990 resultados para NEAR-EDGE


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X‐ray absorption near‐edge spectroscopy studies show that Pb in superconducting Tl0.5Pb0.5CaSr2Cu2O7+δ is essentially in the 4+ state while it is in the 2+ state in Pb2Sr2Ca1−xLnxCu3O8+δ.


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We present experimental x-ray-absorption spectra at the oxygen and 3d transition-metal K edges of LaFeO3 and LaCoO3. We interpret the experimental results in terms of detailed theoretical calculations based on multiple-scattering theory. Along with providing an understanding of the origin of various experimental features, we investigate the effects of structural distortions and the core-hole potential in determining the experimental spectral shape. The results indicate that the core-hole potential as well as many-body effects within the valence electrons do not have any strong effect on the spectra suggesting that the spectral features can be directly interpreted in terms of the electronic structure of such compounds.


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The nucleation and growth of vanadium oxide nanotubes (VOx-NT) have been followed by a combination of numerous ex situ techniques. long the hydrothermal process. Intermediate solid phases extracted at different reaction times have been characterized by powder X-ray diffraction, scanning and transmission electron microscopy, electron spin resonance, and V-K edge :X-ray absorption near-edge structure spectroscopy. The supernatant vanadate solutions extracted during the hydrothermal treatment have been studied by liquid V-51 NMR and flame. spectroscopy. For short durations of the hydrothermal synthesis, the initial V2O5-surfactant intercalate. is progressively transformed into VOx-NT whose crystallization starts to be detected after a hydrothermal treatment of 24 h. Upon heating from 24 h to 7 days, VOx-NT are obtained in larger amount and with an improved crystallinity. The detection of soluble amines and cyclic metavanadate V4O12](4-) in the supernatant solution along the hydrothermal process suggests that VOx-NT result from a dissolution precipitation mechanism. Metavanadate species V4O12](4-) could behave as molecular precursors in the polymerization reactions leading to VOx-NT.


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We review the current state of the art in EELS fingerprinting by computer simulation, focusing on the bandstructure approach to the problem. Currently calculations are made using a one electron theory, but we describe in principle the way to go beyond this to include final state effects. We include these effects within the one electron framework using the Slater transition state formula and assess the errors involved. Two examples are then given which illustrate the use of the one electron approximation within density functional theory. Our approach is to combine predicted atomic structure with predicted electronic structure to assist in fingerprinting of complex crystal structures.


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The electron energy-loss near-edge structure (ELNES) at the O K edge has been studied in yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ). The electronic structure of YSZ for compositions between 3 and 15 mol % Y2O3 has been computed using a pseudopotential-based technique to calculate the local relaxations near the O vacancies. The results showed phase transition from the tetragonal to cubic YSZ at 10 mol % of Y2O3, reproducing experimental observations. Using the relaxed defect geometry, calculation of the ELNES was carried out using the full-potential linear muffin-tin orbital method. The results show very good agreement with the experimental O K-edge signal, demonstrating the power of using ELNES to probe the stabilization mechanism in doped metal oxides.


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The electron energy-loss near-edge structure (ELNES) at the oxygen K-edge has been investigated in a range of yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) materials. The electronic structure of the three polymorphs of pure ZrO2 and of the doped YSZ structure close to the 33 mol %Y2O3 composition have been calculated using a full-potential linear muffin-tin orbital method (NFP-LMTO) as well as a pseudopotential based technique. Calculations of the ELNES dipole transition matrix elements in the framework of the NFP-LMTO scheme and inclusion of core hole screening within Slater's transition state theory enable the ELNES to be computed. Good agreement between the experimental and calculated ELNES is obtained for pure monoclinic ZrO2. The agreement is less good with the ideal tetragonal and cubic structures. This is because the inclusion of defects is essential in the calculation of the YSZ ELNES. If the model used contains ordered defects such as vacancies and metal Y planes, agreement between the calculated and experimental O K-edges is significantly improved. The calculations show how the five different O environments of Zr,Y,O, are connected with the features observed in the experimental spectra and demonstrate clearly the power of using ELNES to probe the stabilization mechanism in doped metal oxides.


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We investigate the ability of the local density approximation (LDA) in density functional theory to predict the near-edge structure in electron energy-loss spectroscopy in the dipole approximation. We include screening of the core hole within the LDA using Slater's transition state theory. We find that anion K-edge threshold energies are systematically overestimated by 4.22 +/- 0.44 eV in twelve transition metal carbides and nitrides in the rock-salt (B1) structure. When we apply this 'universal' many-electron correction to energy-loss spectra calculated within the transition state approximation to LDA, we find quantitative agreement with experiment to within one or two eV for TiC, TiN and VN. We compare our calculations to a simpler approach using a projected Mulliken density which honours the dipole selection rule, in place of the dipole matrix element itself. We find remarkably close agreement between these two approaches. Finally, we show an anomaly in the near-edge structure in CrN to be due to magnetic structure. In particular, we find that the N K edge in fact probes the magnetic moments and alignments of ther sublattice.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The local and medium-range structures of siloxane-POE hybrids doped with Fe(III) ions and prepared by the sol-gel process were investigated by X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES)/extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) and small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), respectively. The experimental results show that the structure of these composites depends on the doping level. EXAFS data reveal that, for low doping levels ([O]/[Fe] > 40, oxygens being of the ether-type of the POE chains), Fe(III) ions are surrounded essentially by a shell of chlorine atoms, suggesting the formation of FeCl4- anions. At high doping levels ([O]/[Fe] < 20), Fe(III) ions interacts mainly with oxygen atoms and form FeOx species. The relative proportion of FeOx species increases with iron concentration, this result being consistent with the results of SAXS measurements showing that increasing iron doping induces the formation of iron-rich nanodomains embedded in the polymer matrix.


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X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) is a powerful means of investigation of structural and electronic properties in condensed -matter physics. Analysis of the near edge part of the XAS spectrum, the so – called X-ray Absorption Near Edge Structure (XANES), can typically provide the following information on the photoexcited atom: - Oxidation state and coordination environment. - Speciation of transition metal compounds. - Conduction band DOS projected on the excited atomic species (PDOS). Analysis of XANES spectra is greatly aided by simulations; in the most common scheme the multiple scattering framework is used with the muffin tin approximation for the scattering potential and the spectral simulation is based on a hypothetical, reference structure. This approach has the advantage of requiring relatively little computing power but in many cases the assumed structure is quite different from the actual system measured and the muffin tin approximation is not adequate for low symmetry structures or highly directional bonds. It is therefore very interesting and justified to develop alternative methods. In one approach, the spectral simulation is based on atomic coordinates obtained from a DFT (Density Functional Theory) optimized structure. In another approach, which is the object of this thesis, the XANES spectrum is calculated directly based on an ab – initio DFT calculation of the atomic and electronic structure. This method takes full advantage of the real many-electron final wavefunction that can be computed with DFT algorithms that include a core-hole in the absorbing atom to compute the final cross section. To calculate the many-electron final wavefunction the Projector Augmented Wave method (PAW) is used. In this scheme, the absorption cross section is written in function of several contributions as the many-electrons function of the finale state; it is calculated starting from pseudo-wavefunction and performing a reconstruction of the real-wavefunction by using a transform operator which contains some parameters, called partial waves and projector waves. The aim of my thesis is to apply and test the PAW methodology to the calculation of the XANES cross section. I have focused on iron and silicon structures and on some biological molecules target (myoglobin and cytochrome c). Finally other inorganic and biological systems could be taken into account for future applications of this methodology, which could become an important improvement with respect to the multiscattering approach.


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I materiali compositi sono largamente utilizzati nel moderno campo ingegneristico e garantiscono una notevole riduzione di peso rispetto ai materiali classici, a parità di caratteristiche meccaniche. Le conoscenze su di essi tuttavia presentano ancora delle lacune: in particolare un aspetto critico di tali materiali è rappresentato dal loro comportamento successivo ad un impatto. Obiettivo della presente tesi è indagare tale problematica mediante la realizzazione di una campagna sperimentale innovativa. Verrà presentata una introduzione generale sui materiali compositi e sulla problematica dei danni da impatto e verrà descritta l'attrezzatura utilizzata per la realizzazione degli impatti, analizzando le problematiche riscontrate e le soluzioni trovate. Dopo un accenno ai Controlli Non Distruttivi effettuabili sui materiali compositi, verrà mostrata l'attrezzatura per la realizzazione di prove a compressione, analizzando le problematiche riscontrate e le soluzioni trovate. Saranno elencati i dati acquisiti durante le prove di impatto e di compressione e, infine, saranno illustrate le conclusioni del lavoro e i possibili sviluppi futuri.


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Simulazione numerica con software Abaqus di impatti a bassa energia su laminati di fibra di carbonio con matrice epossidica per la previsione della formazione di delaminazioni interne. Confronto tra impatti centrali al provino e in prossimità del bordo.


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Hole-doped perovskites such as La1-xCaxMnO3 present special magnetic and magnetotransport properties, and it is commonly accepted that the local atomic structure around Mn ions plays a crucial role in determining these peculiar features. Therefore experimental techniques directly probing the local atomic structure, like x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), have been widely exploited to deeply understand the physics of these compounds. Quantitative XAS analysis usually concerns the extended region [extended x-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS)] of the absorption spectra. The near-edge region [x-ray absorption near-edge spectroscopy (XANES)] of XAS spectra can provide detailed complementary information on the electronic structure and local atomic topology around the absorber. However, the complexity of the XANES analysis usually prevents a quantitative understanding of the data. This work exploits the recently developed MXAN code to achieve a quantitative structural refinement of the Mn K-edge XANES of LaMnO3 and CaMnO3 compounds; they are the end compounds of the doped manganite series LaxCa1-xMnO3. The results derived from the EXAFS and XANES analyses are in good agreement, demonstrating that a quantitative picture of the local structure can be obtained from XANES in these crystalline compounds. Moreover, the quantitative XANES analysis provides topological information not directly achievable from EXAFS data analysis. This work demonstrates that combining the analysis of extended and near-edge regions of Mn K-edge XAS spectra could provide a complete and accurate description of Mn local atomic environment in these compounds.


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The special magnetotransport properties of hole doped manganese perovskites originate from a complex interplay among structural, magnetic and electronic degree of freedom. In this picture the local atomic structure around Mn ions plays a special role and this is the reason why short range order techniques like X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) have been deeply exploited for studying these compounds. The analysis of near edge region features (XANES) of XAS spectra can provide very fine details of the local structure around Mn, complementary to the EXAFS, so contributing to the full understanding of the peculiar physical properties of these materials. Nevertheless the XANES analysis is complicated by the large amount of structural and electronic details involved making difficult the quantitative interpretation.This work exploits the recently developed MXAN code to achieve a full structural refinement of the Mn K edge XANES of LaMnO3 and CaMnO3 compounds; they are the end compounds of the doped manganite series LaxCa1-xMnO3, in which the Mn ions are present only in one charge state as Mn3+ and Mn4+ respectively. The good agreement between the results derived from the analysis of near edge and extended region of the XAS spectra demonstrates that a quantitative picture of the local structure call be obtained from structural refinement of Mn K edge XANES data in these crystalline compounds. The XANES analysis offers, in addition.. the possibility to directly achieve information on the topology of local atomic structure around the absorber not directly achievable from EXAFS.