985 resultados para Negotiation Strategies


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Context is acknowledged as a significant feature of a negotiation. Background information about the relationship between the parties, available resources and organisational data are readily identifiable as key components of the contextual make-up of negotiations. However, information deriving from the broader setting of the negotiation may be less well-utilised or simply taken-for-granted in a negotiation. This paper suggests that this broader setting, discussed under the rubric of governance, is a critical facet of the context of negotiations. The paper explores the notion of governance and traces its relationship with negotiation. It then offers a framework that sets out the different governance approaches and allows for identifying and assessing potential negotiation strategies according to the dominant governance mode. It concludes that while a mix of governance approaches may be present in negotiations, identifying ‘ideal types’ or dominant governance modes assists in choosing appropriate strategies for successfully undertaking negotiations.


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A schedule coordination problem involving two train services provided by different operators is modeled as an optimization of revenue intake. The coordination is achieved through the adjustment of commencement times of the train services by negotiation. The problem is subject to constraints regarding to passenger demands and idle costs of rolling-stocks from both operators. This paper models the operators as software agents having the flexibility to incorporate one of the two (and potentially more) proposed negotiation strategies. Empirical results show that agents employing different combination of strategies have significant impact on the quality of solution and negotiation time.


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In open railway markets, coordinating train schedules at an interchange station requires negotiation between two independent train operating companies to resolve their operational conflicts. This paper models the stakeholders as software agents and proposes an agent negotiation model to study their interaction. Three negotiation strategies have been devised to represent the possible objectives of the stakeholders, and they determine the behavior in proposing offers to the proponent. Empirical simulation results confirm that the use of the proposed negotiation strategies lead to outcomes that are consistent with the objectives of the stakeholders.


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In this article, the conceptual and theoretical underpinnings for child welfare negotiations, assessment strategies useful in preparing for such negotiations, and practice implications for child protective service workers involved in the process are explored. Particular emphasis is given to the benefits of employing negotiation techniques in child welfare matters. The opportunities to use negotiation strategies are numerous in the child welfare arena. They range from formal mediation of an adoption plan, to family group conferencing of a placement issue, to negotiating a visitation and access plan with a parent. Common to all of these situations is the recognition that families have a better chance of success and potential for a better outcome when they are part of the planning and when they are empowered in the process.


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A promoção de uma sociedade mais inclusiva tem vindo a refletir-se numa progressiva tomada de consciência das dimensões associadas ao turismo acessível para todos. Ao mesmo tempo, no plano discursivo, assume-se cada vez mais o turismo como um bem social de primeira necessidade, essencial na qualidade de vida. No entanto, também é igualmente reconhecido que o acesso às práticas turísticas, por parte de pessoas com incapacidade, continua a ser moldado por dificuldades de vária ordem, às quais o sector do turismo não tem sabido responder, ou, pelo menos, a perceção consciente deste facto social tem sido muito débil e incipiente. Partindo destes pressupostos, a nossa investigação centrou-se, particularmente, na compreensão das dinâmicas de envolvimento e de participação das pessoas com incapacidade nas atividades turísticas. Concretamente, pretendemos analisar os aspetos associados à experiência das pessoas com incapacidade visual ou incapacidade física, identificando os fatores que restringem (inibidores) e os fatores que afetam a decisão de viajar de forma positiva (os facilitadores), procurando compreender como é que as pessoas se adaptam e se tornam viajantes ativos. Para a concretização deste objetivo utilizou-se um estudo qualitativo, baseado em entrevistas longas, que procurou dar voz aos atores com incapacidade visual e física. O tratamento da informação recolhida foi efetuado com base na análise de conteúdo de tipo temático-categorial. Os resultados assim obtidos permitem extrair as seguintes conclusões principais: a participação em atividades turísticas por parte das pessoas com incapacidade física e visual resulta de um processo dinâmico e interativo, no qual intervêm múltiplos fatores, com influência positiva ou negativa, na confluência do seu contexto pessoal, da sua condição de incapacidade e do seu ambiental social, com um impacto variável nas diferentes etapas do processo.


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Tese de dout., Turismo, Faculdade de Economia, Univ. do Algarve, 2013


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This paper presents a new methodology for the creation and management of coalitions in Electricity Markets. This approach is tested using the multi-agent market simulator MASCEM, taking advantage of its ability to provide the means to model and simulate VPP (Virtual Power Producers). VPPs are represented as coalitions of agents, with the capability of negotiating both in the market, and internally, with their members, in order to combine and manage their individual specific characteristics and goals, with the strategy and objectives of the VPP itself. The new features include the development of particular individual facilitators to manage the communications amongst the members of each coalition independently from the rest of the simulation, and also the mechanisms for the classification of the agents that are candidates to join the coalition. In addition, a global study on the results of the Iberian Electricity Market is performed, to compare and analyze different approaches for defining consistent and adequate strategies to integrate into the agents of MASCEM. This, combined with the application of learning and prediction techniques provide the agents with the ability to learn and adapt themselves, by adjusting their actions to the continued evolving states of the world they are playing in.


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Cette recherche s’intéresse au phénomène qu’est l’allongement de la durée des conventions collectives. Avant juin 1994, la durée maximale d’une convention collective était fixée à trois ans. La venue de la mondialisation a chamboulé les entreprises qui, elles, pour s’adapter et survivre à cette nouvelle réalité et demeurer compétitives, ont dû procéder à des investissements majeurs, des restructurations, miser sur des relations de partenariat avec les syndicats, etc. (Boivin, 1998). Pour ce faire, elles devaient s’assurer d’obtenir une stabilité et une paix industrielle (Grant et Paquet, 1998). C’est à ce moment que nous avons vu l’apparition d’ententes qui visaient à prolonger la durée maximale des conventions collectives, fixées à trois ans, sans contrevenir aux différentes dispositions du Code du travail (L.R.Q. c.C-27). Ces « contrats sociaux » devaient compter différentes caractéristiques particulières. C’est le 10 mai 1994 que le législateur québécois a déplafonné la durée des conventions collectives (Mayer, 1999). Tel qu’établi, les transformations au niveau de l’environnement ont poussé les acteurs à revoir leurs façons de faire. Cela a mené à une déconflictualisation des relations du travail (Jalette, Bourque et Laroche, 2008). Les acteurs ont adopté des stratégies de négociation de plus en plus coopératives, ils ont eu un recours accru à la concertation, et ont développé une relation de partenariat (Maschino et coll., 2001). Nous observons en parallèle à une tendance à l’allongement de la durée des conventions collectives. Nous nous questionnons à savoir ce qui a principalement motivé autant les syndicats à négocier ce type d’entente et ainsi, renoncer à leur droit de grève, et aussi quels sont les avantages ou inconvénients pour les employeurs de négocier de telles ententes. De manière plus spécifique, notre question de recherche est la suivante : Quels sont les effets de l’allongement de la durée des conventions collectives sur les relations du travail locales en entreprise? Notre analyse vise à vérifier six propositions de recherche : 1- Les relations du travail sont transformées par la durée d’une convention collective de travail, laquelle est influencée par l’environnement. 2- L’allongement de la durée des conventions collectives de travail amène les parties à davantage recourir à des stratégies de négociation intégrative. 3- L’allongement de la durée des conventions collectives de travail contribue à diminuer le nombre de conflits de travail 4- L’allongement de la durée des conventions collectives de travail change la nature des manifestations du conflit sur le marché du travail. 5- L’allongement de la durée des conventions collectives transforme le contenu des conventions collectives de travail par l’intégration de clauses nouvelles. 6- L’allongement de la durée des CCT diminue le rapport de force du syndicat. Dans le but de répondre à ces différents questionnements, nous avons utilisé une méthodologie qualitative de recherche et plus précisément, l’étude de cas. Cette dernière fut conduite en trois étapes : la préparation, la collecte de données et l’interprétation (Merriam, 1998). Les données de notre étude ont été colligées durant l’été et l’automne 2010. Tout d’abord, nous avons effectué des entretiens semi structuré à l’aide d’une grille d’entrevue. Cette grille d’entrevue fut adaptée en fonction des acteurs rencontrés, et surtout de la partie qu’ils représentent. Nous avons interrogé les acteurs tant patronaux que syndicaux, c’est-à-dire : du côté patronal, nous avons rencontré les responsables des relations du travail oeuvrant au siège social ainsi que les conseillers en relations du travail en charge de négocier ou d’appliquer la convention collective des différents établissements couverts par l’étude. Du côté syndical, nous avons rencontré les conseillers syndicaux en charge également de négocier la convention collective et de veiller à son application. Au total, nous avons mené onze entretiens. En guise de comparaison, nous avons aussi procédé à une analyse de contenu de 139 conventions collectives du secteur de l’alimentation. Nous cherchions à savoir si les conventions collectives de longue durée avaient tendance à comporter majoritairement une plus grande présence de clauses en lien avec les 7 caractéristiques des « contrats sociaux » mentionnées par Mayer (1999). Ces caractéristiques sont les suivantes : transparence économique et de gestion, participation à la gestion, programme de qualité totale, formation, flexibilité dans l’organisation du travail, stabilité de l’emploi et mécanismes de gestion de l’entente. Mots clés : allongement, durée, conventions collectives, relations du travail, loi 116, déplafonnement des conventions collectives, NBI et concertation.


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El interés del presente estudio de caso es analizar la articulación de las dinámicas de poder y estrategias de negociación detrás de un proceso tan complejo como el de la creación del Tratado sobre el Comercio de Armas.El estudio examina la evolución de las tensiones principales entre los Estados participantes frente al Tratado y resalta las lógicas de poder al interior de las negociaciónes, así como los factores externos que influyeron para solucionar o agravar dichas tensiones. Con el apoyo de diferentes conceptos teóricos de negociación, se observa en específico el rol de las coaliciones como una importante estrategia utilizada por Estados pequeños para contrarrestar de alguna forma la asimetría de poder en un escenario donde los grandes exportadores e importadores de armas en la negociación tienen mayor peso.


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Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS


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Within children's geographies there has been an absence concerning sexuality and in particular how this can lead to the discimination and marginalisation of individuals. Similarly, within geographies of sexualities the demographic of non-heterosexual children and youth has been under researched, with studies concerning the space of the school being very limited. This thesis sought to address these absences by carrying out qualitative interviews with non-heterosexual individuals about their school experiences. The interviews showed the importance and variation of both physical and time-spaces in the (re)production of heteronormativities, and that the agency of the indiviudal was asserted through the use of negotiation strategies that sought to navigate or resist heteronormativities.


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In his study -The IRS Collection Division: Contacts and Settlements - by John M. Tarras, Assistant Professor School of Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Management, Michigan State University, Tarras initially states: “The collection division of the internal revenue service is often the point of contact for many hospitality businesses. The author describes how the division operates, what the hospitality firm can expect when contacted by it, and what types of strategies firms might find helpful when negotiating a settlement with the IRS.” The author will have you know that even though most chance meetings with the IRS Collection Division are due to unfortunate tax payment circumstances, there are actually more benign reasons for close encounters of the IRS kind. This does not mean, however, that brushes with the IRS Collection Division will end on an ever friendlier note. “…the Tax Reform Act of 1986 with its added complexity will cause some hospitality firms to inadvertently fail to make proper payments on a timely basis,” Tarras affords in illustrating a perhaps less pugnacious side of IRS relations. Should a hospitality business owner represent himself/herself before the IRS? Never, says Tarras. “Too many taxpayers ruin their chances of a fair settlement by making what to them seem innocent remarks, but ones that turn out to be far different,” warns Professor Tarras. Tarras makes the distinction between IRS the Collection Division, and IRS the Audit Division. “While the Audit Division is interested in how the tax liability arose, the Collection Division is generally only interested in collecting the liability,” he informs you. Either sounds firmly in hostile territory. They don’t bluff. Tarras does want you to know that when the IRS threatens to levy on the assets of a hospitality business, they will do so. Those assets may extend to personal and real property as well, he says. The levy action is generally the final resort in an IRS collection effort. Professor Tarras explains the lien process and the due process attached to that IRS collection tactic. “The IRS can also levy a hospitality firm owner's wages. In this case, it is important to realize that you are allowed to exempt from levy $75 per week, along with $25 per week for each of your dependents (unless your spouse works),” Professor Tarras says with the appropriate citation. What are the options available to the hospitality business owner who finds himself on the wrong side of the IRS Collection Division? Negotiate in good faith says Professor Tarras. “In many cases, a visit to the IRS office will greatly reduce the chances that a simple problem will turn into a major one,” Tarras advises. He dedicates the last pages of the discussion to negotiation strategies.


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The European Commission has been negotiating Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) with Regional Economic Communities of African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States since 2002. The outcomes have been mixed. The negotiations with the Caribbean Forum (CARIFORUM) concluded rather more quickly than was initially envisaged, whereas negotiations with West African Economic Community (ECOWAS) and the remaining ACP regions have been dragging on for several years. This research consequently addresses the key question of what accounts for the variations in the EPA negotiation outcomes, making use of a comparative research approach. It evaluates the explanatory power of three research variables in accounting for the variation in the EPA negotiations outcomes – namely, Best Alternative to the Negotiated Agreement (BATNA); negotiation strategies; and the issues linkage approach – which are deduced from negotiation theory. Principally, the study finds that, the outcomes of the EPA negotiations predominantly depended on the presence or otherwise of a “Best Alternative” to the proposed EPA; that is then complemented by the negotiation strategies pursued by the parties, and the joint application of issues linkage mechanism which facilitated a sense of mutual benefit from the agreements.


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Es necesario que los gerentes sean líderes y establezcan relaciones sólidas con los empleados, para luego establecer las mismas con socios potenciales. Para lograr este objetivo, Con el fin de cumplir este objetivo, el uso de estrategias y técnicas de negociación es crucial, así como la importancia de la conciencia cultural y de la diversidad. La globalización no sólo ha movido a los mercados sino también a las personas, la inmigración es un fenómeno fuerte hoy en día y varios países, como Canadá, han sido inclusivos y han apoyado a estos nuevos ciudadanos. Las empresas de Canadá, sin importar la industria, han asumido el reto de integrar una fuerza laboral diversa con el propósito de adquirir nuevos conocimientos y crecer a nivel nacional, pero sobre todo en el ámbito internacional. Igualmente, es esencial tener en cuenta las ventajas y limitaciones del multiculturalismo dentro de la empresa y específicamente en las negociaciones interculturales.