389 resultados para Multicomponent


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A spectrophotometric method for the simultaneous determination of the important pharmaceuticals, pefloxacin and its structurally similar metabolite, norfloxacin, is described for the first time. The analysis is based on the monitoring of a kinetic spectrophotometric reaction of the two analytes with potassium permanganate as the oxidant. The measurement of the reaction process followed the absorbance decrease of potassium permanganate at 526 nm, and the accompanying increase of the product, potassium manganate, at 608 nm. It was essential to use multivariate calibrations to overcome severe spectral overlaps and similarities in reaction kinetics. Calibration curves for the individual analytes showed linear relationships over the concentration ranges of 1.0–11.5 mg L−1 at 526 and 608 nm for pefloxacin, and 0.15–1.8 mg L−1 at 526 and 608 nm for norfloxacin. Various multivariate calibration models were applied, at the two analytical wavelengths, for the simultaneous prediction of the two analytes including classical least squares (CLS), principal component regression (PCR), partial least squares (PLS), radial basis function-artificial neural network (RBF-ANN) and principal component-radial basis function-artificial neural network (PC-RBF-ANN). PLS and PC-RBF-ANN calibrations with the data collected at 526 nm, were the preferred methods—%RPET not, vert, similar 5, and LODs for pefloxacin and norfloxacin of 0.36 and 0.06 mg L−1, respectively. Then, the proposed method was applied successfully for the simultaneous determination of pefloxacin and norfloxacin present in pharmaceutical and human plasma samples. The results compared well with those from the alternative analysis by HPLC.


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The work presented in this thesis investigates the mathematical modelling of charge transport in electrolyte solutions, within the nanoporous structures of electrochemical devices. We compare two approaches found in the literature, by developing onedimensional transport models based on the Nernst-Planck and Maxwell-Stefan equations. The development of the Nernst-Planck equations relies on the assumption that the solution is infinitely dilute. However, this is typically not the case for the electrolyte solutions found within electrochemical devices. Furthermore, ionic concentrations much higher than those of the bulk concentrations can be obtained near the electrode/electrolyte interfaces due to the development of an electric double layer. Hence, multicomponent interactions which are neglected by the Nernst-Planck equations may become important. The Maxwell-Stefan equations account for these multicomponent interactions, and thus they should provide a more accurate representation of transport in electrolyte solutions. To allow for the effects of the electric double layer in both the Nernst-Planck and Maxwell-Stefan equations, we do not assume local electroneutrality in the solution. Instead, we model the electrostatic potential as a continuously varying function, by way of Poisson’s equation. Importantly, we show that for a ternary electrolyte solution at high interfacial concentrations, the Maxwell-Stefan equations predict behaviour that is not recovered from the Nernst-Planck equations. The main difficulty in the application of the Maxwell-Stefan equations to charge transport in electrolyte solutions is knowledge of the transport parameters. In this work, we apply molecular dynamics simulations to obtain the required diffusivities, and thus we are able to incorporate microscopic behaviour into a continuum scale model. This is important due to the small size scales we are concerned with, as we are still able to retain the computational efficiency of continuum modelling. This approach provides an avenue by which the microscopic behaviour may ultimately be incorporated into a full device-scale model. The one-dimensional Maxwell-Stefan model is extended to two dimensions, representing an important first step for developing a fully-coupled interfacial charge transport model for electrochemical devices. It allows us to begin investigation into ambipolar diffusion effects, where the motion of the ions in the electrolyte is affected by the transport of electrons in the electrode. As we do not consider modelling in the solid phase in this work, this is simulated by applying a time-varying potential to one interface of our two-dimensional computational domain, thus allowing a flow field to develop in the electrolyte. Our model facilitates the observation of the transport of ions near the electrode/electrolyte interface. For the simulations considered in this work, we show that while there is some motion in the direction parallel to the interface, the interfacial coupling is not sufficient for the ions in solution to be "dragged" along the interface for long distances.


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This thesis explored the potential of a multi-component and multi-disciplinary approach to obesity management using action research methodologies. A preliminary systems-based model for obesity management was developed based around four meta-components (client factors, practitioner factors, process factors and the environment) and two action theories (action research and action science).


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Trimesic acid (TMA) and alcohols were recently shown to self-assemble into a stable, two-component linear pattern at the solution/highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) interface. Away from equilibrium, the TMA/alcohol self-assembled molecular network (SAMN) can coexist with pure-TMA networks. Here, we report on some novel characteristics of these non-equilibrium TMA structures, investigated by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM). We observe that both the chicken-wire and flower-structure TMA phases can host 'guest' C60 molecules within their pores, whereas the TMA/alcohol SAMN does not offer any stable adsorption sites for the C60 molecules. The presence of the C60 molecules at the solution/solid interface was found to improve the STM image quality. We have taken advantage of the high-quality imaging conditions to observe unusual TMA bonding geometries at domain boundaries in the TMA/alcohol SAMN. Boundaries between aligned TMA/alcohol domains can give rise to doubled TMA dimer rows in two different configurations, as well as a tripled-TMA row. The boundaries created between non-aligned domains can create geometries that stabilize TMA bonding configurations not observed on surfaces without TMA/alcohol SAMNs, including small regions of the previously predicted 'super flower' TMA bonding geometry and a tertiary structure related to the known TMA phases. These structures are identified as part of a homologic class of TMA bonding motifs, and we explore some of the reasons for the stabilization of these phases in our multicomponent system.


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Dendrite structures of ice produced on undirectional solidification of ternary and quaternary aqueous solutions have been studied. Upon freezing, solutions containing more than one solute produce plate-shaped dendrites of ice. The spacing between dendrites increase linearly with the distance from the chill surface and the square root of local solidification time (or square root of inverse freezing rate) for any fixed composition. For fixed freezing conditions, the dendrite spacings from multicomponent aqueous solutions were a function of the concentrations and diffusion coefficients of the individual solutes. The dendrite spacing produced by freezing of a solution was changed by the addition of a solute different from those already present. If the main diffusion coefficient of the added solute is higher than that of solutes already present, the dendrite spacing is increased and vice versa. The dendrite spacing in multi-component systems increases with the total solute concentration if the constituent solutes are present in equal amounts. The dendrite spacing obtained on freezing of these dilute multicomponent solutions can be expressed by regression equations of the type Image Full-size image (2K) where L is the dendrite spacing in microns, C1, C2 and C3 are concentrations of individual solutes, Θf is the total freezing time and A1 −A8 are constants. A Yates analysis of the dendrite spacings in a factorial design of quaternary solutions indicates that there are strong interactions between individual solutes in regard to their effect on the dendrite spacings. A mass transport analysis has been used to calculate the interdendritic supersaturation ΔC of the individual solutes, the supercooling in the interdendritic liquid ΔT, and the transverse growth velocity of the dendrites, VT. In ternary solutions if two solutes are present in equal amount the supersaturation of the solute with higher main diffusion coefficient is lower, and vice versa. If a solute with higher main diffusion coefficient is added to a binary solution, the interface growth velocity, the interdendritic supersaturation of the base solute and the interdendritic supercooling increase with the quantity of solute added.


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A method for finding the roots of the equation D = O in a multicomponent plasma with positive and negative ion species is given. The use of dispersion diagrams (omega-k diagrams) for right- and left-circularly polarized waves is made to locate these roots in pass or stop bands. ©1973 American Institute of Physics.


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Atomic layer deposition (ALD) is a method for thin film deposition which has been extensively studied for binary oxide thin film growth. Studies on multicomponent oxide growth by ALD remain relatively few owing to the increased number of factors that come into play when more than one metal is employed. More metal precursors are required, and the surface may change significantly during successive stages of the growth. Multicomponent oxide thin films can be prepared in a well-controlled way as long as the same principle that makes binary oxide ALD work so well is followed for each constituent element: in short, the film growth has to be self-limiting. ALD of various multicomponent oxides was studied. SrTiO3, BaTiO3, Ba(1-x)SrxTiO3 (BST), SrTa2O6, Bi4Ti3O12, BiTaO4 and SrBi2Ta2O9 (SBT) thin films were prepared, many of them for the first time by ALD. Chemistries of the binary oxides are shown to influence the processing of their multicomponent counterparts. The compatibility of precursor volatilities, thermal stabilities and reactivities is essential for multicomponent oxide ALD, but it should be noted that the main reactive species, the growing film itself, must also be compatible with self-limiting growth chemistry. In the cases of BaO and Bi2O3 the growth of the binary oxide was very difficult, but the presence of Ti or Ta in the growing film made self-limiting growth possible. The application of the deposited films as dielectric and ferroelectric materials was studied. Post-deposition annealing treatments in different atmospheres were used to achieve the desired crystalline phase or, more generally, to improve electrical properties. Electrode materials strongly influenced the leakage current densities in the prepared metal insulator metal (MIM) capacitors. Film permittivities above 100 and leakage current densities below 110-7 A/cm2 were achieved with several of the materials.


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An attempt has been made to generalise a method developed earlier for the qualitative assessment of crossover frequencies (existence and behaviour) in multicomponent plasmas with one negative ion species to plasmas with any number of positive and negative ion species. It is shown that a great deal of qualitative information can be obtained regarding the crossover frequencies for any given plasma model without recourse to cumbersome numerical study. Possible applications of the study in the interpretation of frequency time spectrograms for the detection of negative ion whistlers and in the measurement of concentrations and masses of negative ions are noted.


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Darken's quadratic formalism is extended to multicomponent solutions. Equations are developed for the representation of the integral and partial excess free energies, entropies and enthalpies in dilute multicomponent solutions. Quadratic formalism applied to multicomponent solutions is thermodynamically consistent. The formalism is compared with the conventional second order Maclaurin series or interaction parameter representation and the relations between them are derived. Advantages of the quadratic formalism are discussed.


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A Pd-6 molecular cage [{(tmen)Pd}(6)(bpy)(3)(tma)2)](NO3)(6) [1; where tmen = N,N,N,N-tetramethylethylene diamine, bpy = 4,4'-bipyridyl,and H(3)tma = trimesic acid] was prepared via the template-free three-component seff-assembly of a cis-blocked palladium(II) acceptorin combination with a tricarboxylate and a dipyridyl donor. Complex 1 represents the first example of a 3D palladium(II) cage of defined shape incorporating anionic and neutral linkers. Guest-induced exclusive formation of this cage was also monitored by an NMR study.