705 resultados para Mobile Handset
Starting from almost null in the late 1990s, China's mobile phone handset industry has grown to account for more than 40 percent of the current world production. While export growth has been overwhelmingly led by multi-national corporations (MNCs), increasingly fierce competition in the domestic market ignited by the advent of local handset makers has induced unique industrial evolution: (1) outgrowth of independent design houses specialized in handset development and (2) emergence of IC fabless ventures that design core ICs for handsets. In the background of this evolutionary industrial growth there are factors such as, the scale and increasing diversity of China's domestic market that advantages local firms vis-a-vis MNCs; modularization of handset and semiconductor technologies; policy interventions that supports local startups. The emergence and evolution of China's handset industry is likely to have international implications as the growth of the global demand for low-cost and multi-function mobile phone handsets is expected to accelerate. Thus, our case suggests that the conventional view of latecomer industrialization and upgrading that emphasizes the key role of international production networks organized by MNCs needs to be modified in order to accommodate China's rise into perspective.
Economic backwardness often influences the growth of firms in developing countries. In this paper, we investigate the growth conditions and paths available for latecomers competing with first movers. Employing the concepts of boundaries of the firm and the disadvantage of backwardness, we present a case study of China's mobile handset industry and proceed to develop a simple model. We find that although significant disadvantage does not allow latecomers to grow, there are possibilities for changing the conditions of growth if latecomers can utilize outside resources and/or indigenous advantages.
In recent years, the worldwide distribution of smartphone devices has been growing rapidly. Mobile technologies are evolving fast, a situation which provides new possibilities for mobile learning applications. Along with new delivery methods, this development enables new concepts for learning. This study focuses on the effectiveness and experience of a mobile learning video promoting the key features of a specific device. Through relevant learning theories, mobile technologies and empirical findings, the thesis presents the key elements for a mobile learning video that are essential for effective learning. This study also explores how previous experience with mobile services and knowledge of a mobile handset relate to final learning results. Moreover, this study discusses the optimal delivery mechanisms for a mobile video. The target group for the study consists of twenty employees of a Sanoma Company. The main findings show that the individual experience of learning and the actual learning results may differ and that the design for certain video elements, such as sound and the presentation of technical features, can have an impact on the experience and effectiveness of a mobile learning video. Moreover, a video delivery method based on cloud technologies and HTML5 is suggested to be used in parallel with standalone applications.
Antennas, the key element in wireless communication devices had undergone amazing developments especially in the direction of compactness and safety aspects. In the last two decades, the use of the cellular phones has become the most popular mode of communication across the globe. At the same time, the concerns about the radiation effects have increased in the general public. The main concern of this thesis is to develop a mobile antenna which gives reduced RF interference to the user. The reduction of the power absorbed by the user can tremendously avoid any possible health hazards. The radiation characteristic of a monopole antenna is modified with good radiation characteristics suitable for a mobile handset. The modification is implemented by using different resonating structures which provides reduced radiation along one direction. The direction of less radiation can be changed by modifying the planar antenna structure to a ground folded antenna. This modified structure with excellent radiation characteristic is suitable for modern wireless handheld devices with less user RF interference. Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) is an important parameter for mobile handset. The SAR is estimated for the newly developed antenna for different conditions and discussed in this thesis.
A practical, small-size, dual-helical antenna array mounted on a mobile handset model is designed for use as diversity/MIMO receiving antennas. The array is rigorously studied with respect to its diversity performance and the achievable channel capacity. It is found that a very low correlation coefficient, a high diversity gain, an equal-mean branch SNR, and a relatively matched input impedance can be achieved at the same time. It is shown that, at a remarkably small antenna separation (similar to 0.05 lambda), the signal correlation can be reduced to nearly zero, an almost ideal independent operation of the diversity antennas. The increase in MIMO channel capacity is 100% over a single antenna system. Both measured and simulation results are presented.
The rising share of intangibles in economies worldwide highlights the crucial role of knowledge-intensive and creative industries in current and future wealth generation. The recognition of this trend has led to intense competition in these industries. At the micro-level, firms from both advanced and emerging economies are globally dispersing their value chains to control costs and leverage capabilities. The geography of innovation is the outcome of a dynamic process whereby firms from emerging economies strive to catch-up with advanced economy competitors, creating strong pressures for continued innovation. However, two distinct strategies can be discerned with regard to the control of the value chain. A vertical integration strategy emphasizes taking advantage of ‘linkage economies’ whereby controlling multiple value chain activities enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of each one of them. In contrast, a specialization strategy focuses on identifying and controlling the creative heart of the value chain, while outsourcing all other activities. The global mobile handset industry is used as the template to illustrate the theory.
A novel antenna configuration comprised of two circular micro strip antennas (CMAs) resonating in the TMtt and TM2, modes, producing radiation characteristics suitable for a mobile telephone handset, is presented. The antennas operating at the same frequency are placed back to back with a separation comparable to the thickness of a typical handset. The radiation pattern consists of a region of reduced radiation intensity, which minimizes the radiation hazards to the user
A novel antenna configuration comprised of two circular microstrip antennas (CMAs) resonating in the TMtt and TM2, modes, producing radiation characteristics suitable for a mobile telephone handset, is presented. The antennas operating at the same frequency are placed back to back with a separation comparable to the thickness of a typical handset. The radiation pattern consists of a region of reduced radiation intensity, which minimizes the radiation hazards to the user
The Technology Gap and the Growth of the Firm: A Case Study of China's Mobile-phone Handset Industry
We have examined the way in which local Chinese firms confronted with a technology gap have achieved growth, using the Chinese handset industry as a case study. Chinese local firms have lacked technology, and have therefore turned to outside firms for development, design, and manufacturing, while they themselves have focused on sales and marketing, using their advantage of familiarity with the Chinese market. Consequently, by establishing a growth condition in which their selection of boundaries counterbalances the technology gap they have been able to expand their market share in comparison with foreign firms.
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on analysoida alhaisen tuloluokan segmentille kohdennettavaa mobiilituotetarjoomaa lähtien kohdesegmenttien määrittelystä aina suositeltavien tuoteominaisuuksien rajaamiseen. Taustatutkimuksen avulla selvitetään mobiilimarkkinoiden kehitykseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä asiakaspotentiaalin ja tulevaisuudennäkymien arvioimiseksi. Haastattelututkimuksen avulla on selvitetty kohdesegmentin mobiilipalvelujen tarvetta ja kyseisten markkinoiden tarjoamia mahdollisuuksia, jotta tähän tarpeeseen voidaan kannattavasti vastata. Mobiilipalveluiden saattamiseksi myös alhaisten tuloluokkien ulottuville, on loppuasiakkaalle mobiililiittymän hankkimisesta aiheutuva kokonaiskustannus saatava laskettua huomattavasti nykyistä alhaisemmalle tasolle. Tämä edellyttää, että operaattorin on voitava karsia omia kustannuksiaan jokaisella osa-alueella, ja kehitettävä uusia liiketoimintamalleja kannattavuuden säilyttämiseksi. Pohjimmiltaan tämä tarkoittaa sujuvaa yhteistyötä verkkojen ja mobiilipuhelinten valmistajien kanssa, huolellista markkinoiden segmentointia sekä tuotetarjooman kohdentamista.
Mobiilimarkkinoinnin markkinat ovat vasta rakentumassa ja suurin osa alan toimijoista etenkin Suomessa yrittää vielä löytää rooliaan. Sen sijaan Japanissa sisällöntuotantoliiketoiminta matkapuhelimille kukoistaa ja mobiilimarkkinointi on jo saavuttanut merkittävän aseman mobiili-internetin palvelutarjonnassa. Toisin kuin Suomessa, jossa mobiilimarkkinat ovat vielä lastenkengissä, Japanissa myös mobiilimarkkinoinnin arvoketju on vähitellen muotoutumassa.Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli antaa käsitys Japanin mobiilimarkkinoinnin dynamiikasta ja luoda viitekehys operaattorin tulevalle roolille mobiilimarkkinoinnin markkinoiden rakentamisessa. Tutkimus on deskriptiivinen ja aineisto on kerätty alan kirjallisuudesta sekä haastattelemalla tärkeitä mobiilimarkkinoiden toimijoita Japanissa. Japanissa operaattoreilla (NTT DoCoMo, J-Phone ja KDDI) on erittäin vahva asema mobiili-internetin ja mobiilimarkkinoinnin markkinoilla. Ne hallitsevat asiakasrajapintaa, päättävät mobiiliverkon ja matkapuhelimien ominaisuuksista sekä siitä, ketkä sisällöntuottajista pääsevät osaksi heidän laskutusjärjestelmäänsä. Markkinoinnissa operaattoreilla ei ole yhtä näkyvää roolia. Omistussuhteiden kautta ne kuitenkin vaikuttavat lähes koko arvoketjuun. Operaattorit ovat yhdessä Japanin suurimpien mainostoimistojen kanssa luoneet tytäryhtiöitä, jotka hoitavat mainonnan operaattorin mobiiliportaalissa. Japanissa operaattori on ottanut hallitsevan roolin mobiilimarkkinoiden rakentamisessa. Tiivis yhteistyö eri toimijoiden, kuten matkapuhelinvalmistajien, sisällöntuottajien ja mainostoimistojen kanssa, on mahdollistanut kokonaisvaltaisen palvelupaketin tarjoamisen. Palvelupaketti sisältää käyttäjäystävällisen liittymän mobiili-internetiin sekä edulliset puhelimet. Juuri tiivis yhteistyö onkin ollut yksi tärkeimmistä menestystekijöistä Japanin markkinoita rakennettaessa. Mobiilimarkkinoita rakennettaessa operaattorilla on merkittävä rooli markkinoiden muodostajana ja sisällön kokoojana. Operaattorien tulee varautua roskapostin vastaiseen taisteluun, jos sähköpostia annetaan lähettää suoraan matkapuhelimeen. On erityisen tärkeää varmistaa, ettei käyttäjien tarvitse kärsiä roskapostista, muuten suoramarkkinoinnin mahdollisuus matkapuhelimeen menetetään. Ainoastaan aktiivisella edistämisellä ja osallistumisella mobiili-internetin sisällöntuotanto- ja markkinointiliiketoimintaan operaattori voi vahvistaa markkina-asemaansa ja varmistaa osuutensa tulevista markkinoista.
The present work has aimed to determine the 16 US EPA priority PAH atmospheric particulate matter levels present in three sites around Salvador, Bahia: (i) Lapa bus station, strongly impacted by heavy-duty diesel vehicles; (ii) Aratu harbor, impacted by an intense movement of goods, and (iii) Bananeira village on Maré Island, a non vehicle-influenced site with activities such as handcraft work and fisheries. Results indicated that BbF (0.130-6.85 ng m-3) is the PAH with highest concentration in samples from Aratu harbor and Bananeira and CRY (0.075-6.85 ng m-3) presented higher concentrations at Lapa station. PAH sources from studied sites were mainly of anthropogenic origin such as gasoline-fueled light-duty vehicles and diesel-fueled heavy-duty vehicles, discharges in the port, diesel burning from ships, dust ressuspension, indoor soot from cooking, and coal and wood combustion for energy production.
In this paper, nonlinear dynamic equations of a wheeled mobile robot are described in the state-space form where the parameters are part of the state (angular velocities of the wheels). This representation, known as quasi-linear parameter varying, is useful for control designs based on nonlinear H(infinity) approaches. Two nonlinear H(infinity) controllers that guarantee induced L(2)-norm, between input (disturbances) and output signals, bounded by an attenuation level gamma, are used to control a wheeled mobile robot. These controllers are solved via linear matrix inequalities and algebraic Riccati equation. Experimental results are presented, with a comparative study among these robust control strategies and the standard computed torque, plus proportional-derivative, controller.
Many Archean cratons are surrounded by Proterozoic mobile belts that have experienced episodes of tectonic re-activation over their lifetimes. This suggests that mobile belt lithosphere may be associated with long lived, inherited weakness. It is proposed that the proximity of this weakness can increase the longevity of deep Archean lithosphere by buffering Archean cratons from mantle derived stresses. The physical plausibility of this idea is explored through numerical simulations of mantle convection that include continents and allow for material rheologies that model the combined brittle and ductile behavior of the lithosphere. Within the simulations, the longevity of deep cratonic lithosphere does increase if it is buffered by mobile belts that can fail at relatively low stress levels.