972 resultados para Municipal incorporation
Oct. 13, 1952.
"Published under order of the city council"--T.p.
O trabalho buscou avaliar as dificuldades e limites da gestão municipal na incorporação de serviços de mamografia em sete municípios selecionados na região do Médio Paraíba. Utilizando abordagem metodológica qualiquantitativa, se desenvolveu a partir do levantamento de dados secundários sobre o parque tecnológico de serviços e a produção de mamografias nos municípios selecionados e da realização de entrevistas semi-estruturadas aplicadas junto aos gestores municipais e aos responsáveis pelos setores de Controle, Avaliação e Auditoria das localidades. A análise das entrevistas identificou sete categorias temáticas principais: (1) o conhecimento do nível local sobre o problema de saúde em tela, onde se pode constatar dificuldades para uma análise mais precisa da situação de saúde relacionada ao câncer de mama nas localidades; (2) o conhecimento dos processos de tomada de decisão, onde se pode perceber que a gestão municipal esbarra em uma série de dificuldades que impossibilitam, em muitos casos, a incorporação de tecnologias nos serviços próprios, trazendo como única alternativa a compra dos serviços mamográficos; (3) a oferta e acesso aos exames mamográficos, evidenciando precariedade, pois é facilitada somente a porta de entrada nos serviços de Atenção Básica; (4) a produção dos procedimentos, revelando que, de uma forma geral, os gestores têm se esforçado por cumprir com as metas pactuadas, ainda que o exame das informações disponíveis mostrem que seu alcance encontra-se, via de regra, distante do pretendido; (5) a regulação e monitoramento dos serviços mamográficos, onde pode se perceber a baixa adesão ao Sistema de Regulação nas gestões locais; (6) a satisfação quanto à prestação dos serviços contratados, usualmente avaliadas de forma subjetiva e ancorada tão somente na falta de reclamações; e, por fim, (7) dificuldades na tomada de decisão relativa à incorporação de um serviço mamográfico próprio, que esbarram em impedimentos políticos, administrativos e financeiros. Pode-se concluir que o estudo permitiu extrair subsídios capazes de contribuir para o conhecimento e reflexão sobre as práticas de incorporação tecnológica e monitoramento dos serviços mamográficos na região.
Este estudo sobre O Controle Social no Sistema Municipal de Ananindeua: Desafios e Possibilidades objetivou analisar a organização e o funcionamento dos órgãos gestores das políticas educacionais, a fim de compreender de que forma vem sendo exercido o controle social pelos Conselho Municipal de Educação, Conselho de Alimentação Escolar e Conselho Municipal do Fundeb, a partir da institucionalização do mencionado sistema de ensino. Para responder às questões norte adoras desta pesquisa foram utilizados os seguintes instrumentos: análise documental e entrevistas semi-estruturadas. Os resultados revelam que a sociedade civil vem ocupando majoritariamente os espaços de gestão das políticas sociais, por meio dos órgãos colegiados em relação à representação governamental, muito embora as dimensões enfocadas anteriormente ainda se encontrem em vias de construção, havendo maior incidência da dimensão propositiva no Conselho Municipal de Educação. Todavia, os órgãos colegiados, de maneira geral, manifestam dificuldades técnico-operacionais para o exercício da função fiscalizadora, o que vem implicando na não incorporação dos resultados das avaliações das políticas educacionais nas decisões do governo. Esses aspectos evidenciaram a necessidade de maiores investimentos na formação continuada dos atores sociais, para o atendimento efetivo de uma perspectiva mais ampla de controle social.
Mucho ofthe towns of Mendoza have been working for years with a methodology built with traditional zoningand code of permitted uses,not permitted or conditional. With these instrument sexpectthe presentation of private enter prisesto assess whether it complies with these regulationsto authorize the works.These agencies have a plan with zoning and code application shave already considered planning. This form of work, shows clearly the lack of actions to drive urban developmentsin the department, initiatives on the issue only limited to astatic situation, waiting for proposal sand external actions,not being able to see the advantagesand /or contribution saccom panying the Land Use Plan. Une of the important elements to considerin the Plan process, is the incorporation of participatory stage allows, consensus and guidanceto policy makers, community in territorial actions. For this way are designed and constructed public works, to address concerns of the population and in some cases,works that will produce community supportat election time. A look at the performance of Cities hall suchas Granada City Council, Churriana de la Vega and Jun, you can observe that the planning can be done other wise, as articulated action from the same organism. In principle determining zoning and uses of spaceis integral to the Land Use Planand that it further comprises the development proposals,the lines of action and prioritization of programs and projects. These local governants, which manage a municipality, working withdy namic planning councilasit implements the proposed urban development, agricultural, commercial and industrialin its territory and build public work saccording to plan. Since 2009,the province has a Law of Zoningand Land Use demanded Municipal Land Management Plans, but three years after the enactmentof the 18 only has aplan.Thisis due to two reasons:the policy makersdo not understand the multiplicity of elements and facets of a plan covering the other,the plans are perceived as a limitation on their actions , a fact not willing to accept. The dissemination of know ledge and the, new ways toaddress the Land Use Planning and management of conflicts generated by the unprecedented growthwith incompatible usesin these cities that the component swhich will requirel and manager stoimplement aplanning Plans. Tusa dinámica risión Fromm te municipalitos in thais contexto de can tal abur innovación and a newway of governing
Mucho ofthe towns of Mendoza have been working for years with a methodology built with traditional zoningand code of permitted uses,not permitted or conditional. With these instrument sexpectthe presentation of private enter prisesto assess whether it complies with these regulationsto authorize the works.These agencies have a plan with zoning and code application shave already considered planning. This form of work, shows clearly the lack of actions to drive urban developmentsin the department, initiatives on the issue only limited to astatic situation, waiting for proposal sand external actions,not being able to see the advantagesand /or contribution saccom panying the Land Use Plan. Une of the important elements to considerin the Plan process, is the incorporation of participatory stage allows, consensus and guidanceto policy makers, community in territorial actions. For this way are designed and constructed public works, to address concerns of the population and in some cases,works that will produce community supportat election time. A look at the performance of Cities hall suchas Granada City Council, Churriana de la Vega and Jun, you can observe that the planning can be done other wise, as articulated action from the same organism. In principle determining zoning and uses of spaceis integral to the Land Use Planand that it further comprises the development proposals,the lines of action and prioritization of programs and projects. These local governants, which manage a municipality, working withdy namic planning councilasit implements the proposed urban development, agricultural, commercial and industrialin its territory and build public work saccording to plan. Since 2009,the province has a Law of Zoningand Land Use demanded Municipal Land Management Plans, but three years after the enactmentof the 18 only has aplan.Thisis due to two reasons:the policy makersdo not understand the multiplicity of elements and facets of a plan covering the other,the plans are perceived as a limitation on their actions , a fact not willing to accept. The dissemination of know ledge and the, new ways toaddress the Land Use Planning and management of conflicts generated by the unprecedented growthwith incompatible usesin these cities that the component swhich will requirel and manager stoimplement aplanning Plans. Tusa dinámica risión Fromm te municipalitos in thais contexto de can tal abur innovación and a newway of governing
Mucho ofthe towns of Mendoza have been working for years with a methodology built with traditional zoningand code of permitted uses,not permitted or conditional. With these instrument sexpectthe presentation of private enter prisesto assess whether it complies with these regulationsto authorize the works.These agencies have a plan with zoning and code application shave already considered planning. This form of work, shows clearly the lack of actions to drive urban developmentsin the department, initiatives on the issue only limited to astatic situation, waiting for proposal sand external actions,not being able to see the advantagesand /or contribution saccom panying the Land Use Plan. Une of the important elements to considerin the Plan process, is the incorporation of participatory stage allows, consensus and guidanceto policy makers, community in territorial actions. For this way are designed and constructed public works, to address concerns of the population and in some cases,works that will produce community supportat election time. A look at the performance of Cities hall suchas Granada City Council, Churriana de la Vega and Jun, you can observe that the planning can be done other wise, as articulated action from the same organism. In principle determining zoning and uses of spaceis integral to the Land Use Planand that it further comprises the development proposals,the lines of action and prioritization of programs and projects. These local governants, which manage a municipality, working withdy namic planning councilasit implements the proposed urban development, agricultural, commercial and industrialin its territory and build public work saccording to plan. Since 2009,the province has a Law of Zoningand Land Use demanded Municipal Land Management Plans, but three years after the enactmentof the 18 only has aplan.Thisis due to two reasons:the policy makersdo not understand the multiplicity of elements and facets of a plan covering the other,the plans are perceived as a limitation on their actions , a fact not willing to accept. The dissemination of know ledge and the, new ways toaddress the Land Use Planning and management of conflicts generated by the unprecedented growthwith incompatible usesin these cities that the component swhich will requirel and manager stoimplement aplanning Plans. Tusa dinámica risión Fromm te municipalitos in thais contexto de can tal abur innovación and a newway of governing
Compiled under the supervision of ... Secretary of State.
Asset management in local government is an emerging discipline and over a decade has become a crucial aspect towards a more efficient and effective organisation. One crucial feature in the public asset management is performance measurement toward the public real estates. This measurement critically at the important component of public wealth and seeks to apply a standard of economic efficiency and effective organisational management especially in such global financial crisis condition. This paper aims to identify global economic crisis effect and proposes alternative solution for local governments to softening the impact of the crisis to the local governments organisation. This study found that the most suitable solution for local government to solve the global economic crisis in Indonesia is application of performance measurement in its asset management. Thus, it is important to develop performance measurement system in local government asset management process. This study provides suggestions from published documents and literatures. The paper also discusses the elements of public real estate performance measurement. The measurement of performance has become an essential component of the strategic thinking of assets owners and managers. Without having a formal measurement system for performance, it is difficult to plan, control and improve local government real estate management system. A close look at best practices in public sectors reveals that in most cases these practices were transferred from private sector reals estate management under the direction of real estate experts retained by government. One of the most significant advances in government property performance measurement resulted from recognition that the methodology used by private sector, non real estate corporations for managing their real property offered a valuable prototype for local governments. In general, there are two approaches most frequently used to measure performance of public organisations. Those are subjective and objective measures. Finally, findings from this study provides useful input for the local government policy makers, scholars and asset management practitioners to establish a public real estate performance measurement system toward more efficient and effective local governments in managing their assets as well as increasing public services quality in order to soften the impact of global financial crisis.
Scholars of local government have repeatedly lamented the lack of literature on the subject (e.g., Mowbray 1997; Pini, Previte, Haslam & McKenzie 2007). As Dollery, Marshall and Worthington (2003: 1) have commented, local government has often been the ‘poor cousin of its more exalted relatives in terms of the attention it attracts from the research community.’ The exalted relatives Dollery et al. (2003) refer to are national political environments, where women’s participation has elicited significant attention. However, the dearth of research on the specific subject of women’s representation in local government is rarely acknowledged (Neyland & Tucker 1996; Whip & Fletcher 1999). This edited book attempts to redress this situation. Each chapter applies an explicit gender analysis to their specific topic of focus, making ‘gender visible in social phenomenon; [and] asking if, how, and why social processes, standards, and opportunities differ systematically for women and men’ (Howard, Risman & Sprague 2003: 1). These analyses in the local government context are critical for understanding the extent and nature of balanced representation at all levels of government. Furthermore, some women start their elective careers serving on school boards, city or town councils or as mayors, before progressing to state and national legislative offices. Hence, the experiences of women in local government illustrate broader notions of democracy and may for some individual women, shape their opportunities further along the political pipeline.