33 resultados para Nelyse Salzedas


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There are some titles that, under a stealthy look, cause unrest and stir with our imagination. The text by Ana Maria Machado - Point to point - and the topic of a meeting at the University of Brasilia - READ: reading, teaching and reception - intertextualized in the act of reading are sufficiently provocative. Then, from them can emerge a form of ripping, as with a scalpel in a sheet of blank paper and drawing with the word. In this way of thinking, we may write our text, beginning by quoting an essay of Glawinski (1977), in which the author says that literary criticism has only recently become interested in reading, either as an object of reflection, or as a descriptive tool.


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The postgraduation program in Visual Poetics, Master level, to be started in 2011 at the faculty of Architecture, Arts and Communication of the state university of São Paulo "Julio de Mesquita Filho"- Bauru Campus, arises strong and well structured contributing to the strengthening of Arts courses. It is noteworthy that the Visual Poetics area has graduated in its previously existing program, more than 30 (Thirty) masters and 8 (eight) doctors. They are currently linked to state and federal universities of Sao Paulo, Parana, Santa Catarina and Mato Grosso do Sul . Ricardo Nicola is Post-Doctor by IES since 2007: University of Toronto, Canada, is presented as mentor and coordinator of the renaissance process of masters program in Visual Poetics.Nelyse Apparecida Malro Salzedas , graduated as a Professor in 1993 at the same University, she has contributed significantly to the Program implementation and will be vice-coordinator of the project.


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This paper embraces the tapestry, from Cluny Museum: La Dame a la Licorne. There are in two types of analyses: One is a diachronic vew and also a sincrhonic, which guide its pratice. In the tapestry La Dame a la Licorne at the Cluny Museum a reading based over the myths and symbols was the main line. \The first analyses, diachronic covers the temporality of the tapestry production, the second one, synchronic, describes the level of history, religion and myths envolved. This work consists in a process of actualization and an effort to bring closely the discussion over tapestry, using methods applied to non-verbal readings.


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The difficulty lies in dealing with the texts of Almada Negreiros focuses on language, search for expression. Saramago, in his texts of various kinds, "Manual of Painting and Calligraphy" and "The world's largest flower," suffers by seeking representative languages. Which one is less difficult, less traumatic, painting or writing? In conclusion, the two are so much paint as painful to write. Compare them to the knife ripping a sheet of paper. Almada entangled in them all as a poet, novelist, painter, designer, playwright. Through them, we sought from "Before You Begin" to "Getting Started", always be in alpha. The text that follows is entitled Aesthetics in Revolution, it may cover the surrounding poetic Alma.


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O tema proposto para o 18º COLE é intrigante: “O mundo grita. Escuta?” Vale-se de uma afirmação e de uma interrogação com verbos de conotações diversas, num entrelace quiasmático da linguagem. Enfocando esta proposição, nosso objetivo é examinar conotações e atos de linguagem que perpassam o referido tema. Para tanto, utilizaremos como corpus a tela: “O grito”, de Munch; um capítulo de “Memórias póstumas de Brás Cubas”, de Machado de Assis; a crônica “Diálogo de todo dia”; de Carlos Drummond de Andrade; a música: “Sinal fechado”, de Paulinho da Viola; e cinco aulas do escritor argentino Jorge Luis Borges, in: “Borges oral & sete noites”, destacando que, apesar de o mundo pretender comunicar-se, o que resta é uma dúvida quanto à consecução de seu escopo. Os textos focados vão para a oralidade: pela representação iconográfica do grito, em Munch; pelo diálogo tipográfico, em Machado; pela conversa psitacista, em Drummond; pela conversa de tempo marcado, em Paulinho da Viola; e pela força da oralidade de um escritor cego, Nobel de Literatura. Várias linguagens representam o grito do mundo e outras escutam. Representações das artes plásticas e literárias fazem-nos refletir sobre a recusa de escutarmos os gritos de cada indivíduo, em solilóquios que se somam, mas continuam sendo, apenas, ouvidos, sem resposta concreta, pois, frequentemente, as redes sociais tomam lugar da oralidade. Embora haja diálogos, o grito individual está dentro do grito do mundo e o escutar resulta de um ato perlocutivo, impondo ao enunciatário uma resposta, uma ação.


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We aim to analyse the text written by Eça de Queirós, “Carta ao Sr. Mollinet”, theorizing the stylistics of Marcel Cressot’s expression, called “the texture”. We discuss what is sought in the reading of a text nowadays: the form, the meaning or the form that produces meaning? Even though through stylistics there is identifi cation and description of the linguistic categories in the text, the morphological identifi cation in the enunciation level is emptied, if it is done separately. It is from the semantic-syntactic and melodic axes that Eça infl ates his characters with life. The characterization of Pacheco and Portuguese people is supported by the nexus, a producer of antagonistic meta-signifi cation in relation to the fi rst meaning. Eça’s irony results from the reverse meaning – from “ne pas dire”. The nexus is the great meaningful cohesion between logical and metalogic discourse – producing new signifi cations; multiplying verbal resources, which are created in order to metamorphose the linguistic sign into pictorial or iconic signs. The irony governs the whole constructive tessitura that stems from new referents, which result from demiurgical relations between themselves because of the metalogical process, as it allows to establish and change the direction when sign and referent, signifi er and signifi ed, utterance and context are related. The analysis of Eça’s selected text enriches the discoveries presented by the Stylistics of Expression.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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INTRODUÇÃO: O tratamento endodôntico é de fundamental importância para abolir a infecção presente em dentes que apresentam necrose pulpar. OBJETIVO: O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar clínica e radiograficamente a eficácia dos tratamentos de canais radiculares de dentes com lesão periapical crônica, efetuados pelos graduandos em Odontologia, da Faculdade de Odontologia de Araçatuba - UNESP. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Foram selecionados 100 pacientes que possuíam dentes com lesão periapical crônica para serem tratados. Após o preparo biomecânico, os canais radiculares receberam uma medicação intracanal de hidróxido de cálcio durante o período de 14 dias. Os canais radiculares foram obturados com cimento endodôntico à base de hidróxido de cálcio. Foi realizada a proservação por um período entre oito e 11 meses. RESULTADO: A análise dos resultados permitiu constatar a porcentagem de 78,46% dos casos com reparo total da lesão periapical e de 21,54% dos casos em que não houve evidências de reparo. CONCLUSÃO: Ocorreu reparo das lesões periapicais nos dentes tratados pelos graduandos da Faculdade de Odontologia de Araçatuba - UNESP.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The radiopacity of esthetic restorative materials has been established as an important requirement, improving the radiographic diagnosis. The aim of this study was to evaluate the radiopacity of six restorative materials using a direct digital image system, comparing them to the dental tissues (enamel-dentin), expressed as equivalent thickness of aluminum (millimeters of aluminum). Five specimens of each material were made. Three 2-mm thick longitudinal sections were cut from an intact extracted permanent molar tooth (including enamel and dentin). An aluminum step wedge with 9 steps was used. The samples of different materials were placed on a phosphor plate together with a tooth section, aluminum step wedge and metal code letter, and were exposed using a dental x-ray unit. Five measurements of radiographic density were obtained from each image of each item assessed (restorative material, enamel, dentin, each step of the aluminum step wedge) and the mean of these values was calculated. Radiopacity values were subsequently calculated as equivalents of aluminum thickness. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) indicated significant differences in radiopacity values among the materials (P<0.0001). The radiopacity values of the restorative materials evaluated were, in decreasing order: TPH, F2000, Synergy, Prisma Flow, Degufill, Luxat. Only Luxat had significantly lower radiopacity values than dentin. One material (Degufill) had similar radiopacity values to enamel and four (TPH, F2000, Synergy and Prisma Flow) had significantly higher radiopacity values than enamel. In conclusion, to assess the adequacy of posterior composite restorations it is important that the restorative material to be used has enough radiopacity, in order to be easily distinguished from the tooth structure in the radiographic image. Knowledge on the radiopacity of different materials helps professionals to select the most suitable material, along with other properties such as biocompatibility, adhesion and esthetic.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of radiotherapy on the radiopacity and flexural strength of composite resin. Forty Z250 composite resin specimens were polymerized using a halogen light-curing unit and divided into 5 groups, in accordance with the radiotherapy dose: G1- without irradiation, G2- 30 Gy, G3- 40 Gy, G4- 50 Gy and GS- 60 Gy Digital images were obtained using a GE 100 X-ray. Radiopacity values were obtained with the Digora digital imaging system and the flexural strength was evaluated with an EMIC universal testing machine. Data were submitted to ANOVA and Tukey 's test. G1 presented the highest radiopacity value, followed by G3, G5, G4 and G2. For flexural strength, G1 presented the lowest value, followed by G2, G5, G3 and G4. Differences were no significant (p>0.05). The commonly used dosage of radiotherapy treatment, did not cause alteration in the radiopacity and flexural strength of resin-based composites.


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The influence of the type of rotary cutting instrument on bone repair after osteotomy in swine jaw, was evaluated using digital and densitometric radiographic examinations, at controlled times. Two cross-sectional dissections were made through the base of the right jaw, one using a high speed rotary instrument and the other using low speed, both with liquid cooling. After established periods the animals were sacrificed and their jaws removed for direct and indirect digital radiographic and densitometric studies using the CROMOX, DIGORA and ODR systems. In the initial periods (7 and 28 days) the bone density was higher in osteotomy areas performed with high rotation speeds, and in the final periods (60 and 90 days) the bone density was higher in the osteotomies performed with low rotation, indicating a better final bone repair with the use of low rotation. The qualitative analysis of the repair process was made by the ODR system which obtained three-dimensional and coloured digital images, which enable the bone thickness to be measured using an aluminium wedge. This showed that by twenty-eight days the bone repair was already apparently complete. © 2010 SECOM.