998 resultados para NATURAL LIPIDS
Considering the belief that natural lipids are safer for topical applications and that carotenoids are able to protect cells against photooxidative damage, we have investigated whether topical creams and lotions, produced with Buriti oil and commercial surfactants, can exert photoprotective effect against UVA and UVB irradiation on keratinocytes and fibroblasts. Cell treatment was divided into two steps, prior and after exposition to 30 min of UVA plus UVB radiation or to 60 min of UVA radiation. Emulsions prepared with ethoxylated fatty alcohols as surfactants and containing alpha-tocopherol caused phototoxic damage to the cells, especially when applied prior to UV exposure. Damage reported was due to prooxidant activity and phototoxic effect of the surfactant. Emulsions prepared with Sorbitan Monooleate and PEG-40 castor oil and containing panthenol as active ingredient, were able to reduce the damages caused by radiation when compared to non-treated cells. When the two cell lines used in the study were compared, keratinocytes showed an increase in cell viability higher than fibroblasts. The Buriti oil emulsions could be considered potential vehicles to transport antioxidants precursors and also be used as adjuvant in sun protection, especially in after sun formulations. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Amphotericin B (AmB) is widely used in the treatment of systemic fungal infections, despite its toxic effects. Nephrotoxicity, ascribed as the most serious toxic effect, has been related to the state of aggregation of the antibiotic. In search of the increase in AmB antifungal activity associated with low toxicity, several AmB-amphiphile formulations have been proposed. This work focuses on the structural characterization of a specific AmB formulation: AmB associated with sonicated dioctadecyl dimethylammonium bromide (DODAB) aggregates. Here, it was confirmed that sonicated DODAB dispersion is constituted by DODAB bicelles, and that monomeric AmB is much more soluble in bicelles than in DODAB vesicles. A new optical parameter is proposed for the estimation of the relative amount of amphiphile-bound monomeric AmB. With theoretical simulations of the spectra of spin labels incorporated in DODAB bicelles it was possible to prove that monomeric AmB binds preferentially to lipids located at the edges of DODAB bicelles, rigidifying them, and decreasing the polarity of the region. That special binding of monomeric AmB along the borders of bicelles, where the lipids are highly disorganized, could be used in the formulation of other carriers for the antibiotic, including mixtures of natural lipids which are known to form bicelles. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FMVZ
O escoamento sanguíneo é um dos temas de grande interesse para a comunidade científica. Assim, a busca de fluidos que sejam análogos ao sangue bem como o estudo do seu escoamento em microcanais, tal como acontece com o sangue nos capilares, continua a ser alvo de investigação. Numa primeira fase deste trabalho, procedeu-se ao desenvolvimento de um modelo inovador para produzir glóbulos vermelhos artificiais, constituído por Vesículas Unilamelares Gigantes, vulgarmente designadas Giant Unilamellar Vesicles (GUVs), com três concentrações diferentes. Pretende-se que estas vesículas tenham um comportamento reológico idêntico ao escoamento dos glóbulos vermelhos (GVs) em microcanais, permitindo assim proceder a vários estudos hemodinâmicos. No desenvolvimento destas vesículas, foi verificado que as mais adequadas são constituídas por uma mistura natural de lípidos e lecitina de soja. Foi realizado um estudo relativamente à sua concentração, onde se verificou que, com o aumento da quantidade da lecitina de soja nas soluções, a concentração de GUVs tende a aumentar. Foi também realizado um estudo relativo aos diâmetros dos GUVs para verificar se estes se aproximavam em termos de tamanho dos GVs, onde foi verificado que a maioria dos GUVs possuem diâmetros com dimensões entre os 5 e 7 μm, tal como os GVs. Foi ainda verificado que a solução com a menor concentração de lecitina de soja possui uma maior quantidade de GUVs com diâmetros entre os 5 e 7 μm. Na segunda fase, foi estudado experimentalmente o escoamento das três soluções de GUVs em microcanais hiperbólicos, com três caudais diferentes, com o objetivo de visualizar a Camada Livre de Células (CLC), determinar a deformação e estudar as velocidades destes. Foi verificado que existe a formação de CLC em todas as concentrações e que aumenta com o aumento do caudal. Relativamente à deformação, esta é bastante mais evidente na contração do microcanal onde a taxa deformação é máxima. Para o caso da velocidade, foi observado um aumento bastante significativo e linear da velocidade na região da contração do microcanal hiperbólico e uma velocidade baixa e aproximadamente constante a montante e jusante da contração. vi Por fim, foi também realizado o estudo reológico dos GUVs, de forma a investigar se estes têm uma viscosidade próxima do sangue. Foi verificado que os GUVs apresentam uma viscosidade inferior à do sangue total e que existe um ligeiro aumento da viscosidade dos GUVs com o aumento da sua concentração. Por último, também foi efetuada uma comparação da viscosidade da solução de GUVs com uma solução de 5% de Hematócrito (Hct) em soro fisiológico, onde foi verificado que ambas as viscosidades são muito próximas.
The objective was to use natural pigments to replace sodium erythorbate (NaEry), a synthetic compound used as an antioxidant in sausage formulations, and to evaluate the oxidative stability of the samples. Six assays were prepared in which sodium erythorbate (ERY) at 0.05 g/100 g was substituted by norbixin (NOR), lycopene (LYC), zeaxanthin (ZEA), beta-carotene (CAR) or dextrose (used as a control (CON)). Physical, chemical, color, texture and sensory parameters were measured on the first day and after 45 days of storage at 4 degrees C. All pigments used in the sausage formulations were able to maintain the oxidative stability of the sausages (MDA equivalents <038 mg/kg). Zeaxanthin and norbixin were the most efficient antioxidants of those tested. This antioxidant effect might be associated with the intermediate polarities of these two compounds, which would allow them to concentrate in the membrane lipids or emulsion interface, where lipid oxidation is most prevalent. Other volatile secondary products of oxidation besides MDA should be evaluated in further studies involving natural pigments and sensory oxidative stability. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A range of organohalogen compounds (10 polychlorinated biphenyl [PCB] congeners, DDT and metabolites, chlordane-related compounds, the potential natural organochlorine compound Q1, toxaphene, hexachlorobenzene, hexachlorocyclohexanes, dieldrin, and several yet unidentified brominated compounds) were detected in the blubber of four bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus), one common dolphin (Delphinus delphis), and seven dugongs (Dugong dugon), as well as in adipose tissue of a green turtle (Chelonia mydas) and a python (Morelia spilota) from northeast Queensland (Australia). The green turtle and dugongs accumulated lower organohalogen levels than the dolphins. Lower levels in dugongs were expected because this species is exclusively herbivorous. Highest PCB and DDT levels recorded in dugongs were 209 and 173 mug/kg lipids, respectively. Levels of the nonanthropogenic heptachlorinated compound Q1 (highest level in dugongs was 160 mug/kg lipids) were estimated using the ECD response factor of trans-nonachlor. Highest organohalogen levels were found in blubber of dolphins for sumDDT (575-52,500 mug/kg) and PCBs (600-25,500 mug/kg lipids). Furthermore, Q1 was a major organohalogen detected in all samples analyzed, ranging from 450 -9,100 mug/kg lipids. The highest concentration of Q1 determined in this study represents the highest concentration reported to date in an environmental sample. Levels of chlordane-related compounds were also high (280-7,700 mug/kg, mainly derived from trans-nonachlor), but concentrations of hexachlorobenzene, hexachlorocyclohexanes, dieldrin, and toxaphene were relatively low and contributed little to the overall organohalogen contamination. Furthermore, a series of three major (BC-1, BC-2, and BC-3) and six minor (BC-4 through BC-9) unknown brominated compounds were observable by extracting m/z 79 and m/z 81 from the GC/ECNI-MS full scan run. Structural proposals were made for the two major recalcitrant compounds (referred to as BC-1 and BC-2). BC-2 appears to be a tetrabromo-methoxy-diphenylether (512 u) and BC-1 has 14 u (corresponding with an additional CH2 group) more relative to BC-1. In general the organohalogen pattern observed in blubber of dolphins was different compared to similar samples from other locations in the world, which is apparent from the fact that the four major abundant signals in the GC/ECD chromatogram. of D. delphis originated from the four unknown compounds Q1, BC-1, BC-2, and BC-3.
AICMA 2012 (BIT's 1st Annual International Congress of Marine Algae), World Expo Center, Dalian, China, 20-23 de Setembro.
Dissertation to obtain a Master’s Degree in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
The goal of this study was to evaluate the effects of seasonal variations on energy metabolism in different tissues of the freshwater crayfish Parastacus brasiliensis (von Martens, 1869). Crayfish were collected monthly from January 2001 to January 2003 in São Francisco de Paula, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, in a stream and in a culture tank. Haemolymph samples were collected from each crayfish in the field with a syringe, by puncturing the membrane at the base of the chelipeds. Hepatopancreas, gills, and abdominal muscle were removed for determination of free glucose, glycogen, total lipids, and triglycerides. The haemolymph samples were used for determination of glucose, total proteins, total lipids, and triglycerides. Statistical analysis revealed significant differences in biochemical composition in crayfish collected in the stream compared to the experimental tank during the year, principally in glucose and triglycerides in haemolymph, glycogen and total lipids in all tissues study, and triglycerides only in abdominal muscle. The regular food intake partially modified these seasonal variations of the metabolic pattern. Environmental conditions (e.g., food availability and water temperature) and reproductive period appeared to be the main factors influencing the seasonal patterns of variation in energy metabolism.
1. The importance of dietary lipids for carotenoid-based ornaments has rarely been investigated, although theory predicts that dietary lipids may control the development of these widespread animal signals. Dietary lipids have been suggested to enhance the expression of male carotenoid-based ornaments because they provide carotenoids with a hydrophobic domain that facilitates their absorption and transport. Dietary lipids may also enhance the uptake of tocopherols (vitamin E), which share common absorption and transport routes with carotenoids. Here, we test whether dietary lipids enhance carotenoid availability and male carotenoid-based colorations. We also explore the effects of dietary lipids on plasma tocopherol concentration, which allow disentangling between different pathways that may explain how dietary lipids affect ornamental expression. 2. Following a two-factorial design, we manipulated dietary access of naturally occurring fatty acids (oleic acid) and carotenoids (lutein and zeaxanthin) and measured its effects on the circulating concentrations of carotenoids (lutein and zeaxanthin) and vitamin E (α- and γ-(β-) tocopherols) and on the ventral, carotenoid-based coloration of male common lizards (Lacerta vivipara). 3. Lutein but not zeaxanthin plasma concentrations increased with carotenoid supplementation, which, however, did not affect coloration. Lipid intake negatively affected circulating concentrations of lutein and γ-(β-) tocopherol and led to significantly less orange colorations. The path analysis suggests that a relationship between the observed colour change and the change in plasma concentrations of γ-(β-) tocopherol may exist. 4. Our study shows for the first time that dietary lipids do not enhance but reduce the intensity of male carotenoid-based ornaments. Although dietary lipids affected plasma carotenoid concentration, its negative effect on coloration appeared to be linked to lower vitamin E plasma concentrations. These findings suggest that a conflict between dietary lipids and carotenoid and tocopherol uptake may arise if these nutrients are independently obtained from natural diets and that such conflict may reinforce signal honesty in carotenoid-based ornaments. They also suggest that, at least in the common lizard, sexual selection with respect to carotenoid-based coloration may select for males with low antioxidant capacity and thus for males of superior health.
Although hemoglobin (Hb) is mainly present in the cytoplasm of erythrocytes (red blood cells), lower concentrations of pure, cell-free Hb are released permanently into the circulation due to an inherent intravascular hemolytic disruption of erythrocytes. Previously it was shown that the interaction of Hb with bacterial endotoxins (lipopolysaccharides, LPS) results in a significant increase of the biological activity of LPS. There is clear evidence that the enhancement of the biological activity of LPS by Hb is connected with a disaggregation of LPS. From these findings one questions whether the property to enhance the biological activity of endotoxin, in most cases proven by the ability to increase the cytokine (tumor-necrosis-factor-alpha, interleukins) production in human mononuclear cells, is restricted to bacterial endotoxin or is a more general principle in nature. To elucidate this question, we investigated the interaction of various synthetic and natural virulence (pathogenicity) factors with hemoglobin of human or sheep origin. In addition to enterobacterial R-type LPS a synthetic bacterial lipopeptide and synthetic phospholipid-like structures mimicking the lipid A portion of LPS were analysed. Furthermore, we also tested endotoxically inactive LPS and lipid A compounds such as those from Chlamydia trachomatis. We found that the observations made for endotoxically active form of LPS can be generalized for the other synthetic and natural virulence factors: In every case, the cytokine-production induced by them is increased by the addition of Hb. This biological property of Hb is connected with its physical property to convert the aggregate structures of the virulence factors into one with cubic symmetry, accompanied with a considerable reduction of the size and number of the original aggregates.
The objectives of this work were to analyze seeds from 20 trees of aroeira (Myracrodruon urundeuva Fr. All.) of a natural population located in the region of Selvíria, State of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, in order to evaluate their protein, lipid and carbohydrate contents, and to estimate their genetic variation. A completely randomized experimental design consisting of 20 treatments (families) was set up, with two replications. Four types of proteins were detected: albumin (35.0 to 107.3 mg/g seed), globulin (3.4 to 9.3 mg/g), prolamin (60.0 to 135.2 mg/g) and glutelin (118.0 to 286.0 mg/g). The lipid content varied between 200 and 334 mg/g seed. The total sugars also varied (26.5 to 46.3 mg/g seed), with a predominance of polyols (arabinitol, mannitol, glucitol and xylitol). The main monosaccharides detected were glucose and arabinose. Total hydrolysis of the sugars indicated the presence of neutral arabinan and xylan oligosaccharides. The starch content varied from 0.35 to 1.58 mg/g seed. These biochemical traits showed considerable genetic variability, indicating that only the collection of seeds from many different trees can provide a representative sample of the population for conservation and genetic improvement.
The decay of seeds is irreversible and at best can only be delayed by applying techniques that reduce the velocity of the metabolic reactions involved. There is little information on the biochemistry of tropical forest tree seeds related to their storability. It was investigated the influence of the composition of lipids and soluble sugars of two storage compartments, the cotyledons and the embryonic axis, of Melanoxylon brauna Schot. (Leguminosae- Caesalpinioideae), a hardwood known as black brauna, seeds stored at 20 ºC for 0, 3, 6, 9 and 12 months (natural ageing) and for 0, 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours at 40 ºC (accelerated ageing). The levels of fatty acids and monosaccharides varied differentially in each of the embryo storage compartments. Changes in oligosaccharide levels were similar for both types of ageing, diminishing in both compartments. Ageing can be attributed to the significant decrease of oligosaccharides and the increase of glucose in both types of ageing and both embryo compartments.
Zinc protoporphyrin IX (ZnPP), the major red pigment in hams dry-cured without nitrates/nitrites, is an efficient photosensitizer, which upon absorption of visible light forms short-lived excited singlet state ((1)ZnPP*) and by intersystem crossing yields the very reactive triplet-excited state ((3)ZnPP*). Using nano-second laser flash photolysis and transient absorption spectroscopy NADH, ascorbic acid, hemin and dehydroascorbic acid were each found to be efficient quenchers of (3)ZnPP*. The deactivation followed, in homogeneous dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) or DMSO:water (1:1) solutions, second-order kinetics. The rate constant for ascorbic acid and NADH for reductive quenching of (3)ZnPP* was at 25 A degrees C found to be 7.5 +/- A 0.1 x 10(4) L mol(-1) s(-1) and 6.3 +/- A 0.1 x 10(5) L mol(-1) s(-1), respectively. The polyphenols catechin and quercetin had no effect on (3)ZnPP*. The quenching rate constant for oxidative deactivation of (3)ZnPP* by dehydroascorbic acid and hemin was at 25 A degrees C: 1.6 +/- A 0.1 x 10(5) L mol(-1) s(-1) and 1.47 +/- A 0.1 x 10(9) L mol(-1) s(-1), respectively. Oxidized glutathione did not act as an oxidative quencher for (3)ZnPP*. After photoexcitation of ZnPP to (1)ZnPP*, fluorescence was only found to be quenched by the presence of hemin in a diffusion-controlled reaction. The efficient deactivation of (3)ZnPP* and (1)ZnPP* by the metalloporphyrin (hemin) naturally present in meat may accordingly inherently protect meat proteins and lipids against ZnPP photosensitized oxidation.