942 resultados para Motion to Vacate: Domestic Arbitration Award


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O presente trabalho tem como objetivo o estudo sobre o cabimento da ação anulatória - prevista no artigo 32 da Lei de Arbitragem - contra uma sentença arbitral doméstica que tenha violado a ordem pública. A relevância do tema encontra-se no fato de que o legislador, ao elencar as hipóteses pelas quais poderá ser declarada a invalidade de uma decisão arbitral, excluiu, propositalmente, a violação à ordem pública como uma delas. O Poder Judiciário ainda não teve a oportunidade de analisar o assunto. A preocupação, quando elaborada a Lei de Arbitragem em 1996, era a de que, caso o artigo 32 previsse expressamente a violação à ordem pública, todos os procedimentos arbitrais desembocariam no Judiciário, tendo em vista a indeterminação do conceito. Somava-se a isso o elevado preconceito que o instituto sofria no Brasil, além de seu pouco uso. O debate ganha ainda maior proporção quando se analisa as causas pelas quais o Poder Judiciário poderá negar homologação a uma sentença arbitral estrangeira. Quis o legislador, e o fez de modo expresso, que a violação à ordem pública fosse causa de negativa de homologação, mas nada disse com relação às sentenças domésticas. Analisarei, neste trabalho, todos os avanços pelos quais a arbitragem passou no Brasil, tudo para concluir, na primeira parte do trabalho, que a preocupação do legislador não mais subsiste. Além disso, analisarei os posicionamentos existentes na doutrina nacional para responder a principal pergunta desse trabalho: É possível ajuizar uma ação anulatória contra uma sentença arbitral doméstica que tenha violado a ordem pública, mesmo sem que o artigo 32 da Lei de Arbitragem a preveja, expressamente, como uma das causas de anulabilidade? Finalmente, no último capítulo do trabalho, exporei o meu entendimento sobre o assunto, no sentido de ser possível o ajuizamento de ação anulatória com base na combinação dos artigos 32, IV, com o artigo 2º, § 1º, ambos da Lei de Arbitragem.


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This study examined whether the conspicuity of road workers at night can be enhanced by distributing retroreflective strips across the body to present a pattern of biological motion (biomotion). Twenty visually normal drivers (mean age = 40.3 years) participated in an experiment conducted at two open-road work sites (one suburban and one freeway) at night-time. At each site, four road workers walked in place wearing a standard road worker night vest either (a) alone, (b) with additional retroreflective strips on thighs, (c) with additional retroreflective strips on ankles and knees, or (d) with additional retroreflective strips on eight moveable joints (full biomotion). Participants, seated in stationary vehicles at three different distances (80 m, 160 m, 240 m), rated the relative conspicuity of the four road workers. Road worker conspicuity was maximized by the full biomotion configuration at all distances and at both sites. The addition of ankle and knee markings also provided significant benefits relative to the standard vest alone. The effects of clothing configuration were more evident at the freeway site and at shorter distances. Overall, the full biomotion configuration was ranked to be most conspicuous and the vest least conspicuous. These data provide the first evidence that biomotion effectively enhances conspicuity of road workers at open-road work sites.


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A presente tese versa sobre a aplicação errônea, pelo árbitro, do Direito Brasileiro ao mérito do litígio. Tendo em vista o ineditismo, em nosso País, do estudo das consequências advindas à sentença arbitral prolatada mediante uma aplicação equivocada do Direito que rege o mérito da controvérsia, revelou-se fundamental uma análise de Direito Comparado. Assim, consultou-se o Direito dos Estados Unidos da América, do Reino Unido, da Alemanha, da Itália, da Áustria, da Suíça e da França, a fim de se constatar se é admissível, nos referidos Países, alguma medida judicial contra tal situação. Primeiramente, empreendeu-se um exame das consequências que podem advir, nos 7 (sete) Países citados, a uma sentença arbitral doméstica, assim definida conforme a legislação de cada País. Como a medida habitual para se afastar uma sentença arbitral doméstica é a ação de anulação, buscou-se examinar as hipóteses que ensejam seu ajuizamento em cada País estudado, a fim de se constatar se dentre elas insere-se a aplicação errônea do Direito que rege o fundo da disputa. Ou, em caso negativo, se a violação à ordem pública inclui-se nas hipóteses de anulação. E, por último, se a ofensa à ordem pública compreende a aplicação errônea, pelo árbitro, do Direito de cada País sub examine. Em segundo lugar, examinaram-se as consequências que advêm para uma sentença arbitral estrangeira em que se aplicou erroneamente o Direito que rege o mérito da controvérsia. Como todos os sete Países examinados são Estados-membros da Convenção de Nova Iorque de 10 de junho de 1958 sobre o Reconhecimento e a Execução de Sentenças Arbitrais Estrangeiras, que prevê em seu artigo V, n 2, alínea b, a violação à ordem pública como óbice à homologação da sentença arbitra alienígena, a aplicação do referido dispositivo em cada Estado foi analisado. Tentou-se averiguar se a ofensa à ordem pública consubstanciada na referida Convenção poderia abranger a aplicação errônea do Direito material pelo árbitro. Em seguida, examinou-se a legislação e a doutrina brasileiras tanto no que tange à ação anulatória de laudos arbitrais brasileiros, quanto à homologação dos laudos estrangeiros , a fim de se proporem soluções para esta questão em nosso ordenamento jurídico. Por fim, analisou-se se é possível, no Brasil, homologar uma sentença arbitral estrangeira que tenha sido anulada no País em que foi prolatada com base no argumento da aplicação errônea do Direito do referido Estado ao mérito da arbitragem.


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The importance of relative motion information when modelling a novel motor skill was examined. Participants were assigned to one of four groups. Groups 1 and 2 viewed demonstrations of a skilled cricket bowler presented in either video or point light format. Group 3 observed a single point of light pertaining to the wrist of the skilled bowler only. Participants in Group 4 did not receive a demonstration and acted as controls. During 60 acquisition trials, participants in the demonstration groups viewed a model five times before each 10-trial block. Retention was examined the following day. Intra-limb coordination was assessed for the right elbow relative to the wrist in comparison to the model. The demonstration groups showed greater concordance with the model than the control group. However, the wrist group performed less like the model than the point light and video groups, who did not differ from each other. These effects were maintained in retention. Relative motion information aided the acquisition of intra-limb coordination, while making this information more salient (through point lights) provided no additional benefit. The motion of the models bowling arm was replicated more closely than the non-bowling arm, suggesting that information from the end-effector is prioritized during observation for later reproduction.


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Objectives: to compare and contrast how midwives working in either hospital- or community-based settings address domestic violence by evaluating their views on: prevalence of domestic violence; their role in addressing domestic violence; the acceptability of routine enquiry; and barriers encountered in asking clients questions about violence and abuse in pregnancy. Design: a postal survey questionnaire. Setting: Northern Ireland. Study population: 983 hospital and community midwives. Findings: overall, 488 midwives returned a completed questionnaire; a 57% response rate. Comparisons were made using descriptive, inferential statistics and cross-tabulation. Although there were significant differences between hospital- and community-based midwives in relation to domestic violence, both groups of midwives tended to underestimate its prevalence. Key conclusions: the findings suggest that midwives per se identify and respond to a fraction of the cases of domestic abuse in pregnancy, due to lack of confidence, education and training. This reinforces the need for both hospital and community midwives to gain further confidence and an understanding of the many psychosocial factors that surround domestic violence. Implications for practice: healthy settings theory can be used effectively to identify good practice with women who experience domestic violence. Effective investment for health care requires the gaps between hospital- and community-based practice to be bridged, and for work to be integrated.


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Social marketing has become a key component of policy initiatives aimed at reducing the incidence of domestic abuse. However, its efficacy remains debated, with most measures of effectiveness being somewhat crude. More subtle effects of social marketing, such as the boomerang effect whereby the message engenders the opposite effect to that intended, have been detected, suggesting a need for modes of analysis sensitive to the multiple ways in which viewers react to social opprobrium. This article attempts to deliver just this. It begins with a short history and critique of the concept of social marketing. It then proceeds to explore the utility of the more complex notion that viewers often identify with the subject positions thrown open by social marketing on a quite temporary basis, before reconfiguring them. Using the responses of domestic abuse perpetrators exposed to the UK Government’s This is Abuse campaign film, the article shows how contradictory identifications with both anti-violence messages and victim-blaming discourses are negotiated by those young men prone to perpetrating domestic abuse. The article concludes by exploring how effectiveness might be better conceptualised and assessed with regard to the impact of anti-violence social marketing that speaks to domestic abuse perpetrators.


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Throughout recent years, there has been an increase in the population size, as well as a fast economic growth, which has led to an increase of the energy demand that comes mainly from fossil fuels. In order to reduce the ecological footprint, governments have implemented sustainable measures and it is expected that by 2035 the energy produced from renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar would be responsible for one-third of the energy produced globally. However, since the energy produced from renewable sources is governed by the availability of the respective primary energy source there is often a mismatch between production and demand, which could be solved by adding flexibility on the demand side through demand response (DR). DR programs influence the end-user electricity usage by changing its cost along the time. Under this scenario the user needs to estimate the energy demand and on-site production in advance to plan its energy demand according to the energy price. This work focuses on the development of an agent-based electrical simulator, capable of: (a) estimating the energy demand and on-site generation with a 1-min time resolution for a 24-h period, (b) calculating the energy price for a given scenario, (c) making suggestions on how to maximize the usage of renewable energy produced on-site and to lower the electricity costs by rescheduling the use of certain appliances. The results show that this simulator allows reducing the energy bill by 11% and almost doubling the use of renewable energy produced on-site.


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Purpose – It is not uncommon for sports fans to follow multiple sports teams across different sports and even several teams across different leagues of the same sport. Whereas this might be considered a competitive situation, the purpose of this paper is to examine how interest in overseas football (soccer) leagues played a symbiotic role in the successful development of an Australian national soccer league.

Design/methodology/approach –
Results of survey data are presented from two clubs in Australia’s newly formed A-League. Three surveys were conducted over a two year period with over 3,700 season ticket holders. Specific attention is paid to fans’ previous interest and exposure to football, which is then related to attitudes and behaviour associated with the new clubs.

Findings – Interest in overseas clubs and leagues is found to be a major antecedent of interest in the Australian league. Those who follow teams in overseas leagues are more likely to be heavy consumers of the new local league than those who follow local leagues or had no prior experience. They also exhibit stronger attitudinal and behavioural loyalty, such as higher attendance and renewal rates of season tickets.

Practical implications –
Recognising fan interest in multiple teams/leagues as positive involves a shift in management thinking away from a competitive to a collaborative stance. In this case, rapid adoption of new teams is encouraged by capitalising on strong interest in overseas leagues. This requires careful structuring and branding of the competition that mimicks familiar foreign leagues, while minimising unfavourable comparisons in areas like quality of play.

Originality/value –
This study capitalises on the rare opportunity to examine foundation teams in a new national league. The findings highlight the importance and value of taking a ‘‘global’’ perspective to the marketing of sports, and of carefully leveraging the interest in other elite competitions to build interest in new leagues.


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This paper presents a method that uses camera motion parameters to recognise 7 types of American football plays. The approach is based on the motion information extracted from the video and it can identify short and long pass plays, short and long running plays, quarterback sacks, punt plays and kickoff plays. This method has the advantage that it is fast and it does not require player or ball tracking. The system was trained and tested using 782 plays and the results show that the system has an overall classification accuracy of 68%.