970 resultados para Municipal planning
Incluye Bibliografía
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Este artigo apresenta uma metodologia para a realização de uma das fases do Planejamento Municipal, isto é, o diagnóstico municipal, especialmente para os pequenos municípios, com enfoque na construção de um conjunto de indicadores para o diagnóstico municipal da área da educação. Sob a lógica de árvore de indicadores, primeiramente apresenta-se 10 indicadores essenciais. Esses indicadores estão estruturados em 04 dimensões: a primeira diz respeito ao déficit municipal em creches e ensino fundamental; a segunda aborda a qualidade do ensino; a terceira a questão do desempenho da educação no município e, por fim, a quarta dimensão trata da aplicação dos recursos municipais em educação. Em seguida apresenta-se uma segunda lista de indicadores com um foco mais qualitativo a serem considerados em um segundo nível de análise.
Given the uncertainties of the environment in today's world, strategic planning is again discussed as an important tool to position the organization in future likely. To address this a more dynamic and less linear, trying to adapt the multiple realities, the method of scenarios can be one of the strategies to anticipate future designs. In the public sphere, an efficient implementation of human resources and financial managers require a new approach to the formulation of strategies. Tourism, in turn, presents itself as an important segment of the national economy shaped up as a major source of funds for the formation of the Gross Domestic Product - GDP - of states and municipalities. This study aims to know the guidelines and perspectives of municipal planning of tourism in the city of Natal/RN from the case by the representatives of the sector. The survey was developed based on a qualitative, exploratory, based on the case in the Secretaria Municipal de Turismo e Desenvolvimento Econômico - SETURDE. The results express that the body goes through a time of changes in its organizational structure and in defining its role with the local tourism. The national plan for tourism and the choice of Christmas as the host city for the World Cup in 2014 have stimulated interest in developing a formal strategic planning in the organization. However, when it comes to more complex tools, such as the method of future scenarios, the technical know its definition and importance for future actions. The results presented support the conclusion that the actions are designed intuitively and without complying with the scientific methods developed for this purpose, as the method of strategic scenarios. However, the evidence beginning to emerge from the plans and documents issued by the federal government, as well as the Secretary's own initiative, direct the actions of the body to coordinate and act as a fulcrum for local action to the increase in tourism
This work aims to analyze the limitations of recent Brazilian urban expansion and, more specifically, the housing policy for low-income population, focused on Minha Casa, Minha Vida in Campinas / SP . It is understood that this program aims to democratize access to housing for excluded populations in the property market, resulting in a right to the city. This policy is analyzed in the living space configuration from the point of view of socio-spatial segregation. To meet the flexibility of real estate developers, urban politic Campinas was subsumed by the entrepreneurship of housing production, was detached from the municipal planning and releasing ownership of urban land for the free flow of capital that circulated by the real estate market in the search for the appropriation of elevation of the ground rent . These processes are understood through intense confinement of poverty in areas that grow randomly deleted and the margin of urban rights
Given the uncertainties of the environment in today's world, strategic planning is again discussed as an important tool to position the organization in future likely. To address this a more dynamic and less linear, trying to adapt the multiple realities, the method of scenarios can be one of the strategies to anticipate future designs. In the public sphere, an efficient implementation of human resources and financial managers require a new approach to the formulation of strategies. Tourism, in turn, presents itself as an important segment of the national economy shaped up as a major source of funds for the formation of the Gross Domestic Product - GDP - of states and municipalities. This study aims to know the guidelines and perspectives of municipal planning of tourism in the city of Natal/RN from the case by the representatives of the sector. The survey was developed based on a qualitative, exploratory, based on the case in the Secretaria Municipal de Turismo e Desenvolvimento Econômico - SETURDE. The results express that the body goes through a time of changes in its organizational structure and in defining its role with the local tourism. The national plan for tourism and the choice of Christmas as the host city for the World Cup in 2014 have stimulated interest in developing a formal strategic planning in the organization. However, when it comes to more complex tools, such as the method of future scenarios, the technical know its definition and importance for future actions. The results presented support the conclusion that the actions are designed intuitively and without complying with the scientific methods developed for this purpose, as the method of strategic scenarios. However, the evidence beginning to emerge from the plans and documents issued by the federal government, as well as the Secretary's own initiative, direct the actions of the body to coordinate and act as a fulcrum for local action to the increase in tourism
Given the uncertainties of the environment in today's world, strategic planning is again discussed as an important tool to position the organization in future likely. To address this a more dynamic and less linear, trying to adapt the multiple realities, the method of scenarios can be one of the strategies to anticipate future designs. In the public sphere, an efficient implementation of human resources and financial managers require a new approach to the formulation of strategies. Tourism, in turn, presents itself as an important segment of the national economy shaped up as a major source of funds for the formation of the Gross Domestic Product - GDP - of states and municipalities. This study aims to know the guidelines and perspectives of municipal planning of tourism in the city of Natal/RN from the case by the representatives of the sector. The survey was developed based on a qualitative, exploratory, based on the case in the Secretaria Municipal de Turismo e Desenvolvimento Econômico - SETURDE. The results express that the body goes through a time of changes in its organizational structure and in defining its role with the local tourism. The national plan for tourism and the choice of Christmas as the host city for the World Cup in 2014 have stimulated interest in developing a formal strategic planning in the organization. However, when it comes to more complex tools, such as the method of future scenarios, the technical know its definition and importance for future actions. The results presented support the conclusion that the actions are designed intuitively and without complying with the scientific methods developed for this purpose, as the method of strategic scenarios. However, the evidence beginning to emerge from the plans and documents issued by the federal government, as well as the Secretary's own initiative, direct the actions of the body to coordinate and act as a fulcrum for local action to the increase in tourism
Rivers and water are valuable natural resources for human life, environment and national development. Recognition of water resources as national heritage will contribute towards more long term sustainable property development. Waterfront development is already a well-established phenomenon internationally. In Malaysia, as the economy began to change in 1980s, so did the land uses along many of the river and waterfront locations. The pressures of new technology coupled with an urban population growth and urbanization began to force a transition from water dependent industry to a variety of non-water dependent developments such as apartments, offices, and retail shopping areas. Residential waterfront development has taken advantage of available land and water amenities and incorporated as a feature or “selling point” of the development. It has been found that wide views of water add an average of 59% to the value of waterfront property, as well as providing attractive landscaping and better property neighborhoods respectively. Development of waterfront lands in Malaysia occurred with limited federal, state, or municipal planning guidance; resulting in cost aspects like flooding and pollution. Although some waterfront development projects continue to remain profitable with a maintained successful public access component, many have not. This paper provides a brief introduction to the research project to address this issue, which is currently on-going.
The present study examines citizen participation in local government and municipal democracy. Previous research has shown that the prerequisite for active citizenship lies in the opportunities available for local residents to determine which perspectives and planning needs are relevant. This research looks at whether the conception of knowledge employed in municipal planning allows for this kind of active role for local citizens. Methodologically the study employs an hermeneutic approach. The aim has been to identify various approaches steering the practice of municipal democracy. The theory behind the study comes from the assumption of the intersubjectivity of reality. Construing the rationality of one s own behaviour is seen as a prerequisite for meaningful action. In this context, criteria for the functionality of municipal democracy and the purpose of strengthening citizen participation are defined. The study is divided into two parts. Firstly, the purpose of participation and the opportunities for local residents to contribute is examined theoretically with reference to previous studies. The intention is to provide an overview of the Finnish cross-disciplinary debate on resident participation. This debate is reflected onto the prevailing views on changes in the municipal operating environment and modes of operation. In conclusion, a theoretical model is constructed to explain how the various modes of operation in regional municipalities affect the purpose of resident participation and the utilisation of information received through this participation. The second part of the study discusses the utilisation of this information and knowledge acquired through the participation of local residents and all those involved in political and administrative processes in municipalities. These first-hand reports are analysed using the model constructed earlier in the study. The goal is to understand how political and administrative practice affects opportunities for local residents to participate and contribute. The core of this analysis is based on the pragmatic conception of knowledge employed in municipal administration. The study argues that the normal practice of municipal administration does not support the systematic utilisation of local residents experience. This is caused by two interlinked factors: firstly, knowledge constructed through these practices requires that the knowledge is apolitical; secondly, arising from this there is confusion with regard to when during a planning process does information obtained from the public become relevant; in other words, what are the politics of knowledge? The study suggests that the solution is in the complementary concept of knowledge, which implicitly acknowledges the politics of knowledge. The complementary concept of knowledge would serve the politicisation of issues on the level of interpretations linked with social reality, an indispensable requirement for functional democracy. Keywords: participation, municipal democracy, knowledge base for planning, experiential knowledge
Trata-se de estudo descritivo, de abordagem qualitativa, do tipo estudo de caso cujo objetivo é analisar o modelo de contratualização de uma unidade hospitalar pública. No contexto da evolução das relações intergovernamentais da saúde, verificaram-se o grau de correspondência entre as ações e serviços de natureza hospitalar ofertados no município e as necessidades de implementação desses na proposta de planejamento municipal, norteada pelo Plano Municipal de Saúde. Na busca do arcabouço teórico, foram aprofundados temas como: o processo contratual do Sistema Único de Saúde, o modelo de assistência hospitalar no Brasil, as redes de atenção à saúde e os mecanismos de gestão/relações interfederativas. São descritos os cenários municipais e regionais contextualizando a implantação da unidade hospitalar. Realizou-se estudo dos sistemas de informação da gestão pública, como: cadastro nacional de estabelecimentos de saúde/CNES, sistemas de informação hospitalar, sistema de informação morbimortalidade e o Plano de Saúde municipal e estadual. Ao final, apresentam-se os desafios da gestão na implantação do novo modelo de contrato diante da dificuldade de financiamento. Acredita-se que repensar o modelo de contratação dos serviços implica assegurar correspondência entre os serviços de saúde e os resultados da assistência à saúde da população usuária.
Les nombreux exemples réussis où l’aménagement du territoire intègre des milieux naturels nous ont amenée à nous questionner sur les techniques d’intégration des milieux naturels et les outils de planification disponibles au Québec. La présente recherche porte sur le volet environnemental du projet résidentiel le Faubourg de la Pointe-aux-Prairies à Montréal (FPP) situé dans l’Arrondissement Pointe-aux-Trembles/Rivière-des-Prairies/Montréal est. Un premier objectif relié aux résultats nous a permis d’analyser le taux de succès du quartier FPP à intégrer efficacement des préoccupations environnementales concernant la mise en valeur des milieux naturels. En nous basant sur le taux de conservation, l’intégrité écologique et les témoignages des intervenants de la Ville de Montréal, nous avons déterminé que le plan d’aménagement du projet présente un bilan environnemental mitigé. Un second objectif relié aux processus nous a permis de déterminer si les outils sollicités pendant la conception et la mise en œuvre du projet ont facilité l’intégration des milieux naturels. En nous basant sur les outils d’encadrement et proactifs utilisés tout au long de la mise en oeuvre, nous avons déterminé que ceux-ci sont inadaptés à certaines situations. La non intégration des milieux protégés dans les outils de planification, la destruction des milieux aquatiques avec l’accord du Ministère de l’environnement (MDDEP), le manque de vérification des ententes lors de l’attribution des certificats d’autorisation, l'absence de protection des milieux naturels terrestres et la difficulté d’évaluer les bénéfices économiques de l’intégration de la nature ont été les défis majeurs observés.
As discussões sobre o uso de indicadores aplicado à formulação de políticas públicas ganham força no cenário nacional. O governo federal e o estadual, a partir de suas iniciativas, vêm induzindo os gestores municipais a elaborarem diagnósticos e pensarem de forma planejada sobre a realidade que desejam interferir. Neste sentido, se evidencia a importância do uso de informações para potencializar os efeitos em todo o ciclo de políticas públicas: diagnóstico, formulação, implementação e avaliação. Entre os desafios que englobam o tema está pensar instrumentos apropriados para apoiar os gestores de pequenos Municípios a fazer diagnósticos baseados no conhecimento estruturado da realidade. O presente trabalho tem a finalidade de contribuir para esta discussão por meio de recomendações que visam o aperfeiçoamento de um dos instrumentos existentes e já utilizados para este fim: a publicação “Construindo o diagnóstico municipal: uma metodologia”. Esta publicação foi elaborada em 2008 pelo Centro de Estudos e Pesquisas de Administração Municipal (CEPAM) e Instituto de Economia da Universidade de Campinas com o intuito de fornecer aos recém-empossados prefeitos, condições de obter as informações básicas necessárias para elaboração de planejamento municipal. Passados quatro anos do lançamento da publicação, a equipe do CEPAM pretende elaborar uma segunda versão do documento direcionada aos Municípios de menor porte, o que justifica a proposta desse trabalho em sugerir adequações para seu aperfeiçoamento. Para chegar a tal objetivo, a equipe de mestrandos envolvida com o trabalho lançou mão de três instrumentos de pesquisa: investigação crítica da publicação CEPAM, entrevistas com prefeitos de pequenos municípios e entrevistas qualitativas com especialistas de instituições produtoras e disseminadoras de dados. Ao todo foram realizadas entrevistas com 22 prefeitos, 9 especialistas em diagnósticos aplicados a políticas públicas e analisados cerca de 250 indicadores de abrangência multidimensional. Os resultados das mais de trinta entrevistas realizadas apontaram para uma série de especificidades que dificultam o uso de diagnósticos por administrações municipais menores. A partir do conteúdo dos entraves e constatações levantados mapearam-se os temas considerados prioritários, que foram classificados em quatro áreas de intervenção e quatorze recomendações para subsidiar o CEPAM na atualização da publicação a ser direcionada aos Municípios abaixo de 50 mil habitantes.
As discussões sobre o uso de indicadores aplicado à formulação de políticas públicas ganham força no cenário nacional. Entre os desafios que englobam o tema está pensar instrumentos apropriados para apoiar os gestores de pequenos municípios a fazer diagnósticos e planejamento baseados no conhecimento estruturado da realidade. O presente artigo visa contribuir para esta temática ao buscar entender quais elementos possibilitariam a criação de instrumentos capazes de apoiar gestores de municípios de pequeno porte na utilização de indicadores para diagnóstico e planejamento da atividade pública. Para chegar a tal objetivo, recorreu-se a bibliografia especializada e a realização de uma investigação que englobou entrevistas com prefeitos e especialistas de instituições produtoras e disseminadoras de dados. Os resultados da pesquisa apresentados nesse artigo apontaram para uma série de especificidades que dificultam o uso de indicadores por administrações municipais menores, o que possibilitou sugerir recomendações para subsidiar instituições produtoras e disseminadoras de dados a direcionar produtos mais adequados a esse público.
This study aimed to analyse the factors that can contribute to the support of residents in the process of management of environmental tourism projects. The importance of reflecting on the municipal planning, including the management of stakeholders, is justified by changes in economic and social values of local communities, the concern with their space and quality of life. Thus, the support of the dwellers to the management process of an attractive allows motivate and prioritize the opinion of this community, strengthening social groups and integrating them into projects and local actions. The study was described as descriptive, exploratory and quantitative. As the analysis model. They were used the research variables done by Nunkoo and Ramkissoon (2012), as a way to assess the support of local dwellers on the development of Revitalization project of Monumento Natural Vale dos Dinossauros, in the management of environmental tourist destination, in Sousa/PB. Results show the relationship among the dimensions, confidence in government agencies, benefits and costs occasioned by tourism development in the attractive as influencers support elements of the deweller. Thus, it is intended to corroborate to the inclusion of stakeholdersin the planning process in the development of tourism in this location in order to involve them in decision making about planning and management of tourism in the city, with a view to sustainable local development