992 resultados para Museum techniques -- Catalonia -- Congresses


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Resum del I Congrés català de Museus Locals i Comarcals, què va tenir lloc al novembre de 1989 a Arbúcies i Olot


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Entre los años 2005 y 2006, se realizaron en Madrid dos interesantes encuentros internacionales denominados Tecnologías para una Museografía Avanzada, promovidos por el Consejo Internacional de Museos (ICOM), donde representantes de diversas instituciones culturales explicaban las influencias enriquecedoras que han aportado a sus exposiciones los nuevos medios tecnológicos en conjunto con la didáctica y la Museografía Interactiva como elementos mediadores de discurso. Representantes y Directores de instituciones como el Museo de Historia de Valencia (MHV), el Museo Arqueológico Provincial de Alicante (MARQ) o el Museo de la Cultura Bizantina de Grecia por ejemplo, han presentado las propuestas que en este contexto les ha permitido comunicar ideas refrescantes y nuevas estrategias para la compresión de diversos tipos de patrimonios. La premisa expuesta por ellos enfatizaba el pensamiento de que las nuevas tecnologías aunadas a la Museografía Interactiva, constituyen un apoyo didáctico a la hora de transmitir significados provenientes de los objetos patrimoniales para desarrollar y ampliar la comprensión del visitante en relación a los contenidos de las exposiciones. A este respecto, llama la atención la ausencia de museos especializados en Arte ante este tipo de discursos innovadores que suelen provocar en los visitantes soluciones educativas in situ, otorgando nuevos enfoques de las cosas, de la historia, de los objetos y de las generaciones pasadas.


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Màster Oficial en Gestió del Patrimoni Cultural


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Estudi sobre els públics que visiten els museus de les comarques gironines des de 1980 i fins 1996. Es parla de l’anàlisi quantitativa de les visites, però també de la importància de l’anàlisi qualitativa, proposant que es vagi estandarditzant cada vegada més i que s’aprofundeixi en aquest àmbit. També parla de la importància dels mitjans de comunicació en la difusió dels museus, i del fet que en aquest període la relació entre nombre d’habitants i quantitat de museus va créixer molt considerablement. Apunta el fet que els museus es fan més familiars amb la població i s’apunten en general les tendències en el sector


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Recorregut per la història del Museu d’Olot, des de la seva inauguració fins a convertir-se en el Museu Comarcal de la Garrotxa


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L'edició de les Actes del Congrés "Els Castells Medievals a la Mediterrània nord-occidental" sorgeix d'un objectiu clar i concís que els mateixos coordinadors del congrés, celebrat a Arbúcies entre els dies 5 i 7 de març de 2003, expressen en la introducció: que aquestes actes siguin "una publicació de referència per a la investigació emergent dels castells a Catalunya"


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Presentació on s'expliquen les noves prestacions del nou portal del TDX (Tesis Digitals en Xarxa), la preservació de les dades i la garantia d'accés i visibilitat de TDX i les tesis UdG a TDX i la seva difusió


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O projeto MEMORIAMEDIA tem como objetivos o estudo, a inventariação e divulgação de manifestações do património cultural imaterial: expressões orais; práticas performativas; celebrações; o saber-fazer de artes e ofícios e as práticas e conhecimentos relacionados com a natureza e o universo. O MEMORIAMEDIA iniciou em 2006, em pleno debate nacional e internacional das questões do património cultural imaterial. Este livro cruza essas discussões teóricas, metodológicas e técnicas com a caracterização do MEMORIAMEDIA. Os resultados do projeto, organizados num inventário nacional, estão publicados no site www.memoriamedia.net, onde se encontram disponíveis para consulta e partilha. Filomena Sousa é investigadora de pós-doutoramento em antropologia (FCSH/UNL) e doutorada em sociologia (ISCTE-IUL). Membro integrado no Instituto de Estudos de Literatura e Tradição - patrimónios, artes e culturas (IELT) da FCSH/UNL e consultora da Memória Imaterial CRL – organização não-governamental autora e gestora do projeto MEMORIAMEDIA. Desenvolve investigação no âmbito das políticas e instrumentos de identificação, documentação e salvaguarda do património cultural imaterial e realizou vários documentários sobre expressões culturais.


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Many studies in the area of project management and social networks have identified the significance of project knowledge transfer within and between projects. However, only few studies have examined the intra- and inter-projects knowledge transfer activities. Knowledge in projects can be transferred via face-to-face interactions on the one hand, and via IT-based tools on the other. Although companies have allocated many resources to the IT tools, it has been found that they are not always effectively utilised, and people prefer to look for knowledge using social face-to-face interactions. This paper explores how to effectively leverage two alternative knowledge transfer techniques, face-to-face and IT-based tools to facilitate knowledge transfer and enhance knowledge creation for intra- and inter-project knowledge transfer. The paper extends the previous research on the relationships between and within teams by examining the project’s external and internal knowledge networks concurrently. Social network qualitative analysis, using a case study within a small-medium enterprise, was used to examine the knowledge transfer activities within and between projects, and to investigate knowledge transfer techniques. This paper demonstrates the significance of overlapping employees working simultaneously on two or more projects and their impact on facilitating knowledge transfer between projects within a small/medium organisation. This research is also crucial to gaining better understanding of different knowledge transfer techniques used for intra- and inter-project knowledge exchange. The research provides recommendations on how to achieve better knowledge transfer within and between projects in order to fully utilise a project’s knowledge and achieve better project performance.


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Implementing resource discovery techniques at the Museum of English Rural Life and Special Collections, University of Reading Using resource discovery techniques to create a user friendly web presence


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During my Doctoral study I researched about the remote detection of canopy N concentration in forest stands, its potentials and problems, under many overlapping perspectives. The study consisted of three parts. In S. Rossore 2000 dataset analysis, I tested regressions between N concentration and NIR reflectances derived from different sources (field samples, airborne and satellite sensors). The analysis was further expanded using a larger dataset acquired in year 2009 as part of a new campaign funded by the ESA. In both cases, a good correlation was observed between Landsat NIR, using both TM (2009) and ETM+ (2000) imagery, and N concentration measured by a CHN elemental analyzer. Concerning airborne sensors I did not obtain the same good results, mainly because of the large FOV of the two instruments, and to the anisotropy of vegetation reflectance. We also tested the relation between ground based ASD measures and nitrogen concentration, obtaining really good results. Thus, I decided to expand my study to the regional level, focusing only on field and satellite measures. I analyzed a large dataset for the whole of Catalonia, Spain; MODIS imagery was used, in consideration of its spectral characteristics and despite its rather poor spatial resolution. Also in this case a regression between nitrogen concentration and reflectances was found, but not so good as in previous experiences. Moreover, vegetation type was found to play an important role in the observed relationship. We concluded that MODIS is not the most suitable satellite sensor in realities like Italy and Catalonia, which present a patchy and inhomogeneous vegetation cover; so it could be utilized for the parameterization of eco-physiological and biogeochemical models, but not for really local nitrogen estimate. Thus multispectral sensors similar to Landsat Thematic Mapper, with better spatial resolution, could be the most appropriate sensors to estimate N concentration.


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With the discovery that DNA can be successfully recovered from museum collections, a new source of genetic information has been provided to extend our comprehension of the evolutionary history of species. However, historical specimens are often mislabeled or report incorrect information of origin, thus accurate identification of specimens is essential. Due to the highly damaged nature of ancient DNA many pitfalls exist and particular precautions need to be considered in order to perform genetic analysis. In this study we analyze 208 historical remains of pelagic fishes collected in the beginning of the 20th century. Through the adaptation of existing protocols, usually applied to human remains, we manage to successfully retrieve valuable genetic material from almost all of the examined samples using a guanidine and silica column-based approach. The combined use of two mitochondrial markers cytochrome-oxidase-1(mtDNA COI) and Control Region (mtDNA CR), and the nuclear marker first internal transcriber space (ITS1) allowed us to identify the majority of the examined specimens using traditional PCR and Sanger sequencing techniques. The creation of primers capable of amplifying heavily degraded DNA have great potential for future uses, both in ancient and in modern investigation. The methodologies developed in this study can in fact be applied for other ancient fish specimens as well as cooked or canned samples.


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Within the framework of heritage preservation, 3D scanning and modeling for heritage documentation has increased significantly in recent years, mainly due to the evolution of laser and image-based techniques, modeling software, powerful computers and virtual reality. 3D laser acquisition constitutes a real development opportunity for 3D modeling based previously on theoretical data. The representation of the object information rely on the knowledge of its historic and theoretical frame to reconstitute a posteriori its previous states. This project proposes an approach dealing with data extraction based on architectural knowledge and Laser statement informing measurements, the whole leading to 3D reconstruction. The experimented Khmer objects are exposed at Guimet museum in Paris. The purpose of this digital modeling meets the need of exploitable models for simulation projects, prototyping, exhibitions, promoting cultural tourism and particularly for archiving against any likely disaster and as an aided tool for the formulation of virtual museum concept.


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The preservation of modern and contemporary art and costume collections in museums requires a complete understanding of their constituent materials which are often synthetic or semi-synthetic polymers. An extraordinary amount of quality information can be gained from instrumental techniques, but some of them have the disadvantage of being destructive. This paper presents a new totally integrated non-invasive methodology, for the identification of polymers and their additives, on plastic artefacts in museums. NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) and in-situ FTIR-ATR (attenuated total reflection infrared spectroscopy) combination allowed the full characterization of the structure of thesematerials and correct identification of each one. The NMR technique applied to leached surface exudates identified unequivocally a great number of additives, exceeding the Py–GC–MS analysis of micro-fragments in number and efficiency. Additionally, in-situ FTIR-ATR provided exactly the same information of the destructive μ-FTIR about the polymer structure and confirmed the presence of some additives. Eight costume pieces (cosmetic boxes and purses), dating to the beginning of the 20th century and belonging to the Portuguese National Museum of Costume and Fashion, were correctly identified with this new integrated methodology, as beingmade of plastics derived fromcellulose acetate or cellulose nitrate polymers, contradicting the initial information that these pieces were made of Bakelite. The identification of a surprisingly large number of different additives forms an added value of this methodology and opens a perspective of a quick and better characterization of plastic artefacts in museum environments.