819 resultados para Nano-fibres
Scaffolds manufactured from biological materials promise better clinical functionality, providing that characteristic features are preserved. Collagen, a prominent biopolymer, is used extensively for tissue engineering applications, because its signature biological and physico-chemical properties are retained in vitro preparations. We show here for the first time that the very properties that have established collagen as the leading natural biomaterial are lost when it is electro-spun into nano-fibres out of fluoroalcohols such as 1,1,1,3,3,3-hexafluoro-2-propanol or 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol. We further identify the use of fluoroalcohols as the major culprit in the process. The resultant nano-scaffolds lack the unique ultra-structural axial periodicity that confirms quarter-staggered supramolecular assemblies and the capacity to generate second harmonic signals, representing the typical crystalline triple-helical structure. They were also characterised by low denaturation temperatures, similar to those obtained from gelatin preparations ( p > 0.05). Likewise, circular dichroism spectra revealed extensive denaturation of the electro-spun collagen. Using pepsin digestion in combination with quantitative SDS-PAGE, we corroborate great losses of up to 99% of triple-helical collagen. In conclusion, electro-spinning of collagen out of fluoroalcohols effectively denatures this biopolymer, and thus appears to defeat its purpose, namely to create biomimetic scaffolds emulating the collagen structure and function of the extracellular matrix.
This article focuses on airborne engineered nanoparticles generated in a growing number of commercial and research facilities. Despite their presence in the air of many such facilities, there are currently no established and validated measurement methods to detect them, characterise their properties or quantify their concentrations. In relation to their possible health impacts, the key questions include: (i) Are the particles in the nano-size range are more toxic than larger particles of the same material? (ii) Does the surface chemistry of the lung alters the toxicity of inhaled nanoparticles? (iii) Do nano-fibers pose the same risk as asbestos? and (iv) Are the methods for assessing the health risk are appropriate? This article summarises the state of knowledge in relation to these issues.
Spinnenseide gehört zu den stabilsten bekannten Polymerverbindungen. Spinnfäden können bis auf das Dreifache ihrer ursprünglichen Länge gedehnt werden, bevor sie reißen, und dabei mit rund 160 MJ/m³ mehr als dreimal soviel Energie absorbieren wie die stärkste synthetisch hergestellte Faser Kevlar (50 MJ/m³). Dabei weisen Spinnfäden mit 2 bis 5 Mikrometer nur ein Zehntel des Durchmessers eines menschlichen Haares auf. Das präzise, berührungslose Bearbeiten von Spinnenseide ist für verschiedene technische Anwendungen interessant, insbesondere wenn dabei ihre außergewöhnlichen Eigenschaften erhalten bleiben. Könnten die von Natur aus dünnen Seidenfäden gezielt in ihrem Durchmesser verringert werden, so wären sie unter anderem in der Mikroelektronik einzusetzen. Hier könnten sie als Trägermaterial für eine dünne, elektrisch leitfähige Schicht fungieren. Man erhielte Nanodrähte, die auch in mechanisch besonders belasteten Mikroelektronikbauteilen (MEMS) Verwendung finden könnten. In dieser Arbeit wird die Verwendung der laserinduzierten Ablation zur gezielten Bearbeitung von Haltefäden der Schwarzen Witwe (Latrodectus hesperus) beschrieben. Eingesetzt wurde ein VUV-Excimerlaser vom Typ LPF 205 (Lambda-Physik, Göttingen) mit einer Wellenlänge von 157 nm und einer Pulsdauer von 18 ns. Eine berührungslose Laserbearbeitung bei 157 nm erlaubt einen effizienten und präzisen Abtrag von Material durch Ablation aufgrund der geringen optischen Eindringtiefe von unter 100 nm oberhalb einer Schwellenfluenz (Energie/Fläche) von Φth=29 mJ/cm², ohne dabei das umgebende Material thermisch zu beeinträchtigen. Parallel zur Ablation setzt allerdings eine wellenförmige Oberflächenstrukturierung auf der Faseroberfläche ein, wodurch die mechanische Belastbarkeit der Faser entscheidend geschwächt wird. Die Ursache hierfür liegt im Abbau materialbedingter Spannungsfelder („stress release“) innerhalb einer durch das Laserlicht induzierten dünnen Schmelzschicht. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit ist es nun gelungen, diese Strukturen durch einen anschließenden Glättungsprozeß zu entfernen. Dabei wird auf der bestrahlten Oberfläche mittels Laserlichts eine glatte Ablation erzielt. Mit feinerer Abstufung dieser Prozeßschritte konnte der Durchmesser des verwendeten Spinnenseidefadens zum Teil um 70 Prozent bis auf ca. 750 nm verringert werden. Durch Zugfestigkeitsexperimente wurde belegt, daß die mechanischen Eigenschaften der so bearbeiteten Spinnenseide weitgehend erhalten bleiben. Die im Rahmen dieser Arbeit angewandte Methode erlaubt somit eine präzise Laserablation von Spinnenseide und ähnlichen hochabsorbierenden Materialien, ohne deren Kernsubstanz in ihrer Beschaffenheit zu verändern.
Abstract : Natural materials have received a full attention in many applications because they are degradable and derived directly from earth. In addition to these benefits, natural materials can be obtained from renewable resources such as plants (i.e. cellulosic fibers like flax, hemp, jute, and etc). Being cheap and light in weight, the cellulosic natural fiber is a good candidate for reinforcing bio-based polymer composites. However, the hydrophilic nature -resulted from the presence of hydroxyl groups in the structure of these fibers- restricts the application of these fibers in the polymeric matrices. This is because of weak interfacial adhesion, and difficulties in mixing due to poor wettability of the fibers within the matrices. Many attempts have been done to modify surface properties of natural fibers including physical, chemical, and physico-chemical treatments but on the one hand, these treatments are unable to cure the intrinsic defects of the surface of the fibers and on the other hand they cannot improve moisture, and alkali resistance of the fibers. However, the creation of a thin film on the fibers would achieve the mentioned objectives. This study aims firstly to functionalize the flax fibers by using selective oxidation of hydroxyl groups existed in cellulose structure to pave the way for better adhesion of subsequent amphiphilic TiO[subscript 2] thin films created by Sol-Gel technique. This method is capable of creating a very thin layer of metallic oxide on a substrate. In the next step, the effect of oxidation on the interfacial adhesion between the TiO[subscript 2] film and the fiber and thus on the physical and mechanical properties of the fiber was characterized. Eventually, the TiO[subscript 2] grafted fibers with and without oxidation were used to reinforce poly lactic acid (PLA). Tensile, impact, and short beam shear tests were performed to characterize the mechanical properties while Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), Dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA), and moisture absorption were used to show the physical properties of the composites. Results showed a significant increase in physical and mechanical properties of flax fibers when the fibers were oxidized prior to TiO[subscript 2] grafting. Moreover, the TiO[subscript 2] grafted oxidized fiber caused significant changes when they were used as reinforcements in PLA. A higher interfacial strength and less amount of water absorption were obtained in comparison with the reference samples.
This study has demonstrated biorefining steps for ryegrass and silage at a pilot scale to extrude fibre cake for the production of nanofibrillated cellulose (NFC), a potentially green biomaterial for replacing conventional fillers in the manufacture of polymer composites. Further treatments of processed ryegrass fibres with mechanical shearing, microfluidising, hydrochloric acid (HCl)/ sulphuric acid and a four stage {ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid, sodium hydroxide, sodium hypochlorite and HCl} hydrolysis yielded 43.8, 36.1, 25.6 and 39.8 kg t21 DM of NFCs respectively. The NFCs were characterised using microscopy, X-ray diffraction, dynamic light scattering, spectroscopy and thermogravimetry. The NFC had diameters from 3.0–9.1 nm and length 308 nm– 4.6 mm. NFC-polyvinyl alcohol composites containing NFC (5 wt%) exhibited enhanced Young’s modulus and thermal stability by factors of 2.5 and 2 respectively compared with control. The mass, energy, water and chemical balances of the four process steps were assessed to evaluate technical feasibility and also to provide baseline production data for scaling up. The microfluidised product has been identified as the best NFC product, but production cost needs to be reduced.
We use a combination of microscopy, x-ray scattering and neutron scattering to show how structure develops in micro and nano-size polymer fibres prepared by electrospinning. The technique has been applied to a range of different polymers, an amorphous system (polystyrene), a crystallisable polymer (poly-epsilon-caprolactone), a composite systems (polyethylene oxide or poly vinyl alcohol containing polypyrrole) and consider the possibility of self assembly (gelatin).
This thesis has focused on three key areas of interest for femtosecond micromachining and inscription. The first area is micromachining where the work has focused on the ability to process highly repeatable, high precision machining with often extremely complex geometrical structures with little or no damage. High aspect ratio features have been demonstrated in transparent materials, metals and ceramics. Etch depth control was demonstrated especially in the work on phase mask fabrication. Practical chemical sensing and microfluidic devices were also fabricated to demonstrate the capability of the techniques developed during this work. The second area is femtosecond inscription. Here, the work has utilised the non-linear absorption mechanisms associated with femtosecond pulse-material interactions to create highly localised refractive index changes in transparent materials to create complex 3D structures. The techniques employed were then utilised in the fabrication of Phase masks and Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) phantom calibration artefacts both of which show the potential to fill voids in the development of the fields. This especially the case for the OCT phantoms where there exists no previous artefacts of known shape, allowing for the initial specification of parameters associated with the quality of OCT machines that are being taken up across the world in industry and research. Finally the third area of focus was the combination of all of the techniques developed through work in planar samples to create a range of artefacts in optical fibres. The development of techniques and methods for compensating for the geometrical complexities associated with working with the cylindrical samples with varying refractive indices allowed for fundamental inscription parameters to be examined, structures for use as power monitors and polarisers with the optical fibres and finally the combination of femtosecond inscription and ablation techniques to create a magnetic field sensor with an optical fibre coated in Terfenol-D with directional capability. Through the development of understanding, practical techniques and equipment the work presented here demonstrates several novel pieces of research in the field of femtosecond micromachining and inscription that has provided a broad range of related fields with practical devices that were previously unavailable or that would take great cost and time to facilitate.
This work has the main objective to obtain nano and microcrystals of cellulose, extracted from the pineapple leaf fibres (PALF), as reinforcement for the manufacture of biocomposite films with polymeric matrices of Poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) and Poly(lactic acid) (PLA). The polymer matrices and the nano and microcrystals of cellulose were characterised by means of TGA, FTIR and DSC. The analysis was performed on the pineapple leaves to identify the macro and micronutrients. The fibers of the leaves of the pineapple were extracted in a desfibradeira mechanical. The PALF extracted were washed to remove washable impurities and subsequently treated with sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and sodium hypochlorite (NaClO) in the removal of impurities, such as fat, grease, pectates, pectin and lignin. The processed PALF fibers were hydrolysed in sulfuric acid (H2SO4) at a concentration of 13.5 %, to obtain nano and microcrystals of cellulose. In the manufacture of biocomposite films, concentrations of cellulose, 0 %, 1 %, 3 %, 6 %, 9% and 12% were used as reinforcement to the matrices of PVA and PLA. The PVA was dissolved in distilled water at 80 ± 5 oC and the PLA was dissolved in dichloromethane at room temperature. The manufacture of biocompósitos in the form of films was carried out by "casting". Tests were carried out to study the water absorption by the films and mechanical test of resistance to traction according to ASTM D638-10 with a velocity of 50 mm/min.. Chi-square statistical test was used to check for the existence of significant differences in the level of 0.05: the lengths of the PALF, lengths of the nano and microcrystals of cellulose and the procedures used for the filtration using filter syringe of 0.2 μm or filtration and centrifugation. The hydrophilicity of biocompósitos was analysed by measuring the contact angle and the thickness of biocompósitos were compared as well as the results of tests of traction. Statistical T test - Student was also applied with the significance level (0.05). In biodegradation, Sturm test of standard D5209 was used. Nano and microcrystals of cellulose with lengths ranging from 7.33 nm to 186.17 nm were found. The PVA films showed average thicknesses of 0.153 μm and PLA 0.210 μm. There is a strong linear correlation directly proportional between the traction of the films of PVA and the concentration of cellulose in the films (composite) (0,7336), while the thickness of the film was correlated in 0.1404. Nano and microcrystals of cellulose and thickness together, correlated to 0.8740. While the correlation between the cellulose content and tensile strength was weak and inversely proportional (- 0,0057) and thickness in -0.2602, totaling -0,2659 in PLA films. This can be attributed to the nano and microcrystals of cellulose not fully adsorbed to the PLA matrix. In the comparison of the results of the traction of the two polymer matrices, the nano and microcrystals have helped in reducing the traction of the films (composite) of PLA. There was still the degradation of the film of PVA, within a period of 20 days, which was not seen in the PLA film, on the other hand, the observations made in the literature, the average time to start the degradation is above 60 days. What can be said that the films are biodegradable composites, with hydrophilicity and the nano and microcrystals of cellulose, contribute positively in the improvement of the results of polymer matrices used.