924 resultados para Morphological Operators
The present work deals with the A study of morphological opertors with applications. Morphology is now a.necessary tool for engineers involved with imaging applications. Morphological operations have been viewed as filters the properties of which have been well studied (Heijmans, 1994). Another well-known class of non-linear filters is the class of rank order filters (Pitas and Venetsanopoulos, 1990). Soft morphological filters are a combination of morphological and weighted rank order filters (Koskinen, et al., 1991, Kuosmanen and Astola, 1995). They have been introduced to improve the behaviour of traditional morphological filters in noisy environments. The idea was to slightly relax the typical morphological definitions in such a way that a degree of robustness is achieved, while most of the desirable properties of typical morphological operations are maintained. Soft morphological filters are less sensitive to additive noise and to small variations in object shape than typical morphological filters. They can remove positive and negative impulse noise, preserving at the same time small details in images. Currently, Mathematical Morphology allows processing images to enhance fuzzy areas, segment objects, detect edges and analyze structures. The techniques developed for binary images are a major step forward in the application of this theory to gray level images. One of these techniques is based on fuzzy logic and on the theory of fuzzy sets.Fuzzy sets have proved to be strongly advantageous when representing in accuracies, not only regarding the spatial localization of objects in an image but also the membership of a certain pixel to a given class. Such inaccuracies are inherent to real images either because of the presence of indefinite limits between the structures or objects to be segmented within the image due to noisy acquisitions or directly because they are inherent to the image formation methods.
The design of binary morphological operators that are translation-invariant and locally defined by a finite neighborhood window corresponds to the problem of designing Boolean functions. As in any supervised classification problem, morphological operators designed from a training sample also suffer from overfitting. Large neighborhood tends to lead to performance degradation of the designed operator. This work proposes a multilevel design approach to deal with the issue of designing large neighborhood-based operators. The main idea is inspired by stacked generalization (a multilevel classifier design approach) and consists of, at each training level, combining the outcomes of the previous level operators. The final operator is a multilevel operator that ultimately depends on a larger neighborhood than of the individual operators that have been combined. Experimental results show that two-level operators obtained by combining operators designed on subwindows of a large window consistently outperform the single-level operators designed on the full window. They also show that iterating two-level operators is an effective multilevel approach to obtain better results.
The understanding of the embryogenesis in living systems requires reliable quantitative analysis of the cell migration throughout all the stages of development. This is a major challenge of the "in-toto" reconstruction based on different modalities of "in-vivo" imaging techniques -spatio-temporal resolution and image artifacts and noise. Several methods for cell tracking are available, but expensive manual interaction -time and human resources- is always required to enforce coherence. Because of this limitation it is necessary to restrict the experiments or assume an uncontrolled error rate. Is it possible to obtain automated reliable measurements of migration? can we provide a seed for biologists to complete cell lineages efficiently? We propose a filtering technique that considers trajectories as spatio-temporal connected structures that prunes out those that might introduce noise and false positives by using multi-dimensional morphological operators.
Mathematical morphology has been an area of intensive research over the last few years. Although many remarkable advances have been achieved throughout these years, there is still a great interest in accelerating morphological operations in order for them to be implemented in real-time systems. In this work, we present a new model for computing mathematical morphology operations, the so-called morphological trajectory model (MTM), in which a morphological filter will be divided into a sequence of basic operations. Then, a trajectory-based morphological operation (such as dilation, and erosion) is defined as the set of points resulting from the ordered application of the instant basic operations. The MTM approach allows working with different structuring elements, such as disks, and from the experiments, it can be extracted that our method is independent of the structuring element size and can be easily applied to industrial systems and high-resolution images.
The focus of this article is to develop computationally efficient mathematical morphology operators on hypergraphs. To this aim we consider lattice structures on hypergraphs on which we build morphological operators. We develop a pair of dual adjunctions between the vertex set and the hyper edge set of a hypergraph H, by defining a vertex-hyperedge correspondence. This allows us to recover the classical notion of a dilation/erosion of a subset of vertices and to extend it to subhypergraphs of H. Afterward, we propose several new openings, closings, granulometries and alternate sequential filters acting (i) on the subsets of the vertex and hyperedge set of H and (ii) on the subhypergraphs of a hypergraph
This research proposes to apply techniques of Mathematics Morphology to extract highways in digital images of high resolution, targeting the upgrade of cartographic products. Remote Sensing data and Mathematical Morphological techniques were integrated in the process of extraction. Mathematical Morphology's objective is to improve and extract the relevant information of the visual image. In order to test the proposed approach some morphological operators related to preprocess, were applied to the original images. Routines were implemented in the MATLAB environment. Results indicated good performances by the implemented operators. The integration of the technologies aimed to implement the semiautomatic extraction of highways with the purpose to use them in processes of cartographic updating.
Image segmentation is a process frequently used in several different areas including Cartography. Feature extraction is a very troublesome task, and successful results require more complex techniques and good quality data. The aims of this paper is to study Digital Image Processing techniques, with emphasis in Mathematical Morphology, to use Remote Sensing imagery, making image segmentation, using morphological operators, mainly the multi-scale morphological gradient operator. In the segmentation process, pre-processing operators of Mathematical Morphology were used, and the multi-scales gradient was implemented to create one of the images used as marker image. Orbital image of the Landsat satellite, sensor TM was used. The MATLAB software was used in the implementation of the routines. With the accomplishment of tests, the performance of the implemented operators was verified and carried through the analysis of the results. The extration of linear feature, using mathematical morphology techniques, can contribute in cartographic applications, as cartographic products updating. The comparison to the best result obtained was performed by means of the morphology with conventional techniques of features extraction. © Springer-Verlag 2004.
La segmentación de imágenes es un campo importante de la visión computacional y una de las áreas de investigación más activas, con aplicaciones en comprensión de imágenes, detección de objetos, reconocimiento facial, vigilancia de vídeo o procesamiento de imagen médica. La segmentación de imágenes es un problema difícil en general, pero especialmente en entornos científicos y biomédicos, donde las técnicas de adquisición imagen proporcionan imágenes ruidosas. Además, en muchos de estos casos se necesita una precisión casi perfecta. En esta tesis, revisamos y comparamos primero algunas de las técnicas ampliamente usadas para la segmentación de imágenes médicas. Estas técnicas usan clasificadores a nivel de pixel e introducen regularización sobre pares de píxeles que es normalmente insuficiente. Estudiamos las dificultades que presentan para capturar la información de alto nivel sobre los objetos a segmentar. Esta deficiencia da lugar a detecciones erróneas, bordes irregulares, configuraciones con topología errónea y formas inválidas. Para solucionar estos problemas, proponemos un nuevo método de regularización de alto nivel que aprende información topológica y de forma a partir de los datos de entrenamiento de una forma no paramétrica usando potenciales de orden superior. Los potenciales de orden superior se están popularizando en visión por computador, pero la representación exacta de un potencial de orden superior definido sobre muchas variables es computacionalmente inviable. Usamos una representación compacta de los potenciales basada en un conjunto finito de patrones aprendidos de los datos de entrenamiento que, a su vez, depende de las observaciones. Gracias a esta representación, los potenciales de orden superior pueden ser convertidos a potenciales de orden 2 con algunas variables auxiliares añadidas. Experimentos con imágenes reales y sintéticas confirman que nuestro modelo soluciona los errores de aproximaciones más débiles. Incluso con una regularización de alto nivel, una precisión exacta es inalcanzable, y se requeire de edición manual de los resultados de la segmentación automática. La edición manual es tediosa y pesada, y cualquier herramienta de ayuda es muy apreciada. Estas herramientas necesitan ser precisas, pero también lo suficientemente rápidas para ser usadas de forma interactiva. Los contornos activos son una buena solución: son buenos para detecciones precisas de fronteras y, en lugar de buscar una solución global, proporcionan un ajuste fino a resultados que ya existían previamente. Sin embargo, requieren una representación implícita que les permita trabajar con cambios topológicos del contorno, y esto da lugar a ecuaciones en derivadas parciales (EDP) que son costosas de resolver computacionalmente y pueden presentar problemas de estabilidad numérica. Presentamos una aproximación morfológica a la evolución de contornos basada en un nuevo operador morfológico de curvatura que es válido para superficies de cualquier dimensión. Aproximamos la solución numérica de la EDP de la evolución de contorno mediante la aplicación sucesiva de un conjunto de operadores morfológicos aplicados sobre una función de conjuntos de nivel. Estos operadores son muy rápidos, no sufren de problemas de estabilidad numérica y no degradan la función de los conjuntos de nivel, de modo que no hay necesidad de reinicializarlo. Además, su implementación es mucho más sencilla que la de las EDP, ya que no requieren usar sofisticados algoritmos numéricos. Desde un punto de vista teórico, profundizamos en las conexiones entre operadores morfológicos y diferenciales, e introducimos nuevos resultados en este área. Validamos nuestra aproximación proporcionando una implementación morfológica de los contornos geodésicos activos, los contornos activos sin bordes, y los turbopíxeles. En los experimentos realizados, las implementaciones morfológicas convergen a soluciones equivalentes a aquéllas logradas mediante soluciones numéricas tradicionales, pero con ganancias significativas en simplicidad, velocidad y estabilidad. ABSTRACT Image segmentation is an important field in computer vision and one of its most active research areas, with applications in image understanding, object detection, face recognition, video surveillance or medical image processing. Image segmentation is a challenging problem in general, but especially in the biological and medical image fields, where the imaging techniques usually produce cluttered and noisy images and near-perfect accuracy is required in many cases. In this thesis we first review and compare some standard techniques widely used for medical image segmentation. These techniques use pixel-wise classifiers and introduce weak pairwise regularization which is insufficient in many cases. We study their difficulties to capture high-level structural information about the objects to segment. This deficiency leads to many erroneous detections, ragged boundaries, incorrect topological configurations and wrong shapes. To deal with these problems, we propose a new regularization method that learns shape and topological information from training data in a nonparametric way using high-order potentials. High-order potentials are becoming increasingly popular in computer vision. However, the exact representation of a general higher order potential defined over many variables is computationally infeasible. We use a compact representation of the potentials based on a finite set of patterns learned fromtraining data that, in turn, depends on the observations. Thanks to this representation, high-order potentials can be converted into pairwise potentials with some added auxiliary variables and minimized with tree-reweighted message passing (TRW) and belief propagation (BP) techniques. Both synthetic and real experiments confirm that our model fixes the errors of weaker approaches. Even with high-level regularization, perfect accuracy is still unattainable, and human editing of the segmentation results is necessary. The manual edition is tedious and cumbersome, and tools that assist the user are greatly appreciated. These tools need to be precise, but also fast enough to be used in real-time. Active contours are a good solution: they are good for precise boundary detection and, instead of finding a global solution, they provide a fine tuning to previously existing results. However, they require an implicit representation to deal with topological changes of the contour, and this leads to PDEs that are computationally costly to solve and may present numerical stability issues. We present a morphological approach to contour evolution based on a new curvature morphological operator valid for surfaces of any dimension. We approximate the numerical solution of the contour evolution PDE by the successive application of a set of morphological operators defined on a binary level-set. These operators are very fast, do not suffer numerical stability issues, and do not degrade the level set function, so there is no need to reinitialize it. Moreover, their implementation is much easier than their PDE counterpart, since they do not require the use of sophisticated numerical algorithms. From a theoretical point of view, we delve into the connections between differential andmorphological operators, and introduce novel results in this area. We validate the approach providing amorphological implementation of the geodesic active contours, the active contours without borders, and turbopixels. In the experiments conducted, the morphological implementations converge to solutions equivalent to those achieved by traditional numerical solutions, but with significant gains in simplicity, speed, and stability.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
The aim of this work was to exemplify the specific contribution of both two- and three-dimensional (31)) X-ray computed tomography to characterise earthworm burrow systems. To achieve this purpose we used 3D mathematical morphology operators to characterise burrow systems resulting from the activity of an anecic (Aporrectodea noctunia), and an endogeic species (Allolobophora chlorotica), when both species were introduced either separately or together into artificial soil cores. Images of these soil cores were obtained using a medical X-ray tomography scanner. Three-dimensional reconstructions of burrow systems were obtained using a specifically developed segmentation algorithm. To study the differences between burrow systems, a set of classical tools of mathematical morphology (granulometries) were used. So-called granulometries based on different structuring elements clearly separated the different burrow systems. They enabled us to show that burrows made by the anecic species were fatter, longer, more vertical, more continuous but less sinuous than burrows of the endogeic species. The granulometry transform of the soil matrix showed that burrows made by A. nocturna were more evenly distributed than those of A. chlorotica. Although a good discrimination was possible when only one species was introduced into the soil cores, it was not possible to separate burrows of the two species from each other in cases where species were introduced into the same soil core. This limitation, partly due to the insufficient spatial resolution of the medical scanner, precluded the use of the morphological operators to study putative interactions between the two species.
We investigate the relevance of morphological operators for the classification of land use in urban scenes using submetric panchromatic imagery. A support vector machine is used for the classification. Six types of filters have been employed: opening and closing, opening and closing by reconstruction, and opening and closing top hat. The type and scale of the filters are discussed, and a feature selection algorithm called recursive feature elimination is applied to decrease the dimensionality of the input data. The analysis performed on two QuickBird panchromatic images showed that simple opening and closing operators are the most relevant for classification at such a high spatial resolution. Moreover, mixed sets combining simple and reconstruction filters provided the best performance. Tests performed on both images, having areas characterized by different architectural styles, yielded similar results for both feature selection and classification accuracy, suggesting the generalization of the feature sets highlighted.
The focus of this paper is to develop computationally efficient mathematical morphology operators on hypergraphs. To this aim we consider lattice structures on hypergraphs on which we build morphological operators. We develop a pair of dual adjunctions between the vertex set and the hyperedge set of a hypergraph , by defining a vertex-hyperedge correspondence. This allows us to recover the classical notion of a dilation/erosion of a subset of vertices and to extend it to subhypergraphs of . This paper also studies the concept of morphological adjunction on hypergraphs for which both the input and the output are hypergraphs
Summary: Productivity and forage quality of legume-grass swards are important factors for successful arable farming in both organic and conventional farming systems. For these objectives the botanical composition of the swards is of particular importance, especially, the content of legumes due to their ability to fix airborne nitrogen. As it can vary considerably within a field, a non-destructive detection method while doing other tasks would facilitate a more targeted sward management and could predict the nitrogen supply of the soil for the subsequent crop. This study was undertaken to explore the potential of digital image analysis (DIA) for a non destructive prediction of legume dry matter (DM) contribution of legume-grass mixtures. For this purpose an experiment was conducted in a greenhouse, comprising a sample size of 64 experimental swards such as pure swards of red clover (Trifolium pratense L.), white clover (Trifolium repens L.) and lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) as well as binary mixtures of each legume with perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.). Growth stages ranged from tillering to heading and the proportion of legumes from 0 to 80 %. Based on digital sward images three steps were considered in order to estimate the legume contribution (% of DM): i) The development of a digital image analysis (DIA) procedure in order to estimate legume coverage (% of area). ii) The description of the relationship between legume coverage (% area) and legume contribution (% of DM) derived from digital analysis of legume coverage related to the green area in a digital image. iii) The estimation of the legume DM contribution with the findings of i) and ii). i) In order to evaluate the most suitable approach for the estimation of legume coverage by means of DIA different tools were tested. Morphological operators such as erode and dilate support the differentiation of objects of different shape by shrinking and dilating objects (Soille, 1999). When applied to digital images of legume-grass mixtures thin grass leaves were removed whereas rounder clover leaves were left. After this process legume leaves were identified by threshold segmentation. The segmentation of greyscale images turned out to be not applicable since the segmentation between legumes and bare soil failed. The advanced procedure comprising morphological operators and HSL colour information could determine bare soil areas in young and open swards very accurately. Also legume specific HSL thresholds allowed for precise estimations of legume coverage across a wide range from 11.8 - 72.4 %. Based on this legume specific DIA procedure estimated legume coverage showed good correlations with the measured values across the whole range of sward ages (R2 0.96, SE 4.7 %). A wide range of form parameters (i.e. size, breadth, rectangularity, and circularity of areas) was tested across all sward types, but none did improve prediction accuracy of legume coverage significantly. ii) Using measured reference data of legume coverage and contribution, in a first approach a common relationship based on all three legumes and sward ages of 35, 49 and 63 days was found with R2 0.90. This relationship was improved by a legume-specific approach of only 49- and 63-d old swards (R2 0.94, 0.96 and 0.97 for red clover, white clover, and lucerne, respectively) since differing structural attributes of the legume species influence the relationship between these two parameters. In a second approach biomass was included in the model in order to allow for different structures of swards of different ages. Hence, a model was developed, providing a close look on the relationship between legume coverage in binary legume-ryegrass communities and the legume contribution: At the same level of legume coverage, legume contribution decreased with increased total biomass. This phenomenon may be caused by more non-leguminous biomass covered by legume leaves at high levels of total biomass. Additionally, values of legume contribution and coverage were transformed to the logit-scale in order to avoid problems with heteroscedasticity and negative predictions. The resulting relationships between the measured legume contribution and the calculated legume contribution indicated a high model accuracy for all legume species (R2 0.93, 0.97, 0.98 with SE 4.81, 3.22, 3.07 % of DM for red clover, white clover, and lucerne swards, respectively). The validation of the model by using digital images collected over field grown swards with biomass ranges considering the scope of the model shows, that the model is able to predict legume contribution for most common legume-grass swards (Frame, 1992; Ledgard and Steele, 1992; Loges, 1998). iii) An advanced procedure for the determination of legume DM contribution by DIA is suggested, which comprises the inclusion of morphological operators and HSL colour information in the analysis of images and which applies an advanced function to predict legume DM contribution from legume coverage by considering total sward biomass. Low residuals between measured and calculated values of legume dry matter contribution were found for the separate legume species (R2 0.90, 0.94, 0.93 with SE 5.89, 4.31, 5.52 % of DM for red clover, white clover, and lucerne swards, respectively). The introduced DIA procedure provides a rapid and precise estimation of legume DM contribution for different legume species across a wide range of sward ages. Further research is needed in order to adapt the procedure to field scale, dealing with differing light effects and potentially higher swards. The integration of total biomass into the model for determining legume contribution does not necessarily reduce its applicability in practice as a combined estimation of total biomass and legume coverage by field spectroscopy (Biewer et al. 2009) and DIA, respectively, may allow for an accurate prediction of the legume contribution in legume-grass mixtures.
The outdating of cartographic products affects planning. It is important to propose methods to help detect changes in surface. Thus, the combined use of remote sensing image and techniques of digital image processing has contributed significantly to minimize such outdating. Mathematical morphology is an image processing technique which describes quantitatively geometric structures presented in the image and provides tools such as edge detectors and morphological filters. Previous studies have shown that the technique has potential on the detection of significant features. Thus, this paper proposes a routine of morphological operators to detect a road network. The test area corresponds to an excerpt Quickbird image and has as a feature of interest an avenue of the city of Presidente Prudente, SP. In the processing, the main morphological operators used were threshad, areaopen, binary and erosion. To estimate the accuracy with which the linear features were detected, it was done the analysis of linear correlation between vectors of the features detected and the corresponding topographical map of the region. The results showed that the mathematical morphology can be used in cartography, aiming to use them in conventional cartographic updating processes.
This paper presents a novel approach to the computed assessment of a mammographic phantom device. The approach shown here is fully automated and is based on the automatic selection of the region of interest, in the use of the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) and morphological operators to assess the quality of the American College of Radiology (ACR) mammographic phantom images. The algorithms developed here have succesfully scored 30 images obtained with different combinations of voltage applied to the tube and exposure and could notice the differences in the radiographs due to the different level of exposure to radiation. © 2013 Springer-Verlag.