991 resultados para Migration law


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At all normative levels, family migration law can disproportionally and negatively affect immigrant women’s rights in this field, producing gendered effects. In some cases, such effects are related to the normative and judicial imposition of unviable family-related models (e.g., the ʻgood mother ̕ the one-breadwinner family, or a rigid distinction between productive and reproductive work). In other cases, they are due to family migration law’s overlooking of the specific needs and difficulties of immigrant women, within their families and in the broader context of their host countries’ social and normative framework.To effectively expose and correct this gender bias, in this article I propose an alternative view of immigrant women’s right to family life, as a cluster of rights and entitlements rather than as a mono-dimensional right. As a theoretical approach, this construction is better equipped to capture the complex experiences of immigrant women in the European legal space, and to shed light on the gendered effects generated not by individual norms but by the interaction of norms that are traditionally assigned to separated legal domains (e.g., immigration law and criminal law). As a judicial strategy, this understanding is capable of prompting a consideration by domestic and supranational courts of immigrant women not as isolated individuals, but as ‘individuals in context’. I shall define this type of approach as ‘contextual interpretation’, understood as the consideration of immigrant women in the broader contexts of their families, their host societies and the normative frameworks applicable to them. Performed in a gendersensitive manner, a contextual judicial interpretation has the potential to neutralize the gendered effects of certain family migration norms. To illustrate these points, I will discuss selected judicial examples offered by the European Court on Human Rights, as well as from domestic jurisdictions of countries with a particularly high incidence of immigrant women (Italy and Spain).


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Immigration is expected to be one of the most important issues facing Australia this century. The book analyses the policy and moral considerations underpinning migration law and suggests an overarching framework for developing migration law and critiquing existing policies and practices.


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Trade, investment and migration are strongly intertwined, being three key factors in international production. Yet, law and regulation of the three has remained highly fragmented. Trade is regulated by the WTO on the multilateral level, and through preferential trade agreements on the regional and bilateral levels – it is fragmented and complex in its own right. Investment, on the other hand, is mainly regulated through bilateral investment treaties with no strong links to the regulation of trade or migration. And, finally, migration is regulated by a web of different international, regional and bilateral agreements which focus on a variety of different aspects of migration ranging from humanitarian to economic. The problems of institutional fragmentation in international law are well known. There is no organizational forum for coherent strategy-making on the multilateral level covering all three areas. Normative regulations may thus contradict each other. Trade regulation may bring about liberalization of access for service providers, but eventually faces problems in recruiting the best people from abroad. Investors may withdraw investment without being held liable for disruptions to labour and to the livelihood and infrastructure of towns and communities affected by disinvestment. Finally, migration policies do not seem to have a significant impact as long as trade policies and investment policies are not working in a way that is conducive to reducing migration pressure, as trade and investment are simply more powerful on the regulatory level than migration. This chapter addresses the question as to how fragmentation of the three fields could be reme-died and greater coherence between these three areas of factor allocation in international economic relations and law could be achieved. It shows that migration regulation on the international level is lagging behind that on trade and investment. Stronger coordination and consideration of migration in trade and investment policy, and stronger international cooperation in migration, will provide the foundations for a coherent international architecture in the field.


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This paper offers a brief analysis of the legal aspects of the ethnic return migration policy of Kazakhstan, a post-Soviet Central Asian state that has been active in seeking ties with its diaspora since independence. This paper examines the definition of oralman (repatriates) and the establishment of a quota on the number of Kazakh immigrants who are eligible for government funds to show how the rationale and preferences in repatriation policy have changed over the years. By focusing on changes in migration-related legislation in the late 2000s and early 2010s, the paper notes that two key goals of Kazakhstan’s migration policy are not necessarily consistent with each other: the promotion of an ethnically based nation-building project by encouraging the "return" of co-ethnics living abroad, and building a workforce that is best suited for the development of the state’s economy.


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El incremento desmedido en el número de desastres naturales, sumado a la frecuencia con que estos ocurren a lo largo del mundo entero, ha evidenciado una de las mayores preocupaciones de los Estados: el desplazamiento forzado de la población por esta causa y la delicada situación de derechos humanos que esto implica, por lo cual los Organismos Internacionales han instado en reiteradas oportunidades a los Estados para actuar conjunta y prontamente para evitar que esta siga siendo una de las causas más altas de desplazamiento. Esta migración forzada pone de presente una problemática al no existir una posición universalmente aceptada sobre cuál es la condición jurídica de las personas que, por causa de los desastres naturales, deben dejarlo todo; la ausencia de esta categorización conlleva a la inexistencia de un marco legal internacional aplicable y con ello, a un vacío en la regulación interna de los Estados. Esta investigación pretende analizar los conceptos de migración existentes en el derecho internacional y establecer si la condición jurídica de quienes deben dejarlo todo por causa de los desastres naturales encaja dentro de alguna de estas categorías o si se hace necesario crear una nueva categoría que atienda las particularidades del contexto de este fenómeno migratorio, desde una perspectiva de derechos humanos. Para esto, se realizan reflexiones sobre tales conceptos así como un análisis de algunos casos de referencia, incluyendo la situación vivida en Colombia con la Ola Invernal de 2010, buscando realizar algunas propuestas de posibles soluciones jurídicamente viables.


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"Das Prinzip der Freizügigkeit. Eine Idee für alle". Presentation (in German) by Charlotte Sieber-Gasser at the 2d Doctoral Seminar of the Center for Migration Law held in Oberdorf (Switzerland) on 30 November and 1 December 2012. In the presentation (in German), Charlotte Sieber-Gasser argues that there is a direct link between regional labour market integration, economic development and migration pressure. The link consists of the impact of labour market integration on added-value production: Through more added-value production in the global South, economic development in the region is more sustainable, jobs are created and brain drain is to a certain extent reversed. As this is acknowledged also by developing countries, more and more regional labour market integration measures emerge in the global South. These newer forms of regulation of the movement of labour is in some cases relatively unique and innovative. Charlotte Sieber-Gasser presents five examples of such newer regulation. The different models range from liberalisation restricted to high skilled labour and indirect liberalisation through the recognition of certificates to relatively far reaching liberalisation for particular groups of professionals and their families, also covering low skilled labour.


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Provides an overview of the legal principles governing the entry of people into Australia, and analyses the policy and moral considerations underpinning this area of law - particularly in relation to refugee law, one of the most divisive social issues of our time. Suggests proposals for change.


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Migration and refugee law and policy is fundamentally concerned with the choices that we as a nation make regarding the people that we allow into our community and to share our resources. Migration and Refugee Law: Principles and Practice in Australia 2nd Edition provides an overview of the legal principles governing the entry of people into Australia. The 2nd edition encompasses legislative amendments and significant judicial decisions to 2007. As well as dealing with migration and refugee law today, the book analyses the policy and moral considerations underpinning this area of law. This is especially so in relation to refugee law, which is one of the most divisive social issues of our time. The book suggests proposals for change and how this area of law can be made more coherent and principled. This book is written for all people who have an interest in migration and refugee law.