25 resultados para NFATC1
The blood vascular system is a closed circulatory system, responsible for delivering oxygen and nutrients to the tissues. In contrast, the lymphatic vascular system is a blind-ended transport system that collects the extravasated tissue fluid from the capillary beds, and transports it back to the blood circulation. Failure in collecting or transporting the lymph, due to defects in the lymphatic vasculature, leads to accumulation of extra fluid in the tissues, and consequently to tissue swelling lymphedema. The two vascular systems function in concert. They are structurally related, but their development is regulated by separate, however overlapping, molecular mechanisms. During embryonic development, blood vessels are formed by vasculogenesis and angiogenesis, processes largely mediated by members of the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) family and their tyrosine kinase receptors. The lymphatic vessels are formed after the cardiovascular system is already functional. This process, called lymphangiogenesis, is controlled by distinct members of the VEGF family, together with the transcription factors Prox1 and Sox18. After the primary formation of the vessels, the vasculature needs to mature and remodel into a functional network of hierarchically organized vessels: the blood vasculature into arteries, capillaries and veins; and the lymphatic vasculature into lymphatic capillaries, responsible for the uptake of the extravasated fluid from the tissues, and collecting vessels, responsible for the transport of the lymph back to the blood circulation. A major event in the maturation of the lymphatic vasculature is the formation of collecting lymphatic vessels. These vessels are characterized by the presence of intraluminal valves, preventing backflow of the lymph, and a sparse coverage of smooth muscle cells, which help in pumping the lymph forward. In our study, we have characterized the molecular and morphological events leading to formation of collecting lymphatic vessels. We found that this process is regulated cooperatively by the transcription factors Foxc2 and NFATc1. Mice lacking either Foxc2 or active NFATc1 fail to remodel the primary lymphatic plexus into functional lymphatic capillaries and collecting vessels. The resulting vessels lack valves, display abnormal expression of lymphatic molecules, and are hyperplastic. Moreover, the lymphatic capillaries show aberrant sprouting, and are abnormally covered with smooth muscle cells. In humans, mutations in FOXC2 lead to Lymphedema-Distichiasis (LD), a disabling disease characterized by swelling of the limbs due to insufficient lymphatic function. Our results from Foxc2 mutant mice and LD patients indicate that the underlying cause for lymphatic failure in LD is agenesis of collecting lymphatic valves and aberrant recruitment of periendothelial cells and basal lamina components to lymphatic capillaries. Furthermore, we show that liprin β1, a poorly characterized member of the liprin family of cytoplasmic proteins, is highly expressed in lymphatic endothelial cells in vivo, and is required for lymphatic vessel integrity. These data highlight the important role of FOXC2, NFATc1 and liprin β1 in the regulation of lymphatic development, specifically in the maturation and formation of the collecting lymphatic vessels. As damage to collecting vessels is a major cause of lymphatic dysfunction in humans, our results also suggest that FOXC2 and NFATc1 are potential targets for therapeutic intervention.
Objectives Titanium implant surfaces with modified topographies have improved osteogenic properties in vivo. However, the molecular mechanisms remain obscure. This study explored the signaling pathways responsible for the pro-osteogenic properties of micro-roughened (SLA) and chemically/nanostructurally (modSLA) modified titanium surfaces on human alveolar bone-derived osteoprogenitor cells (BCs) in vitro. Materials and methods The activation of stem cell signaling pathways (TGFβ/BMP, Wnt, FGF, Hedgehog, Notch) was investigated following early exposure (24 and 72 h) of BCs to SLA and modSLA surfaces in the absence of osteogenic cell culture supplements. Results Key regulatory genes from the TGFβ/BMP (TGFBR2, BMPR2, BMPR1B, ACVR1B, SMAD1, SMAD5), Wnt (Wnt/β-catenin and Wnt/Ca2+) (FZD1, FZD3, FZD5, LRP5, NFATC1, NFATC2, NFATC4, PYGO2, LEF1) and Notch (NOTCH1, NOTCH2, NOTCH4, PSEN1, PSEN2, PSENEN) pathways were upregulated on the modified surfaces. These findings correlated with a higher expression of osteogenic markers bone sialoprotein (IBSP) and osteocalcin (BGLAP), and bone differentiation factors BMP2, BMP6, and GDF15, as observed on the modified surfaces. Conclusions These findings demonstrate that the activation of the pro-osteogenic cell signaling pathways by modSLA and SLA surfaces leads to enhanced osteogenic differentiation as evidenced after 7 and 14 days culture in osteogenic media and provides a mechanistic insight into the superior osseointegration on the modified surfaces observed in vivo.
O gênero Pterodon pertence à família das Fabaceae e inclui quatro espécies nativas do Brasil: P. emarginatus Vog., P. apparicioi Pedersoli, P. abruptus Benth. e a espécie objeto deste estudo P. polygalaeflorus Benth.. Seus frutos são utilizados pela medicina popular devido às propriedades antirreumática, analgésica, anti-inflamatória, dentre outros. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a espécie Pterodon polygalaeflorus quanto ao seu potencial anti-inflamatório, antiartrítico e toxicológico, através da análise de seus efeitos em modelos in vitro e in vivo. Os extratos EEPpg, EHPpg e EDPpg reduziram (p<0,01) a produção in vitro de NO, por macrófagos ativados por LPS, com baixa citotoxicidade e diminuíram a celularidade (p<0,05) no exsudato inflamatório no modelo de inflamação in vivo conhecido como air pouch. O extrato mais ativo (EHPpg) foi selecionado e submetido a fracionamento em coluna de sílica gel 60 gerando quatro frações. Todas as frações (Fr I-Fr IV) reduziram: a produção de NO (p<0,001) por macrófagos ativados, com baixa ou nenhuma citotoxicidade; a migração de macrófagos in vitro (p<0,01, ensaio de wound healing) e in vivo (p<0,05, peritonite induzida por tioglicolato); e a proliferação de esplenócitos estimulados com Con A (p<0,001). As frações III e IV, mais ativas nos ensaios anteriores, mostraram ação antiartrítica (com 0,02 mg/kg), utilizando o modelo in vivo de artrite induzida por adjuvante completo de Freund (AIA), demonstrada por redução: do índice de edema de pata em 23,7% (Fr III) e 43,95% (Fr IV); das lesões histopatológicas na região tíbio-tarsal típicas de articulações com AIA (p< 0,05); do peso e celularidade do linfonodo e do baço, mas não da celularidade da medula óssea; das subpopulações de linfócitos (CD4+, CD8+ e CD19+) nos linfonodos inguinais, porém com significativo aumento das subpopulações ativadas CD4+CD69+, redução da CD8+CD69+ e aumento de CD19+CD69+ (apenas na Fr III); e redução da população de macrófagos no baço (p<0,001). As frações III e IV mostraram ação imunossupressora em nível celular e molecular, reduzindo (p<0,001) os níveis do mRNA da iNOS, assim como as citocinas IL-1β, TNF-α e IL-10, em nível de mRNA e proteína, em cultura de macrófagos. A expressão do receptor CD14, em macrófagos estimulados por LPS (31,74%), foi inibida apenas pela Fr III. A osteoclastogênese foi inibida pelas frações III e IV, sugerindo uma ação antiartrítica das frações em nível de diferenciação celular para osteoclastos (inibição). Este efeito pode resultar da inibição da expressão do fator de transcrição NFATc1, no caso da Fr III. Por fim, as frações Fr III e Fr IV não apresentaram toxicidade subaguda, potencial mutagênico (teste de Ames) ou genotóxico (teste do micronúcleo). A ausência de toxicidade in vivo das frações ficou demonstrada pela ausência de alteração no peso corporal e de órgãos, nas concentrações séricas de creatinina, ácido úrico, triglicerídeos, colesterol, ALT e ALP, ou de CYP1A1 e GSTs no fígado. Análises fitoquímicas (GC-MS e TLC) mostraram uma grande variedade de terpenos nas frações III e IV, sendo majoritários os furano-diterpenos derivados do vouacapano. O diterpeno isolado, Ppg-01, presente nas frações III (5,12%) e IV (18,47%), reduziu a produção in vitro de NO e o edema de pata induzido por carragenina (p<0,001). Em conjunto, os dados sugerem que o Ppg-01 esteja contribuindo para as ações anti-inflamatórias e imunomoduladoras das frações III e IV, e que estas propriedades estejam associadas aos efeitos antiartríticos observados.
SWAP-70-like adapter of T cells (SLAT) is a novel guanine nucleotide exchange factor for Rho GTPases that is upregulated in Th2 cells, but whose physiological function is unclear. We show that SLAT-/- mice displayed a developmental defect at one of the earliest stages of thymocyte differentiation, the double-negative 1 (DN1) stage, leading to decreased peripheral T cell numbers. SLAT-/- peripheral CD4+ T cells demonstrated impaired TCR/CD28-induced proliferation and IL-2 production, which was rescued by the addition of exogenous IL-2. Importantly, SLAT-/- mice were grossly impaired in their ability to mount not only Th2, but also Th1-mediated lung inflammatory responses, as evidenced by reduced airway neutrophilia and eosinophilia, respectively. Levels of Th1 and Th2 cytokine in the lungs were also markedly reduced, paralleling the reduction in pulmonary inflammation. This defect in mounting Th1/Th2 responses, which was also evident in vitro, was traced to a severe reduction in Ca2+ mobilization from ER stores, which consequently led to defective TCR/CD28-induced translocation of nuclear factor of activated T cells 1/2 (NFATc1/2). Thus, SLAT is required for thymic DN1 cell expansion, T cell activation, and Th1 and Th2 inflammatory responses.
Les prostaglandines sont des médiateurs lipidiques impliqués dans de nombreux processus physiologiques et pathologiques. De récentes évidences dans la littérature ainsi que de notre laboratoire ont fait ressortir le fait que la PGD2 pourrait être impliquée dans le contrôle du métabolisme osseux. Mes travaux de doctorat ont été effectués selon cette hypothèse et ont déterminé l’effet de la PGD2 sur la différenciation des cellules souches mésenchymateuses et des précurseurs ostéoclastiques, en plus d’étudier le rôle de cette prostaglandine dans la réparation des fractures chez l’homme. De plus, j’ai étudié l’internalisation et la désensibilisation des récepteurs de la PGD2, DP et CRTH2. D’un point de vue moléculaire, mes résultats démontrent un patron d’internalisation et désensibilisation différent pour les 2 récepteurs de la PGD2. Bien que la cinétique d’internalisation de ces récepteurs soit la même, l’internalisation de DP est régulée par les arrestines 2 et 3, la GRK2 et la PKC, alors que l’arrestine 3, les GRK2, 5 et 6, PKC et PKA régulent celle de CRTH2. L’internalisation de DP et CRTH2 est réduite par la co-expression de Rab4 et Rab11 respectivement, ce qui suggère des systèmes de recyclage différents. En analysant la signalisation de ces récepteurs, nous avons découvert que la GRK2 régule la signalisation de DP, alors que les 3 GRKs étudiées, soient les GRK2, 5 et 6 régulent la signalisation de CRTH2. Nous avons également démontré que les récepteurs de la PGD2 ont des effets différents sur la différenciation des CSMs humaines. En effet, la différenciation adipocytaire est augmentée de façon significative par la PGD2 et cet effet est dû à l’activation du récepteur PPAR-γ par un métabolite de la PGD2. L’activation du récepteur DP diminue l’adipogenèse alors que CRTH2 n’y joue pas de rôle significatif. Cependant, CRTH2 augmente significativement la différenciation des CSM en ostéoblastes, alors que l’activation de DP l’inhibe. Mes travaux ont montré que la PGD2 module l’ostéoclastogenèse et la résorption osseuse en abaissant l’expression de gènes impliqués dans celles-ci. En effet, les gènes NFATC1, RANK et CathK sont fortement régulés à la baisse par l’activation des récepteurs de la PGD2. Pour terminer, nous avons identifié l’axe de la PGD2 comme étant important lors du remodelage osseux chez l’homme. En comparant une cohorte de patients ayant une fracture osseuse à des contrôles, nous avons découvert que la production de PGD2 et l’expression d’une de ses synthétases sont significativement plus élevées que chez les contrôles. Parallèlement, la production de PGE2 ne diffère pas entre les groupes indiquant que l’augmentation de PGD2 n’est pas due à l’inflammation non spécifique causée par la fracture. De plus, l’augmentation de synthèse de PGD2 corrèle avec l’augmentation de la BAP, un marqueur clinique de formation osseuse. J’ai donc démontré que la PGD2, par l’entremise de l’activation de CRTH2, est un médiateur lipidique important pour la physiologie osseuse et que son activation pourrait favoriser l’anabolisme osseux.
RESUMO: As células endoteliais definem e delineiam todo o sistema vascular...Nesta tese procurámos explorar o papel que o ambiente tumoral exerce sobre as células endoteliais. ... Avaliamos também a capacidade anti-angiogénica de alguns derivados do estrogénio... Em suma os nossos resultados mostram a importância de um controlo rigoroso da regulação transcricional...
The purpose of this study was to determine whether the aerobic training-induced fiber-type transition in different muscles is associated with alterations in NFAT isoforms gene expression. We hypothesized that the aerobic training-induced fiber-type transition would be mediated by NFATc1-c3 isoforms without altering the CaN expression. Male Wistar rats (80 days old) were divided into a trained group (T; n=8) that underwent an 8-wk swimming endurance training program (5 days/week) and a control group (C; n=8). After the experimental period, the animals were sacrificed, and the soleus (SOL) and plantaris (PL) muscles were collected for morphometrical, histochemical and molecular analyses. Aerobic training induced a type I-to-type IIA fiber transition in the SOL muscle and a type IIB-to-type IIA fiber transition in the PL muscle, which were concomitant with a significant (p<0.05) increase in NFATc1-c3 gene expression in both the SOL and PL muscles. In contrast, the expression levels of calcineurin (CaN) and NFATc4 remained unchanged. Therefore, our results showed that fiber type switching induced by aerobic training is mediated by NFATc1-c3 isoforms without altering the CaN expression. © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart. New York.
The cysteine proteinase inhibitor cystatin C inhibited RANKL-stimulated osteoclast formation in mouse bone marrow macrophage cultures, an effect associated with decreased mRNA expression of Acp5, Calcr, Ctsk, Mmp9, Itgb3, and Atp6i, without effect on proliferation or apoptosis. The effects were concentration dependent with half-maximal inhibition at 0.3 μM. Cystatin C also inhibited osteoclast formation when RANKL-stimulated osteoclasts were cultured on bone, leading to decreased formation of resorption pits. RANKL-stimulated cells retained characteristics of phagocytotic macrophages when cotreated with cystatin C. Three other cysteine proteinase inhibitors, cystatin D, Z-RLVG-CHN2 (IC50 0.1 μM), and E-64 (IC 50 3 μM), also inhibited osteoclast formation in RANKL-stimulated macrophages. In addition, cystatin C, Z-RLVG-CHN2, and E-64 inhibited osteoclastic differentiation of RANKL-stimulated CD14+ human monocytes. The effect by cystatin C on differentiation of bone marrow macrophages was exerted at an early stage after RANKL stimulation and was associated with early (4 h) inhibition of c-Fos expression and decreased protein and nuclear translocation of c-Fos. Subsequently, p52, p65, IκBα, and Nfatc1 mRNA were decreased. Cystatin C was internalized in osteoclast progenitors, a process requiring RANKL stimulation. These data show that cystatin C inhibits osteoclast differentiation and formation by interfering intracellularly with signaling pathways downstream RANK. © FASEB.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Osteoclasts and macrophages share progenitors that must receive decisive lineage signals driving them into their respective differentiation routes. Macrophage colony stimulation factor M-CSF is a common factor; bone is likely the stimulus for osteoclast differentiation. To elucidate the effect of both, shared mouse bone marrow precursor myeloid blast was pre-cultured with M-CSF on plastic and on bone. M-CSF priming prior to stimulation with M-CSF and osteoclast differentiation factor RANKL resulted in a complete loss of osteoclastogenic potential without bone. Such M-CSF primed cells expressed the receptor RANK, but lacked the crucial osteoclastogenic transcription factor NFATc1. This coincided with a steeply decreased expression of osteoclast genes TRACP and DC-STAMP, but an increased expression of the macrophage markers F4/80 and CD11b. Compellingly, M-CSF priming on bone accelerated the osteoclastogenic potential: M-CSF primed cells that had received only one day M-CSF and RANKL and were grown on bone already expressed an array of genes that are associated with osteoclast differentiation and these cells differentiated into osteoclasts within 2 days. Osteoclastogenesis-insensitive precursors grown in the absence of bone regained their osteoclastogenic potential when transferred to bone. This implies that adhesion to bone dictates the fate of osteoclast precursors. Common macrophage-osteoclast precursors may become insensitive to differentiate into osteoclasts and regain osteoclastogenesis when bound to bone or when in the vicinity of bone. J. Cell. Physiol. 229: 210-225, 2014. (c) 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Zusammenfassung Die Rolle verschiedener Mitglieder der NFAT- Familie in der Entwicklung von T- Zellen und deren Funktion wird intensiv untersucht, wohingegen vergleichbare Untersuchungen in Mastzellen rar sind. Mastzellen exprimieren eine Vielzahl biologisch hochaktiver Mediatoren und sind auf diese Weise sowohl in angeborenen als auch adaptiven Immunantworten beteiligt. Die von Mastzellen produzierten Th2-Cytokine verstärken lokal Th2- Reaktionen und TNF-alpha ist ein wichtiger Initiator antimikrobieller Antworten. In dieser Arbeit wird gezeigt, dass die Transkriptionsfaktoren NFATc1 und NFATc2 eine bedeutende Rolle in der Regulation der Expression von TNF-alpha und IL-13 einnehmen, wohingegen NFATc3 hierbei keine Funktion zukommt. Murine „Bone marrow derived mast cells“ (BMMC) aus NFATc2- defizienten Mäusen, aktiviert entweder durch Kreuzvernetzung des IgE- Rezeptors oder Ionomycin, zeigen eine drastisch reduzierte Expression dieser Cytokine verglichen mit Mastzellen aus Wildtyp- Mäusen. Genauere Untersuchungen zeigen, dass sowohl NFATc2 als auch NFATc1 an der Expression von IL-13 und TNF-alpha beteiligt sind, wohingegen sie auf die Degranulation und die Expression von IL-6 keinen Einfluss nehmen. Zusammenfassend scheint eine hohe Aktivität von NFAT- Faktoren für die Induktion des IL-13 und TNF-alpha Promoters in Mastzellen erforderlich zu sein, unabhängig davon, ob diese durch NFATc2 oder NFATc1 oder eine Kombination beider Transkriptionsfaktoren bewerkstelligt wird.
Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most common and most aggressive astrocytic tumor of the central nervous system (CNS) in adults. The standard treatment consisting of surgery, followed by a combinatorial radio- and chemotherapy, is only palliative and prolongs patient median survival to 12 to 15 months. The tumor subpopulation of stem cell-like glioma-initiating cells (GICs) shows resistance against radiation as well as chemotherapy, and has been suggested to be responsible for relapses of more aggressive tumors after therapy. The efficacy of immunotherapies, which exploit the immune system to specifically recognize and eliminate malignant cells, is limited due to strong immunosuppressive activities of the GICs and the generation of a specialized protective microenvironment. The molecular mechanisms underlying the therapy resistance of GICs are largely unknown. rnThe first aim of this study was to identify immune evasion mechanisms in GICs triggered by radiation. A model was used in which patient-derived GICs were treated in vitro with fractionated ionizing radiation (2.5 Gy in 7 consecutive passages) to select for a more radio-resistant phenotype. In the model cell line 1080, this selection process resulted in increased proliferative but diminished migratory capacities in comparison to untreated control GICs. Furthermore, radio-selected GICs downregulated various proteins involved in antigen processing and presentation, resulting in decreased expression of MHC class I molecules on the cellular surface and diminished recognition potential by cytotoxic CD8+ T cells. Thus, sub-lethal fractionated radiation can promote immune evasion and hamper the success of adjuvant immunotherapy. Among several immune-associated proteins, interferon-induced transmembrane protein 3 (IFITM3) was found to be upregulated in radio-selected GICs. While high expression of IFITM3 was associated with a worse overall survival of GBM patients (TCGA database) and increased proliferation and migration of differentiated glioma cell lines, a strong contribution of IFITM3 to proliferation in vitro as well as tumor growth and invasiveness in a xenograft model could not be observed. rnMultiple sclerosis (MS) is the most common autoimmune disease of the CNS in young adults of the Western World, which leads to progressive disability in genetically susceptible individuals, possibly triggered by environmental factors. It is assumed that self-reactive, myelin-specific T helper cell 1 (Th1) and Th17 cells, which have escaped the control mechanisms of the immune system, are critical in the pathogenesis of the human disease and its animal model experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). It was observed that in vitro differentiated interleukin 17 (IL-17) producing Th17 cells co-expressed the Th1-phenotypic cytokine Interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) in combination with the two respective lineage-associated transcription factors RORγt and T-bet after re-isolation from the CNS of diseased mice. Pathogenic molecular mechanisms that render a CD4+ T cell encephalitogenic have scarcely been investigated up to date. rnIn the second part of the thesis, whole transcriptional changes occurring in in vitro differentiated Th17 cells in the course of EAE were analyzed. Evaluation of signaling networks revealed an overrepresentation of genes involved in communication between the innate and adaptive immune system and metabolic alterations including cholesterol biosynthesis. The transcription factors Cebpa, Fos, Klf4, Nfatc1 and Spi1, associated with thymocyte development and naïve T cells were upregulated in encephalitogenic CNS-isolated CD4+ T cells, proposing a contribution to T cell plasticity. Correlation of the murine T-cell gene expression dataset to putative MS risk genes, which were selected based on their proximity (± 500 kb; ensembl database, release 75) to the MS risk single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) proposed by the most recent multiple sclerosis GWAS in 2011, revealed that 67.3% of the MS risk genes were differentially expressed in EAE. Expression patterns of Bach2, Il2ra, Irf8, Mertk, Odf3b, Plek, Rgs1, Slc30a7, and Thada were confirmed in independent experiments, suggesting a contribution to T cell pathogenicity. Functional analysis of Nfatc1 revealed that Nfatc1-deficient CD4+ T cells were restrained in their ability to induce clinical signs of EAE. Nfatc1-deficiency allowed proper T cell activation, but diminished their potential to fully differentiate into Th17 cells and to express high amounts of lineage cytokines. As the inducible Nfatc1/αA transcript is distinct from the other family members, it could represent an interesting target for therapeutic intervention in MS.rn
OBJECTIVES Emdogain, containing an extract of fetal porcine enamel matrix proteins, is a potent stimulator of in vitro osteoclastogenesis. The underlying molecular mechanisms are, however, unclear. MATERIAL AND METHODS Here, we have addressed the role of transforming growth factor-beta receptor type 1 (TGF-βRI) kinase activity on osteoclastogenesis in murine bone marrow cultures. RESULTS Inhibition of TGF-βRI kinase activity with SB431542 abolished the effect of Emdogain on osteoclastogenesis induced by receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa-B ligand or tumor necrosis factor-alpha. SB431542 also suppressed the Emdogain-mediated increase of OSCAR, a co-stimulatory protein, and dendritic cell-specific transmembrane protein and Atp6v0d2, the latter two being involved in cell fusion. Similar to transforming growth factor-beta1 (TGF-β), Emdogain could not compensate for the inhibition of IL-4 and IFNγ on osteoclast formation. When using the murine macrophage cell line RAW246.7, SB431542 and the smad-3 inhibitor SIS3 blocked Emdogain-stimulated expression of the transcription factor NFATc1. CONCLUSIONS Taken together, the data suggest that TGF-βRI kinase activity is necessary to mediate in vitro effects of Emdogain on osteoclastogenesis. CLINICAL RELEVANCE Based on these in vitro data, we can speculate that at least part of the clinical effects of Emdogain on osteoclastogenesis is mediated via TGF-β signaling.