1000 resultados para Modelo generalista


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Web tornou-se uma ferramenta indispensável para a sociedade moderna. A capacidade de aceder a enormes quantidades de informação, disponível em praticamente todo o mundo, é uma grande vantagem para as nossas vidas. No entanto, a quantidade avassaladora de informação disponível torna-se um problema, que é o de encontrar a informação que precisamos no meio de muita informação irrelevante. Para nos ajudar nesta tarefa, foram criados poderosos motores de pesquisa online, que esquadrinham a Web à procura dos melhores resultados, segundo os seus critérios, para os dados que precisamos. Actualmente, os motores de pesquisa em voga, usam um formato de apresentação de resultados simples, que consiste apenas numa caixa de texto para o utilizador inserir as palavras-chave sobre o tema que quer pesquisar e os resultados são dispostos sobre uma lista de hiperligações ordenada pela relevância que o motor atribui a cada resultado. Porém, existem outras formas de apresentar resultados. Uma das alternativas é apresentar os resultados sobre interfaces em 3 dimensões. É nestes tipos de sistemas que este trabalho vai incidir, os motores de pesquisa com interfaces em 3 dimensões. O problema é que as páginas Web não estão preparadas para serem consumidas por este tipo de motores de pesquisa. Para resolver este problema foi construído um modelo generalista para páginas Web, que consegue alimentar os requisitos das diversas variantes destes motores de pesquisa. Foi também desenvolvido um protótipo de instanciação automático, que recolhe as informações necessárias das páginas Web e preenche o modelo.


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Mestrado em Gestão e Estratégia Industrial


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Pretende llegar a la concreción de la actividad escolar para un centro y unos alumnos en concreto, a través del cual se rompa con la concepción de una actividad docente descoordinada y atomizada. Centro Rural, CP Montaña Alta, de Gran Canaria con 285 alumnos. El modelo teórico sistemático-técnico, se aplica a dos niveles de diseño diferentes. Por un lado a nivel 3, donde a través de la valoración de necesidades, se identifican una gama de objetivos, los cuales serán graduados a través de un sistema de jueces. Para realizar esta valoración de necesidades se efectuará un diagnóstico del entorno y de los alumnos. Nivel de diseño 5, aplicación a una realidad concreta, partiendo del nivel de diseño 2, en el cual llegan al centro los objetivos del currículum determinados por la comunidad autónoma y del nivel 3. 1) Prueba psicológica para determinar el nivel mental de los alumnos. 2) Análisis del currículum para determinar la coherencia entre objetivos y capacidades de los alumnos. 3) Prueba prerrequisitos y de evaluación inicial, para secuenciar los objetivos adoptados. 4) Ficha de escolarización y cuestionario socio-económico para padres para la descripción del centro y del entorno. 5) Cuestionario de análisis y diagnóstico de centros docentes. 6) Ficha de desfase; análisis del rendimiento escolar en el pasado curso. 1) No existen diferencias significativas en la tipología de los niveles psicológicos de los sujetos tratados. 2) Se ha comprobado que no todos los objetivos se adaptan a las estructuras mentales de los alumnos analizados.3) La secuencialización de objetivos que presentan los programas renovados, no parte de los conocimientos previos del alumno, sino que lo hace de una manera generalista de objetivos mínimos, por lo que se hace necesario la adaptación contínua por el profesor del aula. 4) En este trabajo sólo se ha realizado la fase de análisis. Las conclusiones estarían en función de la aplicación de las dos fases restantes: síntesis y evaluación. 5) La adaptación de todos y cada uno de los elementos que componen la comunidad escolar, es un trabajo coordinado del centro, que se vierte en el plan de centro. 1) Se ha podido validar la característica sistemática del modelo. 2) Se ha constatado la aplicación del modelo en el nivel de diseño más cercano al aula, lo que hace suponer que puede ser aplicado con éxito en diferentes modelos. 3) Sería conveniente dotar al maestro de un instrumento sencillo que le permita ubicar al alumno en su nivel mental. 4) Se hace necesario un modelo taxonómico de análisis de objetivos, simple y operativo para el profesor.


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The physical model was based on the method of Newton-Euler. The model was developed by using the scientific computer program Mathematica®. Several simulations where tried varying the progress speeds (0.69; 1.12; 1.48; 1.82 and 2.12 m s-1); soil profiles (sinoidal, ascending and descending ramp) and height of the profile (0.025 and 0.05 m) to obtain the normal force of soil reaction. After the initial simulations, the mechanism was optimized using the scientific computer program Matlab® having as criterion (function-objective) the minimization of the normal force of reaction of the profile (FN). The project variables were the lengths of the bars (L1y, L2, l3 and L4), height of the operation (L7), the initial length of the spring (Lmo) and the elastic constant of the spring (k t). The lack of robustness of the mechanism in relation to the variable height of the operation was outlined by using a spring with low rigidity and large length. The results demonstrated that the mechanism optimized showed better flotation performance in relation to the initial mechanism.


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The purpose of this work was to analyze the logistical distribution of Brazilian soybean by applying a quadratic programming to a spatial equilibrium model. The soybean transportation system is an important part of the soybean complex in Brazil, since the major part of the costs of this commodity derives from the transportation costs. Therefore, the optimization of this part of the process is essential to a better competitiveness of the Brazilian soybean in the international market. The Brazilian soybean complex have been increasing its agricultural share in the total of the exportation value in the last ten years, but due to other countries' investments the Brazilian exportations cannot be only focused on increasing its production but it still have to be more efficient. This way, a model was reached which can project new frames by switching the transportation costs and conduce the policy makers to new investments in the sector.


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The field activities are essential for the education of a good taxonomist. The most common problems found in field activities are: a) large number of students, b) heterogeneous educational background and unlevelled knowledge of the participants, c) repetitions and tendency of collecting the more evidents life-forms. The causes and consequences of such problems are discussed herein. The proposed solution is a methodology, based on many years of experience in field courses for undergraduate and graduate courses. Topics about the ideal number of participants, area of coverage, period of activity, division of work and the necessary material and equipment are discussed. According to the number of species collected at the same place, this methodology may result in a list of local species with precise information about the life-forms, habitat, common names, frequency, uses, phenology and further information in this kind of work. The results of the aplication of this metodology in a field course held in the region of Ubatuba-SP are presented.


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A common breeding strategy is to carry out basic studies to investigate the hypothesis of a single gene controlling the trait (major gene) with or without polygenes of minor effect. In this study we used Bayesian inference to fit genetic additive-dominance models of inheritance to plant breeding experiments with multiple generations. Normal densities with different means, according to the major gene genotype, were considered in a linear model in which the design matrix of the genetic effects had unknown coefficients (which were estimated in individual basis). An actual data set from an inheritance study of partenocarpy in zucchini (Cucurbita pepo L.) was used for illustration. Model fitting included posterior probabilities for all individual genotypes. Analysis agrees with results in the literature but this approach was far more efficient than previous alternatives assuming that design matrix was known for the generations. Partenocarpy in zucchini is controlled by a major gene with important additive effect and partial dominance.


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Purpose: This study aimed to evaluate the assistance quality through the perception of the users and municipal health managers (mayors, health secretaries and screening team). Methods: A transversal and descriptive study was carried out. Results: The sample was comprised by 359 users and 48 managers. Medical assistance was considered excellent by 79.6% of the users, 93.7% of the managers, 87.5% of the health secretaries and 100% of the screening team. Reception received a great evaluation by 73.8% of the users and 93.8% of the selectors. Conclusion: The assistance model used at the Ophthalmologic Clinic of Divinolândia obtained a high level of satisfaction pleasing both users and managers.


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física