951 resultados para Need for intervention
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Psicologia Clínica e da Saúde
OBJECTIVE To study the factors associated with choice of therapy and prognosis in octogenarians with severe symptomatic aortic stenosis (AS). STUDY DESIGN Prospective, observational, multicenter registry. Centralized follow-up included survival status and, if possible, mode of death and Katz index. SETTING Transnational registry in Spain. SUBJECTS We included 928 patients aged ≥80 years with severe symptomatic AS. INTERVENTIONS Aortic-valve replacement (AVR), transcatheter aortic-valve implantation (TAVI) or conservative therapy. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES All-cause death. RESULTS Mean age was 84.2 ± 3.5 years, and only 49.0% were independent (Katz index A). The most frequent planned management was conservative therapy in 423 (46%) patients, followed by TAVI in 261 (28%) and AVR in 244 (26%). The main reason against recommending AVR in 684 patients was high surgical risk [322 (47.1%)], other medical motives [193 (28.2%)], patient refusal [134 (19.6%)] and family refusal in the case of incompetent patients [35 (5.1%)]. The mean time from treatment decision to AVR was 4.8 ± 4.6 months and to TAVI 2.1 ± 3.2 months, P < 0.001. During follow-up (11.2-38.9 months), 357 patients (38.5%) died. Survival rates at 6, 12, 18 and 24 months were 81.8%, 72.6%, 64.1% and 57.3%, respectively. Planned intervention, adjusted for multiple propensity score, was associated with lower mortality when compared with planned conservative treatment: TAVI Hazard ratio (HR) 0.68 (95% confidence interval [CI] 0.49-0.93; P = 0.016) and AVR HR 0.56 (95% CI 0.39-0.8; P = 0.002). CONCLUSION Octogenarians with symptomatic severe AS are frequently managed conservatively. Planned conservative management is associated with a poor prognosis.
OBJECTIVE To study the factors associated with choice of therapy and prognosis in octogenarians with severe symptomatic aortic stenosis (AS). STUDY DESIGN Prospective, observational, multicenter registry. Centralized follow-up included survival status and, if possible, mode of death and Katz index. SETTING Transnational registry in Spain. SUBJECTS We included 928 patients aged ≥80 years with severe symptomatic AS. INTERVENTIONS Aortic-valve replacement (AVR), transcatheter aortic-valve implantation (TAVI) or conservative therapy. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES All-cause death. RESULTS Mean age was 84.2 ± 3.5 years, and only 49.0% were independent (Katz index A). The most frequent planned management was conservative therapy in 423 (46%) patients, followed by TAVI in 261 (28%) and AVR in 244 (26%). The main reason against recommending AVR in 684 patients was high surgical risk [322 (47.1%)], other medical motives [193 (28.2%)], patient refusal [134 (19.6%)] and family refusal in the case of incompetent patients [35 (5.1%)]. The mean time from treatment decision to AVR was 4.8 ± 4.6 months and to TAVI 2.1 ± 3.2 months, P < 0.001. During follow-up (11.2-38.9 months), 357 patients (38.5%) died. Survival rates at 6, 12, 18 and 24 months were 81.8%, 72.6%, 64.1% and 57.3%, respectively. Planned intervention, adjusted for multiple propensity score, was associated with lower mortality when compared with planned conservative treatment: TAVI Hazard ratio (HR) 0.68 (95% confidence interval [CI] 0.49-0.93; P = 0.016) and AVR HR 0.56 (95% CI 0.39-0.8; P = 0.002). CONCLUSION Octogenarians with symptomatic severe AS are frequently managed conservatively. Planned conservative management is associated with a poor prognosis.
AIMS: A literature review of existing research on the prevalence of alcohol use disorders (AUDs) and availability of alcohol interventions in Europe was conducted. The review also explored what is known about the gap between need and provision of alcohol interventions in Europe. METHODS: The review search strategy included: (i) descriptive studies of alcohol intervention systems in Europe; (ii) studies of alcohol service provision in Europe; and (iii) studies of prevalence of AUD and alcohol needs assessment in Europe. RESULTS: Europe has a relatively high level of alcohol consumption and the resulting disabilities are the highest in the world. Most research on implementation of alcohol interventions in Europe has been restricted to screening and brief interventions. Alcohol needs assessment methodology has been developed but has not been applied in comparative studies across countries in Europe. CONCLUSIONS: This review points to key gaps in knowledge related to alcohol interventions in Europe. There is a lack of comparative data on variations in alcohol treatment systems across European countries and there is also a lack of comparative data on the prevalence of alcohol use disorders across European countries and the relative gap between need and access to treatment. The forthcoming Alcohol Measures for Public Health Research Alliance (AMPHORA) research project work package on 'Early identification and treatment' aims to address these gaps.
Background: Fetal scalp lactate testing has been shown to be as useful as pH with added benefits. One remaining question is What level of lactate should trigger intervention in the first stage of labour?' Aims: This study aimed to establish the lactate level in the first stage of labour that indicates the need for intervention to ensure satisfactory outcomes for both babies and mothers. Methods: A prospective study at Mater Mothers' Hospital, Brisbane, Australia, a tertiary referral centre. One hundred and forty women in labour, with non-reassuring fetal heart rate traces, were tested using fetal blood scalp sampling of 5 mu L of capillary blood tested on an Accusport (Boeringer, Mannheim, East Sussex, UK) lactate meter. Decision to intervene in labour was based on clinical assessment plus a predetermined cut off. Main outcome measures were APGAR scores, cord arterial pH, meconium stained liquor and Intensive Care Nursery admission. Results: Two-graph receiver operating characteristic (TG-ROC) analysis showed optimal specificity, and sensitivity for predicting adverse neonatal outcomes was a scalp lactate level above 4.2 mmol/L. Conclusions: Fetal blood sampling remains the standard for further investigating-non-reassuring cardiotocograph (CTG) traces. Even so, it is a poor predictor of fetal outcomes. Scalp lactate has been shown to be at least as good a predictor as scalp pH, with the advantages of being easier, cheaper and with a lower rate of technical failure. Our study, found that a cut off fetal scalp lactate level of 4.2 mmol/L, in combination with an assessment of the entire clinical picture, is a useful tool in identifying those women who need intervention.
Glioblastoma patients should be provided with a professional health care system that helps reduce their psychosocial burden. The aim of this study was to identify patients in need of psychosocial intervention. In addition, it was examined whether physicians' assessments adequately address the burden patients are under and their need for intervention. During their visit to one of two neurosurgery outpatient departments, n = 49 glioblastoma patients filled out the short version of the Hornheider questionnaire (HFK). Consulting physicians also rated their patients' burdens in a specially adapted version of the questionnaire (HFK-F). The results of the psychometric evaluation with both instruments were satisfactory. The majority of the patients (76 %) were identified as in need of psychosocial intervention. All of them were correctly categorized with the physicians' ratings. Physicians overestimated some aspects of the patients' burden, particularly in regard to their problems with relaxing and fear of living with the illness. The patients' ratings concerning the quality of the information physicians provided and their overall state of health only corresponded with the physicians' ratings in roughly half of the cases.
Objective: To develop a model to predict the bleeding source and identify the cohort amongst patients with acute gastrointestinal bleeding (GIB) who require urgent intervention, including endoscopy. Patients with acute GIB, an unpredictable event, are most commonly evaluated and managed by non-gastroenterologists. Rapid and consistently reliable risk stratification of patients with acute GIB for urgent endoscopy may potentially improve outcomes amongst such patients by targeting scarce health-care resources to those who need it the most. Design and methods: Using ICD-9 codes for acute GIB, 189 patients with acute GIB and all. available data variables required to develop and test models were identified from a hospital medical records database. Data on 122 patients was utilized for development of the model and on 67 patients utilized to perform comparative analysis of the models. Clinical data such as presenting signs and symptoms, demographic data, presence of co-morbidities, laboratory data and corresponding endoscopic diagnosis and outcomes were collected. Clinical data and endoscopic diagnosis collected for each patient was utilized to retrospectively ascertain optimal management for each patient. Clinical presentations and corresponding treatment was utilized as training examples. Eight mathematical models including artificial neural network (ANN), support vector machine (SVM), k-nearest neighbor, linear discriminant analysis (LDA), shrunken centroid (SC), random forest (RF), logistic regression, and boosting were trained and tested. The performance of these models was compared using standard statistical analysis and ROC curves. Results: Overall the random forest model best predicted the source, need for resuscitation, and disposition with accuracies of approximately 80% or higher (accuracy for endoscopy was greater than 75%). The area under ROC curve for RF was greater than 0.85, indicating excellent performance by the random forest model Conclusion: While most mathematical models are effective as a decision support system for evaluation and management of patients with acute GIB, in our testing, the RF model consistently demonstrated the best performance. Amongst patients presenting with acute GIB, mathematical models may facilitate the identification of the source of GIB, need for intervention and allow optimization of care and healthcare resource allocation; these however require further validation. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
OBJECTIVE: This is a study to evaluate friendships in latency street boys of Porto Alegre, RGS, Brazil. METHODS: A sample of 30 latency street boys was compared with a sample of 51 latency boys living with their low income families, using the Cornell Interview of Peers and Friends (CIPF). RESULTS: The two groups had a significantly different CIPF global scores, and the boys of the street group had the highest mean score. Also, boys of the street had significantly lower developmental appropriateness, self-esteem and social skills scores than boys living with a family. CONCLUSIONS: The urgent need for intervention street children, especially on boys of the street, is emphasized.
Mestrado em Intervenção Sócio-Organizacional na Saúde - Área de especialização: Políticas de Administração e Gestão de Serviços de Saúde.
Introdução: O medicamento citotóxico é definido pelas suas características de genotoxicidade, mutagenicidade, carcinogenicidade, teratogenicidade, toxicidade reprodutiva e toxicidade orgânica em baixas doses. Deste modo, existe uma grande preocupação no que concerne ao manuseamento deste tipo de medicamentos, devido aos riscos ocupacionais que podem surtir da exposição a que os profissionais de farmácia envolvidos estão sujeitos. Objectivos: Analisar a realidade da farmácia hospitalar face ao cumprimento das normas e procedimentos preconizados pelas actuais guidelines para o manuseamento seguro de medicamentos citotóxicos, e identificar as lacunas existentes, conduzindo à promoção de práticas centradas na minimização do risco de exposição/contaminação dos profissionais e do ambiente. Material e Métodos: Foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica sistemática sobre o tema, utilizando-se como instrumento de recolha de dados um inquérito por questionário, em que os TDT de Farmácia foram abordados sobre os procedimentos verificados no hospital onde exercem actividade profissional. Resultados: Face ao cumprimento das normas na recepção, armazenamento e transporte de medicamentos citotóxicos, verifica-se que todos os hospitais se encontram acima da média. Apesar desta evidência, é na fase de transporte que se verifica um menor cumprimento. As principais lacunas detectadas foram ao nível da não utilização de EPI nas fases de recepção e armazenamento; a recepção de medicamentos citotóxicos em conjunto com outros medicamentos; a falta de um sistema de ventilação no local de armazenamento e, ainda, ausência de portas de correr e/ou gavetas fechadas nos carros de transporte de medicamentos citotóxicos. Conclusões: Os resultados deste estudo revelam alguma heterogeneidade de procedimentos nos hospitais Portugueses, sugerindo a necessidade de intervenção e reformulação do programa de segurança e gestão de risco desenvolvidos para o manuseamento de citotóxicos.
A emergência de multiresistência apresentada por microrganismos é um dos grandes desafios que enfrentam actualmente os profissionais de Saúde e a população em geral. Os factores que contribuem para o desenvolvimento de resistência a antibióticos na comunidade podem ser categorizados como comportamentais ou ambientais/políticas. O objectivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar a situação actual na visão dos Pais de alunos do pré-escolar e 1º ciclo. De modo a avaliar as necessidades de intervenção e as actividades a serem desenvolvidas, um instrumento para estudar os hábitos e comportamentos adoptados na utilização de antibióticos, foi adaptado, validado e aplicado numa amostra piloto.
OBJECTIVE:To analyze factors associated with cervical cancer screening failure. METHODS:Population-based cross-sectional study with self-weighted two-stage cluster sampling conducted in the cities of Fortaleza (Northeastern Brazil) and Rio de Janeiro (Southeastern Brazil) in 2002. Subjects were women aged 25-59 years in the last three years prior to the study. Data were analyzed through Poisson regression using a hierarchical model. RESULTS: The proportion of women who did not undergo the Pap smear test in Fortaleza and Rio de Janeiro was 19.1% (95% CI: 16.1;22.1) and 16.5% (95% CI: 14.1;18.9), respectively. Higher prevalence ratios of cervical cancer screening failure in both cities were seen among women with low education and low per capita income, old age, unmarried, who never underwent mammography, clinical breast examination, and blood glucose and cholesterol level testing. Smokers also had lower screening rates compared to non-smoker women and this difference was only statistically significant in Rio de Janeiro. CONCLUSIONS:The study findings point to the need of intervention focusing particularly women in worse socioeconomic conditions and access to healthcare, old-aged and unmarried. Education activities must prioritize screening of asymptomatic women and early diagnosis for symptomatic women and access to adequate diagnostic methods and treatment should be provided.
Trabalho de Projeto apresentado ao Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Marketing Digital, sob orientação de Doutor Freitas Santos
Dissertação de Mestrado em Gestão Integrada da Qualidade, Ambiente e Segurança
Com base no modelo de Resposta à Intervenção (RtI), este estudo centrouse em três objetivos: construir um instrumento vocacionado para a determinação do nível de competências fundamentais, do 1º ao 6º anos, na disciplina de Matemática; avaliar o valor preditivo do instrumento sobre a necessidade de intervenção; examinar o efeito de uma intervenção planeada com base na avaliação diagnóstica desse instrumento. Para dar resposta ao primeiro e segundo objetivos foram consideradas duas amostras de conveniência: a primeira, constituída por 5 docentes, avaliou a versão teste do instrumento e a segunda, constituída por 6 docentes, avaliou a sua versão final (perfazendo um total de 75 alunos). Recorrendo ao método kmeans, os resultados mostraram que o instrumento é de útil e fácil aplicação, permitindo aos docentes avaliarem e identificarem o grupo de desempenho a que pertence cada aluno, em relação à média dos resultados da respetiva turma. Relativamente ao terceiro objetivo, foi constituída uma amostra de 7 alunos de uma turma do 4º ano. A intervenção decorreu ao longo de 11 semanas, com 2 sessões semanais, cuja duração variou entre 10 a 35 minutos. Para avaliar os efeitos da intervenção, foi realizado um pré e um pós-teste, assim como 2 sessões de avaliação intermédia (checkpoints), tendo-se recorrido ao teste não paramétrico de Friedman e ao teste de Wilcoxon, para avaliar a significância das diferenças entre os tempos e os níveis de suporte, para o aluno resolver a tarefa com sucesso, respetivamente. Os resultados mostraram diferenças estatiscamente significativas, particularmente entre as duas avaliações intermédia consideradas.