996 resultados para NIGRA PARS COMPACTA
Studies involving estrogen treatment of ovariectomized rats or mice have attributed to this hormone a neuroprotective effect on the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNpc) neurons. We investigated the effect of estradiol replacement in ovariectomized rats on the survival of dopaminergic mesencephalic cell and the integrity of their projections to the striatum after microinjections of 1 mu g of 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) into the right SNpc or medial forebrain bundle (MFB). Estradiol replacement did not prevent the reduction either in the striatal concentrations of DA and metabolites or in the number of nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurons following lesion with 1 mu g of 6-OHDA into the SNpc. Nevertheless, estradiol treatment reduced the decrease in striatal DA following injection of 1 mu g of 6-OHDA into the MFB. Results suggest therefore that estrogen protect nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurons against a 6-OHDA injury to the MFB but not the SNpc. This may be due to the distinct degree of lesions promoted in these different rat models of Parkinson`s disease.
Dopaminergic neurotransmission is involved in the regulation of sleep. In particular, the nigrostriatal pathway is an important center of sleep regulation. We hypothesized that dopaminergic neurons located in substantia nigra pars compacta (SNpc) could be activated by gentle handling, a method to obtain sleep deprivation (SD). Adult male C57/BL6J mice (N = 5/group) were distributed into non-SD (NSD) or SD groups. SD animals were subjected to SD once for 1 or 3 h by gentle handling. Two experiments were performed. The first determined the activation of SNpc neurons after SD, and the second examined the same parameters after pharmacologically induced dopaminergic depletion using intraperitoneal reserpine (2 mg/kg). After 1 or 3 h, SD and NSD mice were subjected to motor evaluation using the open field test. Immediately after the behavioral test, the mice were perfused intracardially to fix the brain and for immunohistochemical analysis of c-Fos protein expression within the SNpc. The open field test indicated that SD for 1 or 3 h did not modify motor behavior. However, c-Fos protein expression was increased after 1 h of SD compared with the NSD and 3-h SD groups. These immunohistochemistry data indicate that these periods of SD are not able to produce dopaminergic supersensitivity. Nevertheless, the increased expression of c-Fos within the SNpc suggests that dopaminergic nigral activation was triggered by SD earlier than motor responsiveness. Dopamine-depleted mice (experiment 2) exhibited a similar increase of c-Fos expression compared to control animals indicating that dopamine neurons are still activated in the 1-h SD group despite the exhaustion of dopamine. This finding suggests that this range (2-5-fold) of neuronal activation may serve as a marker of SD.
This is a study in the rat of the distribution of specific neurotransmitters in neurones projecting from the substantia nigra reticulata (SNR) to the ventrolateral (VL) and ventromedial (VM) thalamic nuclei. Individual axons projecting from the SNR to these thalamic nuclei have also been reconstructed following small injection of the anterograde tracer dextran biotin into the the SNR. Analysis of reconstructions revealed two populations of SNR neurones projecting onto the VL and VM thalamic nuclei. One group projects directly onto the VM and VL, and the other projects to the VM/VL and to the parafascicular nucleus. In another set of experiments Fluoro-Gold was injected into the VL/VM to label SNR projection neurones retrogradely, and immunohistochemistry was performed to determine the distribution of choline acetyltransferase (ChAT), vesicular acetylcholine transporter (VAChT), gamma -aminobutyric acid (GABA), and glutamate in Fluoro-Gold-labelled SNR projection neurones. Most SNR-VL/VM thalamic projection neurones were immunoreactive to acetylcholine or glutamate, whereas only 25% of the projection neurones were found to be immunoreactive to GABA. (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
The objective of the present study was to determine whether lesion of the subthalamic nucleus (STN) promoted by N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) would rescue nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurons after unilateral 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) injection into the medial forebrain bundle (MFB). Initially, 16 mg 6-OHDA (6-OHDA group) or vehicle (artificial cerebrospinal fluid - aCSF; Sham group) was infused into the right MFB of adult male Wistar rats. Fifteen days after surgery, the 6-OHDA and SHAM groups were randomly subdivided and received ipsilateral injection of either 60 mM NMDA or aCSF in the right STN. Additionally, a control group was not submitted to stereotaxic surgery. Five groups of rats were studied: 6-OHDA/NMDA, 6-OHDA/Sham, Sham/NMDA, Sham/Sham, and Control. Fourteen days after injection of 6-OHDA, rats were submitted to the rotational test induced by apomorphine (0.1 mg/kg, ip) and to the open-field test. The same tests were performed again 14 days after NMDA-induced lesion of the STN. The STN lesion reduced the contralateral turns induced by apomorphine and blocked the progression of motor impairment in the open-field test in 6-OHDA-treated rats. However, lesion of the STN did not prevent the reduction of striatal concentrations of dopamine and metabolites or the number of nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurons after 6-OHDA lesion. Therefore, STN lesion is able to reverse motor deficits after severe 6-OHDA-induced lesion of the nigrostriatal pathway, but does not protect or rescue dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta.
Motor impairments of Parkinson`s disease (PD) appear only after the loss of more than 70% of the DAergic neurons of the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNc). An earlier phase of this disease can be modeled in rats that received a unilateral infusion of the neurotoxin 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyrindine (MPTP) into the SNc. Though these animals do not present gross motor impairments, they rotate towards the lesioned side when challenged with DAergic drugs, like amphetamine and apomorphine. The present study aimed to test whether these effects occur because the drugs disrupt compensatory mechanisms that keep extracellular levels of dopamine in the striatum (DA(E)) unchanged. This hypothesis was tested by an in vivo microdialysis study in awake rats with two probes implanted in the right and left striatum. Undrugged rats did not present turning behaviour and their basal DA(E) did not differ between the lesioned and sham-lesioned sides. However, after apomorphine treatment, DA(E) decreased in both sides, but to a larger extent in the lesioned side at the time the animals started ipsiversive turning behaviour. After amphetamine challenge, DA(E) increased in both sides, becoming significantly higher in the non-lesioned side at the time the animals started ipsiversive turning behaviour. These results are in agreement with the hypothesis that absence of gross motor impairments in this rat model of early phase PD depends on maintenance of extracellular DA by mechanisms that may be disrupted by events demanding its alteration to higher or lower levels. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The weaver mouse represents the only genetic animal model of gradual nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurodegeneration which is proposed as a pathophysiological phenotype of Parkinson`s disease. The aim of the present study was to analyze the nitric oxide and dopaminergic systems in selected brain regions of homozygous weaver mice at different postnatal ages corresponding to specific stages of the dopamine loss. Structural deficits were evaluated by quantification of tyrosine hydroxylase and neuronal nitric oxide synthase-immunostaining in the cortex, striatum, accumbens nuclei, subthalamic nuclei, ventral tegmental area, and substantia nigra compacta of 10-day, 1- and 2-month-old wildtype and weaver mutant mice. The results confirmed the progressive loss of dopamine during the postnatal development in the adult weaver mainly affecting the substantia nigra pars compacta, striatum, and subthalamic nucleus and slightly affecting the accumbens nuclei and ventral tegmental area. A general decrease in neuronal nitric oxide synthase-immunostaining with age was revealed in both the weaver and wild-type mice, with the decrease being most pronounced in the weaver. In contrast, there was an increase in the substantia nigra pars compacta nitric oxide synthase-immunostaining and a decrease mainly in the subthalamic and accumbens nuclei of the 2-month-old weaver mutant. The decrease in the expression of nNOS may bear functional significance related to the process of aging. DA neurons from the substantia nigra directly modulate the activity of subthalamic nucleus neurons, and their loss may contribute to the abnormal activity of subthalamic nucleus neurons. Although the functional significance of these changes is not clear, it may represent plastic compensating adjustments resulting from the loss of dopamine innervation, highlighting a possible role of nitric oxide in this process. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega-3 PUFAs) have been widely associated to beneficial effects over different neuropathologies, but only a few studies associate them to Parkinson`s disease (PD). Rats were submitted to chronic supplementation (21-90 days of life) with fish oil, rich in omega-3 PUFAs, and were uni- or bilaterally lesioned with 4 mu g of the neurotoxin 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) in the medial forebrain bundle Although lipid incorporation was evidenced in neuronal membranes, it was not sufficient to compensate motor deficits induced by 6-OHDA. In contrast, omega-3 PUFAs were capable of reducing rotational behavior induced by apomorphine, suggesting neuroprotection over dyskinesia The beneficial effects of omega-3 PUFAs were also evident in the maintenance of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances index from animals lesioned with 6-OHDA similar to levels from SHAM and intact animals. Although omega-3 PUFAs did not modify the tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactivity in the substantia nigra pars compacta and in the ventral tegmental area, nor the depletion of dopamine (DA) and its metabolites in the striatum, DA turnover was increased after omega-3 PUFAs chronic supplementation Therefore, it is proposed that omega-3 PUFAs action characterizes the adaptation of remaining neurons activity. altering striatal DA turnover without modifying the estimated neuronal population. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd and the Japan Neuroscience Society. All rights reserved
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Biomédica
A doença de Parkinson (DP) é uma das patologias neurodegenerativas com maior incidência na população mundial com mais de 60 anos de idade. A sua progressão é acompanhada de uma redução acentuada da qualidade de vida dos pacientes, tornando-se vital procurar novos métodos que permitam entender os mecanismos fisiopatológicos da doença e auxiliem o seu diagnóstico em ambiente clínico. Estudos anteriores têm demonstrado que a neuromelanina, um pigmento localizado na região da substantia nigra pars compacta (SN), está presente nos neurónios produtores de dopamina e nos neurónios noradrenérgicos do locus coeruleus, sendo a sua perda uma das principais características patológicas da DP. Sabendo que a neuromelanina possui propriedades paramagnéticas é possível identificá-la em imagens de ressonância magnética ponderadas em T1. O objectivo deste trabalho passa pela procura de soluções para melhorar os processos de filtragem e segmentação utilizados num programa desenvolvido previamente para a segmentação desta região e assim conduzir à introdução da ferramenta em ambiente clínico. São também objectivos do trabalho o estudo da evolução temporal da área estimada da SN em grupos de doentes com DP e em voluntários saudáveis, investigar potenciais efeitos da medicação da DP na área de neuromelanina e ainda identificar eventuais alterações na concentração deste pigmento em pacientes com Tremor Essencial (TE) auxiliando o diagnóstico diferencial com a DP. Os resultados obtidos permitiram identificar um novo processo de filtragem bastante superior ao anteriormente utilizado e optimizar o processo de segmentação. Foi ainda possível diferenciar o grupo de controlo dos doentes com DP com base nas áreas medidas para a SN. Os pacientes de TE não revelaram alterações na área da neuromelanina face ao grupo de controlo contrastando com os doentes com DP. Concluiu-se que o protocolo de aquisição condiciona a qualidade das imagens e deve ser melhorado no futuro. A diferenciação entre doentes com DP e indivíduos saudáveis permite que a ferramenta seja relevante a nível do diagnóstico destas patologias. Foi ainda possível demonstrar que este método permite distinguir entre TE e DP, um resultado que poder ter grande relevância em futuras aplicações.
A presente dissertação foi desenvolvida em colaboração com o Instituto de Biofísica e Engenharia Biomédica (IBEB/FCUL) e com o serviço de Neurologia do Hospital de Santa Maria (HSM)
Parkinson's disease (PD) is a chronic neurodegenerative disorder characterized by progressive loss of dopaminergic (DA) neurons of the substantia nigra pars compacta with unknown aetiology. 6-Hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) treatment of neuronal cells is an established in vivo model for mimicking the effect of oxidative stress found in PD brains. We examined the effects of 6-OHDA treatment on human neuroblastoma cells (SH-SY5Y) and primary mesencephalic cultures. Using a reverse arbitrarily primed polymerase chain reaction (RAP-PCR) approach we generated reproducible genetic fingerprints of differential expression levels in cell cultures treated with 6-OHDA. Of the resulting sequences, 23 showed considerable homology to known human coding sequences. The results of the RAP-PCR were validated by reverse transcription PCR, real-time PCR and, for selected genes, by Western blot analysis and immunofluorescence. In four cases, [tomoregulin-1 (TMEFF-1), collapsin response mediator protein 1 (CRMP-1), neurexin-1, and phosphoribosylaminoimidazole synthetase (GART)], a down-regulation of mRNA and protein levels was detected. Further studies will be necessary on the physiological role of the identified proteins and their impact on pathways leading to neurodegeneration in PD.
There is a great concern in the literature for the development of neuroprotectant drugs to treat Parkinson's disease. Since anesthetic drugs have hyperpolarizing properties, they can possibly act as neuroprotectants. In the present study, we have investigated the neuroprotective effect of a mixture of ketamine (85 mg/kg) and xylazine (3 mg/kg) (K/X) on the 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) or 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) rat models of Parkinson's disease. The bilateral infusion of MPTP (100 µg/side) or 6-OHDA (10 µg/side) into the substantia nigra pars compacta of adult male Wistar rats under thiopental anesthesia caused a modest (~67%) or severe (~91%) loss of tyrosine hydroxylase-immunostained cells, respectively. On the other hand, an apparent neuroprotective effect was observed when the rats were anesthetized with K/X, infused 5 min before surgery. This treatment caused loss of only 33% of the nigral tyrosine hydroxylase-immunostained cells due to the MPTP infusion and 51% due to the 6-OHDA infusion. This neuroprotective effect of K/X was also suggested by a less severe reduction of striatal dopamine levels in animals treated with these neurotoxins. In the working memory version of the Morris water maze task, both MPTP- and 6-OHDA-lesioned animals spent nearly 10 s longer to find the hidden platform in the groups where the neurotoxins were infused under thiopental anesthesia, compared to control animals. This amnestic effect was not observed in rats infused with the neurotoxins under K/X anesthesia. These results suggest that drugs with a pharmacological profile similar to that of K/X may be useful to delay the progression of Parkinson's disease.
The objective of the present study was to determine whether lesion of the subthalamic nucleus (STN) promoted by N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) would rescue nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurons after unilateral 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) injection into the medial forebrain bundle (MFB). Initially, 16 mg 6-OHDA (6-OHDA group) or vehicle (artificial cerebrospinal fluid - aCSF; Sham group) was infused into the right MFB of adult male Wistar rats. Fifteen days after surgery, the 6-OHDA and SHAM groups were randomly subdivided and received ipsilateral injection of either 60 mM NMDA or aCSF in the right STN. Additionally, a control group was not submitted to stereotaxic surgery. Five groups of rats were studied: 6-OHDA/NMDA, 6-OHDA/Sham, Sham/NMDA, Sham/Sham, and Control. Fourteen days after injection of 6-OHDA, rats were submitted to the rotational test induced by apomorphine (0.1 mg/kg, ip) and to the open-field test. The same tests were performed again 14 days after NMDA-induced lesion of the STN. The STN lesion reduced the contralateral turns induced by apomorphine and blocked the progression of motor impairment in the open-field test in 6-OHDA-treated rats. However, lesion of the STN did not prevent the reduction of striatal concentrations of dopamine and metabolites or the number of nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurons after 6-OHDA lesion. Therefore, STN lesion is able to reverse motor deficits after severe 6-OHDA-induced lesion of the nigrostriatal pathway, but does not protect or rescue dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta.
La dopamine (DA) est un neurotransmetteur impliqué dans la modulation de fonctions essentielles du cerveau telles que le contrôle des mouvements volontaires, le système de récompense et certains aspects de la cognition. Depuis sa découverte, la DA a attiré énormément d'attention scientifique en partie à cause des pathologies majeures associées aux dysfonctions du système DAergique, comme la maladie de Parkinson, la schizophrénie et la toxicomanie. On retrouve la majorité des neurones qui synthétisent la DA au niveau du mésencéphale ventral, dans les noyaux de la substance noire compacte (SNc) et de l'aire tegmentaire ventrale (ATV). Ces neurones projettent leurs axones dans un très dense réseau de fibres qui s'organisent en trois voies DAergiques classiques: la voie nigrostriée, la voie mésolimbique et la voie mésocorticale. La transmission DAergique s'effectue par l'activation de récepteurs de la DA qui font partie de la grande famille des récepteurs couplés aux protéines G (RCPGs). Les récepteurs de la DA sont abondamment exprimés aussi bien par les neurones DAergiques que par les neurones des régions cibles, ce qui implique que la compréhension de la signalisation et des fonctions particulières des récepteurs de la DA pré- et postsynaptiques représente un enjeu crucial dans l'étude du système DAergique. Cette thèse de doctorat se sépare donc en deux volets distincts: le premier s'intéresse à la régulation du récepteur D2 présynaptique par la neurotensine (NT), un neuropeptide intimement lié à la modulation du système DAergique; le deuxième s'intéresse au côté postsynaptique du système DAergique, plus particulièrement à la ségrégation de l'expression des récepteurs de la DA dans le striatum et aux fonctions de ces récepteurs dans l'établissement des circuits neuronaux excitateurs prenant place dans cette région. Dans la première partie de cette thèse, nous démontrons que l'activation du récepteur à haute affinité de la NT, le NTR1, provoque une internalisation hétérologue du récepteur D2, avec une amplitude et une cinétique différente selon l'isoforme D2 observé. Cette internalisation hétérologue dépend de la protéine kinase C (PKC), et nous montrons que la surexpression d'un récepteur D2 muté sur des sites de phosphorylation par la PKC ii ainsi que l'inhibition de l'expression de β-arrestine1 par ARNs interférents dans des neurones DAergiques bloquent complètement l'interaction fonctionnelle entre le NTR1 et le D2. Dans la deuxième partie de cette thèse, nous démontrons d'abord que la ségrégation de l'expression des récepteurs D1 et D2 dans le striatum est déjà bien établie dès le 18e jour embryonnaire, bien qu'elle progresse encore significativement aux jours 0 et 14 postnataux. Nos résultats témoignent aussi d'un maintien complet de cette ségrégation lorsque les neurones striataux sont mis en culture aussi bien en présence ou en absence de neurones corticaux et/ou mésencéphaliques. Ensuite, nous montrons que la présence de neurones mésencéphaliques stimule la formation d’épines et de synapses excitatrices sur les neurones striataux épineux exprimant le récepteur D2 (MSN-D2). Le co-phénotype glutamatergique des neurones dopaminergiques semble nécessaire à une grande partie de cet effet. Par ailleurs, le nombre total de terminaisons excitatrices formées sur les MSN-D2 par les neurones corticaux et mésencéphaliques apparaît être régit par un équilibre dynamique. Finalement, nous démontrons que le blocage de la signalisation des récepteurs D1 et D2 de la DA n'est pas nécessaire pour la formation des synapses excitatrices des MSN-D2, alors que l'antagonisme des récepteurs glutamatergiques ionotropes diminue la densité d'épines dendritiques et contrôle de façon opposée le nombre de terminaisons excitatrices corticales et mésencéphaliques. Globalement, ce travail représente une contribution significative pour une meilleure compréhension du fonctionnement normal du système DAergique. Ces découvertes sont susceptibles d’être utiles pour mieux comprendre les dysfonctions de ce système dans le cadre de pathologies du cerveau comme la maladie de Parkinson.
Une des voies les plus étudiées dans le contrôle locomoteur est la voie dopaminergique ascendante, vu son importance dans les maladies qui touchent la locomotion, comme la maladie du Parkinson. La substance noire pars compacta (A9; SNc) et l’aire tegmentaire ventrale (A10; VTA) envoient des projections dopaminergiques (DA+) vers les ganglions de la base (GB) qui à leur tour projettent vers la région locomotrice mésencéphalique (RLM), une région de tronc cérébral qui contrôle la locomotion chez les vertébrés. Des terminaisons DA+ au niveau de la RLM ont récemment été découvertes chez le singe. Donc, il semblait intéressant de savoir d’où provenaient ces projections DA+ et si elles étaient maintenues de manière équivalente dans l’évolution des espèces animales. Nous nous sommes donc penchés sur deux espèces animales en particulier, la lamproie et le triton. Dans ce travail, nous avons observé une voie DA+ descendante du tubercule postérieur (PT; homologue à la substance noire pars compacta et à l’aire tegmentaire ventrale chez les mammifères) directement vers la RLM, sans passer par l’intermédiaire des GB. Cette voie DA+ descendante a été observée autant chez la lamproie que chez le triton, à la suite d’injections de marqueurs rétrogrades et de détection immunohistochimique de la tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) ou de la dopamine (DA). La voie DA+ descendante semble donc conservée au cours de l’évolution des espèces vertébrés, bien que l’importance relative de la voie ascendante DA+ semble augmenter au cours de l’évolution.