914 resultados para Mobile Packet Backbone Network
The mobile networks of earlier and current generations, or 2G and 3G networks, provide users voice and packet services with higher transmission rates and good quality over the same core network. When developing the next generation of mobile networks the current quality of services needs to be maintained. This thesis concentrates on the next generation mobile network, especially on the evolution of the packet network part. The new mobile network has requirements for the common packet backbone network, Mobile Packet Backbone Network, which is additionally discussed in this study. The next generation mobile network, called LTE/SAE, is currently under testing. The test system is called Container Trial System. It is a mini sized LTE/SAE site. The LTE/SAE is studied in this thesis concentrating on the evolved packet core, the SAE part of the composition. The empirical part of the study compares the LTE/SAE Container Trial System and commercial network designs and additionally produces documentation for internal personnel and customers. The research is performed by comparing the documentations and specifications of both the Container Trial System and commercial network. Since the LTE commercial network is not yet constructed, the comparison is done theoretically. The purpose is furthermore to find out if there are any design issues that could be done differently in the next version of the Container Trial System.
Uudet palvelut ovat tarkeinta, mita asiakkaat odottavat uudelta teknologialta.Se on paaasiallinen syy siihen, etta asiakkaat ovat valmiita maksamaan uudesta teknologiasta ja kayttamaan sita. Sen vuoksi uuden verkon tuoma uusi palveluarkkitehtuuri on tarkea koko projektin onnistumiselle. Tama dokumentti keskittyy kolmannen sukupolven matkapuhelinverkkojen palveluarkkitehtuuriin, jonka viitemallista annetaan kuvaus. Verkon palvelut esitellaan ja kuvaillaan. Toteutukseen liittyvia asioita selostetaan. USA:n markkinoilla tarvittava WIN konsepti kuvataan ja sen toteutuksesta annetaan myos kuvaus. Lopussa kuvataan Pre-Paid tilaajien laskutustietojen kasittelya WIN konseptissa elvytystilanteessa.
Consider a communication system in which a transmitter equipment sends fixed-size packets of data at a uniform rate to a receiver equipment. Consider also that these equipments are connected by a packet-switched network, which introduces a random delay to each packet. Here we propose an adaptive clock recovery scheme able of synchronizing the frequencies and the phases of these devices, within specified limits of precision. This scheme for achieving frequency and phase synchronization is based on measurements of the packet arrival times at the receiver, which are used to control the dynamics of a digital phase-locked loop. The scheme performance is evaluated via numerical simulations performed by using realistic parameter values. (C) 2011 Elsevier By. All rights reserved.
We developed UAVNet, a framework for the autonomous deployment of a flying Wireless Mesh Network using small quadrocopter-based Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). The flying wireless mesh nodes are automatically interconnected to each other and building an IEEE 802.11s wireless mesh network. The implemented UAVNet prototype is able to autonomously interconnect two end systems by setting up an airborne relay, consisting of one or several flying wireless mesh nodes. The developed software includes basic functionality to control the UAVs and to setup, deploy, manage, and monitor a wireless mesh network. Our evaluations have shown that UAVNet can significantly improve network performance.
In this paper, we demonstrate a fast switching dual polarization DDQPSK packet switched receiver with very short waiting times. The system employs mth power DDQPSK decoding for high frequency offset tolerance, and Stokes parameter estimation for robust polarization demultiplexing.
Diplomityö käsittelee IPSec-protokollan (IP Security Protocol) implementointia UMTS:n (Universal Mobile Telecommunications System) pakettikytkentäiseen verkkoon. Runkoverkkoa käytetään mobiilikäyttäjän datan siirtämiseen sekä verkkoelementtien väliseen ohjausinformaation välitykseen. Koska UMTS:n runkoverkot ovat IP-pakettikytkentäisiä verkkoja, IPSec-protokollaa voidaan käyttää lähetettyjen IP-datasähkeiden suojaamiseen. IPSec- ja IKE-protokollien (Internet Key Exchange) käyttö on koettu monimutkaiseksi kiinteissä verkoissa. Tämän saman ongelman edessä tulevat olemaan myös operaattorit, kun he alkavat rakentaa UMTS-verkkojaan. On kuitenkin muistettava se, että tulevaisuudessa lähes kaikki data mukaanlukien ääni ja video on tarkoitus siirtää IP-protokollan avulla. IP-teknologiaan perustuva tiedonsiirron kasvu lisää IPSec-protokollan merkitystä ei ainoastaan runkoverkossa mutta myös radioliityntäverkoissa sekä SS7-merkinantoverkoissa (Signaling System No. 7). Diplomityö on tehty osaksi diplomi-insinöörin tutkintoa Lappeenrannan teknillisessä yliopistossa. Työ on tehty Nokia Networksin palveluksessa Helsingissä, vuosien 2002 ja 2003 välisenä aikana.
The advances in low power micro-processors, wireless networks and embedded systems have raised the need to utilize the significant resources of mobile devices. These devices for example, smart phones, tablets, laptops, wearables, and sensors are gaining enormous processing power, storage capacity and wireless bandwidth. In addition, the advancement in wireless mobile technology has created a new communication paradigm via which a wireless network can be created without any priori infrastructure called mobile ad hoc network (MANET). While progress is being made towards improving the efficiencies of mobile devices and reliability of wireless mobile networks, the mobile technology is continuously facing the challenges of un-predictable disconnections, dynamic mobility and the heterogeneity of routing protocols. Hence, the traditional wired, wireless routing protocols are not suitable for MANET due to its unique dynamic ad hoc nature. Due to the reason, the research community has developed and is busy developing protocols for routing in MANET to cope with the challenges of MANET. However, there are no single generic ad hoc routing protocols available so far, which can address all the basic challenges of MANET as mentioned before. Thus this diverse range of ever growing routing protocols has created barriers for mobile nodes of different MANET taxonomies to intercommunicate and hence wasting a huge amount of valuable resources. To provide interaction between heterogeneous MANETs, the routing protocols require conversion of packets, meta-model and their behavioural capabilities. Here, the fundamental challenge is to understand the packet level message format, meta-model and behaviour of different routing protocols, which are significantly different for different MANET Taxonomies. To overcome the above mentioned issues, this thesis proposes an Interoperable Framework for heterogeneous MANETs called IF-MANET. The framework hides the complexities of heterogeneous routing protocols and provides a homogeneous layer for seamless communication between these routing protocols. The framework creates a unique Ontology for MANET routing protocols and a Message Translator to semantically compare the packets and generates the missing fields using the rules defined in the Ontology. Hence, the translation between an existing as well as newly arriving routing protocols will be achieved dynamically and on-the-fly. To discover a route for the delivery of packets across heterogeneous MANET taxonomies, the IF-MANET creates a special Gateway node to provide cluster based inter-domain routing. The IF-MANET framework can be used to develop different middleware applications. For example: Mobile grid computing that could potentially utilise huge amounts of aggregated data collected from heterogeneous mobile devices. Disaster & crises management applications can be created to provide on-the-fly infrastructure-less emergency communication across organisations by utilising different MANET taxonomies.
On a mobile ad-hoc network environment, where the resources are scarce, the knowledge about the network's link state is essential to optimize the routing procedures. This paper presents a study about different pheromone evaluation models and how they react to possible changes in traffic rate. Observing how the pheromone value on a link changes, it could be possible to identify certain patterns which can indicate the path status. For this study, the behavior of the Ant System evaluation model was compared with a Temporal Active Pheromone model (a biological approach) and a Progressive Pheromone Reduction model with and without a maximum pheromone limit.
We present a calibrated model of the UK mobile telephony market with four mobile networks; calls to and from the fixed network; network-based price discrimination; and call externalities. Our results show that reducing mobile termination rates broadly in line with the recent European Commission Recommendation to either pure long-run incremental cost ; reciprocal termination charges with fixed networks; or Bill & Keep (i.e. zero termination rates), increases social welfare, consumer surplus and networks profits. Depending on the strength of call externalities, social welfare may increase by as much as £ 990 million to £ 4.5 billion per year, with Bill & Keep leading to the highest increase in welfare. We also apply the model to estimate the welfare effects of the 2010 merger between Orange and T-Mobile under different scenarios concerning MTRs, and predict that consumer surplus decreases strongly.
Due to the high cost of a large ATM network working up to full strength to apply our ideas about network management, i.e., dynamic virtual path (VP) management and fault restoration, we developed a distributed simulation platform for performing our experiments. This platform also had to be capable of other sorts of tests, such as connection admission control (CAC) algorithms, routing algorithms, and accounting and charging methods. The platform was posed as a very simple, event-oriented and scalable simulation. The main goal was the simulation of a working ATM backbone network with a potentially large number of nodes (hundreds). As research into control algorithms and low-level, or rather cell-level methods, was beyond the scope of this study, the simulation took place at a connection level, i.e., there was no real traffic of cells. The simulated network behaved like a real network accepting and rejecting SNMP ones, or experimental tools using the API node
A mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a decentralized and infrastructure-less network. This thesis aims to provide support at the system-level for developers of applications or protocols in such networks. To do this, we propose contributions in both the algorithmic realm and in the practical realm. In the algorithmic realm, we contribute to the field by proposing different context-aware broadcast and multicast algorithms in MANETs, namely six-shot broadcast, six-shot multicast, PLAN-B and ageneric algorithmic approach to optimize the power consumption of existing algorithms. For each algorithm we propose, we compare it to existing algorithms that are either probabilistic or context-aware, and then we evaluate their performance based on simulations. We demonstrate that in some cases, context-aware information, such as location or signal-strength, can improve the effciency. In the practical realm, we propose a testbed framework, namely ManetLab, to implement and to deploy MANET-specific protocols, and to evaluate their performance. This testbed framework aims to increase the accuracy of performance evaluation compared to simulations, while keeping the ease of use offered by the simulators to reproduce a performance evaluation. By evaluating the performance of different probabilistic algorithms with ManetLab, we observe that both simulations and testbeds should be used in a complementary way. In addition to the above original contributions, we also provide two surveys about system-level support for ad hoc communications in order to establish a state of the art. The first is about existing broadcast algorithms and the second is about existing middleware solutions and the way they deal with privacy and especially with location privacy. - Un réseau mobile ad hoc (MANET) est un réseau avec une architecture décentralisée et sans infrastructure. Cette thèse vise à fournir un support adéquat, au niveau système, aux développeurs d'applications ou de protocoles dans de tels réseaux. Dans ce but, nous proposons des contributions à la fois dans le domaine de l'algorithmique et dans celui de la pratique. Nous contribuons au domaine algorithmique en proposant différents algorithmes de diffusion dans les MANETs, algorithmes qui sont sensibles au contexte, à savoir six-shot broadcast,six-shot multicast, PLAN-B ainsi qu'une approche générique permettant d'optimiser la consommation d'énergie de ces algorithmes. Pour chaque algorithme que nous proposons, nous le comparons à des algorithmes existants qui sont soit probabilistes, soit sensibles au contexte, puis nous évaluons leurs performances sur la base de simulations. Nous montrons que, dans certains cas, des informations liées au contexte, telles que la localisation ou l'intensité du signal, peuvent améliorer l'efficience de ces algorithmes. Sur le plan pratique, nous proposons une plateforme logicielle pour la création de bancs d'essai, intitulé ManetLab, permettant d'implémenter, et de déployer des protocoles spécifiques aux MANETs, de sorte à évaluer leur performance. Cet outil logiciel vise à accroître la précision desévaluations de performance comparativement à celles fournies par des simulations, tout en conservant la facilité d'utilisation offerte par les simulateurs pour reproduire uneévaluation de performance. En évaluant les performances de différents algorithmes probabilistes avec ManetLab, nous observons que simulateurs et bancs d'essai doivent être utilisés de manière complémentaire. En plus de ces contributions principales, nous fournissons également deux états de l'art au sujet du support nécessaire pour les communications ad hoc. Le premier porte sur les algorithmes de diffusion existants et le second sur les solutions de type middleware existantes et la façon dont elles traitent de la confidentialité, en particulier celle de la localisation.
3G SGSN (3rd Generation Serving GPRS Support Node) onUMTS (Universal Mobile Telecommunications System) pakettiverkon verkkoelementti, joka toimii linkkinä ulkoisen verkon(kuten Internet) ja radioverkon välillä. 3G SGSN ylläpitää tilaajan tietoja ja paikannustietoja päätelaitteen liikkuessa verkon sisällä ja välittää myös dataa ulkoisen verkon ja mobiilipäätelaitteen välillä. Tämän diplomityön aiheena on 3G SGSN toiminnallisuus-testauksen automatisointi. Työssä kehitetään 3G SGSN toiminnallisuustestaukseen soveltuva testauksen automatisointijärjestelmä Linux-ympäristössä AuTS (Automated Test Sequences)-automatisointityökalulla. Kehitystyöhön kuuluu järjestelmän suunnittelu ja toteutus. Toteutettu automatisointijärjestelmä suorittaa 3G SGSN toiminnallisuustestauksen istunnon- ja liikkuvuudenhallinnan testitapauksia.Suoritettujen testitapausten tuloksista luodaan HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)-raportti, joka sisältää tiedot ja analyysit suoritetuista testitapauksista sekä linkit testitapausten lokitietoihin. Hyvä automatisointi vaatii suunnittelua, jossa huomioidaan käytettävyys ja ylläpidettävyys. Näihin ominaisuuksiin on toteutuksessa kiinnitetty erityistä huomiota. Lopputuloksena saatiin toimiva automatisointijärjestelmä, joka osoittaa automatisoinnin tuovan huomattavia etuja toiminnallisuustestauksen tehokkuuteen. Työssä käsitelläänmyös ohjelmistotestausta sekä testauksen automatisointia ja niiden periaatteita.
Fixed Mobile Convergence is the recent buzz in the field of telecommunication technology. Unlicensed Mobile Access (UMA) technology is a realistic implementation of Fixed Mobile Convergence. UMA involves communication between different types of networks. Handover is a very important issue in UMA. The study is an analysis of theoretical handover mechanism and practical test results. It includes a new proposal for handover performance test in UMA. It also provides an overview of basic handover operation on different scenarios in UMA. The practical test involves an experiment on handover performance test using network analyzers. The new proposal provides a different approach for an experimental setting on handover performance test without using network analyzers. The approach is not be implemented because of some technical problem in a network equipment in UMA. The analysis of the test results reveals that time of handover between UMA and Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) network is similar to time of handover between inter base station controller (BSC) handover in GSM networks. The new approach is simple and provides measurement at the end point communicating entities. The study gives a general understanding of handover operation, an analysis of handover performance in UMA and specifically provides a new approach useful for further study of handover in different real world environments and scenarios.
@450 wireless broadband service is Digita’s mobile wireless broadband network service. In @450 network Digita acts as the network operator offering network capacity to service operators. For Digita it is important to know what kind of services its network is capable of and what are the network’s service parameters. The knowledge of the network parameters and the behaviour can be used in advance in the development of new service products. Before a new service product can be offered to service operators a lot of work has to be done. The basic testing is necessary to get an understanding of the basic functionality. The requirement specification has to be done and a new product has to be created. The new product has to be tested. The test results have to be analysed in order to find out if the new product is suitable for real use and with which limitations. The content of this Thesis is the development of wireless technologies, @450 service and network, FLASH-OFDM technology, FLASH-OFDM performance testing and the development of a new service product.