18 resultados para Michoacan
Notes on amphibians and reptiles of Michoacan, Mexico [by] Karl P. Schmidt and Frederick A. Shannon.
Date on cover-title.
Reglas y ordenanzas para el gobierno de los Hospitales de Santa Fé de Mexico, y Michoacan / dispuestas por su fundador ... Vasco de Quiroga, primer Obispo de Michoacàn, [4], 29 p., con port. propia.
Mode of access: Internet.
"Liquenes ... colectados ... por los hermanos de las Escuelas cristianas, particularmante por el h.0 Arsène (Puebla, Morelia), el h.0 Nicolás (Puebia) y el h.0 Amable (Acatzingo)."--Footnote, p. [3]
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08
Generalmente se asocia los Estados modernos con la separación entre política y religión, la objetivación del poder y la elección racional, dejando de lado lo simbólico y lo identitario. La existencia del Estado de Israel es un ejemplo paradójico de una democracia fundamentada en el judaísmo, que ignora el principio de las minorías que habitan en dicho territorio, producto de la historia de la colonización de Palestina lo que ha acarreado conflictos internos y con los países vecinos. Ante los constantes fracasos por dirimir el conflicto, esta disertación otorga una relevancia superior al papel que pueden desempeñar la religión, los símbolos y estudia las funciones que cumplen las instituciones religiosas con el objetivo de establecer si la construcción del Estado abrahámico puede poner fin a la disputa entre dos pueblos hermanos, motivada por controlar una Tierra Prometida.
This study sets out to find the best calving pattern for small-scale dairy systems in Michoacan State, central Mexico. Two models were built. First, a linear programming model was constructed to optimize calving pattern and herd structure according to metabolizable energy availability. Second, a Markov chain model was built to investigate three reproductive scenarios (good, average and poor) in order to suggest factors that maintain the calving pattern given by the linear programming model. Though it was not possible to maintain the optimal linear programming pattern, the Markov chain model suggested adopting different reproduction strategies according to period of the year that the cow is expected to calve. Comparing different scenarios, the Markov model indicated the effect of calving interval on calving pattern and herd structure.
A limitation of small-scale dairy systems in central Mexico is that traditional feeding strategies are less effective when nutrient availability varies through the year. In the present work, a linear programming (LP) model that maximizes income over feed cost was developed, and used to evaluate two strategies: the traditional one used by the small-scale dairy producers in Michoacan State, based on fresh lucerne, maize grain and maize straw; and an alternative strategy proposed by the LIP model, based on ryegrass hay, maize silage and maize grain. Biological and economic efficiency for both strategies were evaluated. Results obtained with the traditional strategy agree with previously published work. The alternative strategy did not improve upon the performance of the traditional strategy because of low metabolizable protein content of the maize silage considered by the model. However, the Study recommends improvement of forage quality to increase the efficiency of small-scale dairy systems, rather than looking for concentrate supplementation.
The Fractal Image Informatics toolbox (Oleschko et al., 2008 a; Torres-Argüelles et al., 2010) was applied to extract, classify and model the topological structure and dynamics of surface roughness in two highly eroded catchments of Mexico. Both areas are affected by gully erosion (Sidorchuk, 2005) and characterized by avalanche-like matter transport. Five contrasting morphological patterns were distinguished across the slope of the bare eroded surface of Faeozem (Queretaro State) while only one (apparently independent on the slope) roughness pattern was documented for Andosol (Michoacan State). We called these patterns ?the roughness clusters? and compared them in terms of metrizability, continuity, compactness, topological connectedness (global and local) and invariance, separability, and degree of ramification (Weyl, 1937). All mentioned topological measurands were correlated with the variance, skewness and kurtosis of the gray-level distribution of digital images. The morphology0 spatial dynamics of roughness clusters was measured and mapped with high precision in terms of fractal descriptors. The Hurst exponent was especially suitable to distinguish between the structure of ?turtle shell? and ?ramification? patterns (sediment producing zone A of the slope); as well as ?honeycomb? (sediment transport zone B) and ?dinosaur steps? and ?corals? (sediment deposition zone C) roughness clusters. Some other structural attributes of studied patterns were also statistically different and correlated with the variance, skewness and kurtosis of gray distribution of multiscale digital images. The scale invariance of classified roughness patterns was documented inside the range of five image resolutions. We conjectured that the geometrization of erosion patterns in terms of roughness clustering might benefit the most semi-quantitative models developed for erosion and sediment yield assessments (de Vente and Poesen, 2005).
Testamentarias; --Concursos y acreedores; --Capellanias; --Obras pias.