901 resultados para Multidimensional Variable
* The work was supported by the RFBR under Grant N07-01-00331a.
RESUMO: Os estudos sobre a funcionalidade da população idosa têm uma representação importante naquilo que é o atual conhecimento da demografia do mundo. Portugal posiciona-se e perspetiva-se como pertencendo aos países mais envelhecidos, possuindo uma rede de cuidados pós-agudos – a Rede Nacional de Cuidados Continuados Integrados (RNCCI)– que assiste uma parcela importante dessa população. Os aspetos conceptuais da funcionalidade de acordo com a OMS e operacionalizados pela Classificação Internacional de Funcionalidade (CIF), não mereceram até agora suficiente aplicabilidade no nosso país, inviabilizando a possibilidade de oferecermos contributos para a sua operacionalização. Da mesma forma, também os Core Sets da Classificação não têm sido sujeitos a processos de validação que contemplem amostras portuguesas, mantendo-se desconhecimento da especificidade dos fatores contextuais na nossa população. O presente estudo tem como objetivos conhecer a evolução da funcionalidade dos idosos assistidos na RNCCI na região do Algarve nas unidades de convalescença e média duração, validar o Core Set Geriátrico da OMS e propor uma versão abreviada da sua modalidade abrangente, no contexto destes cuidados. A amostra constituída por 451 idosos, dos quais 62,1% eram mulheres, revelou na pré-morbilidade níveis favoráveis de funcionalidade, com exceção para as Atividades Domésticas. Contudo, os mais idosos (≥ 85 anos), os indivíduos sem escolaridade, as mulheres e os viúvos/solteiros apresentaram mais casos desfavoráveis quando comparados com os seus pares. Na evolução da funcionalidade observámos melhorias significativas em todos os domínios avaliados, com diferenças relativamente à idade e à escolaridade; apesar dos resultados positivos os mais idosos e os indivíduos sem escolaridade apresentaram níveis inferiores de evolução. No entanto, a funcionalidade alcançada revelou ficar com resultados significativamente inferiores na comparação com aquela que os indivíduos possuíam na pré-morbilidade. Os modelos de regressão revelaram que as Funções Mentais, a Perceção do Estado de Saúde e a atividade Usar o Telefone, foram as variáveis que melhor explicaram os outcomes da funcionalidade alcançada. A validação do Core Set Geriátrico foi possível na maioria das categorias, sendo que foi no componente das Funções do Corpo onde esse processo revelou maior fragilidade. As Funções Neuromusculoesqueléticas e Relacionadas com o Movimento foram aquelas que registaram em ambos os momentos avaliativos frequências mais elevadas de deficiência, enquanto no componente Atividades & Participação isso ocorreu na atividade Utilização dos Movimentos Finos da Mão. Os capítulos Apoios e Relacionamentos e Atitudes foram considerados os Fatores Ambientais mais Facilitadores mas também com maior impacto Barreira. A proposta para o Core Set Geriátrico Abreviado resultou das categorias independentes que explicaram os modelos da funcionalidade alcançada e cujo resultado engloba um conjunto de 27 categorias, com um enfoque importante no componente Atividades/Participação de onde se destacam os domínios da Mobilidade e dos Auto Cuidados. A funcionalidade dos indivíduos e das populações deve ser considerada uma variável incontornável da Saúde Pública, cuja avaliação deve refletir uma abordagem biopsicossocial, apoiada na Classificação Internacional de Funcionalidade. A operacionalização da Classificação a partir dos Core Sets necessita de pesquisa mais aprofundada relativamente às caraterísticas psicométricas dos seus qualificadores e dos seus processos de validação.-----------ABSTRACT: The studies about the functioning of the elderly play an important role on what the present knowledge of the demography in the world is. Portugal figures high on the most aged countries, having a network of post-acute care - the National Network of Integrated Continuous Care (RNCCI) - which assists a large part of that population. The conceptual aspects of functioning according to WHO and operated by the International Classification of Functioning (ICF), have been insufficiently addressed concerning its adequate applicability in our country, hindering the contributions of its operation. In the same way, also the Core Sets of the Classification have not been subjected to validation procedures that include portuguese samples, keeping the unawareness of specificity of the contextual factors in our population. The objectives of the present study were to know the evolution of the functioning of the elderly assisted in the RNCCI in the Algarve region in units of convalescence and average duration, validate the WHO Geriatric Core Set and propose an abridged version of this comprehensive core set in this healthcare context. The sample was composed by 451 elderly people, of which 62.1% were women, they showed favourable levels in functioning in the pre-morbid state, except for Domestic Activities. However, the oldest (≥ 85 years), the individuals with no education, women and widowed/ unmarried showed more unfavourable cases when compared to their peers. In the evolution of functioning we observed significant improvements in all domains assessed, with diferences with respect to age and education. In spite of positive results, the oldest and the individuals with no education showed lower levels of evolution. However, the functioning achieved showed significantly lower results when compared to the those observed in pre-morbidity state. Regression models reveal that Mental Functions, the Perceived Health Status and the Use of the Phone activity, were the variables that better explain the functioning of the outcomes achieved. The validation of the Geriatric Core Set of ICF was possible in most categories, and Body Functions was the component where this process showed greatest weakness. Neuromusculoskeletal and Movement-Related Functions experienced in both evaluation times with higher rates of disability, while in the Activities & Participation component this occurred in the Fine Hand Use activity. The Support and Relationships and Attitudes chapters were considered the Environmental Factors most Facilitators but also with greater impact Barrier. The proposal for the Brief Geriatric Core Set has resulted from the independent categories that explained the regression models of functioning and includes a set of 27 categories, with na important emphasis on Activities & Participation component where we can highlight the areas of Mobility and Self Care domains. The functioning of individuals and populations should be considered as an unavoidable variable of Public Health, of which the assessment should reflect a biopsychosocial approach, based on the International Classification of Functioning. The operationalization of the Classification from the Core Sets requires further research regarding the psychometric characteristics of their qualifiers and their validation procedure.
RESUMO: Tivemos como objectivo do presente trabalho avaliar a capacidade funcional, e factores eventualmente a ela associados, numa amostra de 152 idosos ambulatórios, sem doenças agudas ou graves, utentes de um centro de saúde urbano. Cada avaliação consistiu numa entrevista, mediante um inquérito sobre capacidade funcional, morbilidade, estado mental e aspectos sociais, e no estudo da composição corporal. As perguntas referentes às variáveis estudadas foram por nós desenvolvidas e estruturadas com base em escalas internacionais validadas e de utilização comum na avaliação de idosos, excepto para as variáveis em que não encontrámos escalas com essas características. Os seus quesitos foram incluídos como perguntas e respostas estruturadas e pré-codificadas, permitindo a atribuição de uma pontuação a cada variável e a sua posterior divisão dicotómica. Aplicámos as escalas de Katz e de Lawton para a avaliação das actividades de autonomia física e instrumental da vida diária, a escala de Grimby para a avaliação da actividade física, a escala de Hamilton e o teste de Folstein para a avaliação do estado mental nas vertentes afectiva e cognitiva e a escala de Graffar para caracterizar a classe social, e perguntas sobre locomoção, autoavaliação da saúde, queixas de saúde presentes e rede social. Fizemos o registo da morbilidade segundo a International Classification of Primary Care - ICPC. A avaliação antropométrica constou da medição do peso, da altura, dos perímetros do braço, da cintura, da anca e proximal da coxa, e das pregas bicipital, tricipital, sub-escapular e supra-ilíaca. Foi também feita a estimativa da composição corporal por cálculos derivados de índices antropométricos e de bioimpedância eléctrica corporal total, o doseamento de algumas proteínas plasmáticas e a quantificação da força de preensão. Analisámos os resultados obtidos por grupos quanto ao sexo e à idade, dividida nos escalões etários 65 a 74 anos e mais do que 74 anos. Por regressão linear múltipla, foi testado o efeito do sexo e da idade sobre os valores medidos, para cada uma das variáveis e cada uma das suas pontuações parciais, sendo considerado como evidência de um efeito estaticamente significativo um valor “p” inferior a 0,05.Resumimos do seguinte modo os dados obtidos e a sua comparação com os dos estudos que seleccionámos como referência: A média de idades da amostra foi de 74 anos, sendo um terço destes do sexo masculino. Na sua maioria eram independentes em locomoção e funcionalidade, praticavam alguma actividade física, classificavam a sua saúde como razoável ou boa, apresentavam sintomatologia activa, não tinham depressão ou demência, tinham quem os acompanhasse embora cerca de metade apresentasse algum grau de isolamento, eram de baixa classe social, tinham excesso de peso, valores elevados de massa gorda, parâmetros plasmáticos proteicos compatíveis com ausência de doenças agudas ou graves e considerável força muscular de preensão. Na análise descritiva por grupos quanto ao sexo e/ou à idade, verificou-se que as mulheres e os mais idosos apresentavam maior isolamento social e os valores mais baixos de massa magra, hemoglobina e força de preensão. As mulheres tinham maior prevalência de dependência em autonomia física, depressão e valores mais baixos de transferrina. Os mais idosos apresentavam maior dependência em funcionalidade, menor actividade física, maior prevalência de demência, índice de massa corporal menos elevado, e valores mais baixos de albumina. Não se verificou prevalência de piores resultados dicotómicos nos homens nem no escalão etário menos idoso. Não teve relação com o sexo ou a idade o compromisso em autonomia instrumental, a presença de morbilidade ou a baixa classe social, assim como a não perturbação da locomoção e dos níveis de somatomedina-C. A análise comparativa com estudos multidimensionais em idosos portugueses e europeus ambulatórios revelou que a nossa amostra apresentava muitas características semelhantes às desses idosos. Assim, tinham elevada independência em locomoção, considerável independência em autonomia física e menor independência em autonomia instrumental; prática de actividade física ligeira, as mulheres dentro e os homens fora de casa; maior prevalência de morbilidade a nível dos aparelhos locomotor e cardiocirculatório, nos nossos idosos com pouca flutuação na autoavaliação de saúde; pequena prevalência de depressão e de demência; maior isolamento social nas mulheres e nas mais idosas; factores de classe social de baixo nível, diferindo apenas em relação aos idosos do norte da Europa que apresentavam elevada escolaridade e profissões mais diferenciadas; características biométricas sobreponíveis às dos idosos portugueses e às dos do sul da Europa, com tendência para o excesso de peso e proporção elevada de massa gorda; e doseamentos plasmáticos proteicos e força muscular de preensão compatíveis com ausência de doenças agudas ou crónicas graves. A comparação com os referidos estudos em relação ao risco de dependência, revelou semelhanças na associação entre dependência funcional e idade avançada, morbilidade, alteração do estado mental e isolamento social. Na amostra que estudámos não obtivemos associação entre dependência e o sexo feminino, facto que se verificou no estudo nacional de Almeida et al. e nos estudos multicêntricos europeus, ou o grau de escolaridade, como no estudo francês. Podemos concluir que, com o instrumento de avaliação que utilizámos, foi possível detectar e caracterizar perturbações numa amostra de idosos ambulatórios, a maioria funcionalmente independentes, sem alterações do estado mental, mas apresentando morbilidade activa, tendência para a obesidade, e actividade física ligeira. Nos que apresentaram alterações, estas foram mais frequentes no sexo feminino e nos indivíduos com mais de 74 anos. A escala de funcionalidade desenvolvida foi sensível aos efeitos da idade e permitiu o cálculo do risco de dependência em relação às outras variáveis estudadas, sendo mais marcante a associação com baixa actividade física, presença de queixas de saúde, demência e índice de massa corporal elevado. Consideramos que a metodologia que empregámos poderá contribuir para a avaliação de capacidades, cujo conhecimento sistemático nos idosos se impõe. ------------- ABSTRACT: The main objective of the present work was to evaluate functional capacity and related factors, in a sample of 152 ambulatory elderly, free from acute or serious disease, attending an urban health centre. Each evaluation included an interview, with a questionnaire about functional capacity, morbidity, mental health and social aspects, and the study of body composition. The questions were developed and structured in accordance with international validated scales usually applied in the evaluation of the elderly, whenever there were scales for that purpose. Their items were included as structured pre-coded questions and answers, so that each variable could have its own quotation and be dichotomised. We employed Katz and Lawton scales for basic and instrumental activities of daily living, Grimby scale for physical activity, Hamilton scale for depression, Folstein’s Mini Mental State Examination for cognitive ability and Graffar scale for social class, and questions about walking, health perception, active complaints and social network. The symptoms register was done according to the International Classification of Primary Care - ICPC. The anthropometric exam involved the determination of height and weight, arm, waist, hip and proximal thigh circumferences, and biceps, triceps, subscapular and suprailiac skinfolds. For the body composition calculation we employed equations derived from anthropometric indices, and from measurement of total body bioelectric impedance. We also measured some plasma proteins and handgrip strength. The analysis of results was done by sex and age groups, separating those with 65 to 74 years from those older than 74 years. The effects of sex and age were tested by linear multiple regression, for each variable and its components. Presented "p" values being considered statistically significative if less than 0,05. The results we obtained and their comparison with the studies we choose as reference can be summarised as follows: Mean age of the sample was 74 years and about one third were men. Most of them were independent in gait and functionality, practised some physical activity, rate their health as fair or good, had physical complaints, had not depression or dementia, had some companionship although almost half of them with stigmas of isolation, belonged to low social class, were in the range of overweight, had raised values of fat mass, plasma proteins in accordance with no acute or serious disease, and considerable handgrip strength. The analysis of groups by sex and age revealed that women and the eldest had the greater social isolation and the lowest values of free fat mass, haemoglobin and handgrip strength. Women had the higher dependence in basic activities of daily living, more depression and lower levels of transferrin. The eldest were more dependent in functionality, had greater prevalence of dementia, less physical activity, less raised body mass index and lower levels of albumin. Men alone and the age range of 65 to 74 did not show any prevalence of the worse dichotomised results. There was no relationship between sex or age and instrumental activities of daily living, morbidity or low social class, and unaffected gait or somatomedin-C levels. The comparison of results with multidimensional studies in portuguese and european ambulatory elderly showed that our sample had many similarities with theirs. They were independent in gait and activities of daily living; practiced light physical activity, women indoors and men outdoors; had greater morbidity at locomotor and cardiovascular systems, with small latitude in health evaluation; low prevalence of depression and dementia; social isolation predominantly in older women; and low social class factors, witch is only different from those of north Europe who had higher education levels and professional carriers; biometric characteristics similar to other portuguese and south Europe elders, with tendency for overweight and high proportion of fat mass; and plasma protein levels and handgrip strength in accordance with no acute or chronic serious disease. The comparison to the referred studies in relation to dependency risk, showed similarities in the association of dependency and age, morbidity,altered mental state and social isolation. We did not find association between dependency and sex, as it was found in the portuguese study of Almeida et al. and the european multicentric studies, or the education level, as in the french study. We conclude that, with the evaluation battery we employed, it was possible to detect and characterise alterations in a sample of ambulatory elderly, most of whom were functionally independent and had no alterations in mental state, but had active morbidity, tendency to obesity, and only light physical activity. Those that had some alteration, were more frequently women and the eldest. The functionality scale we developed showed to be sensitive to age effects and suitable for the calculation of risk of dependency, being more important the association with low physical activity, active complaints, dementia and high body mass index. We consider that the methodology we applied can contribute to the evaluation of capabilities that should be systematically sought for in the elderly.
A continuous random variable is expanded as a sum of a sequence of uncorrelated random variables. These variables are principal dimensions in continuous scaling on a distance function, as an extension of classic scaling on a distance matrix. For a particular distance, these dimensions are principal components. Then some properties are studied and an inequality is obtained. Diagonal expansions are considered from the same continuous scaling point of view, by means of the chi-square distance. The geometric dimension of a bivariate distribution is defined and illustrated with copulas. It is shown that the dimension can have the power of continuum.
Psychometric analysis of the AF5 multidimensional scale of self-concept in a sample of adolescents and adults in Catalonia. The aim of this study is to carry out a psychometric study of the AF5 scale in a sample of 4.825 Catalan subjects from 11 to 63 years-old. They are students from secondary compulsory education (ESO), from high school, middle-level vocational training (CFGM) and from the university. Using a principal component analysis (PCA) the theoretical validity of the components is established and the reliability of the instrument is also analyzed. Differential analyses are performed by gender and normative group using a 2 6 factorial design. The normative group variable includes the different levels classifi ed into 6 sub-groups: university, post-compulsory secondary education (high school and CFGM), 4th of ESO, 3rd of ESO, 2nd of ESO and 1st of ESO. The results indicate that the reliability of the Catalan version of the scale is similar to the original scale. The factorial structure also fi ts with the original model established beforehand. Signifi cant differences by normative group in the four components of self-concept explored (social, family, academic/occupational and physical) are observed. By gender, signifi cant differences appear in the component of physical self-concept, academic and social but not in the family component
Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n
1) Determinar por qué se produce el rechazo de los alumnos hacia las Matemáticas y el bajo rendimiento en esta materia. 2) Estudiar conjuntamente toda la serie de variables que inciden en el rendimiento negativo de las Matemáticas. 1.024 profesores, entre los 23 y los 62 años; 2.680 alumnos, de los que 600 casos fueron considerados válidos. 313 eran niños y 255 niñas; las edades estaban entre los 9 y 15 años. 321 eran de zona rural y 274 de zona urbana; 3) La muestra de padres se mantuvo alrededor de 300, entre los 30 y 70 años para los padres y los 26 y 56 para las madres. Se llevó a cabo un análisis correlacional. Variables predictoras: a) variables sociales: sexo del alumno, nivel educativo de los padres, etc., b) variables aptitudinales: comprensión y fluidez verbal, rapidez de cálculo y razonamiento aritmético, c) variables actitudinales: actitudes del alumno hacia las asignaturas que forman el currículum escolar, hacia las Matemáticas en particular y las actitudes de padres y profesores hacia las mismas, d) variables perceptivas y atribucionales: que el propio alumno hace sobre sí mismo, que hace el profesor. También la percepción que profesor y alumno tienen uno sobre otro, e) variables de expectativas: notas habituales del niño en Matemáticas, nota que espera el niño, nota que estima el profesor, nota que espera el padre. 1) La aportación más importante le corresponde a la comprensión verbal, seguida de la rapidez de cálculo. La fluidez verbal no alcanzó significación; 2) El nivel educativo de los padres tiene una incidencia más destacada en razonamiento y comprensión verbal, que con rapidez de cálculo, fluidez verbal; 3) Los resultados obtenidos por el alumno en Matemáticas van de acuerdo con las percepciones del profesor; 4) La atribución de éxito o fracaso la refieren los niños a la razón de haber o no estudiado y el profesor al esfuerzo y luego al talento; 5) La relación entre actitud de los hijos y actitud de los padres, fue débil; menos significativa aún fue la actitud del profesor. 1) Existe una estrecha relación entre la habilidad específica y el rendimiento específico en una materia dada; 2) Las variables de expectativas son las que presentan valores más altos respecto al rendimiento del niño; 3) La sola variable expectativa de nota del profesor,explica un porcentaje superior de varianza en el rendimiento en Matemáticas que el total de las variables aptitudinales del niño. 4) Cuanto más se atribuye el éxito a causas externas, más probable es que las previsiones del profesor sean más exactas.
Multigroup diffusion codes for three dimensional LWR core analysis use as input data pre-generated homogenized few group cross sections and discontinuity factors for certain combinations of state variables, such as temperatures or densities. The simplest way of compiling those data are tabulated libraries, where a grid covering the domain of state variables is defined and the homogenized cross sections are computed at the grid points. Then, during the core calculation, an interpolation algorithm is used to compute the cross sections from the table values. Since interpolation errors depend on the distance between the grid points, a determined refinement of the mesh is required to reach a target accuracy, which could lead to large data storage volume and a large number of lattice transport calculations. In this paper, a simple and effective procedure to optimize the distribution of grid points for tabulated libraries is presented. Optimality is considered in the sense of building a non-uniform point distribution with the minimum number of grid points for each state variable satisfying a given target accuracy in k-effective. The procedure consists of determining the sensitivity coefficients of k-effective to cross sections using perturbation theory; and estimating the interpolation errors committed with different mesh steps for each state variable. These results allow evaluating the influence of interpolation errors of each cross section on k-effective for any combination of state variables, and estimating the optimal distance between grid points.
* The work is supported by RFBR, grant 04-01-00858-a
Negative-ion mode electrospray ionization, ESI(-), with Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FT-ICR MS) was coupled to a Partial Least Squares (PLS) regression and variable selection methods to estimate the total acid number (TAN) of Brazilian crude oil samples. Generally, ESI(-)-FT-ICR mass spectra present a power of resolution of ca. 500,000 and a mass accuracy less than 1 ppm, producing a data matrix containing over 5700 variables per sample. These variables correspond to heteroatom-containing species detected as deprotonated molecules, [M - H](-) ions, which are identified primarily as naphthenic acids, phenols and carbazole analog species. The TAN values for all samples ranged from 0.06 to 3.61 mg of KOH g(-1). To facilitate the spectral interpretation, three methods of variable selection were studied: variable importance in the projection (VIP), interval partial least squares (iPLS) and elimination of uninformative variables (UVE). The UVE method seems to be more appropriate for selecting important variables, reducing the dimension of the variables to 183 and producing a root mean square error of prediction of 0.32 mg of KOH g(-1). By reducing the size of the data, it was possible to relate the selected variables with their corresponding molecular formulas, thus identifying the main chemical species responsible for the TAN values.
Common variable immunodeficiency disorder (CVID) is the commonest cause of primary antibody failure in adults and children, and characterized clinically by recurrent bacterial infections and autoimmune manifestations. Several innate immune defects have been described in CVID, but no study has yet investigated the frequency, phenotype or function of the key regulatory cell population, natural killer T (NKT) cells. We measured the frequencies and subsets of NKT cells in patients with CVID and compared these to healthy controls. Our results show a skewing of NKT cell subsets, with CD4+ NKT cells at higher frequencies, and CD8+ NKT cells at lower frequencies. However, these cells were highly activated and expression CD161. The NKT cells had a higher expression of CCR5 and concomitantly expression of CCR5+CD69+CXCR6 suggesting a compensation of the remaining population of NKT cells for rapid effector action.
We report optical observations of the luminous blue variable (LBV) HR Carinae which show that the star has reached a visual minimum phase in 2009. More importantly, we detected absorptions due to Si lambda lambda 4088-4116. To match their observed line profiles from 2009 May, a high rotational velocity of nu(rot) similar or equal to 150 +/- 20 km s(-1) is needed (assuming an inclination angle of 30 degrees), implying that HR Car rotates at similar or equal to 0.88 +/- 0.2 of its critical velocity for breakup (nu(crit)). Our results suggest that fast rotation is typical in all strong-variable, bona fide galactic LBVs, which present S-Dor-type variability. Strong-variable LBVs are located in a well-defined region of the HR diagram during visual minimum (the ""LBV minimum instability strip""). We suggest this region corresponds to where nu(crit) is reached. To the left of this strip, a forbidden zone with nu(rot)/nu(crit) > 1 is present, explaining why no LBVs are detected in this zone. Since dormant/ex LBVs like P Cygni and HD 168625 have low nu(rot), we propose that LBVs can be separated into two groups: fast-rotating, strong-variable stars showing S-Dor cycles (such as AG Car and HR Car) and slow-rotating stars with much less variability (such as P Cygni and HD 168625). We speculate that supernova (SN) progenitors which had S-Dor cycles before exploding (such as in SN 2001ig, SN 2003bg, and SN 2005gj) could have been fast rotators. We suggest that the potential difficulty of fast-rotating Galactic LBVs to lose angular momentum is additional evidence that such stars could explode during the LBV phase.
Aims. In this work, we describe the pipeline for the fast supervised classification of light curves observed by the CoRoT exoplanet CCDs. We present the classification results obtained for the first four measured fields, which represent a one-year in-orbit operation. Methods. The basis of the adopted supervised classification methodology has been described in detail in a previous paper, as is its application to the OGLE database. Here, we present the modifications of the algorithms and of the training set to optimize the performance when applied to the CoRoT data. Results. Classification results are presented for the observed fields IRa01, SRc01, LRc01, and LRa01 of the CoRoT mission. Statistics on the number of variables and the number of objects per class are given and typical light curves of high-probability candidates are shown. We also report on new stellar variability types discovered in the CoRoT data. The full classification results are publicly available.
We show that scalable multipartite entanglement among light fields may be generated by optical parametric oscillators (OPOs). The tripartite entanglement existent among the three bright beams produced by a single OPO-pump, signal, and idler-is scalable to a system of many OPOs by pumping them in cascade with the same optical field. This latter serves as an entanglement distributor. The special case of two OPOs is studied, as it is shown that the resulting five bright beams share genuine multipartite entanglement. In addition, the structure of entanglement distribution among the fields can be manipulated to some degree by tuning the incident pump power. The scalability to many fields is straightforward, allowing an alternative implementation of a multipartite quantum information network with continuous variables.
We report the discovery with XMM-Newton of a hard-thermal (T similar to 130 MK) and variable X-ray emission from the Be star HD 157832, a new member of the puzzling class of gamma-Cas-like Be/X-ray systems. Recent optical spectroscopy reveals the presence of a large/dense circumstellar disk seen at intermediate/high inclination. With a B1.5V spectral type, HD 157832 is the coolest gamma-Cas analog known. In addition, its non-detection in the ROSAT all-sky survey shows that its average soft X-ray luminosity varied by a factor larger than similar to 3 over a time interval of 14 yr. These two remarkable features, ""low"" effective temperature, and likely high X-ray variability turn HD 157832 into a promising object for understanding the origin of the unusually high-temperature X-ray emission in these systems.