999 resultados para Neo-Hellenic literature


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This chapter seeks to identify cultural and generic trends and authorial methodologies that may serve to unify or to differentiate between the histories of neo-Latin literature in England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland. It considers ways in which Latin served to bridge horizontal spaces (both physical and metaphorical) between four British regions, between neo-Latin writers in Britain and their continental predecessors and peers, and between Latin and the respective vernacular(s). It also examines vertical spaces (both chronological and cultural) between the neo-Latin and the classical Latin text, and between the linear demarcations of ‘early modern’, ‘Augustan’ and ‘Romantic’. An assessment of links between nationhood and the neo-Latin text as evinced by anthologies, antiquarian and quasi-historical writing, is followed by examples of generic continuity and metamorphosis in the British neo-Latin pastoral, ode and epigram. The concluding sections offer two generic case-studies (neo-Latin epic and didactic) both of which, it is argued, engendered the birth of specifically British versions of the mock-heroic and mock-didactic.


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Le mythe du retour dans la poésie néo-hellénique du XXe siècle La poésie néo-hellénique du XXe siècle est imprégnée d’un recyclage des formes et des figures d’expression de la mythologie classique grecque. Ce recyclage, tel que pratiqué par des poètes comme Cavafy, Séféris et Elytis, se manifeste et s’articule dans le phénomène du mythe du retour, phénomène qui évolue sous quatre aspects distincts : le mythe (l’histoire) du retour, le retour au mythe, le retour du mythe et le mythe (l’illusion) du retour. La première manifestation de ce mythe du retour s’initie dans un renvoi à l’histoire homérique de l’archétype odysséen. En deuxième lieu s’élabore le retour au mythe, c’est-à-dire le recyclage du mythe dans un cadre idéologique et poétique. Ensuite se façonne un retour du mythe, par lequel la mythologie initiale du retour revient comme un concept où se métaphorise une forme d’expression première. Enfin se conscientise le mythe du retour, où le mythe n’est plus histoire, mais devient illusion.


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Ce mémoire présente une traduction commentée des Dokimia (Essais) de D. Katartzis (Editions Ermis, Athènes, 1974, pp. 4-73), inédites du vivant de l’auteur. Dans cette œuvre, Katartzis expose aux lecteurs sa théorie à propos de la langue grecque moderne, de l’éducation, de la religion et de la philosophie. Ses projets pédagogiques s’inscrivent à l’intérieur du mouvement des Lumières en Grèce et de leurs principaux représentants, les Phanariotes. Katartzis, qui était un lecteur enthousiaste de l’Encyclopédie et des philosophes français, développe sa théorie à propos de la Nation grecque, des Romaioi et de leur langue grecque moderne, de l’éducation des enfants grecs et valaques, de la nécessité de traduire des livres étrangers dans la langue actuellement parlée et non pas dans la langue des ancêtres et tout cela parce «qu’il voulait en faire bénéficier sa Nation».


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This review essay is devoted to a discussion of some central aspects of the Schumpeterian and neo-Schumpeterian approaches to the dynamic processes of development, technological change and innovation. This essay is organised in two parts. In the first, Schumpeter's insightful distinction between circular flow and development is discussed. In the second, some central elements of the neo-Schumpeterian interpretation and extension of Schumpeter's views are critically outlined, special emphasis being placed on some recent attempts to formalize several of his insights on the cyclical dynamics of the processes of technological change and innovation. I should stress that due to space constraints I will focus primarily upon macrotheoretic issues, thus paying only secondary attention to the neo-Schumpeterian literature on the microeconomics of technological change and to the burgeoning empirical developments along those lines.


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This paper analyses how the topic of the silent statue is dealt with in Neo-Latin literature. The subject matter comes from the epigrams about Pythagoras of the Palatine Anthology. There are numerous Neo-Latin imitations of this topic that are complex as various sources are used at the same time. The authors focus on an active reading of the epigrams of their predecessors, applying the traditional motive to new subjects and adapting it to the religious theme.


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[ES] El destino del héroe de "La Odisea" ha servido de inspiración en diferentes manifestaciones artísticas de la cultura occidental. Los avatares de Odiseo han dado lugar a desarrollos literarios muy diversos con una gran variedad de interpretaciones de la figura del protagonista del poema. Ha sido, asimismo, fuente permanente de inspiración para los escritores neohelénicos, quienes han descubierto en Homero el maestro que fue para sus antepasados. Entre muchos otros poetas griegos, el que quizá se ha sentido más fuertemente atraído por la figura del héroe ha sido Nikos Kasantsakis, que lo ha inmortalizado en dos de sus obras sobre todo: la tragedia "Odiseo" y el magnífico e impresionante poema "La Odisea".


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This chapter argues that Milton’s Epitaphium Damonis, a neo-Latin pastoral lament on the death of Charles Diodati, is marked by the author's Petrarchan self-fashioning. This is achieved through intertextual engagement with Petrarch's Bucolicum Carmen (especially Ecls. 1 and 10). Milton as the wandering Thyrsis, undertaking a methaphorical and literal journey into the world of Italian humanism, appropriates and adapts the metaphorical departure from and return to a pastoral world now shattered by plague and death. Recourse to the quasi-Augustinian monasticism of Petrarchan neo-Latin pastoral facilitates the poem's crossing of a monastic limen via its subtle interaction with a hagiographic intertext, the Vita Sancti Deodati. Now pastoral saint and scholar become united in death and in subsequent apotheosis.


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Il presente studio ha come obiettivo quello di chiarire le dinamiche culturali iscritte nella fine secolo portoghese a partire dall’analisi di alcune opere letterarie -in particolar modo poetiche - tra cui spicca il Só di António Nobre. L’Ultimatum inglese del 1890 mandando in frantumi il progetto imperiale in Africa, scatena un conflitto che si manifesta non solo a livello di un confronto con l’Altro, ma soprattutto, per le sue implicazioni simboliche, nei termini di un confronto interno proprio con l’immaginario nazionale. L’Ultimatum mette in crisi l’iperidentità descritta da Eduardo Lourenço come il frutto di una storia marcata da una deriva atlantica rispetto al resto d’Europa ed elaborata durante secoli di letteratura come il volto più autentico del Portogallo. Contemporaneamente segna inesorabilmente la distanza da quell’immaginario europeo e moderno che in stretto legame con il progetto imperiale ne costituiva le fondamenta. La poesia dell’epoca segue il paradigma apocalittico che associa al pianto e all’invettiva gli elementi di un’aspettativa messianica di riscatto: alla rabbia segue l’invito di riporre l’attenzione nelle glorie di un tempo in modo da rafforzare il Portogallo decaduto. La rivisitazione in chiave rigeneratrice del passato e dello spazio nazionale è una costante della letterautra neoromantica, l’opera di Antonio Nobre tuttavia non può essere affrontata secondo questa lettura: non si tratta qui di nessun recupero dell’età dell’oro, al contrario, la modernità dell’autore sta nel dichiarare l’impraticabilità di un immaginario che più che perduto non è mai esistito e si rivela dunque nella sua natura di feticcio.


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En 1755 se publica como prólogo o presentación de la Bibliotheca Mexicana de Juan José de Eguiara y Eguren, el Aprilis Dialogus de Vicente López, en el que se ofrece una contribución explícita a la defensa literaria del valor intelectual de los americanos. La obra se caracteriza por la fuerte presencia de la tradición clásica representada por el uso del diálogo, las citas, el manejo de ciertas figuras retóricas y el tópico literario dellocus amoenus. El Aprilis Dialogue, que en una de sus digresiones consagra a la ciudad de México como ellocus amoenus de la erudición, es un aporte al proceso de construcción de un espacio de autoridad compuesto por elementos de la cultura clásica y americana


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En 1755 se publica como prólogo o presentación de la Bibliotheca Mexicana de Juan José de Eguiara y Eguren, el Aprilis Dialogus de Vicente López, en el que se ofrece una contribución explícita a la defensa literaria del valor intelectual de los americanos. La obra se caracteriza por la fuerte presencia de la tradición clásica representada por el uso del diálogo, las citas, el manejo de ciertas figuras retóricas y el tópico literario dellocus amoenus. El Aprilis Dialogue, que en una de sus digresiones consagra a la ciudad de México como ellocus amoenus de la erudición, es un aporte al proceso de construcción de un espacio de autoridad compuesto por elementos de la cultura clásica y americana


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En 1755 se publica como prólogo o presentación de la Bibliotheca Mexicana de Juan José de Eguiara y Eguren, el Aprilis Dialogus de Vicente López, en el que se ofrece una contribución explícita a la defensa literaria del valor intelectual de los americanos. La obra se caracteriza por la fuerte presencia de la tradición clásica representada por el uso del diálogo, las citas, el manejo de ciertas figuras retóricas y el tópico literario dellocus amoenus. El Aprilis Dialogue, que en una de sus digresiones consagra a la ciudad de México como ellocus amoenus de la erudición, es un aporte al proceso de construcción de un espacio de autoridad compuesto por elementos de la cultura clásica y americana


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The literature and anecdotal evidence suggests that that there is more to tenancy selection (firm location) than the profit maximisation drive that traditional neo-classical economic location theory suggests. In the first instance these models assume property markets are rational and perfectly competitive; the CBD office market is clearly neither rational nor perfectly competitive. This fact alone relegates such models to the margins of usefulness for an industry that seeks to satisfy tenant demand in order to optimise returns on capital invested. Acknowledgment of property market imperfections are universally accepted to the extent that all contemporary texts discuss the lack of a coherent centralised market place and incomplete and poorly disseminated information processes as fundamental inadequacies which characterise the property market inefficiencies. Less well researched are the facets of the market which allow the observer to determine market activity to be significantly irrational. One such facet is that of ‘decision maker preferences’. The decision to locate a business operation at one location as opposed to another seems ostensibly a routine choice based on short, medium and long term business objectives. These objectives are derived from a process of strategic planning by one or more individuals whose goal is held to be to optimise outcomes which benefit the business (and presumably those employed within it). However the decision making processes appear bounded by how firms function, the institutional context in which they operate, as well as by opportunistic behaviour by individual decision makers who allow personal preferences to infiltrate and ‘corrupt’ the process. In this way, history, culture, geography, as well as institutions all become significant to the extent that these influence and shape individual behaviour which in turn determine the morphology of individual preferences, as well as providing a conduit for them to take effect. This paper exams historical and current literature on the impact of individual behaviour in the decision making process within organisations as a precursor to an investigation of the tenancy decision making process within the CBD office market. Literature on the topic falls within a number of research disciplines, philosophy, psychology and economics to name a few.