835 resultados para Microcirculation dysfunction


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Eccentric contractions (ECC) require lower systemic oxygen (O2) and induce greater symptoms of muscle damage than concentric contractions (CON); however, it is not known if local muscle oxygenation is lower in ECC than CON during and following exercise. This study compared between ECC and CON for changes in biceps brachii muscle oxygenation [tissue oxygenation index (TOI)] and hemodynamics [total hemoglobin volume (tHb) = oxygenated-Hb + deoxygenated-Hb], determined by near-infrared spectroscopy over 10 sets of 6 maximal contractions of the elbow flexors of 10 healthy subjects. This study also compared between ECC and CON for changes in TOI and tHb during a 10-s sustained and 30-repeated maximal isometric contraction (MVC) task measured immediately before and after and 1–3 days following exercise. The torque integral during ECC was greater (P < 0.05) than that during CON by ∼30%, and the decrease in TOI was smaller (P < 0.05) by ∼50% during ECC than CON. Increases in tHb during the relaxation phases were smaller (P < 0.05) by ∼100% for ECC than CON; however, the decreases in tHb during the contraction phases were not significantly different between sessions. These results suggest that ECC utilizes a lower muscle O2 relative to O2 supply compared with CON. Following exercise, greater (P < 0.05) decreases in MVC strength and increases in plasma creatine kinase activity and muscle soreness were evident 1–3 days after ECC than CON. Torque integral, TOI, and tHb during the sustained and repeated MVC tasks decreased (P < 0.01) only after ECC, suggesting that muscle O2 demand relative to O2 supply during the isometric tasks was decreased after ECC. This could mainly be due to a lower maximal muscle mass activated as a consequence of muscle damage; however, an increase in O2 supply due to microcirculation dysfunction and/or inflammatory vasodilatory responses after ECC is recognized.


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As mudanças nos hábitos alimentares têm causado efeitos impressionantes na saúde pública, diretamente relacionados ao aumento da ingestão de refeições ricas em gorduras, principalmente gorduras saturadas. A principal consequência desse consumo é o estado prolongado e excessivo da lipemia pós-prandial (LPP), considerada um dos fatores relacionados às anormalidades metabólicas e aos danos vasculares. O objetivo do estudo foiavaliar o efeito da sobrecarga lipídica na reatividade microvascular em mulheres obesas. Das 41 participantes deste estudo, 21 apresentavam o diagnóstico de obesidade, com IMC de 32,41,6 kg/m2 (média SD) e idade 31,65 anos e 20 mulheres saudáveis, com IMC de 21,91,7 kg/m2 e idade 27,25,5 anos. Após a avaliação clínica e laboratorial, as participantes tiveram a microcirculação examinada por dois métodos: a dinâmica do leito periungueal, para avaliação da densidade capilar funcional (DCF), velocidade de deslocamento das hemácias no basal (VDH) e após uma isquemia de 1 min (VDHmax) e tempo de reperfusão (TVDHmax). A segunda técnica foi a do dorso do dedo para avaliação da DCF no repouso, durante a hiperemia reativa e após oclusão venosa. Foi feita a coleta de sangue para avaliação do colesterol total (CT), triglicerídeos (TG), HDL-c e ácidos graxos livres (AGL), glicose, insulina e viscosidade plasmática em 30 e 50 rotações por minuto (rpm). Também foram medidas a pressão arterial sistólica (PAS), diastólica (PAD) e frequência cardíaca (FC). Após essas análises no repouso, todas as participantes receberam uma refeição rica em lipídios, e após 30, 60, 120 e 180 minutos da ingestão da refeição, os exames de videocapilaroscopia e a coleta de sangue foram novamente realizados.As participantes com obesidade apresentaram, após a sobrecarga lipídica, valores significativamente menores do que no jejum para: DCF basal do dorso do dedo (p=0,02); DCF durante hiperemia reativa (p=0,02), DCF pós-oclusão venosa (p=0,02), HDL-c (p<0,0001), LDL-C (p<0,0001) e AGL (p<0,0001) e valores elevados para: VDH (p<0,0001), VDHmax(p=0,003), TVDHmax (p=0,004), glicose (p<0,0001), insulina (p<0,001), CT (p=0,03), TG (p<0,0001) e FC (p=0,03). Alterações na viscosidade não foram observadas no grupo OB após a refeição quando comparado aos seus valores basais em 30 e 50 rpm (p=0,87 e p=0,42, respectivamente). A PAS foi elevada nas participantes OB após a sobrecarga quando comparada às saudáveis em todo tempo de estudo. Concluímos que alimentos ricos em lipídios podem aumentar ainda mais a disfunção microcirculatória e as alterações metabólicas já presentes em mulheres obesas.


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RESUMO: Introdução - A utilização de células e das suas propriedades para o tratamento das doenças cardiovasculares, é uma promessa para o futuro e talvez a única forma de ultrapassar algumas das insuficiências das terapêuticas atuais. A via de entrega das células mais utilizada na investigação tem sido a intracoronária, ganhando a microcirculação especial relevância, por ser onde ocorre a primeira interação com o tecido nativo. As células estaminais mesenquimais (CEM) têm propriedades que as tornam particularmente aptas para a Terapia Celular, mas as suas dimensões, superiores ao diâmetro dos capilares, tem motivado controvérsia quanto à sua entrega intracoronária. A cardiologia de intervenção tem atualmente técnicas que permitem a avaliação em tempo real e in vivo do estado da microcirculação coronária. A determinação do índice da resistência da microcirculação (IRM) fornece informação sobre a circulação dos pequenos vasos, de forma independente da circulação coronária e do estado hemodinâmico, mas a aplicabilidade clínica deste conhecimento encontra-se ainda por definir. Objectivos Esclarecer o potencial do IRM no estudo dos efeitos do transplante de CEM por via intracoronária. População e Métodos . Estudo pré-clínico com modelo animal (suíno) desenvolvido em 3 fases. Na Primeira Fase foram utilizados 8 animais saudáveis para estudar e validar a técnica de determinação de estudo da microcirculação. Efetuou-se a determinação do IRM com duas doses diferentes de papaverina para a indução da resposta hiperémica máxima (5 e 10 mg) e após a disfunção da microcirculação com injeção intracoronária de microesferas de embozene com 40 μm de diâmetro. Na Segunda Fase foram utilizados 18 animais saudáveis, randomizados em grupo controlo e grupo recetor de 30 x 106 CEM por via intracoronária. Foram avaliados de forma cega o IRM, a pressão aórtica, o fluxo coronário epicárdico e a ocorrência de alterações electrocardiográficas. Na Terceira Fase foram utilizados 18 animais, com enfarte agudo do miocárdio provocado (EAM), randomizados em grupo controlo, grupo recetor de CEM expandidas de forma convencional e grupo recetor de CEM expandidas com metodologia inovadora e de menores dimensões. Foi realizada uma exploração da dose/efeito com infusão faseada de 10 x 106, 15 x 106 e 20 x 106 CEM, com determinação do IRM, da pressão aórtica, do fluxo coronário epicárdico e da ocorrência de alterações eletrocardiográficas. Quatro semanas após a entrega das células foi novamente avaliado o IRM e foi efetuado o estudo anatomopatológico dos animais na procura de evidência de neoangiogénese e de regeneração miocárdica, ou de um efeito positivo da resposta reparadora após o enfarte. Resultados Nas 3 fases todos os animais mantiveram estabilidade hemodinâmica e eletrocardiográfica, com exceção da elevação de ST de V1-V3 verificada após a injeção das microesferas. Na Primeira Fase as duas doses de papaverina induziram uma resposta hiperémica eficaz, sem tradução com significado na determinação do IRM (variação da pressão distal de - 11,4 ± 5 e de - 10,6± 5 mmHg com as doses de 5 e 10 mg respetivamente (p=0,5). Com a injeção das microesferas o IRM teve uma elevação média de 310 ± 190 %, para um valor médio de 41,3 ± 16 U (p = 0,001). Na Segunda Fase não houve diferenças significativas dos parâmetros hemodinâmicos, do fluxo epicárdico e da avaliação eletrocardiográfica entre os dois grupos. O IRM de base foi semelhante e após a infusão intracoronária observou-se uma elevação expressiva do IRM nos animais que receberam células em comparação com o grupo controlo (8,8 U ± 1 vs. 14,2 U ± 1,8, P=0,02) e quanto ao seu valor de base (aumento de 112%, p=0,008). Na terceira Fase não houve novamente diferenças significativas dos parâmetros hemodinâmicos, do fluxo epicárdico e da avaliação eletrocardiográfica entre os três grupos. Houve uma elevação do IRM nos animais que receberam células a partir da 2ª dose (72% nas células convencionai e 108% nas células inovadoras) e que se manteve com a 3ª dose (100% nas células convencionais e 88% nas inovadoras) com significado estatístico em comparação com o grupo controlo (p=0,034 com a 2ªdose e p=0,024 com a 3ª dose). Quatro semanas após a entrega das CEM observou-se a descida do IRM nos dois grupos que receberam células, para valores sobreponíveis aos do grupo controlo e aos valores pós-EAM. Na avaliação anatomopatológica e histológica dos corações explantados não houve diferenças entre os três grupos. Conclusões O IRM permite distinguir alterações da microcirculação coronária motivadas pela entrega intracoronária de CEM, na ausência de alterações de outros parâmetros clínicos da circulação coronária utilizados em tempo real. As alterações do IRM são progressivas e passíveis de avaliar o efeito/dose, embora não tenha sido possível determinar diferenças com os dois tipos de CEM. No nosso modelo a injeção intracoronária não se associou a evidência de efeito benéfico na reparação ou regeneração miocárdica após o EAM.---------------------------- ABSTRACT: ABSTRACT Introduction The use of cells for the treatment of cardiovascular disease is a promise for the future and perhaps the only option to overcome some of the shortcomings of current therapies. The strategy for the delivery of cells most often used in current research has been the intracoronary route and due to this microcirculation gains special relevance, mainly because it is the first interaction site of transplanted cells with the native tissue. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) have properties that make them suitable for Cell Therapy, but its dimensions, larger than the diameter of capillaries, have prompted controversy about the safety of intracoronary delivery. The interventional cardiology currently has techniques that allow for real-time and in vivo assessment of coronary microcirculation state. The determination of the index of microcirculatory resistance index (IMR) provides information about small vessels, independently of the coronary circulation and hemodynamic status, but the clinical applicability of this knowledge is yet to be defined. Objectives To clarify the potential use of IMR in the study of the effects of MSC through intracoronary transplantation. Population and Methods Preclinical study with swine model developed in three phases. In Phase One 8 healthy animals were used to study and validate the IMR assessment in our animal model. IMR was assessed with two different doses of papaverine for inducing the maximal hyperaemic response (5 and 10 mg) and microcirculation dysfunction was achieved after intracoronary injection with embozene microspheres with 40 μm in diameter. In Phase Two we randomized 18 healthy animals divided between the control group and the one receiving 30 x 106 MSC through an intracoronary infusion. There we blindly evaluated IMR, the aortic pressure, the epicardial coronary flow and the occurrence of ECG changes. In Phase Three we used 18 animals with a provoked acute myocardial infarction (AMI), randomized into a control group, a MSC expanded conventionally receiver group and a MSC expanded with an innovative methodology receiver group. There was a stepwise infusion with doses of 10 x 106, 15 x 106 and 20 x 106 MSC with determination of IMR, the aortic pressure, the epicardial coronary flow and occurrence of electrocardiographic abnormalities. Four weeks after cell delivery we again measured the IMR and proceeded with the pathological study of animals in the search for evidence of neoangiogenesis and myocardial regeneration, or a positive effect in the reparative response following the infarction. Results All animals remained hemodynamically stable and with no electrocardiographic abnormalities, except for the ST elevation in V1-V3 observed after injection of the microspheres. In Phase One the two doses of papaverine achieved an hyperemic and effective response without significant differences in IMR (variation of the distal pressure -11.4 ± 5 and -10.6 ± 5 mmHg with the doses of 5 and 10 mg respectively (p = 0.5). With the injection of the microspheres the IMR had an average increase of 310 ± 190% for an average value of 41.3 ± 16 U (p = 0.001). In the second phase there were no significant differences in hemodynamic parameters, epicardial flow and electrocardiographic assessment between the two groups. The baseline IMR was similar and after intracoronary infusion there was a significant increase in animals receiving cells compared with the control group (8.8 ± U 1 vs. 14.2 ± 1.8, p = 0.02) and with their baseline (112% increase, p = 0.008). In the third phase again there were no significant differences in hemodynamic parameters, the epicardial flow and electrocardiographic evaluation between the three groups. There was a significant increase in IMR in animals that received cells from the 2nd dose (72% in conventional cells and 108% in the innovative cells) that remained with the 3rd dose (100% in conventional cells and 88% in the innovative) with statistical significance compared with the control group (p = 0.034 with 2nd dose, p = 0.024 with 3rd dose). Four weeks after delivery of the MSC we observed the fall of the IMR in the two groups that received cells with values overlapping those of the control group. In pathological and histological evaluation of removed hearts there were no differences among the three groups. Conclusions The IMR allows for the differentiation of changes in coronary microcirculation motivated by intracoronary delivery of MSC in the absence of modification in other clinical parameters. IMR changes are progressive and enable the evaluation of the effect / dose, though it has not been possible to determine differences in the two types of MSC. In our model, intracoronary injection of MSC was not associated with evidence of repair or myocardial regeneration after AMI.


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To characterize the roles of C-peptide in vascular homeostatic processes, we examined the genes regulated by C-peptide in LEII mouse lung microvascular endothelial cells. Treatment of the cells with C-peptide increased the expression of c-Jun N-terminal kinase 1 (JNK1) mRNA dose-dependently, accompanied by an increase in JNK1 protein content. Prior treatment of the cells with PD98059, an ERK kinase inhibitor or SB203580, a p38MAPK inhibitor, abrogated the C-peptide-elicited JNK1 mRNA expression. These results indicate that C-peptide increases JNK1 protein levels, possibly through ERK- and p38MAPK-dependent activation of JNK. gene transcription.


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OBJECTIVES: The clinical significance of ischemia/reperfusion of the lower extremities demands further investigation to enable the development of more effective therapeutic alternatives. This study investigated the changes in the vascular reactivity of the rabbit femoral artery and nitric oxide metabolites under partial ischemia/reperfusion conditions following cilostazol administration. METHODS: Ischemia was induced using infrarenal aortic clamping. The animals were randomly divided into seven groups: Control 90 minutes, Ischemia/Reperfusion 90/60 minutes, Control 120 minutes, Ischemia/Reperfusion 120/90 minutes, Cilostazol, Cilostazol before Ischemia/Reperfusion 120/90 minutes, and Ischemia 120 minutes/Cilostazol/Reperfusion 90 minutes. Dose-response curves for sodium nitroprusside, acetylcholine, and the calcium ionophore A23187 were obtained in isolated femoral arteries. The levels of nitrites and nitrates in the plasma and skeletal muscle were determined using chemiluminescence. RESULTS: Acetylcholine- and A23187-induced relaxation was reduced in the Ischemia/Reperfusion 120/90 group, and treatment with cilostazol partially prevented this ischemia/reperfusion-induced endothelium impairment. Only cilostazol treatment increased plasma levels of nitrites and nitrates. An elevation in the levels of nitrites and nitrates was observed in muscle tissues in the Ischemia/Reperfusion 120/90, Cilostazol/Ischemia/Reperfusion, and Ischemia/Cilostazol/Reperfusion groups. CONCLUSION: Hind limb ischemia/reperfusion yielded an impaired endothelium-dependent relaxation of the femoral artery. Furthermore, cilostazol administration prior to ischemia exerted a protective effect on endothelium-dependent vascular reactivity under ischemia/reperfusion conditions.


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OBJECTIVE: Impaired flow-mediated dilation (FMD) occurs in disease states associated with atherosclerosis, including SLE. The primary hemodynamic determinant of FMD is wall shear stress, which is critically dependent on the forearm microcirculation. We explored the relationship between FMD, diastolic shear stress (DSS), and the forearm microcirculation in 32 patients with SLE and 19 controls. METHODS AND RESULTS: DSS was calculated using (mean diastolic velocity x 8 x blood viscosity)/baseline brachial artery diameter. Doppler velocity envelopes from the first 15 seconds of reactive hyperemia were analyzed for resistive index (RI), and interrogated in the frequency domain to assess forearm microvascular hemodynamics. FMD was significantly impaired in SLE patients (median, 2.4%; range, -2.1% to 10.7% versus median 5.8%; range, 1.9% to 14%; P


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The major components of blood vessels are the vascular endothelium and its supporting smooth muscle. Significant strides have been made in the understanding of the cellular and molecular biology of these two cell types and in particular their interactions have been the subject of much interest and debate over the past two decades. The vascular endothelium is now known to profoundly influence the synthetic and motor functions of the underlying smooth muscle and participate in the pathogenesis of all the major vascular disorders. Similarly, the vascular smooth muscle has important effects on the overlying endothelium, and any disruption in the cellular physiology of either cell type can result in dysfunction with important effects on blood flow and vascular permeability The majority of this accumulated knowledge relates to the vascular cells of the macrocirculation. Pericytes are the supporting cells of the microvasculature and a body of evidence is now available to show that similar regulatory mechanisms and vessel-wall cross-talk exists between these cells and the microvascular endothelium. Nowhere are these interactions more important than in the retinal microcirculation where autoregulation is vital for the maintenance of smooth and uninterrrupted blood flow. This review focuses on the interactions between retinal microvascular endothelial cells and their associated pericytes and examines the role of the endothelial cell and the pericyte in the pathogenesis of disease.


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OBJECTIVE: Experimental findings support clinical evidence that brain death impairs the viability of organs for transplantation, triggering hemodynamic, hormonal, and inflammatory responses. However, several of these events could be consequences of brain death-associated trauma. This study investigated microcirculatory alterations and systemic inflammatory markers in brain-dead rats and the influence of the associated trauma. METHOD: Brain death was induced using intracranial balloon inflation; sham-operated rats were trepanned only. After 30 or 180 min, the mesenteric microcirculation was observed using intravital microscopy. The expression of P-selectin and ICAM-1 on the endothelium was evaluated using immunohistochemistry. The serum cytokine, chemokine, and corticosterone levels were quantified using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. White blood cell counts were also determined. RESULTS: Brain death resulted in a decrease in the mesenteric perfusion to 30%, a 2.6-fold increase in the expression of ICAM-1 and leukocyte migration at the mesentery, a 70% reduction in the serum corticosterone level and pronounced leukopenia. Similar increases in the cytokine and chemokine levels were seen in the both the experimental and control animals. CONCLUSION: The data presented in this study suggest that brain death itself induces hypoperfusion in the mesenteric microcirculation that is associated with a pronounced reduction in the endogenous corticosterone level, thereby leading to increased local inflammation and organ dysfunction. These events are paradoxically associated with induced leukopenia after brain damage.


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Microcirculatory dysfunction contributes significantly to tissue hypoxia and multiple organ failure in sepsis. Ischemia of the gut and intestinal hypoxia are especially relevant for the evolution of sepsis because the mucosal barrier function may be impaired, leading to translocation of bacteria and toxins. Because sympathetic blockade enhances intestinal perfusion under physiologic conditions, we hypothesized that thoracic epidural anesthesia (TEA) may attenuate microcirculatory perturbations during sepsis. The present study was designed as a prospective and controlled laboratory experiment to assess the effects of continuous TEA on the mucosal microcirculation in a cecal ligation and perforation model of sepsis in rats. Anesthetized Sprague-Dawley rats underwent laparotomy and cecal ligation and perforation to induce sepsis. Subsequently, either bupivacaine 0.125% (n = 10) or isotonic sodium chloride solution (n = 9) was continuously infused via the thoracic epidural catheter for 24 h. In addition, a sham laparotomy was carried out in eight animals. Intravital videomicroscopy was then performed on six to ten villi of ileum mucosa. The capillary density was measured as areas encircled by perfused capillaries, that is, intercapillary areas. The TEA accomplished recruitment of microcirculatory units in the intestinal mucosa by decreasing total intercapillary areas (1,317 +/- 403 vs. 1,001 +/- 236 microm2) and continuously perfused intercapillary areas (1,937 +/- 512 vs. 1,311 +/- 678 microm2, each P < 0.05). Notably, TEA did not impair systemic hemodynamic variables beyond the changes caused by sepsis itself. Therefore, sympathetic blockade may represent a therapeutic option to treat impaired microcirculation in the gut mucosa resulting from sepsis. Additional studies are warranted to assess the microcirculatory effects of sympathetic blockade on other splanchnic organs in systemic inflammation.


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STUDY OBJECTIVES: To determine whether cerebral metabolite changes may underlie abnormalities of neurocognitive function and respiratory control in OSA. DESIGN: Observational, before and after CPAP treatment. SETTING: Two tertiary hospital research institutes. PARTICIPANTS: 30 untreated severe OSA patients, and 25 age-matched healthy controls, all males free of comorbidities, and all having had detailed structural brain analysis using voxel-based morphometry (VBM). MEASUREMENTS AND RESULTS: Single voxel bilateral hippocampal and brainstem, and multivoxel frontal metabolite concentrations were measured using magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) in a high resolution (3T) scanner. Subjects also completed a battery of neurocognitive tests. Patients had repeat testing after 6 months of CPAP. There were significant differences at baseline in frontal N-acetylaspartate/choline (NAA/Cho) ratios (patients [mean (SD)] 4.56 [0.41], controls 4.92 [0.44], P = 0.001), and in hippocampal choline/creatine (Cho/Cr) ratios (0.38 [0.04] vs 0.41 [0.04], P = 0.006), (both ANCOVA, with age and premorbid IQ as covariates). No longitudinal changes were seen with treatment (n = 27, paired t tests), however the hippocampal differences were no longer significant at 6 months, and frontal NAA/Cr ratios were now also significantly different (patients 1.55 [0.13] vs control 1.65 [0.18] P = 0.01). No significant correlations were found between spectroscopy results and neurocognitive test results, but significant negative correlations were seen between arousal index and frontal NAA/Cho (r = -0.39, corrected P = 0.033) and between % total sleep time at SpO(2) < 90% and hippocampal Cho/Cr (r = -0.40, corrected P = 0.01). CONCLUSIONS: OSA patients have brain metabolite changes detected by MRS, suggestive of decreased frontal lobe neuronal viability and integrity, and decreased hippocampal membrane turnover. These regions have previously been shown to have no gross structural lesions using VBM. Little change was seen with treatment with CPAP for 6 months. No correlation of metabolite concentrations was seen with results on neurocognitive tests, but there were significant negative correlations with OSA severity as measured by severity of nocturnal hypoxemia. CITATION: O'Donoghue FJ; Wellard RM; Rochford PD; Dawson A; Barnes M; Ruehland WR; Jackson ML; Howard ME; Pierce RJ; Jackson GD. Magnetic resonance spectroscopy and neurocognitive dysfunction in obstructive sleep apnea before and after CPAP treatment.


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Indicators of mitochondrial function were studied in two different cell culture models of cis-diamminedichloroplatinum-II (CDDP) resistance: the intrinsically resistant human ovarian cancer cell line CI-80-13S, and resistant clones (HeLa-S1a and HeLa-S1b) generated by stable expression of the serine protease inhibitor—plasminogen activator inhibitor type-2 (PAI-2), in the human cervical cancer cell line HeLa. In both models, CDDP resistance was associated with sensitivity to killing by adriamycin, etoposide, auranofin, bis[1,2-bis(diphenylphosphino)ethane]gold(I) chloride {[Au(DPPE)2]Cl}, CdCl2 and the mitochondrial inhibitors rhodamine-123 (Rhl23), dequalinium chloride (DeCH), tetraphenylphosphonium (TPP), and ethidium bromide (EtBr) and with lower constitutive levels of ATP. Unlike the HeLa clones, CI-80-13S cells were additionally sensitive to chloramphenicol, 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium ion (MPP+), rotenone, thenoyltrifluoroacetone (TTFA), and antimycin A, and showed poor reduction of 1-[4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl]-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT), suggesting a deficiency in NADH dehydrogenase and/or succinate dehydrogenase activities. Total platinum uptake and DNA-bound platinum were slightly lower in CI-80-13S than in sensitive cells. The HeLa-S1a and HeLa-S1b clones, on the other hand, showed poor reduction of triphenyltetrazolium chloride (TTC), indicative of low cytochrome c oxidase activity. Total platinum uptake by HeLa-S1a was similar to HeLa, but DNA-bound platinum was much lower than for the parent cell line. The mitochondria of CI-80-13S and HeLa-S1a showed altered morphology and were fewer in number than those of JAM and HeLa. In both models, CDDP resistance was associated with less platinum accumulation and with mitochondrial and membrane defects, brought about one case with expression of a protease inhibitor which is implicated in tumor progression. Such markers may identify tumors suitable for treatment with gold phosphine complexes or other mitochondrial inhibitors.