998 resultados para Montpellier, France. Université.
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Religion index one. Periodicals
L'objectif poursuivit rejoint davantage une démarche de reconnaissance personnelle, de bilan personnel et professionnel. L'expérimentation de cette démarche m'a conduite au-delà des frontières du Québec. Depuis 1989, j'interviens maintenant en France auprès de formateurs et d'intervenants qui oeuvrent auprès de clientèles jeunes tout autant qu'adultes. Nous continuons ensemble d'expérimenter la démarche et de l'adapter, toujours dans une optique d'autoformation, d'auto-évaluation et d'auto-orientation . Mon rôle d'accompagnatrice et de formatrice dans cette démarche est maintenant chose acquise. Il me manque des outils d'évaluation formels et crédibles pour que cette démarche formative ne soit pas déformée par tous les courants et pratiques en cours. Comme il s'agit d'améliorer des outils d'évaluation pour une formation déjà existante, le cadre conceptuel de la formation en tant que telle n'a pas fait l'objet d'une longue élaboration , celui-ci ayant fait l'objet de travaux antérieurs (Robin 1992 et 1993). L'objectif a été plutôt concentré sur l'évaluation et l'autoévaluation d'apprentissage. Après avoir campé la problématique et le sujet de recherche, la méthodologie utilisée pour l'élaboration d'un portfolio de compétences sera présentée. Le cadre théorique suivra alors avec les notions d'autoformation d'apprentissage et d'évaluation. Une description de la formation de formateurs menée à Montpellier - France - concrétisera le contexte d'application des outils d'évaluation qui devront être améliorés. Une analyse critique de ces outils sera apportée afin de les améliorer ou de les modifier au besoin. Un apport théorique sur la construction d'outils formels conduira à la création de nouveaux outils respectant les normes de validité. En annexe 1, se trouvent tous les documents relatifs à la formation menée à Montpellier ainsi que ceux accompagnant l'évaluation de cette formation à l'élaboration d'un portfolio de compétences. Une présentation des nouveaux outils d'évaluation à l'usage de l’évaluateur et des formateurs stagiaires fait l'objet de deux documents annexés à cet essai.
Thèse réalisée en cotutelle avec l'université Montpellier2 dans le laboratoire de pharmacologie moléculaire de Jean-Philippe Pin à l'institut de génomique fonctionnelle (IGF), Montpellier, France.
No seu romance, Adivinhas de Pedro e Inês, Agustina Bessa-Luís procura recuperar através de um trabalho intertextual, a experiência feminina de Inês de Castro para escrever uma História no feminino: uma “Herstory”. Com efeito, é a partir de uma “des-leitura” dos textos historiográficos, que ela consegue sublinhar a sua dimensão ideológica e normativa, inaugurando um processo de emancipação face aos cenários por eles legitimados. O recurso à intertextualidade com textos literários inicia uma tentativa de focalização sobre a personagem de Inês de Castro, ampliando a sua voz e centrando o texto nela. Emerge então um discurso eminentemente carnavalesco e polifónico que se opõe a uma forma de tradição de escrita logocêntrica e deixa aparecer a multiplicidade dos percursos femininos na História.
During the course of my Ph.D. in the laboratories directed by Prof. Alfredo Ricci at the Department of Organic Chemistry “A. Mangini” of the University of Bologna, I was involved in the study and the application of a number of organocatalytic systems, all coming from the natural chiral pool. The first part of this thesis will be devoted to new homogeneous organocatalytic reactions promoted by Cinchona alkaloid-based organocatalysts. Quinine based catalysts were found to be a very effective catalyst for Diels-Alder reactions involving 3-vinylindoles. Excellent results in terms of yields and enantioselectivities were achieved, outlining also a remarkable organocatalytic operational mode mimicking enzymatic catalysis. The same reaction with 2-vinylindoles showed a completely different behaviour resulting in an unusual resolution-type process. The asymmetric formal [3+2] cycloaddition with in situ generated N-carbamoyl nitrones using Cinchona-derived quaternary ammonium salts as versatile catalysts under phase transfer conditions, outlines another application in organocatalysis of this class of alkaloids. During the seven months stage in the Prof. Helma Wennemers’ group at the Department of Chemistry of the University of Basel (Switzerland) I have been involved in organocatalysis promoted by oligopeptides. My contribution regarded the 1,4-addition reaction of aldehydes to nitroolefins. In the work performed at the Department of Organic Chemistry “A. Mangini” of the University of Bologna, in collaboration with the ‘Institut Charles Gerhardt-Montpellier, of Montpellier (France) the possibility of performing for the first time heterogeneous organocatalysis by using a natural polysaccharide biopolymer as the source of chirality was disclosed. With chitosan, derived from deacetylation of chitin, a highly enantioselective heterogeneous organocatalytic aldol reaction could be performed. The use of an eco-friendly medium such as water, the recyclability of the catalytic specie and the renewable nature of the polysaccharide are assets of this new approach in organocatalysis and open interesting perspectives for the use of biopolymers.
The study presented in this PhD memory aim at better define and quantify the present timeerosion processes in glacial and proglacial domain. The Glacier des Bossons, situated in theMont-Blanc massif (Haute-Savoie, France), is a good example of a natural and nonanthropizedsystem which allows us to study this topic. This glacier lies on two mainlithologies (the Mont-Blanc granite and the metamorphic bedrock) and this peculiarity is usedto determine the origin of the glacial sediments. The sediments were sampled at the glaciersurface and at the glacier sole and also in the subglacial streams in order to understand themechanisms of mechanical erosion and particle transportation in glacial domain. The study ofthe granulometric distribution and the origin of the sediments were performed by a lithologicanalysis at macro-scale (naked-eye) and a geochemical analysis at micro-scale (U-Pb datingof zircons). These analyses allowed specifying the characteristics of glacial erosion andtransport. (1) the supraglacial sediments derived from the erosion of the rocky valley sides aremainly coarse and the glacial transport does not mix these clasts with those derived from thesub-glacial erosion, except in the lower tongue; (2) the sub-glacial erosion rates areinhomogeneous, erosion under the temperate glacier (0.4-0.8 mm/yr) is at least sixteen timesmore efficient than the erosion under the cold glacier (0.025-0.05 mm/yr); (3) the sub-glacialsediments contain a silty and sandy fraction, resulting from processes of abrasion andcrushing, which is evacuated by sub-glacial streams. The high-resolution temporal acquisitionof hydro-sedimentary data during the 2010 melt season, between the May 5th and theSeptember 17th, allowed defining the seasonal behavior of the hydrologic and sedimentaryfluxes. The sediment exportation occurs mainly during the melt season therefore, quantify thesediment fluxes in the Bossons stream and measure regularly the topographic evolution of thefluvio-glacial system allows to perform a sedimentary balance of the erosion of glacial andnon-glacial domains. During the year 2010, about 3000 tons of sediments were eroded with430 tons settled on the fluvio-glacial system. By analyzing the evolution of suspendedparticulate matter concentrations in the Bossons stream upstream and downstream the fluvioglacialsystem, the part of glacial erosion and non-glacial denudation in the sedimentarybalance could be proportioned. The erosion during the stormy events of the uncoveredmoraines, confining the fluvio-glacial system of the Bossons stream, furnishes at least 59% ofthe sediments exported by the Bossons stream and glacial erosion (41% of the flux) istherefore less efficient comparatively. The long-term evolution of the glacial systems inperiod of global warming would show a sustained erosion of proglacial environments(mountain sides and moraines) recently exposed and therefore an increasing of the detritalfluxes. The Glacier des Bossons protects the summit of the Mont-Blanc, the differentialerosion between zones under the ice and non-glacial could lead to an increase of thedifference of altitude between valleys and summits.