990 resultados para Nano magnetic oxides
Commercial samples of Magnetite with size ranging from 25–30nm were coated with polyaniline by using radio frequency plasma polymerization to achieve a core shell structure of magnetic nanoparticle (core)–Polyaniline (shell). High resolution transmission electron microscopy images confirm the core shell architecture of polyaniline coated iron oxide. The dielectric properties of the material were studied before and after plasma treatment. The polymer coated magnetite particles exhibited a large dielectric permittivity with respect to uncoated samples. The dielectric behavior was modeled using a Maxwell–Wagner capacitor model. A plausible mechanism for the enhancement of dielectric permittivity is proposed
A colloidal stable silica-encapsulated magnetic nano-composite of a controlled dimension is, for the first time, employed to carry beta-lactamase via chemical linkage on the silica overlayer: activity study reflects that this new type of immobilisation allows site (enzyme) isolation, accessibility as good as free enzyme and recovery & reusability upon application of magnetic separation.
Systematic studies in manganites of spinel structure have been undertaken. We report on the magnetic properties of two particular cases, in which one of the transition metals, Mg2+ is non-magnetic (NiMgxMn2-xO4) or presents a stable oxidation state, Cu2+ (CoxCuyMnzO4, x + y + z = 3). The magnetic behaviour is described with respect to varying contents of cobalt, copper or manganese. A ferrimagnetic transition is observed at 110-120 K, which depends on the cobalt content. Presence of copper increases the coercive field by a factor of ten with respect to the parent compound NiMn2O4. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Nano magnetic oxides are promising candidates for high density magnetic storage and other applications. Nonspherical mesoscopic iron oxide particles are also candidate materials for studying the shape, size and strain induced modifications of various physical properties viz. optical, magnetic and structural. Spherical and nonspherical iron oxides having an aspect ratio, ~2, are synthesized by employing starch and ethylene glycol and starch and water, respectively by a novel technique. Their optical, structural, thermal and magnetic properties are evaluated. A red shift of 0⋅24 eV is observed in the case of nonspherical particles when compared to spherical ones. The red shift is attributed to strain induced changes in internal pressure inside the elongated iron oxide particles. Pressure induced effects are due to the increased overlap of wave functions. Magnetic measurements reveal that particles are superparamagnetic. The marked increase in coercivity in the case of elongated particles is a clear evidence for shape induced anisotropy. The decreased specific saturation magnetization of the samples is explained on the basis of weight percentage of starch, a nonmagnetic component and is verified by TGA and FTIR studies. This technique can be modified for tailoring the aspect ratio and these particles are promising candidates for drug delivery and contrast enhancement agents in magnetic resonance imaging
New materials, based on the well-known spinel compound NiMn 2O4, have been synthesized and characterized from the magnetic point of view. The manganese cation was partially substituted in the general formula NiMn2-xMexO4, by nonmagnetic and magnetic elements, such as Me = Ga, Zn, Ni and Cr (0 × 1). Prior to the determination of their magnetic properties, the non-substituted spinel NiMn2O4 was carefully characterized and studied as a function of the oxygen stoichiometry, based on the influence of the annealing atmosphere and quenching rate. The ferrimagnetic character was observed in all samples, with a paramagnetic-to-ferromagnetic transition temperature T c stabilized at 110 K, and well defined long-range antiferromagnetic interactions at lower temperatures, which depend on the applied field and the substitute concentration. © 2006 Sociedad Chilena de Química.
Study of the oxygen vacancy influence on magnetic properties of Fe- and Co-doped SnO2 diluted alloys
Transition-metal (TM)-doped diluted magnetic oxides (DMOs) have attracted attention from both experimental and theoretical points of view due to their potential use in spintronics towards new nanostructured devices and new technologies. In the present work, we study the magnetic properties of Sn0.96TM0.04O2 and Sn0.96TM0.04O1.98(V (O))(0.02), where TM = Fe and Co, focusing in particular in the role played by the presence of O vacancies nearby the TM. The calculated total energy as a function of the total magnetic moment per cell shows a magnetic metastability, corresponding to a ground state, respectively, with 2 and 1 mu(B)/cell, for Fe and Co. Two metastable states, with 0 and 4 mu(B)/cell were found for Fe, and a single value, 3 mu(B)/cell, for Co. The spin-crossover energies (E (S)) were calculated. The values are E (S) (0/2) = 107 meV and E (S) (4/2) = 25 meV for Fe. For Co, E (S) (3/1) = 36 meV. By creating O vacancies close to the TM site, we show that the metastablity and E (S) change. For iron, a new state appears, and the state with zero magnetic moment disappears. The ground state is 4 mu(B)/cell instead of 2 mu(B)/cell, and the energy E (S) (2/4) is 30 meV. For cobalt, the ground state is then found with 3 mu(B)/cell and the metastable state with 1 mu(B)/cell. The spin-crossover energy E (S) (1/3) is 21 meV. Our results suggest that these materials may be used in devices for spintronic applications that require different magnetization states.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Co- und Fe-dotierte Rutil- und Anatas-Bulkproben wurden über einen Sol-Gel Prozess und anschließende thermische Behandlung dargestellt und auf ihre Zugehörigkeit zu der Gruppe der verdünnten magnetischen Oxide untersucht. Die Untersuchungen der dotierten Rutil-Proben mittels Röntgenbeugung, Elektronenmikroskopie und magnetischen Methoden zeigen, dass die Löslichkeit von Co und Fe in der TiO2-Modifikation Rutil sehr gering ist. Oberhalb von 1at% Co bzw. Fe wird neben Rutil die Bildung der Oxide CoTiO3 bzw. Fe2TiO5 beobachtet. Weitere thermische Behandlung im Argon-H2-Strom führte aufgrund der Bildung von metallischem Co bzw. Fe zu einem ferromagnetischen Verhalten. Die TiO2-Modifikation Anatas besitzt eine höhere Löslichkeit, so dass erst oberhalb von 4at% Co bzw. 10at% Fe die Phasen Co3O4 bzw. FeTiO3 neben Anatas auftreten. Entsprechende Proben zeigen ein paramagnetisches Verhalten. Oberhalb der Löslichkeitsgrenze führt die Reduktion im Argon-H2-Strom zu einem ferromagnetischen Verhalten, welches auf metallisches Co bzw. Fe zurückzuführen ist. Analog zu den Bulkproben wurden Co- und Fe-dotierte TiO2-Nanodrähte hergestellt. Das magnetische Verhalten der Fe-dotierten TiO2-Nanodrähte entspricht dem der Fe-dotierten Anatas-Bulkproben. Dagegen führt die Co-Dotierung nicht zu einem Einbau in die TiO2-Nanodrähte, sondern zur Bildung von CoOx-Nanopartikeln. Die entsprechenden Proben zeigen ein schwach ferromagnetisches Verhalten. Dies ist jedoch nicht auf eine ferromagnetische Dotierung der TiO2-Nanodrähte zurückzuführen, sondern auf nicht kompensierte Momente an den Oberflächen der als Verunreinigungen auftretenden CoOx-Nanopartikel. Zusammenfassend wird festgestellt, dass die Löslichkeit von Co und Fe in TiO2 für die Ausbildung eines ferromagnetischen Verhaltens zu gering ist. Der beobachtete Ferromagnetismus lässt sich eindeutig auf magnetische Verunreinigungen zurückführen. Somit können die dotierten TiO2 Proben nicht den verdünnten magnetischen Oxiden zugeordnet werden.
Der Spin Seebeck Effekt repräsentiert einen neuartigen Spin kalorischen Effekt mit vorteilhaften und aussichtsreichen Eigenschaften für Anwendungen in den Gebieten der Spintronik und Thermoelektrik.rnIn dieser Arbeit präsentieren wir eine umfangreiche Untersuchung des Spin Seebeck Effekts in isolierenden, magnetischen Granaten und geben Antworten zum kontrovers diskutierten Ursprung des Effekts. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, haben wir die Abhängigkeit des Spin Seebeck Effekts von der Dicke des Ferromagneten, der Temperatur, der Stärke des magnetisches Feldes, der Grenzflächen und des Detektormaterials, sowie Kombinationen dieser Parameter gemessen. Im Zuge dessen haben wir das Wachstum der untersuchten magnetischen Granate optimiert und eine umfassende Analyse der strukturellen und magnetischen Parameter durchgeführt, um Einflüsse der Probenqualität auszuschließen. Des Weiteren zeigte eine Untersuchung des magnetoresistiven Effekts, welcher als mögliche Ursache des Effekts galt, in Kombination mit einer Studie des Messaufbaus, dass parasitäre Einflüsse auf das Messergebnis ausgeschlossen werden können. Unsere Ergebnisse zeigen, dass der Spin Seebeck Effekt mit zunehmender Dicke des Ferromagneten eine Sättigung des Signals aufweist. Diese hängt zudem von der Temperatur ab, da mit abnehmender Temperatur die Sättigung erst bei dickeren Filmen auftritt. Außerdem fanden unsere Messungen ein Maximum des Spin Seebeck Effekts für Temperaturen unterhalb der Raumtemperatur, welcher sowohl von der Dicke des Materials als auch der Magnetfeldstärke und dem Detektormaterial beeinflusst wird. In Messungen bei hohen magnetischen Feldstärken beobachteten wir eine Unterdrückung des Messsignals, dessen Ursache mithilfe von Simulationen auf den magnonischen Ursprung des Spin Seebeck Effekts zurückgeführt werden kann. Dies unterstreicht, dass der Effekt auf vom Ferromagneten emittierten Magnonen basiert. Im letzten Abschnitt dieser Arbeit präsentieren wir Messungen in einem bislang nicht untersuchten ferrimagnetischen Material, welche zwei Vorzeichenwechsel des Spin Seebeck Effekts als Funktion der Temperatur aufzeigen. Dieses bisher unbekannte Signalverhalten betont, dass der Effekt aus einem komplexen Zusammenspiel der magnonischen Moden resultiert und zusätzlich vom Detektormaterial abhängt.rnSomit tragen unsere Ergebnisse und Beobachtungen im hohen Maße zur Beantwortung der Frage nach dem Ursprungs des Spin Seebeck Effekts bei und zeigen neuartige bisher nicht beobachtete Effekte, welche ein neues Kapitel für das Gebiet der Spin Kaloritronik eröffnen.
Sediments recovered during Leg 90 (Sites 587-594, plus Site 586 cored during Leg 89) are, in general, extremely weakly magnetized carbonate oozes and chalks with NRM intensities seldom greater than 0.05 µG. The quality of the paleomagnetic records deteriorates with increasing depth caused by the combined effects of removal of primary magnetic oxides by sulfate reduction processes and the dispersal of magnetic grains during compaction. Magnetic reversal sequences are generally recognizable back to the Gilbert, 3.4 to 5.35 m.y., except at equatorial Site 586 where only the Brunhes/Matuyama boundary could be identified. Longer reversal records were obtained at Site 588 (to Chron 13, about 13 m.y.) and Site 594 (base of Chron 5, about 5.9 m.y.). Sediments are characterized by extremely high calcium carbonate contents (90-100%) with almost no biosiliceous components. Blebs and streaks of pyrite are common, and the presence of iron sulfides with poor magnetic stabilities is suspected, although not yet positively identified. Viscous components of magnetization are common, sometimes to the extent of dominating the primary remanence, and there is evidence to suggest that a magnetic remanence is imparted during core recovery. Siliceous carbonate oozes provide better paleomagnetic records than pure carbonate oozes.
The transport and magnetotransport properties of the metallic and ferromagnetic SrRuO3 (SRO) and the metallic and paramagnetic LaNiO3 (LNO) epitaxial thin films have been investigated in fields up to 55 T at temperatures down to 1.8 K . At low temperatures both samples display a well-defined resistivity minimum. We argue that this behavior is due to the increasing relevance of quantum corrections to the conductivity (QCC) as temperature is lowered; this effect being particularly relevant in these oxides due to their short mean free path. However, it is not straightforward to discriminate between contributions of weak localization and renormalization of electron-electron interactions to the QCC through temperature dependence alone. We have taken advantage of the distinct effect of a magnetic field on both mechanisms to demonstrate that in ferromagnetic SRO the weak-localization contribution is suppressed by the large internal field leaving only renormalized electron-electron interactions, whereas in the nonmagnetic LNO thin films the weak-localization term is relevant.
HTSC materials are relevant in modern microelectronics, because of their transformation from the normal state to the superconducting. That is why the idea of producing HTSC in industrial amounts is actual nowadays. To decrease cost of their production it is important to use magnetron sputtering systems which give the best results for essential parameters. Modeling is the simplest and the fastest way to determine optimum sputtering condition. This thesis concentrates on determination the phases of the whole sputtering process and to find out basic factors of each phase using the modeling. It was find out, that the main factors which influence on the mode of occurrence of the initial stages are the current density of the magnetron discharge and the pressure of sputtering gas. With the modeling also velocity dependences were obtained for YBCO and SmFeAsO. These were compared and difference between them was examined. To support represented model comparison was made with experimental results. This showed that the model gives good results, very similar to the experimental ones. The results of this work were published in annual conference of the finnish physical society.
Magnetic nanoparticles are very important in modern industry. These particles are used in many different spheres of life. Nanoparticles have unusual physical and chemical properties connected both with quantum dimensional effects and with the increased role of the surface atoms. Most clearly the difference between the properties of bulk materials and nanoparticles can be seen in the magnetic properties of these materials. The most typical magnetic properties of nanomaterials are superparamagnetism with the size of the cluster from 1 to 10 nm; single-domain magnetic state of nanoclusters and nanostructures up to 20 nm; magnetization processes connected with magnetic cluster ordering and with its forms and sizes; quantum magnetic tunneling effects when magnetization changes by jumps and giant magnetoresistance effects. For research of the magnetic properties of iron-containing nanostructures, it is convenient to apply Mӧssbauer spectroscopy. In this work a number of nano-sized samples of iron oxides were examined by Mössbauer spectroscopy. The Mössbauer spectra of nanoparticles with various sizes were obtained. Mössbauer spectra of iron oxide nanoparticles were compared with the spectra of bulk samples. It was shown how the spectra of iron oxide nanoparticles change depending on the particle sizes.
A new series of nano-sized Ce1-xEuxCrO3 (x = 0.0 to 1.0) with an average particle size of 50 - 80 nm were synthesized using a solution combustion method. Nano-powders Ce1-xEuxCrO3 with the canted antiferromagnetic property exhibited interesting magnetic behaviours including the reversal magnetization and the exchange bias effect. The effect of europium doping as the ion with the smaller radius size and different electron con figuration on structural, magnetic and thermal properties of Ce1-xEuxCrO3 were investigated using various experimental techniques, i.e. DC/AC magnetic susceptibility, heat capacity, thermal expansion, Raman scattering, X-ray photoemission spectroscopy, transmission/scanning electron microscopy, X-ray powder diffraction and neutron scattering. An exchange bias effect, magnetization irreversibility and AC susceptibility dispersion in these samples confirmed the existence of the spin disorder magnetic phase in Ce1-xEuxCrO3 compounds. The exchange bias phenomenon, which is assigned to the exchange coupling between glassy-like shell and canted antiferromagnetic core, showed the opposite sign in CeCrO3 and EuCrO3 at low temperatures, suggesting different exchange interactions at the interfaces in these compounds. The energy level excitation of samples were examined by an inelastic neutron scattering which was in good agreement with the heat capacity data. Neutron scattering analysis of EuCrO3 was challenging due to the large neutron absorption cross-section of europium. All diffraction patterns of Ce1-xEuxCrO3 showed the magnetic peak attributed to the antiferromagnetic Cr3+ spins while none of the diffraction patterns could detect the magnetic ordering of the rare-earth ions in these samples.
Department of Physics, Cochin University of Science and Technology