113 resultados para Mucuna sloanei


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A lectin and a galactoxyloglucan were characterized from Mucuna sloanei seed cotyledons. The galactoxyloglucan, isolated by water extraction and ethanol precipitation, had Glc:Xyl:Gal proportions in a molar ratio of 1.8:1.7:1.0 and a molar mass (M(w)) of 1.6 x 10(6) g mol(-1). The lectin (sloanin), isolated from the same seed by affinity chromatography on cross-linked Adenanthera pavonina galactomannan, gave two protein bands by SDS-PAGE (36 and 34 kDa) and one peak by gel filtration (63.6 kDa). Its N-terminal sequence indicated similar to 69% identity with soybean agglutinin to leguminous lectins. Circular dichroism (CD) spectra established that sloanin predominantly contains beta-sheet structures. Sloanin has similar to 5.5% carbohydrate and displayed hemagglutinating activity against rabbit and enzyme treated human erythrocytes, inhibited only by D-Gal containing sugars. The interaction between sloanin and storage cell-wall galactoxyloglucan was tested by affinity chromatography and fluorescence spectroscopy. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In the present work a gold modified pencil graphite electrode (GPGE) was used for the determination of L-dopa present in the aqueous extracts of Mucuna pruriens seeds (MPS), Mucuna pruriens leaves (MPL) and Commercial Siddha Product (CSP). The GPGE shows excellent electrocatalytic activity towards the oxidation of both L-dopa and ascorbic acid (AA), with the separation of peak potential of 98 mV. The differential pulse voltammetric (DPV) results indicated that the detection limit for L-dopa was 1.54 mu M (S/N=3). This method can be successfully applied for the determination of L-dopa in real samples.


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Feeding trial was conducted in static water to assess the growth of H. longifilis fingerlings fed different I inclusion levels of mucuna seed meal (MSM). Raw and boiled MSM were used in the diets at 10%, 20%, 30% and 40% inclusion levels and the performance of fish fed these diets was compared with fish fed a fishmeal-based diet which contained 40% protein. All diets were prepared to be isonitrogenous and isocaloric A two by five factorial experiment with three replicates using ten fish of average initial weight 1 .46g was carried out. Daily fish ration of five percent body weight was administered two times for eight weeks. The specific growth rate in diets 1 (control) and 6(10% boiled MSM) were similar and significantly (P<0.05) higher than the other dietary groups. The significantly lower growth performance of fish fed diets containing higher inclusion levels of both raw and boiled MSM might be due to incomplete elimination of the antinutritional factors present in MSM by boiling. Other methods of processing MSM to improve its nutritive value should be investigated. (7 page document)


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The chemical composition and fractional distribution of protein isolates prepared from species of Mucuna bean were studied. Using six different extraction media, the yield of protein based on the Kjeldahl procedure varied from 8% to 34%, and the protein content varied from 75% to 95%. When the yields were high, the colour of the isolates generally tended to be dark and unsatisfactory. Hence, the use of chemical treatments and high pressure processing were explored. The solubility maxima for the protein isolates in water were found to occur at pH values of 2.0 and 11.0, while the pH corresponding to minimum solubility (i.e. isoelectric region) occurred at pH values of 4.0 and 5.0. The total essential amino acid in the isolates ranged from 495 to 557 mg g(-1) protein, which compares favourably with the recommended level for pre-school and school children. Methionine and cysteine were the limiting amino acids. A key nutritional attribute of the protein isolates was its high lysine content. The isolate can therefore complement cereal-based foods which are deficient in lysine. The proteins mainly consisted of albumins, glutelins and globulins. Prolamins were only present in trace concentration (< 0.3%). Gel filtration chromatograms of the isolates indicated the presence of major protein fractions with molecular weights of 40 and 15 kDa, while gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) indicated a major broad zone with molecular weights of 36 +/- 7 and 17.3 +/- 13 kDa. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A mucuna-preta, leguminosa empregada como adubação verde e forrageira, produz sementes com dormência causada pela impermeabilidade do tegumento à água (dureza). O objetivo do trabalho foi estudar as relações entre a secagem das sementes no interior das vagens e a ocorrência desse fenômeno. Para tanto, nas colheitas realizadas semanalmente entre 40 e 89 dias após o florescimento, foram obtidas sementes de vagens submetidas ou não à secagem. Foram realizadas determinações de teor de água das sementes na colheita, coloração nas vagens e nas sementes no momento da colheita, condutividade elétrica, germinação e presença de sementes duras. A secagem das sementes nas vagens, separadas da planta-mãe, favorece o surgimento da dureza; essa ocorrência, contudo, é atenuada com o retardamento da referida separação.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar o efeito das formas de secagem, durante a maturação, sobre o desenvolvimento e a qualidade fisiológica de sementes de mucuna-preta. No primeiro experimento, inflorescências foram etiquetadas no início de florescimento e as colheitas iniciaram-se duas semanas após; no segundo, as colheitas foram iniciadas 40 dias após 50% de florescimento das plantas; em ambos, as colheitas foram feitas a intervalos semanais até o estádio de vagens secas. As sementes de cada colheita do primeiro experimento foram secadas, em condições ambientais de laboratório, no interior de vagens fechadas ou abertas (sementes expostas) e determinados a massa de 100 sementes, o comprimento, a largura e a espessura das sementes, enquanto no segundo foram secadas no interior de vagens fechadas ou extraídas das vagens e submetidas ao teste de germinação. A secagem no interior das vagens promove o desenvolvimento de sementes imaturas, antecipa a formação de sementes duras e aumenta o número dessas nas imaturas comparativamente às sementes secadas em vagens abertas ou após a extração.


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A mucuna-preta é uma leguminosa empregada para adubação verde e como forrageira, cujas sementes apresentam dormência causada pela impermeabilidade do tegumento à água. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a intensidade de dormência das sementes de mucuna-preta em diferentes estádios de maturação quando submetidas à secagem no interior das vagens. Rácemos foram colhidos, semanalmente, a partir de 35 dias do início de florescimento (35 DAF) até o estádio de vagens secas (98 DAF). As sementes de cada colheita foram secadas no interior das vagens, em condições ambientais não controladas de laboratório; quando secas foram extraídas, avaliadas quando a massa de 100 sementes, espessura das sementes e submetidas ao teste de germinação. Foram analisadas as porcentagens de sementes duras, de germinação, de embebição e o índice de velocidade de embebição. Pode-se concluir que o estádio de maturação em que ocorre a secagem afeta a intensidade de dormência das sementes de mucuna-preta.


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The experiments were conducted during two years (1990/91 and 1992/93), to study the effects of the incorporation of bengal velvetbean and of residues on the development and yield of the winter bean crops. The trial was developed in experimental field at the Faculdade de Engenharia de Ilha Solteira, UNESP, located in Selvíria, MS, Brazil, in dark red latosol covered by savanna vegetation. It was concluded that: the incorporation of residues of corn or corn + bengal velvetbean or only bengal velvetbean had no effects on soil chemical characteristics, evaluated 80 days after the residues incorporation; in yield and bean crop development, no statistical differences were observed among treatments.


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The quality and allelopathy properties of dwarf mucuna, dwarf pigeon pea and stylosanthes as cover crops on corn and weed species were evaluated. Seeds were sown in October 2007, with a control treatment, in 20 plots of 4×5m, with five replicates. Weed population was determined 30 and 60 days after sowing. At 90 days, plants were mowed and the residues left to remain on the plot. Fresh and dry mass of the cover crops were determined and the allelopathic potential of aqueous extract of their aerial part was tested. The extract was chemically characterized and applied on seeds of weeds and corn. The experimental design was completely randomized and averages compared by the Scott-Knott test at 5% significance. The cover crops showed to be effective in the control of weeds. The highest values in fresh and dry mass were obtained for dwarf pigeon pea, followed by dwarf mucuna; fresh mass increased 72 and 34%, respectively, compared to the control. The extract with dwarf mucuna affected arrowleaf sida germination. The use of green manure in the summer or between harvests ensures that crop rotation is carried out properly and warrants its benefits.


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The emergence of Mucuna species in sugarcane plantations, even after herbicide spraying for weed management, allowed us to elaborate the hypothesis that these plants are tolerant to the herbicides commonly used in the culture. Thus, to prove this hypothesis, this work was carried out to study the tolerance of Mucuna aterrima, Mucuna cinerea and Mucuna deeringiana to application of herbicides with different mechanisms of action in pre- and postemergence. The experiment was arranged in a randomized block design with 9 treatments and five replications in a factorial 3 × 3, plus controls. At pre-emergence, the first factor was constituted by the herbicides sulfentrazone (800 g ha-1), imazapic (245 g ha-1), and amicarbazone (1,400 g ha-1), and the second factor by the Mucuna species, besides the additional control for each species studied. At post- emergence, the herbicides tested were clomazone (1,100 g ha-1), ametryn+trifloxysulfuronsodium (1,463 + 37 g ha-1), and 2,4-D (1,209 g ha-1). In the chemical management at pre-emergence, the species were sensitive to amicarbazone, followed by sulfentrazone, and tolerant to imazapic. At post-emergence, all species were sensitive to ametryn + trifloxysulfuron-sodium and 2,4-D, but tolerant to clomazone.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV


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Two field experiments were carried out in Taveuni, Fiji to study the effects of mucuna (Mucuna pruriens) and grass fallow systems at 6 and 12 month durations on changes in soil properties (Experiment 1) and taro yields (Experiment 2). Biomass accumulation of mucuna fallow crop was significantly higher (P<0.05) than grass fallow crop at both 6 and 12 month durations. The longer fallow duration resulted in higher (P<0.05) total soil organic carbon, total soil nitrogen and earthworm numbers regardless of fallow type. Weed suppression in taro grown under mucuna was significantly greater (P<0.05) than under natural grass fallow. Taro grown under mucuna fallow significantly outyielded taro grown under grass fallow (11.8 vs. 8.8 t ha-1). Also, the gross margin of taro grown under mucuna fallow was 52% higher than that of taro grown under grass fallow. © ISHS.


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Durante la época de primera de 1995, se estableció un experimento de campo en la finca Buenos Aires, localizada en el municipio de la Concepción, departamento de Masaya, con el propósito de evaluar la influencia de siete leguminosas de cobertura en asocio en el cultivo de la pitahaya (Hylocereus undatus. Britton & Rose), como manejo de las malas hierbas y aporte de nutrientes al suelo a partir de la materia orgánica incorporada. El diseño experimental utilizado en el estudio fue un Bloque Completos al azar, con cuatro repeticiones.Los tratamientos en estudio fueron: Vigna radiata, Mucuna pruriens, Phaseolus vulgaris, Dolichos lablab, Canavalia ensiformis, Cajanus cajan (semilla gris y roja), y el tratamiento testigo, el cual representa el manejo tradicional en el control de las malezas de parte del productor. Los resultados indican que las especies de malezas más dominantes fueron plantas de la familia poaceae sobresaliendo Cenchrus brownü, Digitaria ciliaris y Eleusine indica. Melampodium divaricatum de la familia Asteraceae. Mollugo verticillata de la familia Aizoaceae. Chamaesyce hirta de la familia Euphorbiaceae. Tetramerium nervosum y Elytraria imbricata de la familia Acanthaceae. Las especies descritas anteriormente fueron las más abundantes y estuvieron presentes en la diversidad. Tanto en la abundancia de malezas como en cobertura de las leguminosas los mejores resultados se presentaron en los tratamientos Dolichos lablab y Mucuna pruriens, seguido de Cajanus cajan (Gandul semilla roja y semilla gris), y Canavalia ensiformis. Por último los tratamientos Vigna radiata, Phaseolus vulgaris y el testigo, registraron la mayor abundancia de malezas. Tanto en la diversidad como en biomasa los mejores resultados se obtuvieron en Dolichos lablab y Mucuna pruriens, seguidos de Canavalia ensiformis y Cajanus cajan (Gandul semilla gris), por último se encuentran Cajanus cajan (Gandul semilla rojo), Vigna radiata, Phaseolus vulgaris y el testigo. En cuanto al aporte de nutrientes a partir de las materia orgánica los mejores resultados se presentaron en los tratamientos Vigna radiata, Dolichos lablab, Mucuna pruriens Cajanus cajan (Gandul semilla rojo y semilla gris), seguido de Canavalia ensiformis y Phaseolus vulgaris. Por último el que menor cantidad de nutrientes aportó fue el tratamiento testigo. En relación a la biomasa de las leguminosas, los mejores resultados se obtuvieron en los tratamientos Canavalia ensiformis y Cajanus cajan (Gandul semilla gris), registrando el mayor peso seco, seguido de Mucuna pruriens, Cajanus cajan (Gandul semilla roja), y Dolichos lablab. En tanto los tratamientos Phaseolus vulgaris y Vigna radiata, registraron el menor peso seco entre las leguminosas. En cuanto al mayor número y longitud de brotes (vainas) por planta, los mejores resultados se presentaron en los tratamientos Vigna radiata, Canavalia ensiformis y Dolichos lablab, seguido de Mucuna pruriens, Phaseolus vulgaris y Cajanus cajan (Gandul semilla gris y roja). En tanto el tratamiento testigo registró el menor número y longitud de brotes (vainas) por planta. Con respecto al rendimiento (Frutos 1 ha), los mejores resultados se obtuvieron en el tratamiento Dolichos lablab, seguidos de Cajanus cajan (Gandul semilla roja), Mucuna pruriens y Vigna radiata, presentaron rendimientos similares, seguidos de Cajanus cajan (Gandul semilla gris), Canavalia ensiformis y Phaseolus vulgaris, en tanto el testigo presentó el más bajo rendimiento. En cuanto al análisis económico de los tratamientos en estudio, el de mejor rentabilidad resultó ser Dolichos lablab, dado que ofrece el más alto beneficio neto, pese a ser uno de los tratamientos en que los costos fueron los más altos, además en éste tratamiento se obtuvo el mejor rendimiento de frutos.