88 resultados para Mifologia‚ mansi


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Cardiovascular disease is a serious public health problem; it is the first cause of death in Brazil and in developed countries. Thus, it is essential to search for alternative sources such as some functional foods to prevent and control the risks of this disease. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the lipidemic parameters in hypercholesterolemic rats fed diets containing black rice variety IAC 600 or unrefined rice. Adult male Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus var. albinos) were used, weighing about 200-220 g. The animals were divided into four groups: the first received a control casein diet, the second received hypercholesterolemic diet, and the other two groups, after induction of hypercholesterolemia, received the test diets, the first containing 20% black rice and the second 20% unrefined, for 30 days. It was observed that diet containing black rice reduced the level of plasma cholesterol, triglycerides, and low-density lipoprotein. For high-density lipoprotein values, the diet that provided an increase in the levels was the black rice. The diet containing black rice was more effective in controlling the lipidemia in rats compared with the whole rice diet.


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Diabetes is a chronic degenerative disease with no cure, is found in millions of people worldwide, and can cause life-threatening complications at any age. The plant Cissus sicyoides L. is a runner plant found abundantly in Brazil, especially in the Amazon. Its therapeutic properties are widely used in popular medicine as a diuretic, anti-influenza, antiinflammatory, anticonvulsion, and hypoglycemic agent. The objective of this study was to analyze the effects of aqueous extracts from the leaves and stem of C. sicyoides L., administered for 60 days, for the control of glycemia in alloxan (monohydrate)-induced diabetic rats, monitored by biomarkers. Data obtained in this study confirmed that C. sicyoides has a hypoglycemic effect on diabetic rats. Administration of its aqueous extracts promoted a 45% decrease in glucose levels after 60 days of administration. Furthermore, indices of hepatic glycogen, blood glucose, C-reactive peptide, and fructosamine were found to be efficient biomarkers to monitor diabetes in rats.


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Gastrin-releasing peptide receptors (GRPrs) are overexpressed on a variety of human cancers, providing the opportunity for peptide receptor targeting via radiolabeled bombesin-based peptides. As part of our ongoing investigations into the development of improved GRPr antagonists, this study aimed at verifying whether and how N-terminal modulations improve the affinity and pharmacokinetics of radiolabeled GRPr antagonists. METHODS: The potent GRPr antagonist MJ9, Pip-d-Phe-Gln-Trp-Ala-Val-Gly-His-Sta-Leu-NH2 (Pip, 4-amino-1-carboxymethyl-piperidine), was conjugated to 1,4,7-triazacyclononane, 1-glutaric acid-4,7 acetic acid (NODAGA), and 1,4,7-triazacyclononane-1,4,7-triacetic acid (NOTA) and radiolabeled with (68)Ga and (64)Cu. The GRPr affinity of the corresponding metalloconjugates was determined using (125)I-Tyr(4)-BN as a radioligand. The labeling efficiency of (68)Ga(3+) was compared between NODAGA-MJ9 and NOTA-MJ9 in acetate buffer, at room temperature and at 95°C. The (68)Ga and (64)Cu conjugates were further evaluated in vivo in PC3 tumor xenografts by biodistribution and PET imaging studies. RESULTS: The half maximum inhibitory concentrations of all the metalloconjugates are in the high picomolar-low nanomolar range, and these are the most affine-radiolabeled GRPr antagonists we have studied so far in our laboratory. NODAGA-MJ9 incorporates (68)Ga(3+) nearly quantitatively (>98%) at room temperature within 10 min and at much lower peptide concentrations (1.4 × 10(-6) M) than NOTA-MJ9, for which the labeling yield was approximately 45% under the same conditions and increased to 75% at 95°C for 5 min. Biodistribution studies showed high and specific tumor uptake, with a maximum of 23.3 ± 2.0 percentage injected activity per gram of tissue (%IA/g) for (68)Ga-NOTA-MJ9 and 16.7 ± 2.0 %IA/g for (68)Ga-NODAGA-MJ9 at 1 h after injection. The acquisition of PET images with the (64)Cu-MJ9 conjugates at later time points clearly showed the efficient clearance of the accumulated activity from the background already at 4 h after injection, whereas tumor uptake still remained high. The high pancreas uptake for all radiotracers at 1 h after injection was rapidly washed out, resulting in an increased tumor-to-pancreas ratio at later time points. CONCLUSION: We have developed 2 GRPr antagonistic radioligands, which are improved in terms of binding affinity and overall biodistribution profile. Their promising in vivo pharmacokinetic performance may contribute to the improvement of the diagnostic imaging of tumors overexpressing GRPr.


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F. 1 Réponse des cardinaux à Rodolphe, secrétaire de Charles Malatesta (Mansi, XXVII, 239-245). F. 5 et 12v CAROLUS DE MALATESTIS, Lettres aux cardinaux (ibid., 226-238 et Martène et Durand, Ampl. coll., VII, 1143-1162). F. 29v Informatio gestorum cum patribus Pisis congregatis pro universali concilio (Mansi, XXVII, 245-313). F. 85 CAROLUS DE MALATESTIS, Responsio ad relata sibi per episcopum Cerviensem ex parte Alexandri (Martène et Durand, op. cit., 1136-1140). F. 88 ALEXANDER V, Replicatio ad « ambasitam » factam sibi per episcopum Cerviensem ex parte Caroli de Malatestis (ibid., 1140-1141). F. 88v et 97v Ambassades envoyées par Charles Malatesta aux cardinaux de Bologne, à l'occasion de la mort d'Alexandre V, 1410 (ibid., 1141-1142) et à Jean XXIII (ibid., 1171-1173). F. 108v Informatio ad regem Romanorum pro tranquillitate ecclesiae (ibid., 1187-1193). F. 124v Table analytique.


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F. 1v Noms des évêques ; F. 2 Epistola capitulorum ; F. 3 Capitula ; F. 31 Gesta collationis inter Catholicos et Donatistas ; F. 87 Gesta secundae cognitionis ; F. 96 Gesta tertiae cognitionis, c. I-CCLXXXI. (Mansi, IV, 19-246).


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F. 1 et 11v Constitutiones synodales Gerardi de Malemort et Petri de Roncevaux, archiep. Burdigalensium. F. 16, 21 et 23 Conciles de Compiègne, 1238 (Mansi, XXIII, 485-496), Ruffec, 1258 (ibid., 983-988) et Cognac, 1262 (ibid., 1105-1110). F. 23v NICOLAS III, Bulle du 13 déc. 1279 ; cf. Potthast, Regesta, n° 21665. F. 24v Concile de Bourges, 1276 (Mansi, XXIV, 165-180). F. 32v Constitutiones Arnaldi de Chanteloup, archiep. Burdegalensis, 1326 et 1329. F. 34 Concile d'Angoulême, 1343, et constitutions synodales de Pierre de Luce, archev. de Bordeaux, 1343-1345. F. 36v Constitutions de 1356. F. 37v Constitutio Petri la Colre, vicarii gen. Burdegalensis. F. 40 Constitutiones Amanei de la Mothe, archiep. Burdegalensis, 1358. F. 56 Constitutiones. Gerardi de Malemort. F. 57 et 58 Constitutiones « domini Petri » et « domini A. ». F. 62 Concile de Périgueux, 1365.


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A disponibilidade do ferro é fator importante na dieta, pois a anemia ferropriva atinge grande parte da população mundial. A cisteína e a vitamina C são fatores que melhoram sua absorção. A pesquisa teve por objetivos avaliar a disponibilidade de ferro em carne, feijão comum (Phaseolus vulgaris) e a combinação de arroz e tomate ao feijão, bem como analisar se o ácido fítico, o ácido oxálico e os taninos das combinações contendo feijão influenciam na disponibilidade de ferro de forma significativa. Os alimentos foram preparados para consumo e as amostras obtidas com a combinação de carne, feijão, arroz e tomate foram: A1 - carne bovina; A2 - feijão comum; A3 - feijão comum e tomate; A4 - feijão comum e arroz; e A5 - feijão comum, arroz e tomate. Foram realizadas as análises de taninos, ácido fítico, ácido oxálico, vitamina C e teor e diálise de ferro in vitro. Os teores de taninos, ácido fítico e ácido oxálico foram baixos para influenciar a disponibilidade do ferro. A diálise de 5,73 a 13,61% indicando que a adição de cisteína e vitamina C em conjunto tem efeito maior do que quando presentes separadamente.