49 resultados para NTR


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Oral squamous cell carcinomas (OSCC) often arise from dysplastic lesions. The role of cancer stem cells in tumour initiation is widely accepted, yet the potential existence of pre-cancerous stem cells in dysplastic tissue has received little attention. Cell lines from oral diseases ranging in severity from dysplasia to malignancy provide opportunity to investigate the involvement of stem cells in malignant progression from dysplasia. Stem cells are functionally defined by their ability to generate hierarchical tissue structures in consortium with spatial regulation. Organotypic cultures readily display tissue hierarchy in vitro; hence, in this study, we compared hierarchical expression of stem cell-associated markers in dermis-based organotypic cultures of oral epithelial cells from normal tissue (OKF6-TERT2), mild dysplasia (DOK), severe dysplasia (POE-9n) and OSCC (PE/CA P J15). Expression of CD44, p75NTR, CD24 and ALDH was studied in monolayers by flow cytometry and in organotypic cultures by immunohistochemistry. Spatial regulation of CD44 and p75NTR was evident for organotypic cultures of normal (OKF6-TERT2) and dysplasia (DOK and POE-9n) but was lacking for OSCC (PE/CA PJ15)-derived cells. Spatial regulation of CD24 was not evident. All monolayer cultures exhibited CD44, p75NTR, CD24 antigens and ALDH activity (ALDEFLUOR® assay), with a trend towards loss of population heterogeneity that mirrored disease severity. In monolayer, increased FOXA1 and decreased FOXA2 expression correlated with disease severity, but OCT3/4, Sox2 and NANOG did not. We conclude that dermis-based organotypic cultures give opportunity to investigate the mechanisms that underlie loss of spatial regulation of stem cell markers seen with OSCC-derived cells.


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从2份受丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)感染的献血员血清(CX1、CX2)、第一代感染HCV猕猴血清(CX3)、第二代感染HCV猕猴血清(CX4)中提取RNA, 用自行设计的HCV 5^非编码区和核心区C5^NTR-C区引物进行逆转录PCR, 经扩增克隆并序列分析, 结果显示: CX1 cDNA全长779bp, CX2 cDNA 778bp, CX3 cDNA 776bp, CX4 cDNA 777bp。CX1株和CX4株均在5^NTR nt-216有一C的插入, CX3和CX4区nt385-387处的3个碱基缺失; CX1株与CX2、CX3、CX4比较同源性分别为98.07%、96.15%、95.25%; CX2与CX3、CX4的同源性分别为96.28%、95.76%; CX3与CX4的同源性为97.56%。


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Migraine and major depressive disorder (MDD) are comorbid, moderately heritable and to some extent influenced by the same genes. In a previous paper, we suggested the possibility of causality (one trait causing the other) underlying this comorbidity. We present a new application of polygenic (genetic risk) score analysis to investigate the mechanisms underlying the genetic overlap of migraine and MDD. Genetic risk scores were constructed based on data from two discovery samples in which genome-wide association analyses (GWA) were performed for migraine and MDD, respectively. The Australian Twin Migraine GWA study (N = 6,350) included 2,825 migraine cases and 3,525 controls, 805 of whom met the diagnostic criteria for MDD. The RADIANT GWA study (N = 3,230) included 1,636 MDD cases and 1,594 controls. Genetic risk scores for migraine and for MDD were used to predict pure and comorbid forms of migraine and MDD in an independent Dutch target sample (NTR-NESDA, N = 2,966), which included 1,476 MDD cases and 1,058 migraine cases (723 of these individuals had both disorders concurrently). The observed patterns of prediction suggest that the 'pure' forms of migraine and MDD are genetically distinct disorders. The subgroup of individuals with comorbid MDD and migraine were genetically most similar to MDD patients. These results indicate that in at least a subset of migraine patients with MDD, migraine may be a symptom or consequence of MDD. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


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The aryloxy(alkoxy)cyclotriphosphazenes N3P3(OR)6�m(OC6H4Me-p)n(R = Me, n= 1�3; R = Et or CH2Ph, n= 3) rearrange on heating to give trioxocyclotriphosphazanes; the di- and mono-methoxy derivatives, N3P3(OMe)6�n(OC6H4Me-p)n(n= 4 or 5), yield dioxophosphaz-1-enes and an oxophosphazadiene respectively. The 1H, 13C and 31P NMR data for the starting materials and the products are presented. No evidence has been found for partially rearranged products. The geometrical disposition of the aryloxy groups in the starting material is retained in the rearranged products. Some aspects of the mechanism of the thermal rearrangement are discussed.


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he 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition between glycine-derived azlactones with maleimides is efficiently catalyzed by the dimeric chiral complex [(S-a)-Binap.AuTFA](2). The alanine-derived oxazolone only reacts with tert-butyl acrylate giving anomalous regiochemistry, which is explained and supported by Natural Resonance Theory and Nucleus Independent Chemical Shifts calculations. The origin of the high enantiodiscrimination observed with maleimides and tert-butyl acrylate is analyzed using DFT computed at M06/Lanl2dz//ONIOM(b3lyp/Lanl2dz:UFF) level. Several applications of these cycloadducts in the synthesis of new proline derivatives with a 2,5-trans-arrangement and in the preparation of complex fused polycyclic molecules are described.


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A nerve growth factor (NGF) was isolated from the venom of Chinese cobra (Naja naja ntr a) by ion exchange chromatography, gel filtration and fast protein liquid chromatography (FPLC). The N-terminal sequence of 22 amino acid residues was identical with other NGFs previously purified from the venom of the same genus. The NGF monomer molecular weight was estimated to be 13 500 by reducing SDS-PAGE and the isoelectric point was determined to be 7.2 by isoelectric focusing electrophoresis. NGF improved the epididymal sperm motility of male rats and increased the pregnancy rate and fetus number of mated female rats. The serum levels of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) of male rats administrated NGF + gossypol was lower than that of male rats administrated gossypol. Histological sections of testes and epididymides showed that NGF reduced the destructive effects of gossypol on rat testes. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.


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INTRODUCTION: We examined the positive and negative subjective feelings associated with initial tobacco and cannabis use as well as the role of these experiences in regular use. Additionally, we investigated the effect of the first substance experienced on initial subjective experiences and later regular use. METHODS: Baseline data from a representative sample of young Swiss men were obtained from an ongoing Cohort Study on Substance Use Risk Factors, which includes 2,321 lifetime tobacco and cannabis users. We assessed the age of first tobacco and cannabis use along with the subjective experiences associated with initial use. Additionally, subjective experiences related to regular use of both substances were analyzed. RESULTS: The initial subjective experiences were divided into positive and negative for each substance, and we found that the feelings associated with first use of tobacco and cannabis were similar. Moreover, the participants who used cannabis before tobacco reported fewer negative experiences associated with first tobacco use, whereas the participants who initially used tobacco reported more negative experiences related to first cannabis use. Also, we identified that regular use was encouraged by positive experiences and that negative experiences were more adverse for regular use of cannabis compared with tobacco. CONCLUSIONS: Taken together, these results indicate that similar subjective experiences were associated with the first use of tobacco and cannabis. Also, the use of cannabis before tobacco, which occurred in only a minority of users, had the potential to enhance the effects of initial tobacco use.


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"Mémoire présenté à la faculté des études supérieures en vue de l'obtention du grade de maîtrise en droit (LL.M.) option droit, biotechnologies et société"


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Le système dopaminergique (DA) méso-corticolimbique du cerveau, qui prend son origine dans l'aire tegmentaire ventrale (ATV), est fortement impliqué dans les comportements motivés et la toxicomanie. Les drogues d'abus activent ce système et y induisent une plasticité synaptique de longue durée. Les neurones DA de l'ATV reçoivent sur leur arborisation dendritique une grande densité de terminaisons glutamatergiques. Les drogues d'abus induisent une potentialisation à long terme (PLT) de ces contacts glutamatergiques. La PLT est une augmentation prolongée de la transmission synaptique, qui semble sous-tendre la mémoire et l'apprentissage. Les endocannabinoïdes (ECs) sont des neurotransmetteurs qui agissent de façon rétrograde sur des récepteurs présynaptiques (CB1) pour diminuer la libération des neurotransmetteurs comme le glutamate. Les neurones libèrent les ECs à partir de leur compartiment somatodendritique suite à une stimulation des afférences et la dépolarisation membranaire qui s’ensuit. La neurotensine (NT) est un neuropeptide retrouvé de façon abondante dans le système DA du cerveau. Il a été découvert que la NT peut induire la libération des ECs dans le striatum. En faisant appel à une combinaison d’approches immunohistochimique, électrophysiologique et pharmacologique chez la souris, nous avons confirmé dans la première étude de cette thèse la présence des récepteurs CB1 sur les terminaisons glutamatergiques des neurones DA de l'ATV, et avons montré que leur activation induit une diminution de la libération de glutamate. Par ailleurs, nous avons montré que des trains de stimulation peuvent induire la libération des ECs. Nous avons découvert qu'en présence d'un antagoniste des récepteurs CB1, il y a facilitation de l’induction de la PLT. Cette observation suggère que les ECs ont un effet inhibiteur sur l’induction de la PLT, plutôt que sur son expression. Nous avons déterminé que le 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG) est l’EC qui est principalement responsable de cette action inhibitrice. Finalement, la PLT induite en présence d’un antagoniste CB1 est aussi dépendante d'une activation des récepteurs NMDA du glutamate. Les travaux réalisés dans la deuxième étude de cette thèse ont montré que la NT est présente dans une sous-population de terminaisons axonales glutamatergiques dans l’ATV. Une application exogène de NT induit une diminution prolongée de l'amplitude des courants postsynaptiques excitateurs (CPSEs). Cette diminution est bloquée en présence d'un antagoniste non-sélectif des récepteurs à la NT, ainsi qu'en présence d'un antagoniste sélectif pour le récepteur de NT de type 1 (NTS1). Confirmant l’implication d’une production d’ECs, la baisse des CPSEs par la NT a été bloquée en présence d’un antagoniste des récepteurs CB1 ou d’un bloqueur de la synthèse de 2-AG. La chélation du calcium intracellulaire n'empêchait pas l’effet inhibiteur de la NT sur les CPSEs, cependant, l'inhibition des protéines G ou de la phospholipase C a complètement bloqué la dépression synaptique induite par la NT. Par ailleurs, nos travaux ont montré que la nature prolongée de la dépression synaptique induite par la NT exogène s’explique par une libération soutenue des ECs, et non pas à une activation prolongée des NTR. Finalement, notre observation qu’un antagoniste des récepteurs de la NT ne facilite pas l’induction de la PLT, comme le fait un antagoniste du récepteur CB1, suggère que la stimulation répétitive des afférences glutamatergiques nécessaire à l’induction de la PLT n’induit pas de libération des ECs via la libération de NT, nous permettant ainsi de conclure que la sécrétion de NT n'agit pas dans ces conditions comme un facteur de régulation négative de la PLT.


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Adult neural crest related-stem cells persist in adulthood, making them an ideal and easily accessible source of multipotent cells for potential clinical use. Recently, we reported the presence of neural crest-related stem cells within adult palatal ridges, thus raising the question of their localization in their endogenous niche. Using immunocytochemistry, reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction, and correlative fluorescence and transmission electron microscopy, we identified myelinating Schwann cells within palatal ridges as a putative neural crest stem cell source. Palatal Schwann cells expressed nestin, p75(NTR), and S100. Correlative fluorescence and transmission electron microscopy revealed the exclusive nestin expression within myelinating Schwann cells. Palatal neural crest stem cells and nestin-positive Schwann cells isolated from adult sciatic nerves were able to grow under serum-free conditions as neurospheres in presence of FGF-2 and EGF. Spheres of palatal and sciatic origin showed overlapping expression pattern of neural crest stem cell and Schwann cell markers. Expression of the pluripotency factors Sox2, Klf4, c-Myc, Oct4, the NF-κB subunits p65, p50, and the NF-κB-inhibitor IκB-β were up-regulated in conventionally cultivated sciatic nerve Schwann cells and in neurosphere cultures. Finally, neurospheres of palatal and sciatic origin were able to differentiate into ectodermal, mesodermal, and endodermal cell types emphasizing their multipotency. Taken together, we show that nestin-positive myelinating Schwann cells can be reprogrammed into multipotent adult neural crest stem cells under appropriate culture conditions.


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Adult human neural crest-derived stem cells (NCSCs) are of extraordinary high plasticity and promising candidates for the use in regenerative medicine. Here we describe for the first time a novel neural crest-derived stem cell population within the respiratory epithelium of human adult inferior turbinate. In contrast to superior and middle turbinates, high amounts of source material could be isolated from human inferior turbinates. Using minimally-invasive surgery methods isolation is efficient even in older patients. Within their endogenous niche, inferior turbinate stem cells (ITSCs) expressed high levels of nestin, p75(NTR), and S100. Immunoelectron microscopy using anti-p75 antibodies displayed that ITSCs are of glial origin and closely related to nonmyelinating Schwann cells. Cultivated ITSCs were positive for nestin and S100 and the neural crest markers Slug and SOX10. Whole genome microarray analysis showed pronounced differences to human ES cells in respect to pluripotency markers OCT4, SOX2, LIN28, and NANOG, whereas expression of WDR5, KLF4, and c-MYC was nearly similar. ITSCs were able to differentiate into cells with neuro-ectodermal and mesodermal phenotype. Additionally ITSCs are able to survive and perform neural crest typical chain migration in vivo when transplanted into chicken embryos. However ITSCs do not form teratomas in severe combined immunodeficient mice. Finally, we developed a separation strategy based on magnetic cell sorting of p75(NTR) positive ITSCs that formed larger neurospheres and proliferated faster than p75(NTR) negative ITSCs. Taken together our study describes a novel, readily accessible source of multipotent human NCSCs for potential cell-replacement therapy.


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Bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) is a ubiquitous viral pathogen that affects cattle herds’ worldwide causing significant economic loss. The current strategies to control BVDV infection include vaccination (modified-live or killed) and control of virus spread by enhanced biosecurity management, however, the disease remains prevalent. With the discovery of the sequence-specific method of gene silencing known as RNA interference (RNAi), a new era in antiviral therapies has begun. Here we report the efficient inhibition of BVDV replication by small interfering (siRNA) and short hairpin RNA (shRNA)-mediated gene silencing. siRNAs were generated to target the 5′ non-translated (NTR) region and the regions encoding the C, NS4B and NS5A proteins of the BVDV genome. The siRNAs were first validated using an EGFP/BVDV reporter system and were then shown to suppress BVDV-induced cytopathic effects and viral titers in cell culture with surprisingly different activities compared to the reporter system. Efficient viral suppression was then achieved by bovine 7SK-expressed BVDV-specific shRNAs. Overall, our results demonstrated the use of siRNA and shRNA-mediated gene silencing to achieve efficient inhibition of the  replication of this virus in cell culture.


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Introduction: Neurotic psychopathology has been extensively examined as a risk factor for nicotine dependence (ND). Genetic stratification may partially explain variability in risk estimates. Genetic variants that compromise dopaminergic neurotransmission may motivate exposure to dopamine-stimulating agents, including nicotine. The 7-repeat allele of a Variable Number Tandem Repeat (VNTR) polymorphism in DRD4 (and evolutionary derivatives 5, 6, and 8 repeats; 7R+) is associated with reduced dopamine receptor function. The purpose of this study was to examine association between both smoking initiation (SI) and progression to ND by young adulthood and (a) history of neuroticism during adolescence, (b) DRD4 7R+, and (c) interaction between neuroticism and DRD4 7R+.

Methods: Participants were drawn from the Victorian Adolescent Health Cohort Study, a longitudinal study of the health and well-being of young Australians across 8 waves (14–24 years). Neuroticism was measured at Waves 3 and 6 (mean 15.9 and 17.4 years). SI was defined as any smoking at any wave. ND was measured at Wave 8 (mean 24.1 years). Genotype data for the DRD4 VNTR were available for 839 participants.

Results: While adolescent neuroticism was associated with SI, evidence for association with progression to ND was weak. However, there was evidence of interaction between neuroticism and DRD4 7R+: The odds of progression to ND among those with a history of neuroticism were more than 3.5-fold higher among 7R+ carriers.

Conclusions: Without considering stratification by 7R+, the association between progression to ND and neuroticism would have been assumed barely significant. However, among those carrying DRD4 7R+, risk of progression was considerably intensified.