4 resultados para Multireferenz
Coupled-cluster theory in its single-reference formulation represents one of the most successful approaches in quantum chemistry for the description of atoms and molecules. To extend the applicability of single-reference coupled-cluster theory to systems with degenerate or near-degenerate electronic configurations, multireference coupled-cluster methods have been suggested. One of the most promising formulations of multireference coupled cluster theory is the state-specific variant suggested by Mukherjee and co-workers (Mk-MRCC). Unlike other multireference coupled-cluster approaches, Mk-MRCC is a size-extensive theory and results obtained so far indicate that it has the potential to develop to a standard tool for high-accuracy quantum-chemical treatments. This work deals with developments to overcome the limitations in the applicability of the Mk-MRCC method. Therefore, an efficient Mk-MRCC algorithm has been implemented in the CFOUR program package to perform energy calculations within the singles and doubles (Mk-MRCCSD) and singles, doubles, and triples (Mk-MRCCSDT) approximations. This implementation exploits the special structure of the Mk-MRCC working equations that allows to adapt existing efficient single-reference coupled-cluster codes. The algorithm has the correct computational scaling of d*N^6 for Mk-MRCCSD and d*N^8 for Mk-MRCCSDT, where N denotes the system size and d the number of reference determinants. For the determination of molecular properties as the equilibrium geometry, the theory of analytic first derivatives of the energy for the Mk-MRCC method has been developed using a Lagrange formalism. The Mk-MRCC gradients within the CCSD and CCSDT approximation have been implemented and their applicability has been demonstrated for various compounds such as 2,6-pyridyne, the 2,6-pyridyne cation, m-benzyne, ozone and cyclobutadiene. The development of analytic gradients for Mk-MRCC offers the possibility of routinely locating minima and transition states on the potential energy surface. It can be considered as a key step towards routine investigation of multireference systems and calculation of their properties. As the full inclusion of triple excitations in Mk-MRCC energy calculations is computational demanding, a parallel implementation is presented in order to circumvent limitations due to the required execution time. The proposed scheme is based on the adaption of a highly efficient serial Mk-MRCCSDT code by parallelizing the time-determining steps. A first application to 2,6-pyridyne is presented to demonstrate the efficiency of the current implementation.
Diese Dissertation demonstriert und verbessert die Vorhersagekraft der Coupled-Cluster-Theorie im Hinblick auf die hochgenaue Berechnung von Moleküleigenschaften. Die Demonstration erfolgt mittels Extrapolations- und Additivitätstechniken in der Single-Referenz-Coupled-Cluster-Theorie, mit deren Hilfe die Existenz und Struktur von bisher unbekannten Molekülen mit schweren Hauptgruppenelementen vorhergesagt wird. Vor allem am Beispiel von cyclischem SiS_2, einem dreiatomigen Molekül mit 16 Valenzelektronen, wird deutlich, dass die Vorhersagekraft der Theorie sich heutzutage auf Augenhöhe mit dem Experiment befindet: Theoretische Überlegungen initiierten eine experimentelle Suche nach diesem Molekül, was schließlich zu dessen Detektion und Charakterisierung mittels Rotationsspektroskopie führte. Die Vorhersagekraft der Coupled-Cluster-Theorie wird verbessert, indem eine Multireferenz-Coupled-Cluster-Methode für die Berechnung von Spin-Bahn-Aufspaltungen erster Ordnung in 2^Pi-Zuständen entwickelt wird. Der Fokus hierbei liegt auf Mukherjee's Variante der Multireferenz-Coupled-Cluster-Theorie, aber prinzipiell ist das vorgeschlagene Berechnungsschema auf alle Varianten anwendbar. Die erwünschte Genauigkeit beträgt 10 cm^-1. Sie wird mit der neuen Methode erreicht, wenn Ein- und Zweielektroneneffekte und bei schweren Elementen auch skalarrelativistische Effekte berücksichtigt werden. Die Methode eignet sich daher in Kombination mit Coupled-Cluster-basierten Extrapolations-und Additivitätsschemata dafür, hochgenaue thermochemische Daten zu berechnen.
This thesis details the development of quantum chemical methods for the accurate theoretical description of molecular systems with a complicated electronic structure. In simple cases, a single Slater determinant, in which the electrons occupy a number of energetically lowest molecular orbitals, offers a qualitatively correct model. The widely used coupled-cluster method CCSD(T) efficiently includes electron correlation effects starting from this determinant and provides reaction energies in error by only a few kJ/mol. However, the method often fails when several electronic configurations are important, as, for instance, in the course of many chemical reactions or in transition metal compounds. Internally contracted multireference coupled-cluster methods (ic-MRCC methods) cure this deficiency by using a linear combination of determinants as a reference function. Despite their theoretical elegance, the ic-MRCC equations involve thousands of terms and are therefore derived by the computer. Calculations of energy surfaces of BeH2, HF, LiF, H2O, N2 and Be3 unveil the theory's high accuracy compared to other approaches and the quality of various hierarchies of approximations. New theoretical advances include size-extensive techniques for removing linear dependencies in the ic-MRCC equations and a multireference analog of CCSD(T). Applications of the latter method to O3, Ni2O2, benzynes, C6H7NO and Cr2 underscore its potential to become a new standard method in quantum chemistry.
Coupled-cluster (CC) theory is one of the most successful approaches in high-accuracy quantum chemistry. The present thesis makes a number of contributions to the determination of molecular properties and excitation energies within the CC framework. The multireference CC (MRCC) method proposed by Mukherjee and coworkers (Mk-MRCC) has been benchmarked within the singles and doubles approximation (Mk-MRCCSD) for molecular equilibrium structures. It is demonstrated that Mk-MRCCSD yields reliable results for multireference cases where single-reference CC methods fail. At the same time, the present work also illustrates that Mk-MRCC still suffers from a number of theoretical problems and sometimes gives rise to results of unsatisfactory accuracy. To determine polarizability tensors and excitation spectra in the MRCC framework, the Mk-MRCC linear-response function has been derived together with the corresponding linear-response equations. Pilot applications show that Mk-MRCC linear-response theory suffers from a severe problem when applied to the calculation of dynamic properties and excitation energies: The Mk-MRCC sufficiency conditions give rise to a redundancy in the Mk-MRCC Jacobian matrix, which entails an artificial splitting of certain excited states. This finding has established a new paradigm in MRCC theory, namely that a convincing method should not only yield accurate energies, but ought to allow for the reliable calculation of dynamic properties as well. In the context of single-reference CC theory, an analytic expression for the dipole Hessian matrix, a third-order quantity relevant to infrared spectroscopy, has been derived and implemented within the CC singles and doubles approximation. The advantages of analytic derivatives over numerical differentiation schemes are demonstrated in some pilot applications.