, 142 datasets









Balbin, Rosa; Lopez-Jurado, Jose Luis; Aparicio-Gonzalez, Alberto; Serra, Mariano (2014): Seasonal and interannual variability of dissolved oxygen around the Balearic Islands from hydrographic data. Journal of Marine Systems, 138, 51-62, doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2013.12.007

Puig, Pere; de Madron, Xavier Durrieu; Salat, Jordi; Schroeder, Karin; Martín, Jacobo; Karageorgis, Aristomenis P; Palanques, Albert; Roullier, Francois; Lopez-Jurado, Jose Luis; Emelianov, Mikhail; Moutin, Thierry; Houpert, Loic (2013): Thick bottom nepheloid layers in the western Mediterranean generated by deep dense shelf water cascading. Progress in Oceanography, 111, 1-23, doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2012.10.003

Vargas-Yanez, Manolo; Moya, Francina; Garcia-Martinez, Maria Carmen; Tel, E; Zunino, P; Plaza, F; Salat, Jordi; Pascual, J; Lopez-Jurado, Jose Luis; Serra, Mariano (2010): Climate change in the Western Mediterranean Sea 1900-2008. Journal of Marine Systems, 82(3), 171-176, doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2010.04.013

IBAMar database - metadata (URI: https://ibamardatabase.wordpress.com/metadata-exploration/)


CC-BY: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported

Access constraints: unrestricted


Balearic Center of the Instituto Español de Oceanografía

Supplement to: Aparicio-Gonzalez, Alberto; Lopez-Jurado, Jose Luis; Balbin, Rosa; Alonso, Juan Carlos; Amengual, Bartomeu; Jansa, Javier; Garcia, Maria Carmen; Moya, Francina; Serra, Mariano; Vargas-Yanez, Manolo (2015): IBAMar DATABASE: 4 decades of oceanographic sampling on the Western Mediterranean Sea. Data Science Journal, 13, 172-191, doi:10.2481/dsj.14-020

Palavras-Chave #[NO2]-; Bathy depth; Chl a; Chlorophyll a; Date/Time; DATE/TIME; Depth, bathymetric; DEPTH, water; Depth water; Event; Fluores; Fluorescence, chlorophyll; Gear; Latitude; LATITUDE; Longitude; LONGITUDE; Nitrate; Nitrite; NO3; O2; Oxygen; Phosphate; PO4; Press; Pressure, water; PSU; Sal; Salinity; Si(OH)4; Silicate; Station; Temp; Temperature, water; Turbidity; Turbidity (Formazin Turbidity Unit); Uniform resource locator/link to file; URL file
