998 resultados para Mitotic Control


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In Schizosaccharomyces pombe (fission yeast), the transition from G2 phase of the cell cycle to mitosis is under strict regulation. The activation of Cdc2, a cyclin dependent serine/threonine protein kinase, is the critical control step in this process. The Cdc2/Cyclin-B (Cdc13) complex is regulated by Wee1 tyrosine kinase and Cdc25 tyrosine phosphatase, which work antagonistically to control progression into mitosis. Hyperactivation of the Cdc2/Cdc13 complex by phosphorylation results in premature mitosis, and as a consequence leads to genome instability. This is referred to as mitotic catastrophe, a lethal phenotype associated with chromosomal segregation abnormalities including chromosome breakage. Six mitotic catastrophe loci were found, five of which have been characterized and identified as various activators and repressors of the core mitotic control. The locus for mcs3 remains unknown. I used tetrad analysis in this study to determine the linkage distance between three genes suspected of flanking the region in which mcs3 is located. Linkage distances obtained in this study confirm that the SPBC428.10 and met17, as well as SPBC428.10 and wpl1 are tightly linked, suggesting this is an area of low recombination. Further linkage analysis should be conducted to determine the precise location of mcs3-12.


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Cell size control and mitotic timing in Schizosaccharomyces pombe is coupled to the environment through several signal transduction pathways that include stress response, checkpoint and nutritional status impinging on Cdc25 tyrosine phosphatase and Wee1 tyrosine kinase. These in turn regulate Cdc2 (Cdk1) activity and through a double feedback loop, further activates Cdc25 on 12 possible phosphorylation sites as well as inhibiting Wee1. Phosphomutants of the T89 Cdc2 phosphorylation site on Cdc25, one with a glutamate substitution (T89E) which is known to phosphomimetically activate proteins and an alanine substitution (T89A), which is known to block phosphorylation, exhibit a small steady-state cell size (semi-wee phenotype), a known hallmark for aberrant mitotic control. To determine whether the T89 phosphorylation site plays an integral role in mitotic timing, the phosphomutants were subjected to nitrogen shifts to analyze their transient response in the context of nutritional control. Results for both up and downshifts were replicated for the T89E phosphomutant, however, for the T89A phosphomutant, only a nutritional downshift has been completed so far. We found that the steady-state cell size of both phosphomutants was significantly smaller than the wild-type and in the context of nutritional control. Furthermore, the constitutively activated T89E phosphomutant exhibits residual mitotic entry, whereas the wild-type undergoes a complete mitotic suppression with mitotic recovery also occurring earlier than the wild-type. In response to downshifts, both phosphomutants exhibited an identical response to the wild-type. Further characterization of the other Cdc2 phosphorylation sites on Cdc25 are required before conclusions can be drawn, however T89 remains a strong candidate for being important in activating Cdc25.


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Cdc2–Cyclin B, the protein kinase that catalyzes the onset of mitosis, is subject to multiple forms of regulation. In the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe and most other species, a key mode of Cdc2–Cyclin B regulation is the inhibitory phosphorylation of Cdc2 on tyrosine-15. This phosphorylation is catalyzed by the protein kinases Wee1 and Mik1 and removed by the phosphatase Cdc25. These proteins are also regulated, a notable example being the inhibition of Wee1 by the protein kinase Nim1/Cdr1. The temperature-sensitive mutation cdc25–22 is synthetic lethal with nim1/cdr1 mutations, suggesting that a synthetic lethal genetic screen could be used to identify novel mitotic regulators. Here we describe that such a screen has identified cdr2+, a gene that has an important role in the mitotic control. Cdr2 is a 775 amino acid protein kinase that is closely related to Nim1 and mitotic control proteins in budding yeast. Deletion of cdr2 causes a G2-M delay that is more severe than that caused by nim1/cdr1 mutations. Genetic studies are consistent with a model in which Cdr2 negatively regulates Wee1. This model is supported by experiments showing that Cdr2 associates with the N-terminal regulatory domain of Wee1 in cell lysates and phosphorylates Wee1 in vitro. Thus, Cdr2 is a novel mitotic control protein that appears to regulate Wee1.


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Dissertation presented to obtain a Doctoral Degree in Biology by Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica, Universidade Nova de Lisboa


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Schizosaccharomyces pombe cells respond to nutrient deprivation by altering G2/M cell size control. The G2/M transition is controlled by activation of the cyclin-dependent kinase Cdc2p. Cdc2p activation is regulated both positively and negatively. cdr2+ was identified in a screen for regulators of mitotic control during nutrient deprivation. We have cloned cdr2+ and have found that it encodes a putative serine-threonine protein kinase that is related to Saccharomyces cerevisiae Gin4p and S. pombe Cdr1p/Nim1p. cdr2+ is not essential for viability, but cells lacking cdr2+ are elongated relative to wild-type cells, spending a longer period of time in G2. Because of this property, upon nitrogen deprivation cdr2+ mutants do not arrest in G1, but rather undergo another round of S phase and arrest in G2 from which they are able to enter a state of quiescence. Genetic evidence suggests that cdr2+ acts as a mitotic inducer, functioning through wee1+, and is also important for the completion of cytokinesis at 36°C. Defects in cytokinesis are also generated by the overproduction of Cdr2p, but these defects are independent of wee1+, suggesting that cdr2+ encodes a second activity involved in cytokinesis.


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Telomeres are essential for preserving chromosome integrity during the cell cycle and have been specifically implicated in mitotic progression, but little is known about the signaling molecule(s) involved. The human telomeric repeat binding factor protein (TRF1) is shown to be important in regulating telomere length. However, nothing is known about its function and regulation during the cell cycle. The sequence of PIN2, one of three human genes (PIN1-3) we previously cloned whose products interact with the Aspergillus NIMA cell cycle regulatory protein kinase, reveals that it encodes a protein that is identical in sequence to TRF1 apart from an internal deletion of 20 amino acids; Pin2 and TRF1 may be derived from the same gene, PIN2/TRF1. However, in the cell Pin2 was found to be the major expressed product and to form homo- and heterodimers with TRF1; both dimers were localized at telomeres. Pin2 directly bound the human telomeric repeat DNA in vitro, and was localized to all telomeres uniformly in telomerase-positive cells. In contrast, in several cell lines that contain barely detectable telomerase activity, Pin2 was highly concentrated at only a few telomeres. Interestingly, the protein level of Pin2 was highly regulated during the cell cycle, being strikingly increased in G2+M and decreased in G1 cells. Moreover, overexpression of Pin2 resulted in an accumulation of HeLa cells in G2+M. These results indicate that Pin2 is the major human telomeric protein and is highly regulated during the cell cycle, with a possible role in mitosis. The results also suggest that Pin2/TRF1 may connect mitotic control to the telomere regulatory machinery whose deregulation has been implicated in cancer and aging.


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The structural maintenance of chromosomes (SMC) protein encoded by the fission yeast rad18 gene is involved in several DNA repair processes and has an essential function in DNA replication and mitotic control. It has a heterodimeric partner SMC protein, Spr18, with which it forms the core of a multiprotein complex. We have now isolated the human orthologues of rad18 and spr18 and designated them hSMC6 and hSMC5. Both proteins are about 1100 amino acids in length and are 27–28% identical to their fission yeast orthologues, with much greater identity within their N- and C-terminal globular domains. The hSMC6 and hSMC5 proteins interact to form a tight complex analogous to the yeast Rad18/Spr18 heterodimer. In proliferating human cells the proteins are bound to both chromatin and the nucleoskeleton. In addition, we have detected a phosphorylated form of hSMC6 that localizes to interchromatin granule clusters. Both the total level of hSMC6 and its phosphorylated form remain constant through the cell cycle. Both hSMC5 and hSMC6 proteins are expressed at extremely high levels in the testis and associate with the sex chromosomes in the late stages of meiotic prophase, suggesting a possible role for these proteins in meiosis.


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The eukaryotic cell cycle is a fundamental evolutionarily conserved process that regulates cell division from simple unicellular organisms, such as yeast, through to higher multicellular organisms, such as humans. The cell cycle comprises several phases, including the S-phase (DNA synthesis phase) and M-phase (mitotic phase). During S-phase, the genetic material is replicated, and is then segregated into two identical daughter cells following mitotic M-phase and cytokinesis. The S- and M-phases are separated by two gap phases (G1 and G2) that govern the readiness of cells to enter S- or M-phase. Genetic and biochemical studies demonstrate that cell division in eukaryotes is mediated by CDKs (cyclin-dependent kinases). Active CDKs comprise a protein kinase subunit whose catalytic activity is dependent on association with a regulatory cyclin subunit. Cell-cycle-stage-dependent accumulation and proteolytic degradation of different cyclin subunits regulates their association with CDKs to control different stages of cell division. CDKs promote cell cycle progression by phosphorylating critical downstream substrates to alter their activity. Here, we will review some of the well-characterized CDK substrates to provide mechanistic insights into how these kinases control different stages of cell division.


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Cell division depends on the fine control of both microtubule dynamics and microtubule organisation. The microtubule bundling protein MAP65 is a 'midzone MAP' essential for the integrity of the anaphase spindle and cell division. Arabidopsis thaliana MAP65-1 (AtMAP65-1) binds and bundles microtubules by forming 25 nm cross-bridges. Moreover, as AtMAP65-1 bundles microtubules in interphase, anaphase and telophase but does not bind microtubules in prophase or metaphase, its activity through the cell cycle must be under tight control. Here we show that AtMAP65-1 is hyperphosphorylated during prometaphase and metaphase and that CDK and MAPK are involved in this phosphorylation. This phosphorylation inhibits AtMAP65-1 activity. Expression of nonphosphorylatable AtMAP65-1 has a negative effect on mitotic progression resulting in excessive accumulation of microtubules in the metaphase spindle midzone causing a delay in mitosis. We conclude that normal metaphase spindle organisation and the transition to anaphase is dependent on inactivation of AtMAP65-1.


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Dissertation presented to obtain a Ph.D degree in Cellular Biology


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Le cycle cellulaire est hautement régulé par la phosphorylation réversible de plusieurs effecteurs. La kinase dépendante des cyclines Cdk1 déclenche la mitose en induisant le bris de l’enveloppe nucléaire, la condensation des chromosomes et la formation du fuseau mitotique. Chez les animaux métazoaires, ces évènements sont contrés par la protéine phosphatase PP2A-B55, qui déphosphoryle plusieurs substrats de Cdk1. La kinase Greatwall (Gwl) est activée par le complexe cycline B-Cdk1 en début de mitose et induit ensuite l’inhibition de PP2A-B55 via Endos/Arpp19. Toutefois, les mécanismes moléculaires qui régulent Gwl sont encore peu connus. Nous avons montré que Gwl a une activité s’opposant à PP2A-B55, qui collabore avec la kinase Polo pour assurer l’attachement du centrosome au noyau et la progression du cycle cellulaire dans le syncytium de l’embryon de la drosophile. Ensuite, nous avons trouvé dans des cellules de drosophile que Gwl est localisée au noyau pendant l’interphase, mais qu’elle se relocalise au cytoplasme dès la prophase, avant le bris de l’enveloppe nucléaire. Nous avons montré que cette translocation de Gwl est cruciale pour sa fonction et qu’elle dépend de la phosphorylation de plusieurs résidus de la région centrale de Gwl par les kinases Polo et Cdk1. Cette région centrale contient également deux séquences de localisation nucléaire (respectivement NLS1 et NLS2). De plus, nos résultats suggèrent que la phosphorylation de Gwl par la kinase Polo promeut sa liaison avec la protéine 14-3-3ε, ce qui favorise la rétention cytoplasmique de Gwl. Le rôle de Cdk1 dans cette translocation reste quant à lui inconnu. De plus, nous avons montré que le complexe cycline B-Cdk1 entre dans le noyau avant que Gwl ne soit transportée dans le cytoplasme. Cdk1 pourrait donc activer Gwl et phosphoryler ses substrats nucléaires, à l’abri de PP2A-B55 qui est largement cytoplasmique. Gwl est ensuite exclue du noyau et relocalisée dans le cytoplasme afin d’induire l’inhibition de PP2A-B55. Cela permet de synchroniser les événements de phosphorylation se produisant dans le noyau et dans le cytoplasme. Fait intéressant, un mécanisme de régulation de la localisation de Gwl similaire à cela a été découvert chez l’humain et chez la levure, suggérant que ce mécanisme est conservé entre différentes espèces.


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A comparat ive study of the effect oflaser in inducing chro mosomal aberrat ions at 4gg nm was done in View j aba L. (faba bean) and Allium ccpa L. (onion) with Argon ion laser (Spectra Physics Model 171). Seeds and bulbs of V.jaba and A. eepa were subjected to laser irra diation by 4gg nm excitations from Argon ion laser source at power levels 200 and 400 mW with power densities 2.25 mW em" and 4.49 mW em" and ditTerent exposure times (10, 20, 30 & 40 minutes). Similar to the effect of oth er physical and chemical mutagens, laser caused a dose dependent decrease in mitotic index and a rise in mitotic aberrations when compared to the control. In both plant species, mutations were observed in all stages of mitotic cell cycle. The total percentage of aberrations was two fold higher at 400 mW than at 200 mW exposure.


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Objectives: Early weaning (EW) increases proliferation of the gastric epithelium in parallel with higher expression of transforming growth factor alpha and its receptor epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR). The primary objective of the present study was to examine involvement of EGFR signalling in regulating mucosal cell proliferation during the early weaning period. Materials and methods: Fifteen-day-old rats were split into two groups: suckling (control) and EW, in which pups were separated from the dam. Animals were killed daily until the 18th day, 3 days after onset of treatment. To investigate the role of EGFR in proliferation control, EW pups were injected with AG1478, an EGFR inhibitor; signalling molecules, proliferative indices and cell cycle-related proteins were evaluated. Results: EW increased ERK1/2 and Src phosphorylation at 17 days, but p-Akt levels were unchanged. Moreover, at 17 days, AG1478 administration impaired ERK phosphorylation, whereas p-Src and p-Akt were not altered. AG1478 treatment reduced mitotic and DNA synthesis indices, which were determined on HE-stained and BrdU-labelled sections. Finally, AG1478 injection decreased p21 levels in the gastric mucosa at 17 days, while no changes were detected in p27, cyclin E, CDK2, cyclin D1 and CDK4 concentrations. Conclusions: EGFR is part of the mechanism that regulates cell proliferation in rat gastric mucosa during early weaning. We suggest that such responses might depend on activation of MAPK and/or Src signalling pathways and regulation of p21 levels.