941 resultados para Musical teaching


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This study investigates the implications between the musical theory and pedagogical practice based on a study that questions the reasons why some students feel incapable of learning the music language, as well as, if the musical codes are truly so difficult to be apprehended by them. To answer these questions takes itself as reference, the classes I have minister while teaching the disciplines: Music Workshop and Music Language I in the Art Department, Scenic Art Course at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. I have searched the knowledge that constitutes the teacher formation based on the union between the pedagogical efficiency and sensibility, searching in the Corporality the theoretical port for my investigation. This way, advocating is a methodological principle for musical education originated from the experience of knowledge: creating, playing, feeling, thinking, and the interaction among them, conducting the students not only to music learning, but to a process of human formation. It adopts itself as methodological resource, amongst the qualitative methods, some of the techniques that are associated with the ethnographic research, for having as its main objective, to study the meaning of the actions and events of the investigated group. The analysis of the data leads to the conclusion that when the teacher displays his or her pedagogical knowledge in an environment constructed with affectivity, in a playful and pleasant form, the assimilation and construction of the musical concepts happen naturally and efficiently, surpassing the taboo that music learning is only possible to the especially well endowed people for music. Very aware that the scientific debate is important for the strengthening of formative programs involved in the growth and consolidation of the musical teaching and learning area, it is expected to promote this research discussions and reflections in the general educational field with this research, as well as, to contribute significantly to the specific growth of musical education


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Action-research is a model of scientific investigation which is not widely used in musical teaching, even considering its relevant application in the social sciences. David Tripp (2005) classifies it as a type of action-investigation which is used to define any process that follows a cycle where the practice is improved by the systematic oscillation from acting in the field of practice to investigating into it. With the approval by the Brazilian National Congress of Law 17,769, on August 18, 2008, and with the supplementary legislation, we understand that its use in the musical education would be beneficial. This justification has motivated the writing of this article, which approached the characteristics, functions and usefulness of the action-research. The consulted authors were, among others, D. Tripp, M. Thiollent, Maria A. Franco, G. Morceau, and Maria G. de Miranda. Two examples of Master's dissertations which adopted this type of research were mentioned.


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Pós-graduação em Música - IA


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The article refers to an official school experience which was developed in the Brazilian education in the 60's - the vocational schools. These schools enabled an artistic-musical learning experience which would be less technicist and autocratic, contributing in a satisfactory way to the future performing formation of the students. In addition to the historical report, the text refers to the British educator D. Hargreaves, who researched on the importance of the "third environment" in the musical learning and on the relationship existing between the internal and the external cognitive process. The text is part of the Master or Arts dissertation which is being carried out in the IA-UNESP (Institute of Arts - State of São Paulo University). The musical-theoretical foundations were provided by the ideas of D. Hargreaves, Sigurd Rascher, Yehudi Menuhi, among others, and by some researchers in the area of education. It is justified on the grounds of the present moment experienced by the musical teaching in face of the approval of Law n(o) 11.769/2008.


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Pós-graduação em Música - IA


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Pós-graduação em Música - IA


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El trabajo sobre la Guía metodológica para el aprendizaje del trombon de varas dirigida al sistema integrado filarmónico infanto juvenil SINFIN de la UTPL. Primer año, nivel inicial, tiene como finalidad abordar desde una perspectiva metodológica la enseñanza del trombón de varas en el SINFÍN de la UTPL. Proponiendo para ello una visión renovada del aprendizaje del trombón en este nivel, dando así cumplimiento a los objetivos trazados en la investigación. El trabajo se realizó en la provincia del Loja, cantón de Loja, parroquia San Sebastián como parte del Programa de Maestría en Pedagogía e Investigación Musical que ofertó la Universidad de Cuenca. El trabajo investigativo está estructurado de la siguiente manera: Capítulo I: Metodología, donde se aborda el enfoque metodológico de Edgar Willems, su fundamentación pedagógica, desarrollo auditivo, el ritmo y la métrica; y, lectura y escritura. Capítulo II: Aprendizaje, aquí se hace referencia al principio del proceso de aprendizaje de la educación musical; y, a lo que es el SINFÍN de la UTPL. Capítulo III: Guía Metodológica para el aprendizaje del trombón de varas, primer año, nivel inicial del SINFÍN de la UTPL. Finalmente se plantean las conclusiones a las que se arribó y las respectivas recomendaciones para propender a un trabajo metodológico sustentado en los principios de los métodos de las diferentes escuelas y experiencia propia del investigador.


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Real-time adaptive music is now well-established as a popular medium, largely through its use in video game soundtracks. Commercial packages, such as fmod, make freely available the underlying technical methods for use in educational contexts, making adaptive music technologies accessible to students. Writing adaptive music, however, presents a significant learning challenge, not least because it requires a different mode of thought, and tutor and learner may have few mutual points of connection in discovering and understanding the musical drivers, relationships and structures in these works. This article discusses the creation of ‘BitBox!’, a gestural music interface designed to deconstruct and explain the component elements of adaptive composition through interactive play. The interface was displayed at the Dare Protoplay games exposition in Dundee in August 2014. The initial proof-of- concept study proved successful, suggesting possible refinements in design and a broader range of applications.


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Studying the choral works of the great composers of the past is always a worthy endeavor. For those aspiring to create an excellent high school choral program, it is critical to a student's musical foundation and heritage. Choral educators who teach high school are often bombarded with the most recently published new choral works, when they have a trove of excellent pieces right at their fingertips through websites like the Choral Public Domain Library (CPDL), all available at no cost. This project will explore the pedagogical reasons why this canon of public domain choral music should be taught at the high school level. A thorough guide to CPDL and an anthology of 200 works available on CPDL will provide the conductor with resources for programming this music. Though choral music in the public domain is free to all, publishers still publish this music and adhere copyright claims. This can create mistrust of legitimate editions on CPDL; why are they available at no cost when publishers are claiming copyright on similar editions? These issues will be thoroughly discussed in this project. For any given work on CPDL, there may be multiple editions available on the site. Choosing the right edition requires knowledge about basic editorial principles, especially for works written during the Renaissance period. A detailed discussion of these principles will provide the conductor with the tools needed to choose the best edition for his or her ensemble.


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The significance of the “physicality” involved in learning to play a musical instrument and the essential role of teachers are areas in need of research. This article explores the role of gesture within teacher–student communicative interaction in one-to-one piano lessons. Three teachers were required to teach a pre-selected repertoire of two contrasting pieces to three students studying piano grade 1. The data was collected by video recordings of piano lessons and analysis based on the type and frequency of gestures employed by teachers in association to teaching behaviours specifying where gestures fit under (or evade) predefined classifications. Spontaneous co-musical gestures were observed in the process of piano tuition emerging with similar general communicative purposes as spontaneous co-verbal gestures and were essential for the process of musical communication between teachers and students. Observed frequencies of categorized gestures varied significantly between different teaching behaviours and between the three teachers. Parallels established between co-verbal and co-musical spontaneous gestures lead to an argument for extension of McNeill’s (2005) ideas of imagery–language–dialectic to imagery–music–dialectic with relevant implications for piano pedagogy and fields of study invested in musical communication.


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Teachers’ communication of musical knowledge through physical gesture represents a valuable pedagogical field in need of investigation. This exploratory case study compares the gestural behaviour of three piano teachers while giving individual lessons to students who differed according to piano proficiency levels. The data was collected by video recordings of one-to-one piano lessons and gestures were categorized using two gesture classifications: the spontaneous co-verbal gesture classification (McNeill, 1992; 2005) and spontaneous co-musical gesture classification (Simones, Schroeder & Rodger, 2013). Poisson regression analysis and qualitative observation suggest a relationship between teachers’ didactic intentions and the types of gesture they produced while teaching, as shown by differences in gestural category frequency between teaching students of higher and lower levels of proficiency. Such reported agreement between teachers’ gestural approach in relation to student proficiency levels indicates a teachers’ gestural scaffolding approach whereby teachers adapted gestural communicative channels to suit students’ specific conceptual skill levels.


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A presente investigação teve como objectivo aplicar, em contexto experimental, alguns conceitos e técnicas da Teoria do Movimento de Rudolf Laban numa acção de formação em regência e avaliar os respectivos efeitos nas competências gestuais dos regentes nela participantes. O estudo teve como base teórica o principio de que a gestualidade do regente é uma “manifestação exterior de impulsos interiores…” (Laban, 1978:32) e que a música, na sua essência, é uma “forma simbólica do sentimento humano”, “um movimento sonoro”, “… um análogo da vida emotiva”. (Susanne Langer, 1980:28) Com a adopção destes pressupostos procurou dar-se coerência às diferentes componentes envolvidas na problemática desta investigação. A parte experimental do estudo teve quatro momentos distintos. No primeiro, foi realizada uma gravação-vídeo para documentar os desempenhos dos estagiários antes da realização das formações (gravação pre-test). No segundo momento, os estagiários tiveram ocasião de frequentar um curso de Movimento Laban ministrado por um especialista nesta matéria, convidado para o efeito. Esta acção de formação terminou com uma gravação-vídeo, efectuada nas mesmas condições técnicas e programáticas da anterior (gravação post-test). Em terceiro lugar, realizou-se, sob orientação do autor do presente estudo, uma segunda acção de formação com o objectivo de plasmar os conceitos e técnicas de Laban na gestualidade específica da regência. Como corolário desta formação, foi realizado o último registo-vídeo (gravação repost-test). Estas gravações foram posteriormente editadas sem alterações técnicas e de conteúdo. Os dados, nelas constantes, foram analisados e avaliados por dois especialistas em regência, a partir de questionários previamente concebidos e fornecidos para o efeito. Após leitura dos pareceres dos especialistas expressos nesses questionários, o autor do presente estudo concluiu que a aplicação dos princípios e técnicas de Laban ao ensino da regência podem contribuir para promover, extensivamente, as competências gestuais dos regentes, tanto no plano da sua funcionalidade, como na sua dimensão expressiva.


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O presente trabalho visa discutir a relação entre a abordagem Orff-Schulwerk e o desenvolvimento do ‘Eu Musical’ em contexto de Educação Musical no 2.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico genérico português. Na tentativa de verificar, analisar e tentar compreender esta relação, o processo empírico fundamentou-se na Flow Theory, desenvolvida por Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. O enquadramento teórico conduziu à elaboração do ‘Modelo Multidimensional de Eu Musical’ (‘MoMEuM’), o qual, partindo da abordagem Orff-Schulwerk, procurou bases epistemológicas na Flow Theory, nas vertentes Cultural, Social e Positiva da Psicologia, bem como no Embodiment. A componente empírica do estudo teve como base metodológica a investigação-ação. Nesse sentido, o professor-investigador acompanhou, de forma longitudinal, o percurso de 50 alunos no referido contexto e procurou verificar, através do FIMA - Flow Indicators in Musical Activity, a vivência de ‘experiências ótimas/estados de fluxo’ em atividades/estratégias pedagógicomusicais baseadas na abordagem Orff-Schulwerk e, por conseguinte, no desenvolvimento do ‘Eu Musical’. A análise e interpretação de dados sugere que a abordagem Orff-Schulwerk promove a ocorrência de ‘experiências ótimas/estados de fluxo’ e, no quadro do presente estudo, impulsiona o desenvolvimento do ‘Eu Musical’.


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O presente relatório, no âmbito da obtenção do grau de Mestre no Ensino da Música, na Escola Superior de Música de Lisboa, descreve o estágio efectuado no Conservatório Regional de Setúbal e analisa a prática pedagógica do professor através de três alunos de violino e viola d´arco de níveis diferentes: Iniciação (violino); 4º grau, Ensino Básico (viola d´arco) e 7º grau, Ensino Secundário (viola d´arco). São descritas e analisadas as práticas pedagógicas desenvolvidas com base na filosofia do Método Suzuki e na Teoria da Auto-­determinação de Edward L. Deci e Richard M. Ryan. O objectivo fundamental do processo de ensino-­ aprendizagem é a criação de condições para que os alunos se motivem autonomamente e atinjam níveis altos de motivação intrínseca (Teoria da Auto-­determinação), e que se tornem bons instrumentistas e melhores seres humanos (Método Suzuki).